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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  February 8, 2019 8:30am-9:01am EST

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greetings and salutations. even more bizarre and troubling news out of venezuela this week oct watchers as the united states and their favorite self-proclaimed venezuelan president. continue their efforts to take down the country's current sitting elected president nicolas maduro yes things are beginning to smell a lot like covert regime change allen dulles style as venezuelan officials are now accusing the united states of delivering a cache of weapons and communication devices in the oil rich country to help from and the right wing uprising against the very socialist government the daily mail reports that quote an investigation led by the venezuelan national guard on monday seized high powered weaponry at an airport in the northern city of aleppo and that government of fish kills claim a cargo plane that arrived sunday from miami delivered one thousand rifles one hundred eighteen magazines and ninety wireless radios also included in the mix were
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the were six i phones well now that while the daily mail didn't rightly observe that venezuelan officials haven't yet offered any actual evidence to support their conclusions as to who was sending the weapons and for what ultimate purpose. doesn't really take a rocket scientist or have to history buff to guess why someone in miami would be shipping weapons in the venezuela this moment in time. and in case you were wondering just what is the present president donald trump and united states game planned for venezuela wiki leaks has provided a pretty good outline in a two thousand and eight army special operations forces unconventional warfare field manual army always writes long titles yes they actually have field manual for him conventional warfare and coups originally published by wiki leaks back in december two thousand and eight the two hundred forty eight page long regime change and book as some call it actually highlights how through unconventional warfare you
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can manipulate a country's economics to your game. i think would agree it's time to send lawyers guns and money start watching the hawks. get the. real thing this week. as part of. what they like you know that i got. was that we. would. welcome everyone watching the fox i am a robot in times happened while it oh is sending dozens of innocent of those who would have ever thought of it such and such a cry is a wacky idea specially from miami yet i was with the got me it was like really cargo plane from miami it was guns in the bottom and some i phones whatever could
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that be for that and then there is also the is that shortwave radios like certain yeah so walkie talkies guns and i. i don't think it was for a party and i was them it wasn't for something nefarious like and no matter what i've had lots of i always have guns walkie talkies and i phones of all my partners . are very good is that we have audio and a lot of. interesting and you know kind of time with all of those things that we're seeing take place happen in real time with venezuela you wiki leaks going to remind us later hey don't forget this field manual that we released a while back with rice and wheat you know the field manual essentially boasts that army special operations forces can use governments to the government to apply unilateral in direct financial power through persuasive influence to international and domestic by mental institutions were guarding availability and terms of loans grants and other financial assistance to foreign state and non-state actors this is
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in order to provide measured focused financial incentives or business incentives to persuade adversaries allies and surrogates to modify their behavior. rich to have this kind of what the fancy way of saying like hey we can tell us when you like children knew exactly what. i didn't realize it was a day care and the united states was responsible for making everybody make sure that. the me i was and surrogates i was one of the numbers on a three million dollars using financial filing why is the army and fault in manipulating financial matters. it's the big question and one of the reasons that they do is because then they can put pressure on countries that they don't ruin their economy in the hopefully for man regime change. really well
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one thing interesting about the manual obviously is. a country's involvement with international financial institutions which aren't entirely i mean the world bank although with the united states decides who runs the i don't know if it's really a world bank the international monetary fund i.m.f. and you've seen a lot of that being used for very political purposes this was supposed to be made to give loans to developing countries so that more richer countries could help other countries develop good for all of us but apparently we're not using that. a lot of it's just incentive to sentence to sustain or coalitions that are waging this sort of support. in these unconventional warfare to me this isn't i mean this is unconventional warfare i think it's disgusting to me this is the kind of thing that should be a war crime because what you're doing is purposely hurting civilians in order to get politicians. or people in political power to do what you want them to
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do that isn't listening to the people that isn't you know now all the sudden you decided that you have to send food to venezuela why weren't you doing that a year ago when you were already complaining about how terrible it was in venezuela then why weren't you sending food that's a good point you might have earned a lot more backing from people and by this way if they had actually acted like they cared about the fact that people didn't know how food that's a really good but it's a really good because then they'd have to admit that the reason they didn't now for the reason they did now supplies is because we unilaterally decided to put all of these sanctions and tell everybody if you do business here we will sanction you because you can't have. been his way would do well that goes against the right of your trying to sell the world about the government of the role of yeah. since november of twenty thousand the yellow vest protests have not only captivated the headlines and politics of france but also europe and the rest of the world as
