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tv   News  RT  February 7, 2019 4:00am-4:30am EST

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it's called full. time in syria this is. for the shiites how a. model for the for the whole fuck around with respect to for jim and we are hoping that our fairly in the course. of the. president's triumph from this is a complete victory over islamic state in syria but next week as well powers gather in washington to talk counter terror tactics. also the headlines today russia in the united states ramp up their ballistic missile testing following the suspension of the cold war era control treaty and. i
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believe it now but i have never seen you in the time i was. to do my job here it's out of the patient seems to be where you fit in brussels as toppy officials tell the progress of counterparts in the u.k. that there's a special place waiting for them in hell. may day or moscow good day to them thanks for choosing us for your news update i'm kevin i was here at the art international news center this hour in the headlines in more detail first the u.s. president has said that the final pockets of islamic state held territory in syria will be recaptured by next week donald trump made the claim at a major counterterrorism conference in washington d.c. earlier thursday is just the latest the course in a series of bold statements about the fight against the terror group it should be formally announced sometime probably next week that we will have. one hundred
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percent of the caliphate. but i want to wait for the official word and i want to say it too early and knock and the hell out of isis will become another syria like very soon we have just absolutely decimated isis is absolutely obliterated isis in iraq we have won a good study says we've beaten them and we've beaten him badly now we've won it's time to come back but with the us looking to withdraw its troops from syria officials in washington are calling on the regional partners to work together to ensure stability in the middle east and counter iranian influence caleb maupin has got more on the folks will remember that mike pompei and donald trump of openly talked about the creation of an arab nato to coordinate their anti-terrorism efforts you believe that you can still do a nato type alliance of some against iran i'm convinced that we can i think every
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country understands that it's in their best interest so it was in twenty seventeen when trump was in the middle east he put forward the vision of creating an arab nato the idea is that this would be a military alliance including six gulf states as well as egypt and jordan and that it would be a military alliance that would coordinate antiterrorism activities military alliance and counter the islamic republic of iran we're getting mixed messages from washington d.c. if people will recall have donald trump announced that the usa was removing all of its troops from syria because the ice will terrorists had been defeated however we now hear from the secretary of state mike pompei oh that actually this was just a tactical move the fight is one that we will continue to wage alongside of you. the drawdown of troops is essentially a tactical change it is not a change in the mission it does not change the structure design or thirty's on which the campaign has been based. it simply represents
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a new stage in an old fight. well syria's brutal eight year conflict gradually drawing to a close for many the trauma is going to last a lifetime on the new r t documentary for you looks at the trolls suffered by these children of course who've grown up spent all their early years as best they know them in a country control bug stream is fighters and sells their harrowing story this documentary film is going to be released on friday. this will. lead to the. clips condemned by the mississippi. you write about and you can not about all of them ok. and.
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as i don't want to write anything at. nine o'clock that have. a lot on hand having to visit later. systematics. system it is. almost better that oceanic didn't have. to stand in front of me when i didn't couldn't see out how. about. my actual for the day but. i did not leave the. channel in the sun on a santa general tone or never was when i don't want to be in. that one. hundred nine am trying to emphasize the facade of.
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a short. social. falco montanna. born he in the war a war is now sworn whether the boy cannot know has. nothing. to say that's a friday the us has a new intercontinental ballistic missile along choose day it was launched from an air force base in southern california and seldom the pacific ocean landing eventually almost seven thousand kilometers away just hours after that the russian military then tested its own i.c.b.m. .
