tv News RT February 2, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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a twelfth weekend in a row. and as the venezuelan crisis escalates thousands take to the streets of the capital to back self-proclaimed president why does pro-government doesn't demonstrate his reply with the roadmaps rally. bus activist in britain a raising the alarm over a form of child abuse designed to stop breast developing in young girls we speak to victims of the brutal prank. calls it was trying to do eat so that i should have. a look at me. very good evening thanks for joining us this is r.t. . for democrats and has announced that moscow is suspending its participation in a key nuclear treaty the president called it a. response after the same me from washington on friday vereker also pledged to
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quit the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty altogether in six months time unless moscow changes its behavior commenting on the prospect of dialogue with the us putin added that washington is showing little enthusiasm. for many years we have proposed disarmament talks but our initiatives have not found the support of our partners in fact they always find a pretext for dismantling the global security system that's why i've asked our foreign and defense ministries to keep the doors open for dialogue but also not to initiate any talks on the issue. well today washington officially suspends its participation in the i.n.f. treaty and it's just one episode throughout many years of dead ends talks with the united states about disarmament and now russia has decided the time for empty talks has come to a close russian president vladimir putin has said that the u.s. is refusal to heed previous russian calls for disarmament is leading to an in
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danger moment of international security and so a mere response would mean not just the holding off of participation on russia's and in the i.n.f. treaty but also a kicking up of research with regard to staying on par with the united states however he also said that this does not mean russia's going to embroil itself in a costly and drawn out arms race with the west now russian foreign minister sergei lavrov also said that the us has been violating this treaty since one thousand nine hundred ninety nine specifically with its use of unmanned military drones and he also took a couple jabs at the united states m.k. forty one vertical missile launch system used by the u.s. navy now this has been in service since one thousand nine hundred eighty six and it has a ninety nine percent success rate since twenty four team the u.s.
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is deployed in europe is a full two one missile launches which is suitable for american tomahawk missiles which is a direct violation of the treaty these missile launches are beast. and already to be constructed in poland russia's defense ministry released a statement talking about washington's long time violations of the treaty two years ago before the public unsubstantiated accusations against russia and suppose that violation of the on the treaty washington who did not only made the decision but to do then started preparing to manufacture a medium and shorter range missiles banned by the treating of the statement read specifically up. about a u.s. military industrial corporation called raytheon located in tucson arizona it says programs were launched back in june twenty seventh teen for the expansion and production of missiles banned by the i.n.f. treaty and that's led a lot of people in the russian government to suggest more than just political
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mirror reactions to what the united states is doing russia's defense minister said that some changes need to be made to the russian three m. fifty four caliber cruise missiles right now they can only be launched from the sea but some plans are in the works to change that. with the justin work on the dump in russia's caliber missile launch systems from maritime to land based ones we also suggest beginning to work on a new land based high privilege to boost to commit short to medium range now of course these are only suspensions of participation in the i.n.f. treaty but with diplomatic solutions looking less and less likely it's very likely that we'll be seeing serious developments in this story in the coming days. well first time russia has spoken of the need to boost its military capabilities amid difficult relations with the u.s. last year putin announced the number of kim prevents to the country's arsenal.
