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tv   GONZO  RT  February 3, 2019 9:30am-10:01am EST

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time interior is a crucially auto. model for that in africa will fuck around mr hates it for a dream and then i hope that our freddie macor the. country's gone into a nihilistic. that's what i'm thinking and we've got to hit the road and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america take the charlatans the genius american hero this is it we found the point around which hollywood is going to say we're starting last with this is we're going to head east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the bee i think i'm leaving now don't forget the more gondolas know he may be completely different and the mr. so i guess if you're heading out of me guess i mean the theory is that what happens in vegas especially stay in may guess bright they can keep it. to i'm already
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completely blank i can remember a single thing that i think is good nothing leaves degassed because they do one of them your allies are on the exit where they just delete your brain they don't number. really stinks that we had a hand in that convertible i'm missing it already they're missing it deeply literally because we have alex shaffer us painting in the back and oil fields are really. making me feel a little bit hunter s. thompson asked oh i was it all that oil turpentine it's got warming it's way through my brain cavity right now. you know foxy this me house equipment it carries around knobs and buttons and machines and he's recording stuff apparently people come up to him all the time and they say hey buddy are yo ghost hunter i think he's a ghost hunter looking for ghosts and that's funny that's you have to be true. and
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of an older pre-millennial that's like ghostbusters sort of days i guess you know there's a big there's a big market for ghost hunting apparently a lot of t.v. shows roaming around old shadows and mansions looking for ghosts actually in flagstaff we're going to be i think we're staying at a haunted haunted hotel when you say haunted i mean i want to. not as haunted as those scary films he won't see yeah i'm not going to look low want to be scaled. back again i'm surprised. i mean revenge of the bankhead never have been ok here interesting that we're going to go home not possible ok get ready for that as well. below. it's not asked for the what i think. the road to be. god's country just was that good intentions love it says like route one
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fifty one i've never seen and never seen a road called roots and i actually have no peeping at all this is like sedona gonzo with max the stacey and their color coordinated sweaters heading out into the gonzo countryside with a fully equipped picnic baskets watching the apocalypse of america the great seeds and well coordinated accessories some of this landscape actually looks apocalyptic with you know these trees just chopped down are falling down or burned down or something is tree stumps and everywhere you look you know the storms come through the blow the trees right out the stumps look at the list looks like something out of a chain you know prufrock i'd say it was said j. edgar prufrock so i think your myth you're mixing up j. edgar hoover and ts eliot it's a great j. edgar prufrock a story about a lone f.b.i. agent who was. this is the wasteland that is held or yours and turn back the hands
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of time and gets eaten by giant crumpet somewhere in london nobody misses the max you know this county that we're in right now has the highest percentage of need of americans in the state of arizona yeah i saw it like thirty percent thirty percent of the population in this county are native american mostly navajo but also hope he and some other few other tribes around here as well yeah that was really remarkable i didn't know that there were any counties anywhere that had such a high concentration of native americans and you definitely have a sense of their presence in this landscape because when you ever see native americans for trade it's always in a landscape like this right if i lived here and this is my land with all this beauty some dude came along instead of blasting and mining and looking for your gold and taking your stuff and taking your food and taking your wives and
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stuff like that like i might fight back and then be called a savage and b you know all this propaganda about me saying that she's the bad girl you know she's the one trying to keep us from taking our land look at the people throat mcdonald's if they don't get that a good number strips of bacon on the double cheeseburger and they want to kill somebody imagine a native american having their land stolen tomahawk to the skull and maybe that you know drive the point home get out we don't want you again the violence is part of the d.n.a. the make up of everything and the fabric of the world around us. it's a member of my feeling or my feeling on this give me your feeling because that's what hunter s. thompson would do he would just emote his feelings violence to and of itself is not the problem the problem is mr right the violence in other words there is an inherent stream of violence that goes back to the. the big bang of the universe and
