tv News RT February 4, 2019 12:00am-12:30am EST
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they need to hold. up headlines here on r.t. donald trump confirms that sending troops to venezuela to support an opposition leader. is a live option meantime venezuela's president warns of bloody consequences generally is something that's on the it's an option. stop trump hold it right now you're making mistakes they believe your hands covered in blood
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a gift for president putin that's how somber describing washington's decision to suspend a cold war era nuclear treaty with russia. over six hundred women come forward to accuse a brazilian star faith cold. of years of sexual abuse and child trafficking i will speak to one witness to his alleged crimes and i told everybody i when i saw the plane i took the truth of everything i heard it's like your whole world crashes down around you. it is monday morning here in moscow and now just off to a running up your top stories for this hour an international welcome to. donald trump has confirmed that the use of military force in venezuela is one of the
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options being considered as washington box the country's self-proclaimed leader one quite double. what would make you use the u.s. military in venezuela but then i think here say that but certainly it's something that's on the it's an option bought out stop stop trump hold it right now you're making mistakes that will leave your hands covered in blood and you will leave the presidency stained with blood stop would you personally negotiate with nicolas maduro to convince him to exit while he is requested a meeting and i've turned it down because we're very far along in the process you have a a young and energetic gentleman but we will have variance have the capacity for dialogue understanding let's respect ourselves why would you want a repeat of vietnam if you talk about democracy it's really democracy in action eight european union countries have said they would recognize words venezuela's leader if the new presidential elections were not called by sunday with that
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ultimatum has now expired the venezuelan president nicolas maduro has rejected their demand saying the ultimatum would be like him threatening action if spain didn't recognize catalonia instead he's calling early elections not for the presidency it over for the opposition held national assembly. and window has repeatedly accused washington of plotting a coup to overthrow him and of instructing in supporting why don't. look so how the opposition leader who was virtually unknown two weeks ago is now widely being touted as venezuela's legitimate president. every so often you may have noticed the media much of it lose their minds they become obsessed crazed fixated on something to the point of madness and it's happening again the freedom fighter leading his country to democracy why do is investing in the people that revitalized opposition leading the charge to topple the dictator there demanded the
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very heart of venezuela's fight for democracy. why do the media's darling it's an every anchor's prompter on every pundit slips on every tabloid hacks script and they've foregone the whole impartiality thing reuters latin american wing a staple fair and balanced journalism change their twitter background to this picture of one guy due to secret who they're pushing the economist world famous if not entirely balanced or even the pretense of balance there why do isn't the front page portrayed as a champion hero if you squint you might mistake him for the statue of liberty and they want you their readers to know it's ok to interfere in venezuela's affairs because it's for a good cause it was democracy is the right to seek change. the question is how
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democracy is a nubile gone people power or the democracy usually means installing the guy that's friendliest with the west but just a coincidence perhaps oddly enough considering how angry america became and the mere suspicion that russia interfered in its internal affairs elections you would think that they wouldn't want to interfere in others' internal affairs and you'd be wrong no washington is hinting that military. into the vention to get their guy on the throne it's clear at this point that's what is happening in venezuela has already been decided i wish him a long quiet retirement on a pretty beach far from venezuela and the sooner he takes advantage of that the center is likely to have a nice quiet retirement on a pretty beach rather than being in some other beach area like guantanamo there is
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an agenda in the air mission to accomplish and they're pushing for it one of the media in washington think tanks and activists who know how the so often ends as a long and bloody history of america's into then sions in latin america they pushed the change they got their way all be it to the huge cost let's just hope that doesn't happen in venezuela. we talked to the only un a visit even as well or in twenty one years. says the un should look into the threat of military intervention. what concerns me here is not just that the united states is breaking international law it does regularly systematically there's a tradition of. latin american states we have. too many right wing. in latin america that have been financed and have
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been organized by the united states only in first day in venezuela's oil in venezuela golden box and called and that's all it is the idea is a looting campaign similar to all the destruction of iraq in two thousand and three of the destruction of libya in two thousand and eleven is basically only money if there is an attack. from colombia and brazil or made it where. the logistical or all the support from washington that there will be a jumble war and tens of thousands of vets and that of course it's a matter for the united nations it's a matter for and tony harris is a matter for me shelve actually to address now and to call for yet another emergency meeting all the security council because that united states is wrapped in
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rain with the use of force. a gift for president putin that's how some of describing america's decision to suspend a key nuclear treaty with russia the agreement between the two countries was signed in one thousand nine hundred seven and bad old land based ballistic on cruise missiles and launchers with a short to intermediate range is gone old quarter examines how the treaty suspension has been received. trump's decision to pull out of the i.n.f. treaty has come under fire from some of his fellow americans u.s. withdrawal may not be such a good idea they say and is actually a gift to russia so benefits most from the u.s. backing out of this treaty and lot of important russia has actually wanted to dissolve that treaty for some time so really playing the fence gift to vladimir putin this is going to be a gift to vladimir putin in russia why because it will allow russia to produce new
