tv Keiser Report RT February 7, 2019 5:30am-6:00am EST
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checked themselves. in the final merry go round there was only one person. doing all middle of the room signal. is. the world. this is the report we are in for mexico at the big round table and meeting up with the titans of the industry reporting to you the trends that will shape our world in the twenty first century is that to grant us seem to start off with now it's a perfect theme to start off with and in fact just as
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a warning there could be monkeys that climb in here keeping a hold of my laptop here so they don't come and no money in the business now speaking of monkey business you know there's quite a lot of monkey business in the whole money system and we're seeing the beginning of the disintegration of that as you and i have been reporting on report for oh about ten years now to be ten years in september and here is a headline that we saw coming ten years ago and it's remarkable max central banks are on the biggest gold buying spree and half a century central banks bought more bullion last year than any time since one nine hundred seventy one when the u.s. ended the gold standard governments added six hundred fifty one point five tons of gold to their coffers and twenty eighteen as seventy four percent increase from the previous year according to a report from the world gold council nine hundred seventy one we began. experiment in global monetary theory that one currency could refer to another currency and
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then none of them would be referring to something like gold you hand out where the loop of infinite regress just simply referring to something else to something else to something else just all basically not having any grounding in solid material world order and now that's going to a close because it failed miserably they was an income gap. skyrocketed countries are in freefall briggs's driving the birds in the same america is on the verge of insurrection so central banks looking at the global picture say you know what the pendulum is swinging back toward gold and they're loading up on gold and that trend is going to be huge and twenty nineteen twenty twenty twenty twenty one and the availability of gold will becomes scarce one central banks can't find any more gold to buy they'll look around and so you know what let's start adding bitcoin to our strategic reserves well the last time central banks bought as much gold or acquired
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as much gold of six hundred fifty one tons was in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven when the world was on a gold standard so i remember they needed to acquire at that so what i'm saying is that i believe that basically russia china turkey they are forcing the world they could force the world this could be like asymmetric monetary policy is that there reimposing a gold standard just by the fact of a of accumulating it like this and stacking gold that used to be you know were stacked in gold you could be right there for a revision and a reintroduction of the gold standard all one of them has to do is to introduce a gold backer and say on their own like the russia could introduce a gold back then only when it's this is it this is really until you go yeah so they're reintroducing a gold standard essentially by acquiring this gold every time you send dollars or euros or whatever currency you're trading into them in there and they have a trade surplus therefore they just use it to buy gold thus it's
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a gold standard just like establishing a gold standard dollars ation de globalization and neo gold standard ization yes and of course nice in sixty seven through sixty sixty nine is the period when france under the charles de gaulle requested their three hundred million u.s. dollars worth of gold back from the us and they sent a french naval ship into the manhattan harbor to go collect it and of course we're seeing about. similarly right now with venezuela and whatever's going on there it's very complicated but of course there is you know the great humanitarians of john bolton and elliot abrams are rescuing them and delivering democracy to them but as well a lot of gold well they have some gold they're trying to sell and they have some gold in england that england won't give back so if it's if you don't hold it you don't own it that's a similar theme here in the big space where if you don't have your private key you don't own your bitcoin but i want to say they're also pointing out in this article
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on bloomberg that central banks are expected to acquire an additional six hundred tons this year according to the consulting firm metals focus ltd the buys which will help the banks diversify their foreign exchange assets in a time of extraordinary political volatility signal a growing confidence in the metals value moving forward of course as bloomberg so they know focus on the metals value the price just like bloomberg and c m b c will focus on the price of big coin but the point is it's the change of the monetary system that we're seeing right here remember they're saying that it's a time of extraordinary political volatility the same thing in the seventy's at the end of the sixty's and seventy's when the u.s. went off the gold standard and only did we have the domestic political volatility of the civil rights movement and the assassinations which we as a nation would invade another nation if they had similar problems as we did in the sixty's but right now we don't have that sort of domestic volatility but we
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certainly have the same sort of war as that time we had multiple wars going on and certainly in vietnam obviously but across latin america we're back in latin america and we're back to a gold standard quite extraordinary that the u.s. is simply not recognizing the president of venezuela and decide to recognize a subordinate as the president of venezuela that's clearly election meddling with any. we have occasional whatsoever you know if. we recognize nancy pelosi as the president the united states and we're not going to talk with donald trump the world is really you know outraged but of course the u.s. this theory of exceptionalism and no law applies to them and so they can do whatever they want but by banks buying gold as they are they are now coming to the conclusion that america has lost its mind and then when they run out of gold i guarantee you they're going to start fishing around the bitcoin market we did point