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tricky situation russia says it was forced to come up with a weapon capable of bypassing missile defenses in order to restore nuclear parity the can jar make thirty one can launch hypersonic missiles that can travel at more than ten times the speed of sound thanks to that and that unpredictable dejected they are unstoppable the oven god hypersonic vehicle can fly it up to twenty times the speed of sound an i.c.b.m. will take it to an altitude of several dozen kilometers from where it can dive head first back to earth a top speed with aircraft like maneuverability dodging any missile defenses. in contrast when other existing ballistic missiles reenter the atmosphere they fly at a preset trajectory making the midi targets for a.b.m. systems some that might seem like an ordinary i.c.b.m. but its range is much longer the legendary topple emmis els can only take the shortest route from the a.b.m. systems some and can travel via the north or the south pole where there's no missile shield and it will still hit its target but most importantly some that is
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a heavy missile capable of carrying more than twenty warheads that's five times more than the previous generation missile it's a bit of a sneak nuclear powered cruise missile is a unique weapon it's basically the same as an american tomahawk whereas the tomahawks range is limited to two and a half thousand kilometers because of fuel constraints russia's new missile can fly indefinitely it can take any power to avoid missile defenses. just like poseidon underwater drones similar to the regular drones are used to except these a submarine launched and pavel at incredible speed towards their targets under the sea they run so deep that no equipment can track them even if the tech did the. high speed prevents them from being intercepted the new weapons could work together to utilize existing missile defense systems can joke and destroy ground based a.b.m. system inside and take care of those at sea then some might have a garden cruise missiles can be launched towards the target bypassing any remaining
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batteries on top of that there's also a combat laser complex of it which is unique because it almost instantly delivers an energy to a target and has an unlimited battle risk of developing new weapons is not a belligerent move rather a move to restore parity perhaps this time the call for a balance of treatment all around will be hood can you show me you should we complain about that but of the. national committee she just came over to me she wouldn't feel good when you're but fearful sure if you speak. in the subordinate and that's that. political scientist and i believe that the u.s. felt was tricked by the treaty but it's a suspension is not in europe's interest of course the u.s. is. not very. constrained. nuclear posture review is from last year.
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but on the other hand the. right thing could be so that age of course is going to be missiles deployed in europe. this year. i think that's and of the. thing that. we know that. america has been threatening for some time to withdraw from the i.n.f. treaty alleging as we've heard brushfire is in violation of it moscow denies this and invited the u.s. to come and see for itself what he's done off looks at how the u.s. has been ramping up the pressure. the trumpet ministration is said to go down in history as the deal killer its approaches as time tested as it is straightforward you start with the big and blunt accuse ation for years russia has violated the
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terms of the intermediate range nuclear forces really without remorse any intelligence clear and coherent facts of the presumed violation no need to bother with those for all you know they can be totally utterly nonexistent because if you repeat an allegation enough times there's a good chance it will become a given russia has violated russia's violation russia shamelessly violates it the russians are violation of the agreement the russians have been violating i have documented is being violated by the russians let the charge sink in for a while and it's time to switch to threats here comes the pinnacle of the scheme and ultimatum if russia does not return to fall in verifiable compliance with the treaty within the six month period by verifiably destroying its violating missiles there launchers associated equipment the treaty will terminate at the side of the
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story easy just stay deaf to any counter-argument and build on the empty accusations white house officials have named to the weapon they believe violates the treaty russia in turn invited to the u.s. to come and examine it personally but since the u.s. ignores russia's attempts at corp those offers are apparently worthless for washington's allies as well as the response russia has long violated the treaty i n of truth is no longer contributes to global and regional security totally agree with the u.s. decision u.k. and allies are clear that russia alone is responsible for the demise of the i.n.f. treaty yeah apparently more schools eagerness to. void open access to something as sensitive as the key new russian made cruise missile is not very fire ball enough for nato we have to be or it's an alarming development and we see that
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we are stepping back. behind. the cold war era at the end of europe on the other hand to seize the ion of deal as one of the few documents preventing it from being blown get right into the middle of a new arms race between the us and russia yet while the e.u. has been very consistent pleading for the treaty to stay now it is torn between obligations to its transatlantic big brother and well instinct of self-preservation so we must prepare for a world without the un if. i want to we definitely don't want to see our continent million back to being a battlefield or a place where. other superpowers confront themselves there is a need for dialogue with russia for our part the german foreign minister and i will
