tv News RT February 6, 2019 1:00pm-1:31pm EST
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a plea for help in the us it's also coming up a toxic atmosphere of bullying and harassment a damning report lays bare the working conditions of the world and human rights organization on this the international following two employees suicide. as facebook turned fifteen its founder months a defense of the social media platform arguing it's helped to connect and then power people across the world. live from moscow to the world this is r.t. international my name's you know neal good to have your company in our top story this hour the head of the e.u. council cuts among the pigeons by saying there is a special place in hell for people who promoted brags it. without
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a plan let's say how about as or when down europe correspondent peter robert has been following reaction to this peter the clock is ticking towards that march twenty ninth deadline such descriptive language might not i suspect hasten the process tell us more. well yes i think certainly the european council president letting off a little steam at a press conference he was giving in brussels earlier on wednesday pulled no punches and left nobody with any question what he thought about those who pushed the brakes of campaign who supported briggs it who told people to vote for break this without ultimately having a plan to follow through on the dream. work that special place. in the looks like for those who promoted it without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it safely. well he was stood alongside the irish
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prime minister leo varadkar while he was saying that at the end of the press conference the mikes did pick up the irish leaning in and saying the british press are going to give you plenty of stick for this they've done exactly that we'll get a bit of the reaction from politicians first though andreea led some who's the leader of the house of commons said that dalton must apologize while the british home secretary has said that he was out of order this is also being accompanied by well every arch breaks a tear in the british press that it's a round clip showing their pearls rending garments and saying see see this this is why we told you we wanted to leave because they're mean to us and they say mean things. times has really been the good cop when it comes to relations dealings with the british side over break this time around though after his statements about a special place in hell it fell to the european commission president john claude
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younker to try and lighten the spirits a little bit although only he could manage ship it dark humor really. i'm. going to. use to only believe you know. opposite in hell. i believe you now have a. novice who know how to. do my job here. well this is all provided a bit of distraction from the actual business of brigs this on wednesday there was some announcements made the statement made by john quote younker the european commission president saying that there would be no allowances for britain to unilaterally pull out of an irish box stuck. to reason may is in brussels on thursday for more talks and we are fifty one days out from britain leaving as it would be at the moment with the no deal breaker that is everything that. causes all
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guns very religious all of a sudden arsonists are to europe correspondent peter all of our bring us right up to date thanks pete doherty. a leading global human rights group is being accused by its own stuff of bullying discrimination and abuse of power the international is one of the world's oldest humanitarian groups but a review of its workplace practices has revealed the toxic culture. there are multiple reports of managers belittling staff in meetings deliberately excluding certain staff from reporting or making demeaning menacing comments like here or you should quit if you seen this position your life will be misery well the well being review was launched after two honesty employees committed suicide within six weeks of each other about was last year at ruth's lynn mcgregor worked as an intern is said to have developed anxiety during her time with the humanitarian group
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researcher gaetan moved to was that on the stay for more than thirty years and blame the organization for pressures of work before taking his own life with more on the review here is on the sea of her commitment. we're facing a situation where this world renowned human rights organization amnesty international is in the headlines for all the wrong reasons following revelations about a quote talk saying work culture in this organization that was discovered by an independent review carried out by the cantera group consultancy that found that things like bullying public humiliation nepotism discrimination over work are widespread at amnesty international this was discovered following interviews and discussions with as many as seventy percent of staff and the situation has been
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described as quote a state of emergency or it has to do with the atmosphere and working culture in the organization that is very isolating i've never before worked in the place where everyone works so alone it's because of a system where everyone they scared stressed and overworked and thus can only focus on their own survival. there was a real culture of bullying right up until i left several years ago particularly of middle managers well this review found also what it described to be as martyrdom culture because of this reputation and status that amnesty international has throughout the world and according to this review the credibility of this organization could now come under question and the organization the touts protecting human rights as its mission but is itself mired in a conflict will an adversarial culture will lose credibility as organizational rifts and evidence of nepotism and hypocrisy become public knowledge they will be