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out that the women of india own eleven percent of the world's gold supply so they will be very wealthy it will fly on its head we are so wealthy in america because we have control of the debt which is free money they have real money and that could reassert itself bloomberg points out that russia which is the dollar rising its reserves was the biggest buyer in twenty eight hundred followed by turkey and kazakhstan hungary also made a large purchase citing gold lack of counterparty risk and role as a hedge against changes in the international finance system again these are things we have warned you about for years they're. hungry bought because they cited the lack of counterparty risk this is part of gold plays to the individual on the individual level one day it could of course be a bit coin standard in nations could acquire bitcoin right now nations and nation states operate on the you know on the gold standard because of the counter party
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risk is the same quality of bitcoin and a hedge against changes in the international finance system what of course they're talking about is absolute all out economic war on the swift system so once that becomes totally weaponized again we predict that here it go back and look at just do a search on youtube chis report jim records back in like two thousand and twelve maybe two thousand and thirteen under obama we talked about that this the weaponization. he said yes it was a good thing that the u.s. has control over it but as soon as you pull that trigger once it's it's the end of the system and it looks like that's the beginning of the end but we predicted that here you didn't hear it on any u.s. cable news you didn't hear that prediction because of course they feel like the truth and just the obvious game theory if you follow out how this is going to play out that is somehow unpatriotic or lake attacking them but you're just
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revealing to them what will be the case and that's what we did and now bloomberg news is now agreeing with what our forecast was five years ago branson put the gold hoard by women in india into context the u.s. has eight thousand tons of gold in its reserves and for knox and the women of india own more than twenty thousand yes it is the biggest hoard of gold in in the world and you know to your point they're going forward is that the need and the scramble to get out of the dollar will become a panic sell of the u.s. dollar so the u.s. dollar suddenly gaps down an enormous percentage and that will completely and fundamentally reshift the axis of power monetarily speaking in the world and those with the most gold has always been the case throughout history in the best position also a lot of these nations like turkey in
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a kazakhstan russia hungary was some of the worst stuff inflation's in hyperinflation in history have happened in places like that they know what they know what happens when you're running trillion dollar deficits as we are and it looks like we're going to be running into the future so even forgetting the wars and the latest number on the war on terror is six trillion dollars we've spent so far and that we're in forty percent of the world's nations at the moment fighting the war on terror so that's going to continue our deficit will continue they know because they've done it themselves at. one at some point it's going to have to end and people are getting prepared for that certainly on the individual level you can get bitcoin our show is dubbed into spanish so we have many many many viewers and in in venezuela a lot of them are already protected because they've had bitcoin obviously they have not suffered the consequences of the hyperinflation there because they had big quint to protect themselves because there's no counterparty risk in in the case of
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a currency the counter party risk is the government and the central bank right i mean and that as well a big plans made new all time highs because the ball or you know in these countries where they're experiencing stress in their currency system but making new all time highs in the dollar might be one of the last currencies for it to totally obliterate with new all time highs but by then it'll be too low people won't be able of buy at any price the venezuelan government also has big question because i'm sure they've been mining of course energy costs electricity costs in venezuela in around are that some of the cheapest in the world if not the cheapest in the world and i saw in iran i don't have the headline right here but i did see a story that you know they have that crypto currency settlement crypto that they've developed but. one of their ministers one of their government ministers mentioned that they tried to ban bitcoin but they can't ban bitcoin and there's something
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like ten million dollars worth of purchases a day of bitcoin iran's oh my god yeah so that's been going on and again that's going to protect and that's the equivalent that's the modern equivalent of you know the women of india have gathered all of this their twenty one thousand tons of gold over the course of hundreds of years as something that's handed down to a man that's something they they're kind of excluded from the banking system so luckily and fortunately for them because it has basically set them up to be the queens of the financial system going forward but here the same thing is. you know because governments. other than the eleven percent of the world's gold supply that the women of india own the government's control most of the rest of the gold supply so because it is a way to get just as hard a store of value as gold statement by iran that they can ban basically the penny has dropped so this big there's they realize that there is no stopping but going
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and this realisation will be picked up by other countries hash wars from twenty seventeen will be played out on the central bank level so countries will start to. in a frantic wild orgy of ash ing well we're going to take a break when we come back much more wild orgy of hashing coming your way. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race on the spear in dramatic development only and. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and. it's rather stand in here from us and. our own. who for whom one has.