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ballistic missiles legally moscow has long been warning of increased armament between the two nuclear powers and after failing to reach any kind of understanding with washington vladimir putin said the time for empty talks is over. for many years we have proposed disarmament talks with our initiatives have not found the support of our partners in fact they always find a pretext for dismantling the global security system moscow says it's purely defensive after all it's not russia building missile systems along the u.s. border but america is convinced russia started it with its own violations of the i.n.f. treaty to this day russia remains in material breach of its treaty obligations russia's violation russia has jeopardized the united states' security interests russia's shamelessly violates the russians are in violation of the agreement there's no mistaking that the russians have chosen to not comply with the treaty of
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washington's official beef is with this particular system but see russia says that it's in full compliance with the demands of the treaty moscow was even ready for reciprocal inspections of nuclear facilities but washington acted as if nothing happened. we will put on president a transparency that goes far beyond their obligations according to this treaty to convince the american that we don't reach the agreement. crushed by the americans and we got another ultimatum but withdrawing from the. treaty actually opened a whole range of possibilities for the u.s. to perfect their own missiles for example this bad boy it's much smaller than your average nuke but also much better for conventional usage production already started back in september and the donald has promised there's more where that came from we will move forward with developing our own military response options and will work with nato and other allies and partners to deny russia any military advantage from
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its unlawful conduct of course russia has many powerful weapons of its own conventional and nuclear but just having the ability to defend yourself isn't usually a cause for alarm so who benefits from leaving a treaty that was supposed to stop the world from nuclear annihilation this whole crazy russia gate thing which has been peddled primarily by the democratic party to avoid facing the fact that deep social inequality that they helped orchestrate gave rise to a figure like trump. so yeah i mean they're going to twist anything to make it to the advantage of a lot of money and that's what they do i don't understand how this is to the advantage of russia any more than it is to the united states they'll be no limits on u.s. and russian nuclear forces and that will inevitably trigger an arms race to the
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detriment of russia and to the detriment of us and the detriment of humanity the only group that benefits from it in the united states are the weapons manufacturers that stand to make a lot of money. over six hundred women have come forward to accuse prominent brazilian faith healer john of god of sexual abuse and human trafficking the seventy seven year old who was detained two months ago on two rape charges and i gently used women who were. came to him for treatment as slaves at his rural mines and the wave of testimonies began off the activist sabrina britton court came forward with allegations against john of god earlier last week she claims that he was heavily involved in international child trafficking receiving large sums of money and gems as payment plus they mostly added women were used as sex slaves they were usually black low income and live close to john of god's illegal properties in
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return for food they were impregnated and the babies sold off to do you really and us the girls were aged between fourteen and eighteen. he has denied old allegations against him his practices gained international fame when names like oprah winfrey and bill clinton came to visit one of his so-called healing centers a place where it's now alleged slaves were kept. thousands of pilgrims have visited him and. one of the most famous spiritual healers in the world rarely talks to anyone on camera john of god agreed to sit down with me under mingled tree on the grounds of the casa. a group of his patients gather to watch.
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my father is a monster he took me to his room took my clothes off and i found a very strange then i asked him what are you doing and he said i'm going to perform a spiritual work on you that's when all hell broke loose in my life and friend of mine introduced me to john of god three months of time i joined he started abusing me i was sixteen he would take my panties off and do it that's how i got back and i asked for his house and he gave me some medicine i thought it was a form of treatment but it was meant to kill my baby. i was very big tree of this barefoot healer and brazil i was also at torquay so i
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went from two thousand and two to two thousand and eight taking groups there not so much to be healed i was never a part of the cause i was a true tour guide although victims had been telling stories about him being inappropriate their stories for us and put to put his sites or hysteria or or making it out or wanting to have sex with him when i saw with my own eyes the troops everything i heard it's like your whole world crashes down around you. and the woman you're seeing emmy bianca's also one of the first to publicly come forward about witnessing jones' alleged abuses she's an american who was working as a tour guide in brazil and advertised jones spiritual center as a tourist attraction and she has she shared with some disturbing stories of what has allegedly been happening that. i actually just was crying i told everybody i
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have. and then i got death threats so i was told that a white woman in brazil can disappear and nobody will ever find her that i should go i should leave i shouldn't talk anymore to anybody about this. this was from people who worked at record for joe out there workers who are there they knew what was happening and i'm relatively sure a number of the town people knew there were signs i mean i would see people with little girls standing outside the door he had a special right outside he had a special place and then they would go in for their private healing and the parents would be sitting outside i talked to one of the workers and she after i had blown the whistle on him and before i left in twenty eight i she told me that. she started to cry this worker she said oh my god i would like. to present the
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mouse a little girl. and now i realize it was the jacket. after a twelve consecutive weekend protests in france president emmanuel mccrone is under attack from his political rivals marine le pen who heads the national rally party accuses him of peddling conspiracy theories rather than tackling the crisis at all and only function music speak when he explains to blasted yellows vaster manipulated from abroad yes of course it's conspiracy theory and it's rather disturbing to see some to really do this from the president of the republic this is above all about his wish to never doubt himself it's always all others yellow vests russia the united states everyone except him. le pen was reacting to mock wrongs claims of the unrest across france as being a start up by. external forces social protection. once upon
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a time there was a spontaneous social movement in france that the people revolted against and on the president's coming down with them. and thousands injured but the people kept protesting and just their cries rang out loud respect for the president diminished he declared he would travel across the land and listen to all they would get by no it wasn't enough and the people stayed on the streets ok the president said one day if i can't beat you i'll join you for yellow vests means being for higher paid work and a more efficient parliament than i am a yellow vest it didn't quite go to plan so the president touched a new idea they decided to blame outside influence he pointed his finger to the east and said it's those pesky russians and their leader who are the problem not me