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continues through the evolution of our species and the discovery of art and the. proliferation of our art and science it's not in its own right to be cast to down because that is the fire right here brimstone that's the fire of life life is fire you can't end violence is part of life. here is the grand canyon mike so. i told you you're right the most spectacular thing i've ever seen there is literally nothing like this on earth like nothing at all that comparison so how would you possibly describe it to somebody when you first encounter it like the first europeans i came out here and before they killed all the natives and they came out here and they went back east like how they describe it like you don't
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understand i saw this big crack i could have been on pay already i'm not sure there was a crack like the earth ripped open and it's a hole that goes right down into the center of the earth and you can see everything you can see what the earth made right here oh a rock problem obviously we humans we look at the features of long to have any on our own selves and thank you that's ugly but here this is like this is a wrinkle poor ugliness of earth and yet it's so beautiful it is beauty and violence and ugliness and majestic grander all in one why it's the result of decay and as the result of wear and tear but. of time of wear and tear have carved away with god's. carving tool. it's actually called the river the river runs through it and has created this so it's simple physics. and simple scientific forces simple forces of nature cause
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something so beautiful so majestic but of course max this is the sort of classic scene where one as a tourist takes a selfie you know and hopefully does not plunge off the side here so let's listen take our selfie. highway heading into flagstaff all the want to see things that flagstaff sounds like something kind of like a treat clint eastwood well like you know where john wayne sort of felt john wayne would hang out in flagstaff yeah you got to go back before clint all the way back to john wayne yes. because clint eastwood was more of a desert he sort of. just feel like you were in the brady bunch we went to the grand canyon. it was overwhelming. and
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a lot i was parked on a railroad track seems like the beginning of some bad west what's the bright light coming this way and that clanging doesn't seem to be stopped time tracks for. years to eastern and sort of carpetbaggers sort of people out here in the wild west from flagstaff or parked on some railroad tracks on the roads and just come and run us over and they're going to say you know we did toothpick in their mouth and cowboy hat they can say yeah we'll make that stupid out here. who you call a carpetbagger. so max like i was saying this is the old west a lot of. people came out here a lot of gun fights a lot of gold miners and a lot of people who might have. got trapped on the railroad track and got run over by a train so you know what that means. in america that means there's ghosts goes yeah
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we're going to do. or not to scare well i haven't really made my peace with ghosts like some. good general. you are you know like a lead that watching scary will. be scared. if you know my hand. to hear it when max keiser welcome to flagstaff haunted tours johnny my name is johnny and i'll be your tour guide we had a concert location right now we are a very haunted location the city of flagstaff hired a psychic to come in and verify that we had. some spirit here she spent half a day investigating every nook and cranny when she was done we asked her do we have a ghost here and her answer was no. you have thirty three of them thirty three
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so verify that that's a verify factor you would suspect and say well why thirty three well we have an intersection there as well as over there with the train and i. personally seen people get in the intersections. yeah this is pokey you know maybe i was like yeah i'm feeling it back in the old days one hundred fifty years ago flagstaff was what was a famous for timber number and that was what brought people here. and eventually it turned out to be other things like the university tourism lots of cowboys and i hear you're a cowboy when you're not chasing ghosts. do you can you lasso again. you can last oh a ghost a ghost not a ghost. you're going to be treated. like a. slave. to the plague. you
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just don't hear about it they're too reserved yet and we promote it. of course because we're capital as we sell tickets to come see that goes yes with the typical ghosts that you have in flagstaff is it just like a troublemaker we have some mischievous ones we have some good trying to help us very helpful really just like over at the mill going house let's go check some of them out let's go let others it. i'm not looking for a helpful ghost i'm looking for one that will scare max yet i won't be tough. i mean i mean a good deal of your. own she gets one of. those in one room you know most of the books to be in yours and yours was notable depending. on what you. please the please please but the idea
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of the why. are. you familiar. with. these you. know it's from a movie. from. i think syphilis has a big a child's. election. they have election people are suffering from many things they're. sick you i think. they going to take the. chance to make it to the to become sick and stable country so i think it has a big chance they think the people they got ninety percent of the people they gonna be happy to look just say for someone that actually.