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used by the government and other opponents of amnesties work to undercut or dismiss amnesties advocacy around the world fundamentally jeopardizing the organization's mission and terms of some numbers that were provided it was said that as many as over fifty percent of employees feel like they're not valued and as many as thirty nine percent have developed health and or mental issues as a result of the work that they do and in terms of the reaction we've seen from amnesty we know that they have found these conclusions troubling and have said that they will try to carry out some kind of reforms and all of this of course gets revealed following two suicides of employees of amnesty international that took place back in twenty thousand within six weeks of each other that prompted a series of reviews including this latest one. as
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facebook turns fifteen its funder has published them in persian defense of the social media platform mark zuckerberg claims his site has been a force for good how to revolutionize the ways in which people communicate well level comes as the company faces increasing scrutiny over how it's humbling users personal information. this has been an intense year. yeah mark wouldn't say that for nothing last year personal data mined from nearly eighty seven million facebook users transferred face for data to cambridge and lived in violation of fair use for its data policy the largest security breach in the company's history this is this is a challenge for our cloud companies and i'm really sorry that this happened and it was a big mistake i'm sorry you think having to do so much damage control must have definitely taken its toll on facebook but apart from their fiftieth anniversary mark
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zuckerberg and co have another great reason to throw a big party not only they didn't lose money actually they've set a record in profit for the final three months of twenty teeing it almost reached seven billion bucks privacy issues illegal datta harvesting and not doing enough about what the russians were up to all attempts to bring the tech giant to account made people on capitol hill realize the many many times that marks our cover has had to apologize and the takeaway for me for that is that we can't rely on self-regulation the facebook is not going to regulate itself and that we have to pass some laws well for now realizing and saying that way too often hasn't led to much action is facebook really being regulated the answer is no and with all that big money could they care less well to keep enjoying that comfort at least for now
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they once hired some very smart and influential people like joe kaplan as the president said in his remarks president the president the president laid out in his speech yes here's george w. bush and here's mr kaplan he used to have an important job in the second bush administration and here you can see what he's up to now being called facebook's policy boss who else would be behind shoulder at all these troublesome government hearings. now that is him again alongside mariah jordan the tech giant's director of public policy guess what she worked for the white house administration to anything from the democrat era there you have it . he was once in charge of writing what president obama says here they are.
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an american century. welcoming. of everybody who was spiers to do something oh that was emotional well nowadays his dealing with economic and social impact issues at face book and that's just a few such career twist examples it helps to know people i mean even better if the people you know no more right people. it's a story we are closely following today the venice wieland interior ministry has claimed the country's authorities have intercepted a weapons shipment alleging they were delivered from the us the cash included high caliber ammunition and rifles on charges as well as radio and mobile communication equipment were discovered on an international airport in the city of lindsay and it's being claimed the shipment arrived from miami the bus times being called part
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of a crackdown on organized crime and financing terror with an investigation underway to determine who was choose to receive that weapons well let's get some insights on this sunday current political analyst concentrating on venice with a look as good to have you with us if caracas is allegations about the source of the weapons shipment is true alarming is this. this is very alarming you should consider that c.n.n. reported just a little while ago that the dissident venezuelan military officers outside of the country were calling on the trumpet ministrations to provide them with arms and training in order to topple moderate and of course this rick brings us back to the u.s. in support of the contra war the d.n.a. code i went mercenaries with a bed in it that i was when i created under elliott abrams as secretary of western hemisphere was now with brought back to oversee that as well as quote unquote democratic transition in the trumpet ministration moreover we were saying we just
