tv Boom Bust RT February 5, 2019 7:30pm-8:01pm EST
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and as to the impact on all of us i'm bart hilton in washington and we're sure glad you're on board thanks for being with us coming up today to the block chain break down and look at digitization of assets with these are more oil plus we hit on some big time earnings last time but today we dig deeper and do more with danielle shea of simpler trading and later we analyze balancing a free market with free speech as social media censorship of hate speech taking hold molly barrows joins us that's all in our site but first we had a right to some headlines let's go to. the lunar new year lead to our global report today as market mover china begins the first asian holiday shopping season since the start of the trade conflict with the united states the year of the pig the chinese zodiac the boer in japan and tibet will be inaugurated with the traditional fireworks which market watchers hope will be sufficient to ward off bad luck as
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well as some more tangible recent signs of a slowdown in chinese economic growth as well as lighting the burden of the lingering conflict with the u.s. china's largest trading partner an estimated four hundred million chinese will travel home to be with family and one of the largest mass migrations on earth and chinese consumers reportedly spent as much as one hundred forty billion dollars billion with the be in the two thousand and eighteen holiday shopping season will keep an eye to see if this year's results are similar to the pigs purported prowess to bring wealth and good fortune to a lucrative holiday season. and speaking of the lunar new year chinese trade negotiators may be signaling a desire to turn the page on diplomacy with china with canada in the new year with an offer of the tongue in the case of the jailed chief financial officer of controversial chinese tech giant wall way canadian authorities are holding the c.f.o. ms meg one jew who an extradition request from the u.s. authority moved a wall and. tradition requests move through the canadian courts the u.s.
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requested that extradition at a new year festival in ottawa the deputy chief of china's mission to canada said quote we hope to strengthen communication with the canada side in the new year remove obstacles and work hard to push china canada bilateral relations back to the correct development track. and turning to the tax avoidance beat that's a new beat we have here boom bust the tax avoidance beat apple has reached a settlement of its back tax debt in france apple's reportedly agreed to pay five hundred million euros that's about five hundred seventy million dollars to resolve the latest of several official challenges to apple's notably aggressive anti-tax strategies which have run afoul of european regulators last september as you may recall apple reached a similar deal with the european union to pay more than thirteen billion euros about fifteen point four billion dollars to the irish treasury in that case the european commission found in twenty sixteen that ireland's tax treatment of apple
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between two thousand and three and two thousand and fourteen was so inappropriately lax that it gave apple a significant competitive advantage that it constituted illegal state aid german authorities also have moved to investigate apple and perhaps attempts to recover taxes that case is still pending. french tax avoiders seem to have less to fear fuel tax protesters are likely to face greater legal jeopardy after the expected approval of a so-called anti records law by the national assembly the law would enable french authorities to suspend the rights of specific individuals to protest as well as making it illegal to wear a mask while protesting at least two members of the political party build around president mccrone the republic marsh party have criticized the law and reported last time the yellow bus protesters have increasingly cited repressive responses from authorities on their list of grievances meanwhile mr mccrone is. government
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may have need to resort to use that new law as yellow best protesters have for the first time allied with the french labor movement specifically the general confederation of labor or c g t a coalition of unions tens of thousands of combined yellow vest and c g t protesters march in a handful of cities to jointly protest in equable tax burdens and increasingly on livable wages. and this is going to be fun we now move to take a look at block chain and how it's revolutionizing finance and to do so we are pleased to be joined by nice moyle she's a partner at republic lends a venture capitalist and like me i'm pleased to say a contributor to ford's new so welcome thank you for being with us thank you so much for having me ok so let's start with securities and you've written about this i read all your forwards contributing blog but let's start with securities you
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wrote a really compelling case i mean how are they being digitized and what are the benefits tell all the boom busters. absolutely and thank you for having me so the digitization of real assets is proliferating right now which is very exciting there are a lot of different benefits to this i like to call it three categories number one is crowdfunding on steroids so now you you. issue are capital formation you can reach globally you can offer your offering to people that would never ever see it before so that's number one number two is the promise of liquidity so as these digitized assets reach their exchanges that are being built right now you'll be able to buy and sell them just like you buy the buy and sell any certificate of stock number three is after the initial issuance you
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have what's called the automation of the process of managing your investors so that's completely a great use case for change right there you will be able to do proxy voting or dividend issuance or just manager cap table on the block chain. all those things are really exciting both the crowdfunding liquidity i totally get that could you talk about the automation a little bit more i mean how that would actually work. so basically right now for instance let's say you wanted to. ward the facebook's shareholders that have held the stuff the longest there's no way for you to do that right now because there's thousands of shareholders so when you have a digital security issue. you'll know exactly who the holders are you'll be able
