tv Worlds Apart RT February 3, 2019 6:30pm-7:00pm EST
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and. i need to to read to do something for to to make him and also to make him really is and also because my mother she's been he's have a good relationship and that's what's make me interesting too to do something i have to get out of this well you speak very warmly about the graphic family i know that you count. moammar gadhafi sons as your personal of friends how close were you to that. you know them since. since i was kids. we were kids playing together in all the family. also very close because of my father of course case his one of the member of the revolution of september nine hundred sixty nine. also he was working and has many position and. government and also because
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of this family and we have good relation all together now hannibal is the youngest of good after sons he flatly in two thousand and eleven for algeria as far as i know but damn four years later he was abducted in syria by a militia group what was he doing in syria in the middle of a civil war like you said. and then he moved from algeria to syria because he has. a political assumes from president bashar al assad. so he moved to syria with his family history in syria like one year and a half before he kidnapped from syria from syria to lebanon by militia. when his militia and they put him in the car and moved from syria to lebanon. across the broad. when i know it he was later released by that militia group
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but the state authorities in lebanon put him in jail and he's been behind bars for more than three years now what do you exactly he's being accused of at this point. actually i saw him before two months he's not a very good condition to be honest but actually he he i don't know why he's staying in the jail because he doesn't have anything to do in this issue of. his campaigns they are disappearing libya and nine hundred seventy six. nine hundred seventy eight story honeywell and this and this he was two years old only he doesn't have the information about. the issue he doesn't nothing he doesn't know anything so i'm really surprised why they are still keep. no he has like for years
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and the prison. he doesn't have anyone he doesn't see his wife he doesn't see his children like for almost four years now he couldn't talk to the media he doesn't have any visitors which anyone this attorney and present from what i know of the disappearance of a mom has been undermining the relationship between libya and lebanon for more than three years so it's going to be an issue regardless of what hannibal gaffe you know or doesn't know why do you think the lap anees authorities are so keen to keep him behind bars do you think it's political is it six charin is it perhaps personnel i think they told they told that he has any information about. others and that is not true because anybody who was two years old only also because they think if they get to keep him maybe they're going to make a pressure the government that maybe they're going to take a formation but this is not true and i need to highlight anybody who doesn't have
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any position political security political position in libya before he was only. consultant. at the naval forces right yeah only he doesn't have only this only disposition so he doesn't work he doesn't have this security position in libya before so and he doesn't have any information to to give it to the government or to the family of the most. about a decade ago when libya was still trying to get into the west's good graces to get after the family had its own charity which was helping people and getting itself involved into various hostage taking crisis involving is islamist militias is there anyone who is helping you to get any balls released now either behind the scenes or maybe openly. actually will be happy if that's happened but.
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i think only russian government to try to help us to release her. from. syrian government they try to send many letters to his government. he's got nothing but no one give any action united nitin nations an organization the human rights watch and many others they're trying to to try to to work in this. issue. we are waiting now to see what's going to. happen now it's clear that your own advocacy for hannibal get out if he hasn't gone unnoticed because you yourself are now a subject of an arrest warrant in lebanon they accused you of trying to bribe the justice ministry official what's your response to those charges actually this was
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a surprise because i saw all this coming in the news. they started bringing in my name that. they said that the you were walking around with the green bag reaches. expression for four bags full of four years dollars. baggy green bag full of money that some working and try to to. to give money for all the. who's working in the government like ministry of. others trying to release anybody with this money and that's not true because i mean he has a right to to go out to release from this. jail because he doesn't have any issue because he's kidnapped her from syria to live and kidnapping his outside anybody's in the jail and that's. how they they let him go out and his neighbor's house
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and they are. the sons of. who i think his name if i'm not mistaken. disappeared with the. one nine hundred seventy six. they kidnapped from lebanon from syria to lebanon and then they stay only like i think six months in the jail and then they take it. out and he is free. and he's in the jail i don't know were. syrian government about this issue because i think. they should take action for. honeywell because he was saying he was taking a political assumes in syria so that's. i think is this something mistake about this now be asking a question i'm sure many people have on their minds there are thousands of people
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how did it for reasons inside libya inside lebanon inside syria many of you know and inside why should people who are watching us right now care about the release of this one man who had a very. privileged life while thousands languish in prison why should we care about hannibal get halfway and not the thousands nameless individuals who are kept in prisons we don't don't ask for many people to look at to take care about anybody but for us he's a libyan before before all that he's a libyan citizens i am a libyan citizens and the government of libya should take care about this things release him bad and help him because. he doesn't have nothing to do with. others. and also. also we have a prison prisoner in libya we need to talk about this issue and they should also
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get out of this prison. also we have fear he is prison prisoner now in libya didn't didn't take this i hope i couldn't i could have all this people to get out of this jail but. what i can do i'm trying to my best and they need to. and i have the chance i'm not going to be the lay of the to do this justice hannibal get after you still hold the libyan citizenship are the libyan authorities they currently be an authority is in either tripoli on the or in the east of the country supportive of your after it's you. had it all free. i think after what's happened in lebanon before a. few weeks ago. they try to to to put our flag and. the flag and make some problems to not let the geisha
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in libya medication to come to some of the flavor and. i think some of them they take action and they're interesting anybody show and they try to do something because he's a libyan citizen before he's the son that he that. well really we have to take a short break now but we will be back in just a few moments stay tuned. join me every first on the all excitement and i'll be speaking to the world of politics . i'm sure i'll see you then.