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although the launches have been described as routine they come nonetheless as fears grow over the potential for a nuclear arms race following the suspension of that key missile agreement on saturday the senior correspondent more ghastly of reports. the i.n.f. treaty was a pillar of global security not only because it resulted in the removal of missiles and launchers from europe but also because of what was removed short range nuclear missiles highly mobile incredibly quick both to launch and speed much cheaper than huge strategic nukes everyone was always on the edge with short range nuclear missiles around they could strike in an instant barely any warning
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for more than thirty years they were gone but now those missiles are coming back unless we get a new deal i hope that we're able to get everybody in a very big and beautiful room and do a new treaty that would be much better not everyone wants a new deal some see this treaty collapses an opportunity more funding more r. and d. more better short range missiles now the department of defense will be able to conduct these research and development activities banned under the ion of treaty so the department fence will start those taps i'm building to a systems they couldn't before you can forgive the order fish with more ambition than sense but the military industrial complex those guys that make and sell missiles oh they're ecstatic raytheon and lockheed martin wasted no time and
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soon going to be testing their prototypes precision strike missiles with ranges greater than five hundred kilometers. withdrawing from the i.n.f. treaty is a good start now this action must be backed by american firepower the united states must regain the strategic advantage by expediting the development and deployment of a new generation of ground launched missiles it's incredible they seemingly want an arms race a nuclear arms race and that's what they're getting russia which the u.s. accused of violating the treaty promises to respond develop new weapons and is all to say everyone's gone nuts there are still people that sense people that realize a nuclear arms race isn't going to lead to anything good people who realize that arms treaties where the world removes
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a lot adds nukes is good for humanity i think it's stupid for the democrats to be attacking putin on all issues and not holding open the channel of nuclear dialogue yes to deal with the issues in syria in the killing me diplomats in ukraine and crimea but that doesn't warrant a nuclear blunder it kills billions of people or millions so yes with the democrat or republican or somewhere in between we need to have dialogue and. something that might help is a bit of humility i don't even know what's crazy and nowadays people cheering a nuclear arms race or people calling for dialogue some many want an arms race and you know why because nukes a pretty we see these beautiful pictures at night i am tempted to quote the great
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leonard cohen i'm guided by the beauty of our weapons and they are beautiful pictures of of fearsome armaments. well a footnote to this despite having suspended its compliance with the treaty russia says it is concerned about the potential for a new arms race in accuses the us of endangering global stability will follow the story. of the big story two out of the u.k.'s withdrawal from the european union at the end of march tensions between london and brussels are beginning to fray on wednesday the blocks chief donald tusk hit out of his british counterparts with some pretty extraordinary criticism if you've been wondering what that special place. in her looks like for those who promoted grapes it without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it safely the council president made the statement alongside the irish prime minister leo brussels as they were leaving the stage the
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microphones picked up a conversation between the two is the irish prime minister told the e.u. council president the previous press are going to give you a bit of stick for this they certainly have done that with but from the political side andreea led some the leader of the house of commons in the u.k. said that donald tusk must apologize for his comments home secretary sajid javid said that he was out of order but what we've seen is a whole host of the hardline arch breaks the talking heads of politicians in the british media clutching their pearls branding garments over what's being said by donald it is worth pointing out he did say that those that pushed brakes that those that back those that sold trades it not those that voted for brakes that as has been reported in some places in the united kingdom though has it time to really play good cop in these negotiations from the european side this time around though it failed to show included younker the european commission president to try and
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well raise the the mood a little bit but even then he could only rely on a bit of dark humor i'm less captain. that my good friend going to. be really strongly believes in of an opposite. i believe in heaven i have never seen you want to. do my job here. so that was wait and stay really a bit of a distraction from the business of bragg's it's down to brass tacks on thursday to resume a is in brussels for talks with junk load young and other senior leaders there's still no further movement on what type of deal if there will be any deal when britain alternately does leave the european union if britain does leave the european union on march twenty ninth and that is just fifty days away you know and counting will mean more of this the european parliament coordinators also weighed