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to find out who held the stock who held your share the longest and reward. in ways and there will be governance changes that never happen could be imagined right now and right now you know that's that's information that actually wouldn't be out there right now. that's right you know really really insightful talk more broadly if you would about digitization of assets going forward outside i mean including but outside of securities also. right absolutely so the industry is very nascent the infrastructure is being built up as we speak so everything from primary issuance to transfer agents to custodians to settlements and exchanges. all of that is being built right now we've seen a bunch of security tokens already hitting the market and expect that to go up by a factor of ten this year at least. we see the low hanging fruit being real estate
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there been a number of trophy property is that i've already been fractionalized in their ownership issued raised money and tradable at this moment there are other assets to massive securitized as well as for for instance are where art or people talk about. that that's already been something that's been tokenized raise money for and trade as well so there's a lot of different sets can be benefit from this technology and we'll start to see more and more of those assurances. you know. when i think about i think about sort of nutty things i'd never thought of before like debt gems and diamonds being digitized so it's a whole world out there and you wrote another really insightful piece not too long ago on health and your headline was
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a real attention grabber it was something like block change can make you healthier and wealthier we've only got about a minute but explain your concept and maybe you'll explain in more detail later but give us a quick thirty seconds on it. yeah i think i always like to point out the positive use cases of bluff and amidst all the bad news. so basically our health care system costs are rising the number of people who have coverage is decreasing and the. patience is really valuable but consumers don't get compensated at all for sharing it right now so one company i wrote about was game five the way they solve for this is the incentive people to live a healthier lifestyle through world war like kind of frequent flyer more reward for a healthy lifestyle and you get these tokens issued to you in game cash and then you can spend. on other things so really getting rewarded for sharing your
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medical information and living a healthier lifestyle i think is one great use case boils thank you so much nice on how insightful and great thank you we hope you'll come back brigit your time. thank you for having me. and time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return danielle shade of simpler trading joins us to look at some interesting earnings news and molly barrows to help us analyze balancing a free market with three speeches social media censorship of hate speech is taking hold as we go to break here's a new marrows at the closing bell we will be back in a flash. shows seemed wrong. but old rules just don't. let me.
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welcome back u.s. president donald trump reportedly has settled on a nominee to replace jenny kim as president of the world bank mr trump is expected to name david moore per se noted critic of the bank former chief economist for bear stearns bank and currently an official in the trump treasury department to replace mr kim who decided to leave the world bank presidency with three years left. in his term under a largely unspoken gentlemen's agreement and they were all men unfortunately europe and the united states have shared the power over top post at the world bank's international financial institutions or eyes with europe choosing the head of the international monetary fund and the us assuming the parag to choose the world bank president those protocols are under increasing pressure from within and without the institutions mr maule press has claimed that is including the world bank have become too intrusive inside the bank the world bank group staff association has already released an open letter to the executive directors of presidential success
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and process in which the staff gently suggested a change to the succession protocol writing that the bank quote must seek actively candidates from the wide range of talent that the international community has to offer. and if you paid a d.n.a. testing service to tell you something about where your ancestors came from we may have some unwelcome news for you family tree d.n.a. a company which has marketed its test to consumers concerned about privacy has been sharing its database for over two years with federal and local law enforcement officials including some from the federal bureau of investigation the f.b.i. who are seeking to solve crimes according to a bombshell report by buzz feed houston based family tree is believed to hold more than two million genetic or records and volunteered to give the f.b.i. access to more than a million of those samples family tree says customers can opt out of the familial matching feature that makes their genetic information available to crime
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investigators but that would also disable one of family trees most popular and lucrative futures. germany's economy minister is stepping into the controversy over the role of state started chinese firms huawei and familiar take the tech from wall way of course and similar firms in building state of the are high speed five g. internet infrastructure abroad the unit. added states and some allies have expressed concerns about the security and integrity of five g. systems if while way were to be involved suggesting that while wait technology may contain back doors for the chinese state the german minister peter ault meyer said earlier today that germany's criteria for judging contract bitters are transparent and sufficient to guarantee the integrity of the hardware and associated systems mr all seems to have been inspired to clarify after chancellor angela merkel said she expected wall way to offer assurances on data security as a condition for any contract work. and we now move to look at more earnings