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the u.s. in order to guarantee obeyance by the population world think gauge and stop the terrorism then that's clearly on the march and the population is ready for it you know they were all sad to say hope benteke go to get ready to get ready to be controlled. and there's a number in a not. can if you had a way that was
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a mockery if there. was not an animation anyway it will be late about a day only for the last the amount of good large. modena be the. name of the man that has. given people. who give the new nightly. what the one on our d. a supernal us are shown in are the noise they need the whole corn dog before. why did well known asia was. just an animal. welcome back to worlds apart to be remailed debris al libi an activist and
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a daughter of moammar gadhafi former security chief remey you said before that you got some support from both the russian and the syrian authorities why do you think they are getting involved because clearly it's not just a humanitarian issue that. i think russia. government they have they're supporting now safe to come to the power again and then. to to support us. to to release and start making the pressure of the libyan government. see how it's going to work also the syrian. government and now they are working in this. so those are going on. they start. talking with the lebanese government trying to see how we can figure this problem close this file now there have been
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some brief words that we at r.t. haven't been able to confirm that the russian authorities have or may have signed a letter to the lebanese authorities asking for the transfer of hannibal get our feet to moscow in preparation for granting him the russian citizenship do you know if that is true actually i cannot give you a guarantee about that but that's not. i think russia is going to do anything to help us. and that's where we hope. to make it save his family save. right. have a piece he wants to leave his family cannot see his family. even they cannot visit have until now so we hope we can do this and help them to get out of this problem safer list is not hiding his intention to run for president i soon that your
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sympathies are probably on his side your childhood friends as you sad but do you think the libyan people after everything that happened to them over the last eight years and more than forty years before that do you think they would be open to seeing another member of the graphic family in charge i think cephalus them know he has a bigger chance to an election libyan action if they have election i don't know i'm no i'm not sure if they're going to have the election now but if they have the election he's going to when he has a big chance to her to win and to become to the power again because people know they're suffering from many things they're not secu. the. running out of many things and i think they're going to take that they can help the country to make it to become secure and stable country so i think he has a big chance and i think the people they're going to ninety percent of the people
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they're going to be happy if they first met when dr safest them when the election well it's interesting you say that. safely some used to be received very well in the west particularly in britain and it was the british who betrayed him and he's family first if he indeed comes back to power he will need the support of the west to rebuild the country do you think he will be able to put all those grievances he's very painful experience of having his father his brother is murdered do you think he will be able to just put it aside and focus on what's best for the country is he the kind. that kind of person. he is. he will try to hurt the country and take it out of this all. rubbish it's happened now and all the unstable civility in this country i think. safe
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he was not i will not forget about his family of course and his father's and what's happened but he will try to move and take the country out of all this and then when this happen maybe i don't know if he will accept the west have to to help him you know politics change and politics make you to move. let you move on take other save see what you want you don't want to take but that's why things remain you said you were childhood friends and i understand that you perhaps think of him better than most of the people but what makes you believe that save all islam is the right person for libya at this point of time. i think so if islam is a good because for libya now because in his speech two thousand and eleven he gave a good speaker and no one of the libyan listen to this he gives they tell them they're going to suffer from this and this and this what's happening now in libya
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exactly what he say in two thousand and eleven but now if we can talk about this safe dr several islam he he he has a good projects. for libya and he brought it also he tried to work with the west to solve all the straw he'd try to. make like a firmer and also he work with the with. with the west and relays many prisoner likeable gharyan. nurses. the. they help them to get out of jail and also he has working many countries to do. politically they have their political president prison they take him out of the prison and he do many things for to to get libya to be. a new libya and also but after they destroy all the things and destroy his
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projects and you know. he's trying to make good. and you distort for. libya and his ties to working all those things are after suddenly what's happened in libya has just destroyed all this. was his working before for a long time. what's important for libya right now is bring some unity within the many libyan tribes tribes in the east tribes in the tripoli in the north of the country do you think tribes of libero would support a figure like that actually i don't know what action they going to take it but of. support from the west from. europe so i think. everything is going to change but do you think western europe with their average supports a full islam given what they did to your country after all it was france and great