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well and now the good is apparently helped add to the already escalating tensions between the governments of france and italy after the protesters met with italian deputy prime minister luigi demaio in paris last tuesday over the protests of french leaders next an unprecedented move since the end of world war two france has now we're told that some ballots that are to italy and response to the meeting are to be america's racial story and the timeline of events that have brought france italy and the yellow bus to where we are today. the yellow vest movement started out as a group of french citizens who are voicing their grievances about their government on social media and now it has grown to the point where members of the group are meeting with government officials and italy it started in october twenty fifth a single video that was viewed more than six point three million times in a disgruntled citizen criticize president mccrone for the wages he was spending taxpayers' money and for the hounding of drivers through increased fuel taxes after
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nearly one million people signed a petition to lower the price of fuel and friends the movement shifted from online to on the ground with the first demonstration on november seventh. around two hundred ninety thousand protesters put on golo dust and took to the streets across the country but despite the massive turnout the prime minister of france so the government would not back down on the taxes then a second day of protests one week later drew a proud of more than one hundred sixty six thousand individuals in some cases the yellow bus wearing protesters destroyed property and clashed with the police. mccrone addressed the protesters on november twenty seventh and said he hoped. to turn their anger into solutions but he provided very few solutions in the protest continued for the third week violence erupted near wealthy neighborhoods in paris
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as more than one hundred thirty six thousand participants took to the streets students calling for reforms on the cost of education were among the protesters and they blockaded around one hundred high schools as a result in a landmark decision the french government announced on december fourth that it would suspend the planned tax increase on fuel for the next six months business mention was later changed to scrapping the fuel tax altogether here protesters pledged to continue their demonstrations despite the threat of force from police in riot gear with armored vehicles the demands from the group went beyond the fuel tax and millions watched as mccrone announced on december tenth that he was offering an increase in the nation's minimum wage and tax free overtime pay since then reports of claim that the protests have continued other creasing rate all in all ten people have been killed hundreds have been injured and thousands have been arrested during the protests the future of big yellow bus movements still remains to be seen but
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one thing is clear a small grassroots movement has served to illustrate the power of both social media and the power of the people in washington rachael love ins are seen. it is incredible to see that kind of situation take place so you know whether. roman french kind of bends to what their demands ultimately were and what they've been protesting for we don't know but the important thing is just seeing that yes masses of people can go against their government and say no we disagree with their mentality and we disagree with who you are and what you're trying to do fundamentally one of the things i was kind of strange about this idea you know during the iraq war there was this you know france is not our friend freedom fries kind of era oh. we would not be the united states of america we would not be here as an independent nation from the united kingdom and from england if it weren't for the french and let's let's be honest the french know how to rebel and the working
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people of france i mean we learned they taught us how to have a revolution so they can a lot of our ideas came out of it for they were literally held i mean and this event it's like you know let them eat cake all of these things you've been warned you know this is how the rich get eaten by ignoring the needs of the people and we're watching the south and that's why i think you see so many in mainstream media or mainstream politicians so scared of things like the yellow vests and try to be like oh you know the russians are making it all and so is the rub don't look at the pictures from the boston celebration of the super bowl because. i want to point out and he really gross don't want to go over those are you saying here. you know something ridiculous it isn't instead of focusing on what the actual issue which is and what people are saying people don't spend their days doing this and less able good reason you don't see people on the street does a lot of them were things i mean a similar situation was occupy
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a few years back and look what i did here it was oh my god we're terrified we're terrified obama you know the state patrols the police of every you know coordinate the destruction of all the occupy you know and. do you think we're going to see this here in the states do you think given the nature of the economy and where we're headed that we're going to see something yellow bus like there's going to be a flashpoint are going to see this kind of massive protesting again i think you will but i think it's going to be really working class voters really of the working class that are going to say and these kids are coming out of college saying like you've ruined our future and that's what these people are saying is that you know here is someone who headed up they thought he was going to have young and new ideas and really he's just bringing more of the establishment i think what you're going to see is anybody that's coming in with a stablish moment fears. and i cannot it's going to going to get a yell of us back as we're going to break our watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the property government facebook you tube and twitter see our poll shows that are t.v. dot com coming up with roger stone the apple you are an investigative journalist by
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the swan balfour's sort fact from fiction don't want to miss this so stay tuned to watch the whole. country has gone into a nihilist he'd just want to thank and we got to hit the road and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america the charlatans the genius of this place especially american hero this is it we've come to a point on which alan is done so we always are on the margins something. called the culture listening party. where starting last with
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is the beginning heading east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the beast i think i want to leave now doesn't get him oregon down on this it may be completely different but to mr. when you look back truth hazel's between bush and the last kovi are those three teeth it's clear about this treaty is coming to an end. because of the lack of interest of both sides. in washington and the last. budget of the stand. alone white house. i know that i know that there are rather you know sounds that are for that experience that.