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reports to see how companies are doing and today we are going to do a bit of a lightning round and get through a lot here to lend her expertise we are once again joined by danielle shay of simpler trading hey danielle how you doing get arianna i couldn't be better because you're here with us and you always are so insightful on these things you know we covered the top line number yesterday because when the show was starting alphabet google's parrot the top line numbers came out and they beat expectations but i would be remiss if i didn't ask you about your take on alphabet danielle. definitely so look at alphabet i mean first of all i would say that alphabet traded higher going into the earnings report and i would have said that it was a little bit extended going into that report so typically when you're looking at that on a technical basis the report needs to blow it needs to blow it out of the water on every single point for it to maintain that price so essentially i am bullish google
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i like google in the long term to the upside of but because there were a few pieces of the report that weren't perfect it sagged a little bit today however in the long run i think google's incredibly stable i think that especially some of the newer service offerings such as the cloud their hardware saying mint and then of course gees we those are really innovative products and i think that in the long run it's going to continue to carry google higher excellent ok let's do a lightning round let's start with a.d.m. archer daniels midland the supermarket the world they like to say what do you think about them. so overall i like the technical chart and especially if we can resolve issues with china you know being an agricultural stock i think that that can definitely carry higher later on in the year it was sagging a little bit this month but overall i like the pattern and like the stock that they dropped they dropped a little today on their earnings report
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a little bit i you know when you look at those five days charts and they go along and they you know go down you can you can see it there it's really remarkable and like you were saying about apple danielle you know that may get back the next day or may not how about b.p. how about british petroleum. so british petroleum is actually my favorite out of the energy stocks especially in comparison to exxon or chevron i do consider them to be the phoenix the strongest of the bunch and especially when something when a stock like this gaps up after earnings on such a stronger port. i simply look for that to continue to new highs particularly you know some of the oil companies have had some some problems you know with with with prices lower although they've come back a little bit the last few few weeks we had i think the highest in two months. yesterday and it touched the highest brant crude touched the highest in two months before it fell back yesterday so that's improving but still way down from that
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eighty dollars per barrel level so then doing well is quite a thing all right continuing the lightning round let's do two together since i'm talking so much less to estee lauder and ralph lauren if you might. definitely so looking at both of those and you know i have to take i have to talk about these in two separate ways because first of all you have the stock aspect is that a good time to buy them after they have had such a positive report gaffed up on earnings well first of all i would say that the fact the fact that they did that proves that yes year over year they're showing growth there are strong company typically i don't look to get into a long stock buy directly. after a gap up but i do love trading it in options on a short term basis so we call it the two x. move and typically want to stock it makes twice the market maker expected move after earnings on a gap up like that it's a really good time to come in and buy some options for a few days at
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a time but you know of the two i would definitely go with estée lauder looks a lot stronger on a technical basis the two x. and just for a few days that's very interesting strategy dan you know before we go disney these numbers are coming out like right now so i have you probably have a chance to look at anything because you're doing t.v. with me life but you know what do we know about disney how we should we be looking at them going forward what do you think about them. so disney is a little bit tough for me on a technical basis just because i find the chart to be rather choppy and back and forth so on a short term basis i generally like to avoid it disney and i mean i love disneyland the love taking my son there and think obviously the high prices that they charge in the long run in the long run and it will continue higher but what are the earnings reports say would they be. yeah i don't know i think they were expected to
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beat but i'm not sure when the done but we'll get to it more tomorrow on the program and let everybody know danielle thank you so much for being with us we appreciate you having a little game with us there doing the lightning round you do handle them well adeptly as always daniel j. the director of options at simpler trading thanks danielle thank you. and in an effort to crack down on hate speech social media companies like facebook twitter and you tube or attempting to regulate content in the european union for example european commission says that seventy two percent of hate speech has already been removed but regulating a free market of free speech is proving to be costly especially for some content creators molly barrows contributor with america of lawyers joins us now with more hey molly how you doing great part how are you oh i couldn't be better couldn't be better now this is such an interesting subject i mean social media outlets are
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cracking down on speech hate speech but you know how's it working out so far. well it's such a convoluted complicated problem i mean basically for many years social media outlets excepted hate speech is just the cost of doing business now they don't regulate it because of the slew of controversies that we have seen it could cost them in the form of fines viewers or even public support so as long as they keep growing users though they could keep growing profits and it's a balancing act in an effort to respond to these recent controversies of course involving fake news and spread of hateful or false stories some social media sites are changing their business models like you tube but the new rules that they create are kind of making it harder for smaller contributors to make money so going back to you tube it has expanded their team that moderates policy violations and started manually manually vetting rather big channels for ad friendliness because these advertisers don't want their ads popping up on video that is some sudden how going