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do everything to pave the way for talks within the six month period apart from that made to will ferrell is sas what the u.s. withdrawal would mean it is important to keep the window for dialogue open and in fact washington doesn't mind admitting whose interests it's putting first make no mistake about president transmissions at present transmissions that is to make sure that any agreement that we entered into has america's best interest we will move forward with developing our own military response options and will work with nato and other allies and partners to deny russia any military advantage from its unlawful conduct but trump doesn't want to see the concept of the end of a deal destroyed completely he says he wants a better one i hope that we're able to. good everybody had a very big and beautiful rob had to do a new treaty that would be much better yet he's maimed to so many deals the u.s. has sworn to stay committed to one might wonder why anyone would be unaware enough
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to trust the states again all we know is six months time to step up international pressure on the trump regime to change course because what we have seen not only with the i.m.f. treaty but also with other treaty obligations is that this u.s. government is unwilling to fulfill its obligations and the international community can no longer just stand by and watch. police have fired tear gas and water cannon the protesters in paris to clashes on the twelfth weekend of yellow vests protest. thank you it was. to. you it was. more
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than twenty demonstrators have reportedly been to detained eight police officers have been injured across the country this time around participants aren't just born for social reform the rallies are dedicated to those injured by police the previous marches authorities say that more than two thousand people have been injured since the under seventeen since the channel r.t. front spoke to protesters. during a true on november twenty fourth hurricane with friends to paris to peacefully participate in a demonstration express my concerns with the usual slogans michael resigns at sixteen thirty one of the riot police called rooms and tank the moving crowd and the g a lie and four times grenade hit my legs and exploded. and sank into. twenty five to thirty people injured and maimed and mostly yellow vests those who were wounded before the socket from the same weapons are suffering so united arts for us it was obvious no difference. this is important because they became part of
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the new family the family of the wounded and i'm not the only one wounded like this i became part of a larger group who were injured there are many seventeen hundred people i am the twentieth are you a person who's i was injured so it was important to come today you know order to at least support the speaker. meanwhile president micron surprised many with his claim that he's also a yellow vest under certain conditions if where you live this means being for higher paid work and a more efficient parliament than i am a yellow vest. is big now to political author diana johnston good evening to diana saturday's release they were dedicated to the thousands who've been injured during the yellow vest protest in d.c. significance to this day do you think that this will mean less injuries this time round. i haven't seen much sign of that what i
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think the first first impression you could make it work you describe it is that these injuries are bringing people together and they are strange they're leading the movement the chris uhlmann and woman that has its martyrs it becomes stronger at the same time this is dividing the people. from matt hall more essentially than ever and. it is a i want to say this that. the problem here is that you are really coming to. an impossible. position because the the people the these relations are the best are. we voting against very anti-social. political economic policies of this administration
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but that call was catching there is no plan b. because that call was selected back. in the certain elite financial in europe in precisely to carry out more vigorously the program of previous president sarkozy and all alone and you see he's a technician he's not a politician he has been put in the kerry particular program which is really a program that dictated by france's belonging to the europe it's. there is no flexibility in economic policy under the euro. and of course what the. yellow vests and people want is a flexible policy let's mention kings in his appearances that. well a lot under the european monetary union so there is
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a completely dead deadlock here because the people want to be more flexible policies maybe in the end their policies that were in the past. and were quite well but they are absolutely impossible under the euro and macro is there to defend the euro so there are there is there is there is so what he does is to discredit the moment he has taken a can given so he has. to tactics to the story of the moment what is landers calling him you know these he people are terrible. and so on and so on and the violence of the police which is unprecedented. which of course cause violence and that my island is used to.
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she to blame the movement for the violence and i say this is this is a this is violence that. you have never seen i was in i was in paris in the may sixty eight. demonstrations those were mainly student demonstrations and there was a tacit agreement between the head of police in paris and the trotskyists leader who control most of the. tickets to limit the damages to prevent serious injuries and deaths and that succeeded the whole thing was very theatrical and people were throwing stones and would literally have to them but there was no serious injury as there is in this case this case is absolute brutal repression total contempt for the people so however when it was students there was a certain. student you can be true to her actions but these are the ordinary
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people ordinary working people who rant and repression shows that the government has chosen not contempt for these people it's a clash arrogance it is absolutely. planner appreciate your time thanks for joining us my guest political. very short break more news coming up in about. three going to steal the country's oil you know just touch on this for a moment barely i mean scotland does have a lot of oil and the whole thing is mightily confusing so the u.s. could consider invading britain right now during this breaks of her fossil and take control scottish oil i mean i'm all for that.