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the morning star reported just today that the british military advisers may be in particular as the ducting military exercises both of them as well and additionally trump indicated on sunday that u.s. military intervention and as well it remains quote unquote an option i don't know it all not a life point just on the point lucas he's not ruled out sending troops to find us with us so therefore with not in mind how close are we to a full scale military intervention here. well we have to think about what scenarios are like at this moment and the opposition has been openly has called upon right after one of my daughter has. been an interior as a term president on the twenty third of january and immediately a letter and agreement with the u.s. secretary of state to receive humanitarian aid or independence and violation of that as well to governments on sovereignty and to the tune of twenty million dollars now there's been indications this aid is going to be delivered stored
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outside of the country is going to be delivered by truck into the country soon and this clearly is a provocation that was about as a government a very difficult position because they had a bit. of a judgment it does allow the a comment. i'm just thinking about what nicolas maduro lucas is thinking how he's reacting to this he says he will not allow a military intervention to happen saying that it would be a repeat of the vietnam war he sent that message to the americans didn't they but one thing is always important such a situation who controls the military does he still have their support. i think from what we know publicly that. the defense minister and all of the generals and the high command who actively manage their loyalty to the president the democratically elected president and body by novel i write a member of the ruling socialist party was in stature on tuesday morning catcher
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stayed on the water with colombia on the bridge and he took videos with the local mayor measure the force is there such and loyalty to the government this is the same bridge we're probably going to attempt a great humanitarian aid over what and the question is this is this humanitarian aid being brought by the u.s. agency for international development which has long financed and as well as right wing opposition at the time to overthrow the government so the madonna government at the new york times reports the other day this is a ninety percent political effort to test the oil asters in a little. if the soldiers were allowed to come through it which obviously will violate international law. just briefly on one on one aspect of this one why joe south the clear interim leader the leader of the opposition he says that ninety percent of the population as support him meaning that there will not be a civil war how much support does he have is it as widespread as that nine in ten people. let's remember the data analysis which is an opposition aligned pollster
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found in october that the national assembly over which i'm unsure why don't criticize has a seventy percent disapproval rating the opposition parties are very unpopular over fifty percent of the population and if i thought it was the government or the opposition and mr moto remember won the point one million which is a very significant part of one population mr wattles said on saturday that he is not afraid of a little war but i think the real possibility of. a news with reckless effort to all of this incredibly divided country and on the brink of i'll i'm not. going through so many different aspects there with us live this hour lucas current a political analyst with an expertise particularly on the fence with. a new york times opinion piece claims that corruption is in the very nature of russian society the reaction to that article after this.
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as a presidential candidate donald trump lambasted america's endless and wasteful wars but as president he has surrounded himself with a division who have made defending and advancing american empire a full time career why did trump cave and what could be the consequences for him and his present. politicians to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and you. want. to go right to the press this is what about for three of them will be good. i'm interested in the waters about how.
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the u.s. president has delivered his annual highly anticipated i think it's safe to say states of the union address to a deeply divided congress donald trump when he spoke at length about critical domestic and foreign policy concerns as well as they perceived successes of his administration quick recap of the highlights. i loudly pledged a new approach. great nations do not fight endless wars. i we stand with the venezuelan people in their
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noble quest for freedom. and we condemn the brutality of the more dero regime the united states is developing a state of the art missile defense system under my administration we will never apologize for advancing america's interests chairman kim and i will meet again on feb twenty seventh and twenty eighth in vietnam it is time to give our brave warriors in syria a warm welcome home. well as the president delivered his address protesters gathered near trump tower in new york they criticized his administration's divisive policies and mocked a number of his campaign slogans social media didn't miss out on the speech other than finding plenty of ways to ridicule a president and those in attendance as well.