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to get them back in the face are going to get a backlash from some negative content so they're they're monitoring these channels for ad friendliness to make sure it doesn't have any hate speech or negative content under these new guidelines so channels need to have a thousand subscribers and four thousand hours of watch times in the last year to be eligible for that sort of vetting for that sort of ad revenue betting to be monitored so as a result a lot of the smaller channels have a lot harder time getting advertisers and making money because they don't meet these eligibility requirements right out the gate so before they just needed ten thousand total views to run ads now they've got a jump through these hoops and it's making it more difficult for smaller content creators to get on the map with advertisers it's very interesting so how are other countries handling this and we talk a little bit about the e.u. and the u.s. but generally how are our nation right on with this. well it's interesting in the european union so gosh couple of years ago now they passed a law that allows basically requires companies like facebook you tube and twitter
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to abide by a code of conduct and the goal was to counter illegal hate speech online and they say so far it's been doing pretty good they just came out with a report giving an update that basically what their code of conduct entailed is that the requirement that they had to meet companies had to have an effective process in place to review notifications of illegal hate speech so they could remove or disable them and the companies are monitored for her affectively they comply with those rules and so far these says they've been pretty good the justice commissioner said they're reacting to most cases within twenty four hours and are moving the content about seventy percent of the time so you also have germany and a lot of countries are watching what germany did they passed a law just about one year ago they require social media companies to remove banned content within twenty four hours or they face fines of the equivalent of sixty two million dollars so we'll see how well that goes a lot of countries are watching that because that has some teeth right they can give them more money in their pockets if they don't abide by it but it's a balancing act you know the social media outlets they're making money off a lot of this content as well even as socially they don't like it or their
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advertisers don't like it so i know molly they they had to sign. agreement whatever it was the you know year or two ago that said that they wouldn't do this the statement that you spoke about but this really seems like the you know the bigger companies twitter. face based book you know they're in they're in the spotlight they're the ones that get called before congress or parliament european commission but as you're talking about earlier some of these smaller companies really is sort of gives them a competitive disadvantage doesn't it. it absolutely does i mean they're stuck trying to play with the big dogs again going back to another story i actually covered not too long ago you know you've got facebook and google which are eating up all the ad revenue anyway so they're basically controlling where a lot of smaller companies. might pursue online ad that newspapers for example going to use all the last with reporters there they can hardly attract any
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advertisers because they're going to facebook and google so they control so much of the content they control so much of the advertising and when they change rules like this when they've been marketing to all these companies say the future is online the future is in social media get your businesses out there and yet now they're raising the bar for the smaller companies to reach and they're only spending their time monitoring the content of the bigger channels so if it's effectively pushing a lot of these smaller upstart out but you know where there's a will there's a way because there are so many options i'm sure there are folks that are going to try to find a way to get around those and not have to line up with some of these bigger companies in the rules that potentially undermine their business they always do try to get around don't log in the g.d.p. we've spoke about it many times it's a good law and i'm glad they got it in place but people will be the rascal he'll be trying to run it molly barrows contributor for america thank you for your time molly. thanks bart. and that's it for this time but i want to give you some disney
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numbers there we spoke about it with danielle and i thought that they might have beat expectations that's what people expected a little bit before the show and they did on one hundred one point of fifteen point three billion dollars in revenue they beat expectations that's a dollar eighty four per share on the stuck so they beat the expectations we will talk about that again next time and that is for that is it for this time here thanks for being with us you've got boom bust on you tube dot com slash boom bust r.t. we'll see you next time. with no make this manufacture consent to step into the public well. when the ruling
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class is protect themselves. with the famous merry go round listen to the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. real news. in a world of big partisan muck and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now. for watching closely watching the hawks.
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this is a stick from a water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad was there the litter bugs are throwing us away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. as it sits to cook out so six feet in may look at scenes will set for something to replace the classic sikorsky on my end on a day when you don't set a special projects funded he tells it to. me on the line your best bet is the end of a footy team but for now the mountains of waste only grow higher. just .
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