tv News RT February 3, 2019 9:00am-9:30am EST
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secu i think. we have to make it to become to. a stable country so i think he has a big chance i think that he will be ninety per cent of the people they'd be happy if the perception is that when. an r.t. donald trump just announced he doesn't rule out sending troops to venezuela to support opposition leader. after washington imposed sanctions on president he warned the us to back off and stop seeking regime change.
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it's. also becoming the weekly moscow suspends participation in a landmark nuclear treaty in the mirror a response to washington for all over alleged russian violations and also on the way. twelve consecutive weekend of yellow vests protests in france sees clashes between demonstrators and police during a march denouncing police firing. hello there the latest developments in a look back at what's been happening to you over the last seven days you're watching weekly here on r.t. international we'll start this hour with breaking news to you because the u.s. president donald trump has just again announced he doesn't rule out the use of military force in venezuela to support the self-proclaimed leader. one quiet day so
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let's get some reaction to this now we can speak with our food desires he's professor of law at the geneva school had to play misty and a full mistake free of the u.n. human rights committee to say he's a good man to speak to you very welcome thanks for coming on what do you make of this latest a nine smb and then from donald trump. article two paragraphs four of the united nations charter prohibits not only the use of force but the threat of the use of force also the charter of the organization of american states prohibits that to a chapter for article nineteen etc but the law is the law and. if a demented president wants to aggress another country nothing is going to stop him from doing it which is to cause i'm afraid we had. a revolt
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against international law when it was not just george w. bush that pulled the united states into an illegal war as a kofi annan declared the iraq war to be not only the united states and tony blair but forty one other states a so-called coalition of the willing so the fact that the nuremberg principles prohibit the crime of aggression that far that we have an international criminal court with an article that prohibits the crime of aggression is not going to prevent. mr trump to do whatever he wants to do not question is is that going to lead to civil war in. the venezuela that is a distinct danger. with regard to the little side of things we've seen haven't we a huge huge number of interventions certainly in recent history to you to have to go back about far and very different things to be done and yet the arguments all i
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hear was that it was the other country that was at fault it was the other country that was breaking international and it's all right to protect the civilians that feast they always seem to use it's all right to protect the saw duty to protect those that are living in venezuela. their so-called responsibility to protect doctrine which is not a doctrine is just a general assembly resolution cannot. replace. or abolish the u.n. charter so it's incompatible with the e.u. one charter it is article two paragraph four all of the charter that must be upheld thoughts what concerns me here is not just that the united states is breaking international law adults regularly systematically their kids are dition all bullying latin american states we have. too many right
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wing. going to toss in latin america that have been financed and have been organized by the cia and by washington so this is nothing new in that sense what is worrisome is. the europeans have broken international law customary international in recognizing a pretender to. the presidency of. venezuela i mean the principle of non interference in the internal affairs of state is an old principle of international law which is being thrown out the window and if the european parliament on it the european union believes in its own principles of democracy rule of law and human rights it cannot do what it's doing totally basically losing all of its credibility show to the european argument and
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america's argument with the do it i was illegitimate the elections he had weren't legitimate that's why we can legitimately cyclonic why does is not the president because the elections just didn't weren't up to scratch does that hold water it's an absurd argument and it is not for us to make that argument that belongs to the supreme court all thought venezuela if indeed there were problems with the election on the twentieth of may two thousand and eighteen then it kind of the challenge before the supreme court all then is well now you guys all is. invoking article two thirty three off the venezuelan constitution this is really bad fate because if you read article two thirty three of the venezuelan constitution or you will see that it does not. empower the national assembly
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to do what he has done it simply does not apply in. this case whereas the elections on the twentieth of may of two thousand eight hundred were up served by international observers and. just forty seven percent of the population went to vote. in the opposition and republican got twenty one percent of the boat better to achieve got eleven percent of the vote but to go to about sixty eight percent of the vote now if you see sixty eight percent of the forty seven percent that still gives him a good third of the venezuelan population actually going to the. elections and voting for him so that the problem here is that you have. at least seven million commit to chavez does and who are not going to roll over and when i was the first reporter on the united nations in