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britain that advocated for the nato bombing. i can see. many things changing. all the country and i think now the they start understanding what's there is a. mistake they are doing it libya before. and now that are suffering from this. this problem and they think they want to solve it and go out of all of this what's happened and so i think they're going to they're going to support and by problem you mean the migration crisis and many many people african migrants who are going through leiby into europe right yes yes like. the migration they go into to italy they have from libya from the sea and you know the many people there are dying and all you know all the sorts have and then you
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see the news and you can see what's happening now and all in europe now this month will mark eight years since that so-called revolution in libya and i know you haven't been to libya since two thousand and eleven but do you do you keep in touch with anyone on the ground you know what's happening in the country how do people leave there what do they think about the changes in libya of course they have many people there living there have my family have i have friends and they have. i mean and they can see the news and them and watching what's happening in libya they feel sorry about that i need my country to be stable again and i need to see the people that are not suffering from all this pin what's happening in libya but what we can do that's happened now i hope it's going to change something change now you are currently in egypt and i know that you will go to another country soon
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where is your home right now and do you have to. care about your own personal security do you have to think about it. actually i'm leaving here in egypt like almost eight years since two thousand and eleven. i'm ok with my family i feel secure it didn't i can not care about anything they don't think so it's going to happen something because i think. anyone is so i don't think they're going to do anything for for my security my life security so. i just leave it for god i can talk about this things libya is clearly not the only victim of the arab spring eight years on how do you think it's fairy compared shoots neighbors which also still mass progress and in some cases foreign interventions but i think what's happened in libya it's not happen in other country only maybe in syria or.
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wasn't an easier before and then syria. egypt and egypt it's under control and syria now it's you see what's happening in syria but libya i think libya. there are having bombing from natl and they're still they start being that they want to save the same people and the civilian people and that's not true because there's nothing happened in two thousand and eleven to let. enough to try and start pumping. many innocent people and many children and we have. destroyed the country and then now they're working out that they want to have libya now is destroyed completely and you can see what's watching and see the news and see what's happening now in libya what's happening now in all the countries really it's similar like libya but it's nothing like what we have and what we have in
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libya since. two thousand and eleven. maybe syria by. well it remains been a very it's been great talking to you thank you very much for your time and i encourage our viewers to keep this conversation going on our social media pages and hope to syria again same place same time here on the walls a part. of . me let me let you go where you know you. it's one of.
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those in one room near mosul boast a billion euros a year was notable to be a very good month but would you. please the please there was the i did my best religion as the white. people. need me just to see if. there's one of those. churches who get minutes from maybe everyone comes. from. the swarms of them so much. good news.
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for those who heard something. we were going. folk move but it. will show you this new video of the liberal media collector a good. movie muslim also this dulce will give you film school good girls. don't go to school so look i do assume you believe it's good to you should go. to startups to. get to meet until it was the middle of the mist they'd say look it is it's. just testing understand just need to mash told. to stop the president and please introduce more students.
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as we have petitions to go to school to snap them up when you look because that is the cousin with you see his supporters to your machine station shouldn't for you should cook door for the one who's doing does the impulse to. get balls to go to the wall following germany if you are that gun chris decided to move ahead. with. fake him to gather you betty for example and they feel to it out of that with you for a level they kind of interrogation that's that's possible i saw it does appear in paula we're not pretty and she would not be part of the change. that's right the stand have seen and hear from us. at all hopeful on what i saw. and out of it i know there are far shot i think there are rather democrats i
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thought the fourth down to kidnap. i'm going to let him but i don't like him then you can keep an eye on what i have to lose you jonathan praful not that i'm. living. with i hate. this whole bush. admin pay i think time in theory has said. he she ought to have a. model for the name after the whole fuck around with mr hate for jim and then we were hoping that our freddie macor.
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