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a good armor on our show for the for our brothers profit off the floor for them to care that. i'm going to let them but i don't touch them then you cut and kick and nail i don't lose a child with a trial full that it. won't work then i'm wallowing hi michelle it'll settle it does that mean they owned model. number set up around the hay for the innocent to it. and get the whole food place choice i knew where you're from and pay out some time in syria says. he she ought to have a. model for them after the couple fucked around with mr hates it for jim and then
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oil for food are fed him and of course. the money. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser time speak with bill farai to bill barr i is also a sponsor on the macside stacy show airing now on our we go across country we talk to people real people we explore the american dream and the american fantasy that drives all americans to the height of entrepreneurial ism and the depths of self soul seeking bill welcome back thank you. so it will be back now well you know thanks again for helping us with the gonzo show now average isn't crypto wallet and it's also the launch pad for some new products and you're.
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coming up with new products and we're going to talk about the new product yes and tell us a little bit about what you got cooking and this is going to be almost like breaking this news on this program but yeah it's also about really it really is breaking so average is one of the most popular places in the world for people to to buy and sell investments in crypto currency and also for x. meaning traditional currencies today we're announcing that we've extended the average investor an app to be able to invest anywhere in the world in traditional stocks e.t.f. exchange traded funds like the nasdaq s. p. five hundred for example or the nasdaq one hundred gold e.t.f. so basically the idea is that any consumer in over one hundred fifty five countries has a single smartphone app that they can invest in stocks e.t.s. commodities like gold in oil crypto currencies and currencies for the first time ok
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now it's all based on bitcoin being the internet account and ledger if you will but before we talk about that i want to mention something and that is that in america. fifty percent of all the stocks are own. one percent of the population is true and now this is true around the world and the concentration of wealth and there's a lot of wealth in stocks and hundreds of trillions of dollars tied up in securities it's held separately by very small percentage of the population and to democratize is something very special because we're entering into an era where people are saying let's bring back socialism let's bring back universal income or let's introduce universal income as a way to try to balance the scales but isn't this maybe not the intention but won't the effects of the effect be that people around the world suddenly have a bite at the apple that is not the company apple but the apple of opportunity
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absolutely so to be if you want to democratize finance it's not about you know giving people an equal share of the pie it's giving people equal access to the pie and let the pie grow as a result so the idea that we can give there's three billion people today who are completely shut out of the traditional financial system they don't care about being unbanked whatever that means they care about to have access to credits can i take the fifty dollars i earn this week and make it you know one hundred dollars in a few years and you know do i have the ability to buy stuff easily when i want just like you and i do right so most people are just completely shut out of traditional investing markets which is why money is in the bank account or under the mattress and so whatever saying is democratize access to the investments that hope people grow their wealth and they will take advantage and write a lot of people don't like you know they think it's. weird and they don't want to be involved with it but they understand these huge corporations and the growth that
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they and they wish they could participate in that market will actually see that a little differently i think what we're doing is actually going to create a halo effect for people to put five percent of their income in big coin because we're going to get a lot of user. it's who putting money in stocks and commodities for the first time because we're giving them a trivially easy way to do it but we're also going to be educating them that hey you probably should put five percent of your net worth even if it's ten dollars right gateway drug bill let's say it's a gateway drug you're using. ball you know all the high growth companies around the world to get a huge user base and then that user base will be like you know what josh started i should put a two percent of my portfolio into big coin which may very well end up becoming a hundred or near a hundred percent because of the explosion in value that's likely to happen over time right so it fills in so many are media snaps between the billions of people out there who are not connected to the internet you know the world economic forum
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or the. i.m.f. is always talking about you know you left a three billion people out of poverty you know from having a one dollar a day cash flow having five dollars ok they're not in poverty anymore right they're not exactly you know what we say the things they like they've got out interviewed three billion people right obviously they have it they talk about it it's really it they mean it in broad g.d.p. terms without actually knowing what's happening to the individual user or individual person who is you know affected by the changes in g.d.p. they just don't know right and those people now this access to water and they're not in abject poverty etc but they've got to something that is right extraordinary cheap or using digital currencies in africa quite extensively with. yeah and now your product with they can now buy stocks bonds securities commodities property everything around the world twenty four seven with this ok now let's talk about the back end for
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a second senator what makes this work the secret sauce right is that it's big coin and it's there's a there's a layer there it's i don't i don't want to jump the gun here but we call it synthetic right in the room so walk us through the short so the most important thing to keep in mind. we've made this trivially easy for the average investor but behind the curtains what's going on is really a lot of magic ok so it's legally impossible for one company to make it easy for people of one hundred fifty five countries to actually buy stocks where you physically hold the stock. broker dealer in the u.s. and the equivalent of that in one hundred fifty countries it's just impossible ok average takes big coin and uses big coin almost like a reserve or general ledger to say ok if you want to invest in apple what i'm going to do is if you want to put a thousand dollars in apple well i'm going to take a thousand dollars worth of bitcoin from you i'm going to put it in a contract in a smart contract on the big chain and if the value of apple goes up you're going to end up with more bitcoin and if the value of apple goes down you're going to end up