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all right this hotel is very hard and one of the first people to report ever seen a ghost figure here was none other than john wayne himself they were filming from here. and he was staying here he was going to room when he heard a knock on the door he asked who is it and the voice answered this is room service he got up to see who was because he hadn't ordered anything on the whole he saw a young man with the. bell boy walking away from him and he says what did you want the young man turned around smiled at him and just continued walking into the year lag staff i was saying earlier is more of a john wayne town than
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a clint eastwood town i would think so yes i got that sense when you know you something the duke did was here he saw goes. because he was a man of action you see something say something and he said something he had actually said it was never a gun slingers well i played the part of a gun slinger my so i could tell you have a quick draw out absolutely he didn't flinch when i do that i was waiting for you. to see that incredible story and i was just looking at ron's tomato film american animals a film about you as a ninety seven percent rating it's like people love this film your book is called evolution and the subtitle is becoming a criminal did you become a criminal i definitely consider myself a criminal but i definitely went through a period in my life that i did become a criminal yes then what exactly happened because as i understand it you got the
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idea after being inspired maybe by the wrong influences to pull a heist i grew up watching these iconic criminals and really idolizing this this kind of behavior. you know movies like ocean's eleven thomas crown affair snatch you know kind of the the smooth criminal and i ended. emanating their their behavior right so a lot of times we hear that movies have an influence on fox and in your case we can say that influenced you in a way that it glamorized crime you refer to these as iconic criminals and certainly in america there is a tradition of the of the robe of the gangster of the huckster and some people like and trump in this tradition that he's a snake oil salesman but he's part of the american character you know you've come up through a system that has lionized and glamorized guys like yourself so you
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you perpetrated these crimes and then you got caught and then you went into the american legal system so my full sentence was eighty seven months this was a victimless crime you know it wasn't so there was a librarian on duty. two of the people who committed the heist with the actually tied up the librarian i was the get away driver and in the process of the heist we end up stealing trolls darwin's on the origin of species. illuminated manuscripts from the fourteen hundreds medical dictionaries and the long to thomas jefferson and in court we were charged with a value in excess of four point five million dollars why even go after and still these old dusty textbooks it was just an idea of the heist itself there's a big thing that happens in the transition between childhood and adulthood and i actually start my my book with a quote it's an african proverb and it says if the youth are not initiated into the
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village they will burn it down just to feel its warmth and in my particular case. i've been approached by my three friends who are also involved in the heist about the heist about a year prior to it actually taking place and i felt i had too much to lose so i just kind of laughed it off and i said no this is stupid you're going to get yourselves caught don't do that and then i had. kind of a perfect storm of negative events happening in my personal and family life and i grew up very entitled and i grew up with a lot of opportunity and then all of the sudden everything that i was building my hopes and dreams on is still disappear we're going to talk about the title of the second i want to focus on this i'm going to quote you're talking about if there's not a proper initiation the youth will burn down the village and in america themes like it's a culture steeped in infantilization that all everything can't be coddled enough
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that we're all basically getting a gold star for everything we do and there is no coming that initiation into specially the male side of the equation to from puberty through puberty into adulthood i think that in title men is coming from a place of not understanding consequence you know and not being held accountable for our actions and in my situation yeah i ended up doing this crime not really thinking about the far reaching implications i actually had quite a few people in my community where i grew up who were very influential within the community and they reached out to the judge and pleaded to the judge for mercy you know saying i'm a first time offender you know please give this this kid a chance don't there was life away in prison and ultimately the judge spoke to that and she said that because you know myself and the other three guys involved in the highest. because we want. inner city kids we didn't have opportunities.