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in suggesting that the u.k.'s leave campaign is wouldn't even be granted a place in purgatory you spoke to a former deputy mayor of london roger evans he claims that the e.u. is treating the u.k. unfairly and that the block is also to blame for the current impasse over breaks in . well i'm not surprised by donald tusks reaction today because in all the time that i spent in europe it was pretty clear that the people in charge had this sort of dismissive attitude been a long term problem as to his accusation that people didn't do proper planning around this i think there's a lot of blame on the e.u. side here as well remember the e.u. constitution was supposed to be able to allow members to leave when they wanted to supposed to be article fifty process and it's really proved to be difficult to follow the process and to understand it's quite clear that they wrote all of that law without ever expecting to have to use it indeed it probably isn't worth the paper it's written on and i think no deal situation is going to be problematical
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for both sides but it won't be anywhere near as problematical as people are talking about remember we've got all of the agreements in place and just because we take over that day that says we're out of the european union doesn't mean that all of those working progresses. and the ways we work together suddenly come to an end unless one side wants them to or not and why would they. next story unacceptable and contradictory is how doctors without borders has described the findings of a new saudi report which claims that the humanitarian group was partly to blame for the bombing of one of its own all spittles in yemen in june the organization says the saudi led coalition is attempting to avoid taking full responsibility for the airstrike according to the disputed report m.s.f. as the group's also known as some french air failed to inform the coalition that its cholera treatment center was a medical facility further it claims that as
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a result the building was considered at the time to be a legitimate military target m.s.f. though says no it said it notified the saudi coalition about the newly built hospital at least twelve times and also its own emblem displayed on the roof we had since called the bombing in an intended area. so i miss f. is not among a new investigation and that the allegations against it be withdrawn rights activist sara flounders told us that airstrikes on hospitals are totally unlawful. under international humanitarian law medical facilities are protected may not be targeted under any circumstances and it is responsibility of those carrying out the
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attack and not to the facility and so even that argument. and argue it's a complete fraud of course the bombing was carried out by saudi arabia and the quadrants had been given again and again as residents infante or explains. and this is a time. such a medical facility medicines them from terror facility being bombed and three years' time so on every front it is an outrageous outrageous crime against international humanitarian law. and against the people of yemen against the people the whole world. lives of international folks who want to use those they know the big story were truck into what's going to happen in venezuela well the latest there few things to tell you about the venezuelan government claims of
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intercept for the illegal arms shipment that one of the country's airports we'll bring you more when we come back. to earth who. are earning. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development the only really exists i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. you know if putin said suddenly that oh we recognize nancy pelosi has the president united states that we're not going to talk with donald trump the world of the you know outrage but of course the u.s. has
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a stereo exceptionalism that no plies to them so they can do whatever they want but by the central banks buying gold as they are they are now coming to the conclusion that america has lost its mind and then when they run out of gold to buy i guarantee you they're going to start fishing around the clock market. again this is international the venezuelan government is claiming to have intercepted shipment coming from the u.s. according to the interior ministry the stash includes rifles ammunition and communications equipment the religiously flowed in from miami the authorities say the bust was part of a broader crackdown on organized crime political analyst told us this could be
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linked to an opposition request for u.s. support. very alarming if you can bear that. just a little while ago that that didn't benefit our military are out of the country we're calling on the ministration to provide them with arms and training in order to topple murder and of course this really regulars back to the u.s. or are the a bit controversial or the naked eye when mercenaries will be in it i was. under elliott abrams secretary of what you have it's your air now we're brought back to oversee that as well as on a democratic transition and it happened ministration moreover we're getting really good morning i reported just today that the british military and british navy in particular i think inducting military action and it was an additional eight. educated. us military intervention and all of the main quote unquote an option on the table for the white house or the news line for the coming to tell you about the
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venezuela military's barricaded a bridge on the colombian border now to block a delivery of humanitarian aid these are the pictures seems to shipping containers and the tanker truck in place along the big old highway there the convoy of a donated by the u.s. is said to be currently on its way from bogota according to the colombian government as for the venezuelan opposition leader he said the supplies are going to test the military's loyalty to the government and as for president maduro he's rejected the firmly saying the people of venezuela are not beggars and such shipments he said would be used to justify foreign military intervention then there's the red cross side of this it says it stepping up its own aid efforts in venezuela doubling its budget for the country the group further goes on to say its policy of neutrality though means it can't take part in the usa deliveries via colombia according to the fundamental principles of impartiality neutrality and independence the i.c.r.c. cannot take part in the initiatives to hand over assistance for venezuela from