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with less so the net effect is the same as if you sold apple shares in real life and by the way of apple pays out a dividend you're actually going to get the dividends paid in a big point but when you sell the shares it's actually going to be converted back to feel so from your perspective as an investor it's the net effect is exactly the same as holding the shares except you never actually physically own the shares you made an investment almost like a bet that the share value is going to go up right and then the amount of money you have at the end is simply reflected in the price of the shares so the smart layer. between. you and the user that's right and so you're basically. better terms. and that's right in this case so we work with we and a company that provides the real time data and then we put that into the contract
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to determine whether the user gets more or less big point at the time that they close the contract. right now you're not adding capital to these companies we are. think in their coffers to build a visa be this instrument bill ok so from the consumer's perspective what's happening is that it's this big coin smart contract but average is the counter party to that meaning we have to bet from the app from the consumer's perspective that apple will go down while they're betting out will go up but that means that if apple does go up in price versus that underline big point that average has to pay out a lot of money ok so average a trading operation bed hedges our counterparty risk on that for example apple share purchase or investments and part of that hedging does drive lots of liquidity into apple stock with options where hedging its depends on the asset class so in
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the case of real shares it might be borrowing shares right like a primary or to operating as a counterpart yes so you start taking a risk yes and you saw delivery ground so you're still so you're not my what my assumption was incorrect you are you are helping to facilitate capitalization on the right opening with the beauty of this is we're doing effectively to really interesting things one is we're giving consumers investment exposure these assets in a way that's legal in every country in the world and to we're still driving liquidity from the company's perspective that we're unable in the investment ok there is remarkably sophisticated it is so where where did you come from how did you get into the people in trump tower like most women rambo and i just some coin polish exchange and i'm a billionaire but you know that without much behind it but you actually seem to know what you're talking about where this all. came from mars but i didn't so so i
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have a unique background that i think i feel at the thirty years like average the first job i'm qualified for i spent a bunch of time on wall street at goldman sachs i worked netscape on early days of the internet i was involved in essence so and setting. early stupid good authority so i understand. you know programmer computer scientists aren't all yeah and i know how to bring all of these together in a unique way to create the financial engineering aspect of it as well as the technology aspect of it and we've built an awesome engineering team as well as a trading team and we've combined the two to basically create a new banking system that takes advantage of so when is launching tell us about we're starting sign ups today and over the next couple of weeks we'll start the turn out process to get people into the system it's going to take a few weeks for it to be fully live so people who sign up today will get early access we're also announcing that there's going to be zero transaction fees for
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anybody that signs up in the next couple of weeks for all of two thousand one thousand so effectively people in india can buy s. and p. five hundred eighty s. an apple for the first time with zero fees so this will all be launched over the over the next few weeks so people should start signing up now and they'll get an e-mail when it's their turn comparatively speaking so what comes to mind would be like a robin hood. and but there are much more basic than the traditional five hundred percent u.s. based traditional broker dealer regulated equity model yeah the regulations because yes are synthetic securities. you know whole. layer of. all the things you espouse about why big point is so important aberrate is realizing now but in the background of that the consumer doesn't have to understand the complexity all the legal benefits all of the it basically becomes a reserve currency for average rights and it sounds like it could be a jamie diamond killer i think that this has the single best chance to drive
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bitcoin liquidity versus anything i've seen on the market bar none because every one of these positions is collateralized the big point why do we need to be done. with this in the marketplace. all the talk about morgan those clowns those charlatans those rants yes i thought i said. i'll let you sit like that in the quiet period because they don't like that so i take it it's just from the app right that's it. google play store and you sign up today and you'll get an e-mail the next you know few weeks when it's your turn to start buying stocks and you're off to the races again talk about max kaiser how much you're worth are you liquid you have to be. like what as i get older things will i just pulling away from my body is there a price so i could organize you know you can you can scrape my data all right ok. all right i'm not sure. anyway that's going to do it for this edition of the guys
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report with me max geyser and stacy herbert want to thank our guest bill barr height average you can check out the app on your phone if you want to catch back to stacey just go to kaiser report on twitter until next time but you know. this is a sticky. little phone in the stomach of the fish the brand is sponsor of the coca-cola company which sounds millions of balls of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're the bad ones they're the litter box they're throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this ways to company has promised to reuse the plastic. that's. only. essential projects funded.
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