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that she she actually wouldn't take exception to us and it was actually the opposite that she wanted to make an example out of us because we did have opportunities and we did have a path toward success but still we chose to commit the crime so tell us about life in the incarceration what was it like. it's hard to describe everything that you see and hear about in film and t.v. it all happens all of it the the rapes the violence the. good things happening behind the scenes with the with the guards and things like that it all happens but for the most part those things happen few and far between so most of the most of my time in prison was spent. in
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boredom trying to find ways to make my time positive and productive so i think the depiction of prison life in hollywood is fairly accurate it's incredible violence and you found that to be true it's incredibly accurate because it does happen they just don't show the amount of time in between those those intense moments right apparently that america is a country in the world with the highest incidence by far the any country in the world of male rate due to the incredibly large prison population the largest prison population in the world we have five percent of the world's population but twenty five percent of the world's incarcerated population and there's something wrong what do you think we're becoming somewhat introspective and circumspect about all this why do you think that is i made it my mission to make my time for doctor of and useful. i think in general the the american. justice system is based mostly in punishment and i think it's really really important that it become
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more based in education and rehabilitation i was able to do that for myself and seek that but there's a lot of people who don't have the opportunities and resources that i have to rehabilitate and to educate themselves ok but you know we've got a little problem here because i don't lising the wrong type of hero and sending a lot of people to jail ultimately in jail is a for profit business. owned by corporations listed on the new york stock exchange that is no incentive not to stop this is somebody's line of criminals and to glorify criminals and without it the g.d.p. and i say should be cut down and we did our g.d.p. above all else also we live for we need a higher g.d.p. but all of those people who are basically being taken advantage of in earning slave wages you know at most you can earn there is maybe a dollar a day in prison in prison but wait a minute surely slavery was outlawed in this country know all i think the the
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thirteenth amendment allows for slavery of those who are incarcerated chiefly losers in first it's so there's a set of poor people in prison there is joy if you buy american heroic archetype that inspired you to fall ill of the righteous path and end up supporting the g.d.p. of prisons and drugs in america i personally do not feel victimized at all i mean i made my own decisions and ultimately paid the price for. all the journey east to go backwards to america timeline and find out exactly what makes this country tick how do we become what we are who are the charlatans the pickpockets the nuts geniuses going to end up in the swamp land of florida and everything goes if we end up in prison can i call you. absolutely can i be happy to show you the ropes and i look forward to seeing what you guys uncover on that journey that's very generous thank you so much absolutely all right many thanks max already take care of the stood. like
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staff is a good book and las vegas you know for your interview with that guy chaz because vegas is like road has romanticized the gangster you know through films like ocean's eleven or casino it's built by gangsters they had those bugs the seed. well like gangsters there and then flagstaff is that old gunslinger wild west sort of character who is a pit in my eyes is the american character on film yeah that's an interesting it's like the. plates and the grand canyon the dig through the different eras of different time zones you know the archaeological stratification you see the different the pox and with stuff it's the john wayne period of american mythology we're still john wayne today we go overseas and we were you store law and order and
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we bring law and order and we will bring order to their chaos and the you know these people don't know how to live we've restored this little some sort of sense of order to the natural way they live well that guy johnny his ghost stories weren't all that scary i hate to tell them but they were very scary when you have cable news but he did make a great point about the reason why americans believe in ghosts versus europe is a he believes the low americans we make money off ghosts as a so that's why we talk about it we have like ghosts they feel the need to work there's a there's a strong work ethic in the ghost community when johnny said that americans talk about ghosts a lot because they make money off it what it reminded me of is our national parks because we've gone through yosemite we've passed their grand canyon and all of
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these are really the ghost of the former people the first peoples the need of americans is we're making thirty six billion dollars a year by the way our national parks bring in thirty six billion who are making it off the ghost of the people that used to live here their original inhabitants when lincoln opened you some of the eight hundred sixty four it was just ten years after the massacre there are so many people here. so they were that was over a quick turnaround that was just like the cable news shock jock. we have here. now that they're turning the ghosts of michael jackson. into a money maker. so that's really an amy winehouse she's going on tour even though she's dead so i think i think that guy johnny was on to something. after the. commodity everything his bank modified that's a pity me of neil liberal economics which everybody is rebelling against.
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the go. he was part of it he was joining the party. this is a stick of water bottle phone in the stomach of the broom despond of the coca-cola
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company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers. the litterbugs are trying this way industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has promised to reuse the plastic. that's. there are classes classics a course on why and only stay on your hands at a special projects fundamentals advance and. online your best bet is the end of it for the team but for now the mountains of noise only grow higher. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic development the only solution i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very
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critical dying time to sit down and talk. and. this is later just a must. have . actually knowing. there's a known she knew not. can if you had a way out all of them ok if true. was not a master plan a girl with a bad day i wait for the last three of a garage. to be. the one that having. people. give the newly married couple what the how do not. assume alice
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are shown in jane need the whole corn dog for. not a year or so on earth in just. a few. donald trump announces he doesn't rule out sending troops to venezuela to support opposition leader why don't get after washington impose new sanctions on president maduro warned that the us to back off and stop seeking regime change.


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