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venezuela and i spoke with the opposition and i spoke with members of the national assembly i told them. look whether you like it a lot there are these seven or eight million venezuelans who are really committed what are you going to do with them they're not going to roll over they're not going to disappear so you have to have dialogue that's why i support the mexican initiative to have a an international mediation and in more detail on the seventh of february why is america then not backing that why would they be so keen to put pressure for military intervention or really keep saying look it's on the table because that doesn't help a diplomatic solution does it no course not of course not the united states is only interested in venezuela's oil in venezuela bold on both sides and colton's there's a lot of money to be made and obviously if they talk for model the first thing
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that guido as washington's man in venezuela is going to do is to privatized oil industry and to open it by amanda for american enterprises and american transnationals so the situation is that their profits from the sale all this way allows rich natural resources will flow to the united states and that's all it is the idea is the looting campaign similar to the destruction of iraq in two thousand and three other destruction of libya in two thousand and eleven is basically only money those things stand here alfred g. field as i were on the brink of another large military conflict in venezuela because it doesn't appear that when you elections mature i doesn't want that make because initiative has been shown by america to keep repeating military intervention i mean i meant to raise me at this stage is with manure so i mean you
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don't have to be that clever to work out you've got two minutes resigned to it. well. i think that the united states is betting that the military will eventually. switch over to weibo that they will not remain loyal to do that of course would be a massive defeat for the principle of national sovereignty for the principle of democracy and rule of law in venezuela but it would avoid of course the. shedding of blood i am concerned that if there is an attack from colombia and brazil coordinated and with the logistical or other support from from washington that there will be
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a civil war and tens of thousands of deaths and that of course it's a matter for the united nations it's a matter for antonis was that this is a matter for michelle but surely to address now and to call for yet another emergency meeting off the security council because the united states is threatening with the use of force. and just one last point now for the running at a time but it could be huge consequences for the regions the whole in terms of if there is a civil war the be a huge wave of migration you would ashame from venezuela and that would have an impact on all the surrounding countries many of which are supporting one quite a as it stands. yes of course it is not surprising that there has already been a wave of immigration out of venezuela into go on in the door
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into brazil but of course you have to see what triggered that if you are sixty eight the economy over the country like the united states has gone through the economic war and through the sanctions it is of yours that these were are going to be on employ people are not going to have access to food etc it's the most natural thing in the world for people to move gold to where they think that might be safer or whether they can have a better life so there is on top of everything that the poor venezuelans have suffered if there's a military campaign against google bench certainly there is going to be a mass. flux of population although that is what. we're going to have to leave it there but we really appreciate your time this afternoon i was out for design a professor of rule that you need to school of diplomacy and also form a sexy at the u.n. human rights committee thank you. not only this week in a speech at
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a pro-government rally the country's president nicolas maduro did call on his supporters to back him and said that early elections could be held in the opposition controlled national assembly meanwhile his rival one glider has asked for the country's military to come over to his side. thank you anderson because the new national assembly do you agree with that i agree to and i stand by that decision do you want to elections do you want. let's have parliamentary elections them. soldiers the hour has come the moment has come to declare your support for the constitution humanitarian aid and for change for your family people are gathered here to protest against unequal last mature and to demand free elections this guy was made by one white oh in other parts of the city there's also protests to support an equal last maduro as president and also to celebrate the twenty years of the revolutionary socialists and there were some very strong his words from the u.s. is no time for dialogue this is time for. all options are on the table. i