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people overinvested online are the true extremes these are the people who buy accounts who troll this is russia today. look since december the leading internet movements are no longer being fam it's russia today. but the people weren't boy they had watched the news from this outside influence and found it to be fair. the powers that be continue to point their finger to the east telling their children to be wary of the stories that they weaved and that if they were. able to feel safe on the ground there are still teen we see on t.v. i want. one of the interesting things that michael said about and i think also sputnik he claimed that these were the media that are being followed on social networks if they go on to r.t. as in my. michael says they are then that proves that they like what they find the
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idea that this should somehow be a cause for worry or you know proof that they are somehow fifth columnist just shows how dangerously or thora tarion the french regime is becoming he's scared he is a pure creation of the media. and we can see now that the bubble has burst and that his opinion ratings of very low that he feels it mends resentment at the fact that. stealing the headlines when he wants to have the headline now is the president struggle to get a hold of the chaos in his country the russians were the perfect villains since the president had long haul that distrust of the we have evidence of facts coming from the show give evidence of some very well known recent looks like. moles russia today in sputnik were organs of influence that produce things that were contrary to the truth about myself and my campaign so the president said his people had been
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misled by the czar of the east that the protests were not real and his subjects were rather naive and the news outlets across the land this brand new tale the french media he would one small be beloved across the hills and dales but this story is not yet over the book is not yet closed the president remains that men the people oppose. i still to come here on the program on r t a public backlash in sweden after security officers forcibly remove a heavily pregnant black woman without a valid ticket from a subway train much much more just. make this manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling class
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is protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts and the the one percent. we can all middle of the room see. these balls to go to the one for your. money if you are that gun trees decide to move ahead. with. the king to be very focused and they free. you from level. that's that's false signal so it does not prove she will be part of the change.
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your monday stores her a nazi there is outcry in sweden after security officers forcibly removed a heavily pregnant black woman without a valid ticket from a subway train and the incident has raised questions about the treatment of minorities in our country often seen as a beacon of tolerance. was. a pregnant woman who was shopping in protest while offices well they did down to the bench at one point officials say she was later taken. ambulance to hospital and she said that she was afraid that her baby might die and the incident occurred days after an investigative t.v. programme on racial profiling in the country was in it swedes with foreign
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backgrounds allege they have been treated in disparaging ways by police now off to the video went viral two security guards were suspended the police are investigating the incident social science professor. told us that the problem of racism should be tackled politically. so happened these two a while. upper class woman i don't think so. probably they will treat her in another way people with mike on background space and. the suits in the black community treated very very badly of course they are much more aggressive against non white people police guards doing a racial profile. regarding security issue than you can by lead your rights are very very slim because you don't have the ticket among the top must be really
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really thought only from waste it is swarth to have tensions in society in this way there are very much on people of. non-white skin the question of structural discrimination racism and sweden should be political first of all because this is a political problem. italian government is split over a planned high speed rail link between france and italy leaders can't decide whether this project has a future or not a dispute comes against a backdrop of deteriorating relations between france and italy.
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and we have a migrant crisis in part because some e.u. countries like france have never stopped colonizing africa or become i don't understand one micron accuses our government of being racist and selfish he needs to stop insulting italy and. there is a degree of cynicism and irresponsibility in the italian government's behavior with regard to this dramatic humanitarian situation. but it is clear that today indeed there is a strong opposition between nationalists and progressives and i will not give anything away to nationalists and to those who deliver hate speech. cronies rapidly losing consensus very arrogant he thinks he can use it to me as a scapegoat to save face.
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if they see me as their main opponent their right. in the hope the french can free themselves of this terrible president. as an educated person but really he probably just drinks too much champagne. well carlos if former interim prime minister things that weakness will be italy's advantage he's the guest on the latest edition of us so if you're in co you can watch the full program a bit later this hour is a short preview. those they said vinie and the mio they hope that my cause weakness will be their strength so it's these other docs from france i don't think that but i think are very useful also because they lost a lot of the most things i want about these fries and not freak out and they're all
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all this see if a franca or. was not understood by italian people first of all and did not have the substantive baze it i think it was just i think the five star movie that perhaps they don't even. understand what they wore the sure that was it was a in my you a blonde a mistake to thought that france on the east he said he first saw you way and. started venial be my day see france in trouble because of. your own well that was a local friendly italy's former interim prime minister joining azziz sophie co and that program actually starts next.
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you know world of big. lot and conspiracies it's time. to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. the us in order to guarantee. by the population well. that's clearly on the march and the population is ready for it we know they were. going to get ready for their get ready to be controlled.
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