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i think he has a bigger chance to when. they have election people now that are suffering from many things they're not. secure and i think. begin to think that they can help the country and to make it to become sick and stable country so i think he has a big chance and they think the people they've got ninety per cent of the people they gonna be happy if the perception is someone that actually. in venezuela is escalating in a speech at
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a mass pro-government rally in the capital caracas press them with your announced plans for fresh parliamentary elections now goes directly against the demands of his rival opposition leader who is calling for a new presidential votes which are also reiterated calls for dialogue with the opposition but the u.s. backed by dos refusing to be engaged in his counter rally on saturday why do again called on military forces to join the opposition thousands of bio supporters have come on to the streets of journalist and obvious article reports from the capital where the biggest rallies have been occurring. around one point five people are gathered here to protest against an equal last my dear and to demand free elections these call was made by one white oh in other parts of the city there's also protests to support me call last month during as president and also to celebrate the twenty years of the revolutionary socialism but yesterday there was so much stronger words from the u.s. threatening new class maturer and wishing him an early retirement let's see what
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don had to say about this situation i wish him a long quiet retirement on a pretty be charge from venezuela and the sooner he takes advantage of that the center is likely to have a nice quiet retirement on a pretty beach rather than being in some other beach area like guantanamo also my parents had something to say about nikko last month doura also saying that it would be good for madura not to test the us resolve to solve the venezuelan situation let's see what mike pence had to say just no time for dialogue this is time for. all options are on the table. i. need to loosen the girls would do well not to test the resolve of the united states . i do feel that already tense political climate in the country a military high rank today a general also backed and one white zero as president and said that nicolas maduro
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had to leave as reportedly from the national and local press meanwhile venezuelans are divided among those who support nikolaus majeure and those who supported wire white doe. the united states dominating headlines on the venezuela crisis journalist michael blumenthal asked members of congress if they think that america is meddling you think the u.s. is meddling in venice what they're doing man. we're almost there but it's i don't think sony were the superpower in the world well look i think if you're just supporting the people it's a pretty much the deciding now to be nice and so i think that's good for us it's we are at that freedom. that you know if you. saw a combination of complete ignorance about the issue and an unwillingness to speak up among. so-called progressive who campaigned on a platform of peace and in this case you have the u.s.
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on the brink of some kind of war on a country of thirty million people a proxy war would create a syria or libya style situation in the western hemisphere that could leave hundreds of thousands of dead and produce millions more refugees and yet when i would ask people in congress about this it was just a shrug of the shoulders a. form of child abuse known as breast standing use said to be on the rise in the united kingdom reports suggest dozens if not hundreds of british girls are being subjected to it most of the victims are of african descent with the practice common place in parts of the continent write the same three delay breast formation in preteen girls by painfully mass knowledge and skin with wooden sticks and stones until the rupture is the idea behind the procedure is to discourage male attention and to prevent rape the u.n. warns that it's one of the most underreported gender based crimes in the world we spoke to two women who were victims in their childhood they say typically it's the
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parents who carry out the abuse. where i was you as well was the younger my mom say me too my auntie my brace was just come out he was too big he see you know she is too big and she needs mean a blessing to me she be rude to put in the fire it's day to day i was crying she slapped me. all's well maybe i was trying to do it so that i should. not look at me just saw you i would be lost for you are you know. we're supposed to the co-founder of a children's rights group she believes that the problem is bigger than being reported tarzan of girls have been victims all they've been affected. by breast i and me and this is because most of them migrated to the
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u.k. we all read the problem of breast ironing doctor so the practice has severe health implications breast arming can increase the risk of cancer and lead to complications with breast feeding later in life the procedure can also cause infections and result in physical and psychological damage. the u.k. government has vowed to criminalize this practice of the activists accuse it of being too slow to respond geraldine young well again told us about the appalling consequences of breast. most of them have got sacking press because you know the scheme has been strange because first of all they use those stones and youth and saloons and the pieces to suppress the group of the brass and this is make show where once the press tries to force itself out what happens and this affects the whole lifelong conditions in the sense that they are emotionally disturbed realize they even fly any difficulty to even open up to people or even on press in front of
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the afraid even or moans in front of the husbands thank you staying with us this is our to international updates coming your way at the top of the hour. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this on off and spearing dramatic development the only way i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see them.
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time after time she were going underground as the trumpet ministration in washington suspends controls on nuclear weapons that could kill seven and a half billion people every human on earth coming up in the show as the masses again today rise up against their leaders risking their lives against french security forces we ask a mathematical physicist about the chances of another french revolution hundred six people dying every day last year while attempting to flee and arguably make their destroyed libya we'll ask the world health organization about the immigration detention centers in britain to the un the refused entry to well as a refugee in a commonwealth.
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