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. need to listen the girl would do well not to test the resolve of the united states. i wish him a long quiet retirement on a pretty beach far from venezuela and the sooner he takes advantage of that the center is likely to have a nice quiet retirement on a pretty beach rather than being in some other beach area like guantanamo. asked venice. on a troop. asks venice do you feel that already tense political climate in the country a military high rank today a general also bad and one white zero as president. of the dictatorial authority with nicolas maduro and recognized as the president in charge of the ovarian republic ofen his. comrades in arms i ask you not to turn your back on the
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people of. the economic sanctions imposed by the us and allies against me starting to bite they tug at the country's k. source of revenue oil by freezing seven billion dollars in assets a move set. to further increase the cost of basic goods like food and keep protesters on the streets two it's estimated that the sanctions will cost venezuela eleven billion dollars in lost oil exports this year alone washington said that it would lift the sanctions though if control is transferred to go i don't know where is the old sanctions were being announced the u.s. national security advisor to give away a bit more than it perhaps wanted to because reporters did spot written on his notepad here the words five thousand troops to colombia colombia shares a border with venezuela doro then accused washington of planning his assassination there's no doubt that trump gave an order to kill me he told the colombian
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government the colombian maffia to kill me if something happens to be one day donald trump and the colombian president will be responsible or washington's most hawkish figures are heading america's attempts to undermine maduro artie's kalam often looks now at the team seeking regime change. i think night of nations mike pompei oh drew a line in the sand now it's time for every other nation to pick a side no more delays no more games either you stand with the forces of freedom or you're in league with it has made them sound familiar either you're with us. if you love freedom and with nations with your bridge freedom or you are the enemy yes their ideas are not new but now they're linking arms in the global spotlight some call them the axis of evil or the troika of tyranny meet mike pompei oh elliott abrams and john bolton the three amigos of imperialism john bolton was a big supporter of the iraq war and he represented the united states in the united
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nations an organization he really didn't care for very much the united states makes the u.n. work work and that is exactly the way it should be because the. united states is. now like bomb peo is the new kid on the block without very much experience as head of the cia he tried to get the authority to conduct drone strikes in afghanistan without the pentagon's oversight and he worked day and night to rip up the iran nuclear deal at the center of it is an interesting campaign of economic pressure to starve the regime of the revenue it uses to fund it just it was six of these throughout the middle east and indeed around the world now back in the spotlight after years of obscurity meet convicted criminal elliott abrams he was tied to massacres in el salvador any help to funnel weapons to the contras in nicaragua he was convicted for his role in covering it all up and he received a presidential pardon now he's a special envoy for venezuela it seems that his record in latin america has really
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impressed certain people america's new dream team is now taking aim at venezuela why because they just care so much for those poor oh pressed venezuelans they want them to have a chance at freedom and democracy right or is it something else. it will make a big difference to the united states economically if we could have american oil companies really invest in and produce the oil capabilities in venezuela be good for the people of venezuela be good for the people of the united states we both have a lot at stake here yes honesty is always appreciated the u.s. has once again talking about basically another war for oil so that it introduces these moral complications and gives rise to some serious questions about the u.s. motivations here and it's very frustrating from an american point of view it's one thing for trump to announce oh i support this other guy and that's great but but
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but these sanctions are kind of an act of violence in themselves i think we have to put this in the kind of back of the continuing u.s. blockade of an as well in the stranglehold of big but on the economy of the country which is having very real humanitarian consequences for the people there it is a question of you know washington and it allies in europe and elsewhere want their cake and they want to have their cake and eat it well i mean it's very very a double dip or we're thing here you're watching a week here or not he was back again just off the bright. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical. to sit down
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and talk. much he's gone into a nihilistic fever. i think we've got to hit the road and get out to travelling across america to find what makes america the charlotte the genie's. the south america this is a point from which all of it is god and so we always are on the margins some of this. culture is moving forward. oh. we're starting last with is we're going to head east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the beast i think i want to leave now governor anymore. it may be completely different to mr.