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colombia in the us. that's the principal party. responsible for the economic life and it has been intensified in the last two years just last year the medical benefits well it had ordered from abroad for tax nations for children for insulin for all the influence. of venezuela and several other medical needs were completely blocked by the us in ordering from accepting them as well and many then as well how the money and the resources but it's been strangled by the united states so the us carries an economic war for years and then comes with crimes as a theatrical act to say that they want to help the venice well and people from starvation . the democratic party in the u.s. state of virginia has been plunged into political crisis this week after claims of racism and sexual harassment were leveled at three of its top officials there first
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the current government roaf north and found himself a brolga in skull and love for a racist photo from his student days a period north and denies being in the pit ship but has admitted to wearing blackface to a party on a separate occasion now he's facing calls to resign. it is definitely not me i can tell by looking at it i have had friends also look at it and tell me it's not me that same year i did participate in a dance. in san antonio in which i darken my face as part of a michael jackson costume. i look back now and regret that i did not understand the harmful legacy of an action like that. i should do if i'm resigned to success it would be the state's left tenant government just in fairfax now he was recently accused of sexual misconduct a claim he denies and adding to the democrats woes in virginia attorney general
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herring whose third in line for the governorship who's admitted to having born black face on in the one nine hundred eighty s. way back on wednesday political commentator who to rivera told us the slew of allegations against powerful democrats in the state jeopardizing the party's legitimacy that. virginia has become a national disgrace and it's become a disgrace to the democratic party. right now this situation is certainly unprecedented if all three of these politicians that are and grow old in controversy you wind up resigning that it was actually have the republican leader of the legislature as the governor now so this state can actually flip into a republican state virginia is a state their borders you know the nation's capital and there's a lot of political animals in the area you know it's very embarrassing for the democrat party and quite frankly shocking. twenty four how fun is post mid day
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review what you around the world thursday is going good always so much more if you want i mean psychology bill called the sez he then kevin i mean saying thank you for watching. the country has gone into a nihilistic theme. i think i got to hit the road and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america the charlatans the genius is the quintessential american hero this is it we've come a point around which collingwood's done something we always are on the current system this. culture saying. we're starting last with is the beginning heading east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the beast and i think i want to leave now doesn't get any more gonzo than it may be completely different but in this.
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you know world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. are all.
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hello and welcome to worlds apart while president trumps decision to pull the u.s. troops out of syria got all they have lines they simultaneous american push for and they don't like air of the military alliance went largely unnoticed can they idea of collective security at work in such air consistently in secure region as the middle east both to discuss that i'm now joined by hassan naafa political science professor at cairo university professor enough it's good to talk to you thank you very much for your time thank you for having me it's ironic isn't it that they trumpet ministration while continuing to put pressure on nato at the same time seems and am marred by the idea of a similar alliance in the middle eastern for
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a what i heard three countries already egypt jordan and saudi arabia have signaled that openness to the plan do you think that interest is genuine or are they just trying to placate president trump. what i think of this is an israeli effort. the us administration has been taking to the idea and the whole objective is to try to and to get the as an i and the. and the arab system so they are trying to convince of the. some some are whether the order the convincing iran and they're not as right because they and to me and is a threat to the whole arab world it is expanding its influence and so on and also to the united states especially after withdrawing from the the nuclear
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program so it is perceived the interest of the united states as a interest of other countries especially the saudi arabia and israel is the life that about it because this is a way that. make the arabs forget about. the conflict that is right if i may to judge here because it would be if they mr trump the the first question is always who is going to fit the bill and that the trumpet ministration has been pretty blunt with the europeans for not contributing and enough to be in need of budget who do you think will pay for this endeavor if it indeed comes into reality and as it has happened many many times it is this hour with the. who will pay the united arab emirates. has been saying on the fly and this country is sort of they don't pay for their
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security. supporting the and i think this is about the cost of there is no problem the saudis are really ready for that but more important and my. you there is. your bring. them together and this is. sure the saudis are the only ones who have money to spend in the region because. this point of time is a recipient of military aid so is jordan but do you think the saudis can be trusted to be a god because if they are the ones paying for that can you really build a proper balance alliance as opposed to just having a paymaster with a few client states.


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