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only you are allowed to but i'm going to question the new such and keep an eye on what i have to lose the channels i told you that this is a living. below and i want my machine with a lot of. the other thing they own in mind that lend themselves well that i hate the not doing. very good its whole place for sure john you say you have them and they are charming to me this is larry i tell i have a. model for the live after the civil rights on the necessity to promote human and we are i hope that our friends in the. evening.
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roger stone has been one back tattoo away from getting caught up in the circus that is russia gate investigations for some time now unlike most trump associates who've been spared embarrassing arrests and perp walks stone was arrested on camera by a dozen tactically armed f.b.i. officers and now it seems that while apple refused to give up the i phone data of the san bernardino shooters roger stone maybe wasn't so lucky according to court filings the f.b.i. is obtained mold is obtaining and giving to the court multiple hard drives containing several terabytes of information consisting of among other things f.b.i. case reports search warrant applications of results e.g. apple i cloud accounts and e-mail accounts bank and financial records and the contents of numerous physical it. devices e.g. cellular phones computers and hard drives when the government demanded the san bernardino shooter's i phone information apple claimed quote from the beginning we objected to the f.b.i.'s demand that apple build it back door into the i phone
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because we believed it was wrong and would seven dangerous president as a result of the government's dismissal neither of these occurred this case should never have been brought and while the device unlock as they call it has not been requested by apple crusted of apple by the f.b.i. at bay f.b.i. as of yet it does seem odd that apple doesn't see giving up roger stone's information as a dangerous precedent yet finding out of two people who murdered fourteen people in cold blood had to help was joining us today to figure out just how serious the threat to cellphone users privacy is as investigative journalist ben swan thank you so much for joining us today ben he's out of the how are you. ben always always an interesting life is always interesting when you have to talk about roger stone. you know there was a lot of info in the discovery phase of any arrest and investigation but the stone list was particularly long despite his involvement with campaign being you know
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realistically a minimal at best so do we know how the f.b.i. obtained the contents of roger stone's devices and do we have any idea of what they've learned from them and what they're using from them what it would have been give up so we don't know everything that's been taken from them but we do know that according to c.n.n. that there are volumes of messages and interactions that the f.b.i. is cataloguing and has compiled as a result of this we also know that they have gotten a hold of this because they didn't bother with the back door this time so whatever that was mentioning a minute ago that in the san bernardino case heavily protested and said they would fight in court the f.b.i. if they were forced to put a backdoor into the i phone because they said it was set a dangerous precedent and she mentioned in this case. they didn't even ask for the back door to it they simply serve the warrant and said we want the i cloud account information. and it was over and there was no fight there was no debate whatsoever the problem i think that we're seeing here is first of all we've come
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a long way since twenty fifteen it seems like but it's especially with this particular case because these two cases i don't care what you think of roger stone you can think he's a clown you can think he's a hero i think most people are going to defer to clown over hero but regardless of how you feel about him he has been charged with lying to congress that is his major charge that they're holding that against him not that he's concluded with russia not that he betrayed the country not that he committed treason that he lives in front of congress and yet there is less talk about this attempt to get a hold of this information then there was for two people who shot to death fourteen people in san bernardino it's a great point it's a great point but it's interesting it's very interesting now we know that the san bernadino shooters phone was eventually sort of hacked by the government they were called sort of gray hat hackers which are essentially to me borderline criminal
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hackers who do good things sometimes for governments but. there was a lot of controversy surrounding that decision the idea that they got you know that this help from foreign companies as well to crack these things if the government you know if eventually they're to the point where in this case it wasn't if the government is paying hackers to crack i phones and criminal investigations do we risk having convictions overturned because we're having this conversation you know this is going to end up in front of the supreme court eventually we're going to have to make a decision about it do we risk all of these criminal convictions by doing these sorts of runarounds the constitution so i would think that the point you're making would be a great point that should eventually get to the supreme court but i. doubt that even if it were to get to the supreme court it would ever go that route of overturning anything consider the fact that the court right now is leaning more and more into kind of deep state supporting government overreach justices