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fugate welcome back to the way this week so america suspend the key cold war deal to limit the amount of mid range nuclear missiles the i.n.f. treaty both signed over thirty years ago in response moscow with through the next day america had claimed that russia was in violation of the agreement with the treaty banned all land based ballistic and cruise missiles and launches to with short to intermediate range is. what is behind the dispute. it's not like the u.s. withdrawal from the iron of deal chord anyone by surprise washington's been looking for the exit for a long time russia has repeatedly tried to steer this titanic of a relationship away from its burke. for many years we have proposed disarmament talks with our initiatives have not found the support of our partners in fact they always find a pretext for dismantling the global security system but this week everything
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crashed and burned and went to kingdom come but time for talk was over i'm going to keep you posted on our american partners said they were suspending their participation in the i.n.f. treaty and we will suspend ours also they announced they were conducting research and development and we will do the same i've asked our foreign and defense ministries to keep the doors open for dialogue but also not to initiate any talks on the issue why well one last time america's top diplomat threw a barrage of accusations at russia for violating the iron of deal without a shred of proof russia has violated russia's violation russia's shamelessly violated the russians are in violation of the agreement now officially in the us has a problem with this message nato classified as s s c eight russia says that it in full compliance with the i.n.f. treaty but washington chuck russia's arguments out of the window the united states
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and most of our nato allies did not attend this briefing as we all saw it for what it was another at tam to a few ski the violation and give the appearance our transparency was like a bottomless cup as the allegations kept pouring culminating in america's withdrawal so now more schools done with being cooperative in all actually it says the u.s. is no saint. since twenty fourteen the u.s. has deployed. in europe is m k forty one missile launches which is suitable for american tomahawk missiles which is a direct violation of the treaty these missile launches are based in rumania and already to be constructed in poland russia's defense ministry says in the past two years the us expanded its he missile factory in tucson across the board it swelled in size and hired some two thousand new employees moreover the pentagon's defense budget for this year by asked last spring and drawn up even earlier had already
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calculated the scenario currently being played out and this week donald trump revealed the chapters to come we will move forward with developing our own military response options and will work with nato and other allies and partners to deny russia any military advantage from its unlawful conduct russia though has an ace or two apart sleeve like the brand new miss as it unveiled last year including hypersonic weapons and even the u.s. admitted it has no counter form and defense minister sergei show who says there's more where that came from we suggest starting work on adapting russia's caliber missile launch systems from maritime to land based ones we also suggest beginning work on a new land based hypervelocity ballistic missile of a short to medium range yet of the same time moscow says it's never been driven by the offensive potential of its weapons it's all about parity essentially russia
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points to the fact that america's somehow been defending against the iran and north korea threats by mussing missiles on russia's border and no one likes to be surrounded by the military of a state that openly calls you an adversary and still moscow leaves the door ajar despite everything the new arms race doesn't have to begin it says russia has promised not to deploy enemy. saws in europe first but if the u.s. chooses to service in motion well two can play that game. it was done of there now let's turn to france because a yellow vest marched announcing police violence did see clashes as thousands of protesters across the country took to the streets for a twelve consecutive weekend yesterday the rallies were dedicated to those injured in previous demonstrations by police firing large rubber bullets however a french court has ruled that their use is lawful. i am.
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i was i. was i was feeling she was take acid water cannon to disperse the crowds there the country's interior minister has defended the use of special weapons against rioters however he also stressed that any abuse would be punished according to official figures so far over two thousand people plus a back affairs and police officers have been hurt at yellow vest events since november seventeenth our sister channel r.t. froude spoke to some of the protests. talk to do it during a true on november twenty fourth i came with friends to paris to peacefully participate in a demonstration express my concern with the usual slogans michael resigned at sixty
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two thirty one of the riot police squadrons attacked the moving crowd and de gea lie and four type grenade hit my legs and exploded whitehaven cycling the injured twenty five to thirty people injured and maimed mostly yellow vests the rather those who were wounded before the socket from the se weapons are suffering so united arts for us it was obvious no difference. this is important because i became part of a new family the family of the wounded i'm not the only one wounded like this i became part of a large group who were injured there are many seventeen hundred people i'm the twentieth a person who's i was injured so it was important to come today in order to at least to support the speakers and that brings you up to date you've been watching the weekly here in r.t. we're back again at the top of the hour. the
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united states can see these. things it's news and it's tax on other country's. economic sanctions are often just the beginning another thing you like to do is play some military press or countries a talking about. and there has to be an effort to demonize that country and the leader of the us ability for the head. and we need to make rules for the rest of. us without us there will be. stand here from us and. for them what.
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about a good are a lot of trouble for the private profit of the fourth to care of. a million and that compatibility question then you can keep an eye on what i don't think is a china photo fault that it. was then i was on the show little side of. the hey how do you want to. get the tofu place choice. and pay off. time interior has said the crew she ought to have a. model for them after
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a while parked around the mr hates it for jim and then i hope that our freddie macor the. country has gone into a nihilistic theme that's why i'm thinking and we've got to hit the road and get out the traveling across america the find what makes america take the charlatans the genius american hero this is it we've done the point around which hollywood has gone insane we're starting last with is going to head east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the bee i think i'm gonna leave now though i'm getting more gonzo with me maybe completely different by the end of this journey. so i guess if we're heading out of vegas i mean that there.
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