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stateside the new york times opinion piece earlier this week claimed controversially that corruption is hardwired into russian society and in its very nature. corruption is in russia's d.n.a. sharing is not the russian wait while the piece is accompanied by a menacing photo of one blogger we're put in a number of russian words are thrown in for dramatic effect including meaning lies and deceit information one however has been mistranslated as it means compromising material not compromised quite the difference well the article on some of its more spurious claims was met with harsh criticism from a number of journalists on readers of the publication itself. imagine a new york times oh parent cares real estate corruption is in the jewish d.n.a. but as long as we're talking about russians these kind of groups xenophobia is totally fine corruption is in russia's d.n.a. this is racism masquerading as analysis it also undermines the author's argument
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because if true who can blame volodya scary photo by the way this photo and the article are reminiscent of the hearst papers in a phobic and hysterical war fever drummed up to sell papers before the spanish-american war it is designed to build up hatred and not knowledge. it's not the first time russia's critics have made reference to genetics either a former u.s. national intelligence director once said that russians are quote genetically driven to co-opt and manipulate the legal and media analysts long all believe the new york times piece is our religious. i don't even know the adjectives though the word shocking disgusting deplorable races let me make this very very clear if you had replaced the term russian with any other ethnicity nationality a group of people there would have been. just a cavalcade an avalanche of attacked you would have been indicted for that by
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russia. that goes about jake that so kay i never thought i could say this we always say well this hits a new low lower journalistic. netgear a new chasm of the this has no depth this is the black hole of journalism this is so much so so consumed so did the gravity is so intense that light kid xscape truth can't escape i mean this is full lab or gas taking. a man who spent fourteen years and one of the world's toughest prisons without ever being charged with a crime has described life in guantanamo hell months or a day for he was jailed when he was just nineteen he talks about what he endured there in today's going underground here on r.t. . imagine a boy nineteen years old was shipped to guantanamo to one where it was like
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a cemetery was like we were we were not alive or dead but we were in like and between life and death. so when we get there i like from thought i was a parent especially when you get that come back straight in comes out to be one of the until i was a three when the tradition started applying some. techniques to interrogate detainees and it was like hell really. is i want some deniz lose their minds break down i mean i was nineteen years old i didn't know why i was there i was in the front of the interstate we are i thought that he disconnected to the to the world outside i was really free computers. you know what's going to have been totally without like they're going to kill us because we. the situation we were before as the cia or a petition which started going ok they're going to get us and get us and they were
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telling us that they said that we are don't you guys you want them to see they told us yes he said the world not brought you here we are working for the purpose of interrogation to get information what do you want to see. just a reminder that all of those stories can be phoned in depth on their website plenty to keep you busy there are more great program started here on our to international involvement season. so. it's rather stand here from us and. our overall goal from what i saw. you. know that's what i meant i thought it would be rather you know plus i thought it was because they're.
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only allowed to plan a plan of action and you can keep an eye on what i have to lose the channels i transfer all that it. does that make. it work then our modeling behind the show little subtle and. other thing and mind them and. the hey how nice and believe. it was because this whole food place choice for gum the i knew for years and payouts to a mysterious said. someone else for the masses it will fuck around with respect to promote human and we'll i hope that our freedom in their. lives. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics school this list i'm showbusiness i'll see you then.
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take your chance. to the against mubarak to have another political system that's. for a social justice. and a spectrum of human dignity and so on but if you look quite good through what is going on in egypt right now most of the people have the feeling that. it was even better. they don't speak hindi i mean the situation.
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance to the impact on all of us i'm far killed in washington and we are sure glad you're on the board thanks for being with us coming up today to do the walk of shame break down and look at digitization of assets with nice to our morals plus we hit on some big time earnings last time but today we dig deeper and do more with the end of simpler trade and later we analyze balancing a free market with free speech and social media censorship of hate speech taking toll molly barrows joins us that's all in our site but first we had a right to some headlines let's go to. the lunar new year leads our global report today as market. over china begins the first asian holiday shopping season since the start of the trade conflict with the united states the year of the pig the
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chinese zodiac the boar in japan and tibet will be inaugurated with the traditional fireworks which market watchers hope will be sufficient to ward off bad luck as well as some more tangible recent signs of a slowdown in chinese economic growth as well as lighting the burden of the lingering conflict with the u.s. china's largest trading partner an estimated four hundred million chinese will travel home to be with family and one of the largest mass migrations on earth and chinese consumers reportedly spent as much as one hundred forty billion dollars billion with the be and the two thousand and eighteen holiday shopping season will keep an eye to see if this year's results are similar to the pigs purported prowess to bring wealth and good fortune to a lucrative holiday season. and speaking of a lunar new year chinese trade negotiators may be signaling a desire to turn the page on diplomacy with china with canada in the new year with an offer of the tongue in the case of the jailed chief financial officer of
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