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who absolutely believe government has the right to do anything it wants to do and to you know reach into your life in any way all for all the stuff that surrounded the brett kavanaugh nomination the thing that got so little discussion was the fact that this was a guy who helped to craft the patriot act yeah i did so that to me that was like hello everyone what you're talking about all this other stuff you're missing that what all the things that this guy's on the record for in terms of government intruding into your life and overriding the constitution so no i don't think we're actually going to get to that point i think what we're really going to see is that if it were to get to that point the justices would say simply that the government has the right in any means and by any means necessary to access your information and they can't really do wrong because they're doing it for the greater good and that's what it really comes down to which of course is it flies in the face of our constitution a bill of rights which is never about the greater good it's never about the collective it's always about the individual but not the way to interpret it anymore
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you know but it's interesting because the issue of privacy has been kind of dumb to the wayside it feels like in the last few years and the zeal to kind of prosecute everyone for from hillary clinton with ghazi to roger stone and while we all love to see shady political figures get their comeuppance i mean we you know we love that you know are we missing kind of the threat again to our civil liberties it's like just because we want to get people like roger stone or cliff or you know go down the list doesn't mean that we should be violating their civil liberties in the process correct absolutely absolutely and the idea that it's ok to do it in this case because this is up a big fish is a ridiculous case the bottom line is that if you're violating some. and civil liberties then you are violating everyone's civil liberties you're violating that all because now you've set the precedent where it's now acceptable and so anybody who champions that are cheers for that today may themselves be
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a victim of it tomorrow the other thing is again you have to put this into context the way that the investigation is running right now this roger stone investigation and look i think roger stone is is probably loving every minute of this he finally has some attention up right and this is what he i think craves more than anything but at the end of the day here is a guy who really has not been charged with anything well let me let me restate that he has not been charged with anything that should be considered a major crime when at the same time you have people like james clapper who lied to congress and it's on the record saying there was no spying program he was the head of the n.s.a. he was never charged with anything and he perjured himself in front of congress he later said about it well that was the most untruthful thing that i could say at the time most untruthful yes so you lied to congress james john brennan the head of the cia lied to congress when he said number one that there was no torture program it
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was a lie he lied to congress when he said that they were not spying on senators investigating the torture program he lied about those cases never faced a charge so i think we have to keep in context that there is absolutely without question an overreach in terms of the reaction to roger stone lying to congress i think if you lied to congress and were thrown in jail i'm all for that but let's throw them all in jail not one guy who's related to the russia investigation and then let these guys who are running the n.s.a. and the cia just walk free with nothing. but music that's part of our problem is a kind of suck the precedent of what we look forward rather than back we go after the people who are unpopular but anybody who's you know and i don't know one thing we have to understand. is there is there is a level of class that goes and the best in class distinctions the poet up with last gets to do whatever they want and they get to get away with that and even if they do it's look forward because eventually you know george bush's presidential and
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george w. bush looks grave now every war criminal and ali i mean the fact that i see ollie north is all you need to now that i turn on my television and see ollie north and see the buddy who helped him now being in charge of venezuela issue literally there is an issue with the political crowd class and harry do you think you know we got about a minute left do you think that you know we're going to see that sort of a more of a push toward getting the political class to be like the rest of us so i think there's going to be a push for it and i think we're going to see it happen over the next five years or so and i think that's going to be completely dependent on you know essentially independent media and rogue media like our t.v. right media that says we're not going to follow this line of thinking because if you stick with the mainstream mainstream protects they don't just not report they protect that political class they protect the law enforcement class with the deep state or whatever you want to call them that class within the cia within the f.b.i.
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within the n.s.a. and they have done so since everything started to come out with snowden since that time the media's work double time to protect that group i think there's going to have to be a really significant push change that but those those people are very heavily entrenched in the power structure and then burn not only to protect they employ. there's going to be an interesting backlash about resolving door of these guys coming out of these agencies and cushy media jobs i was one of those good for coming on and thank you so much ben swan always great work thanks guys. nearly fifty one trillion microscopic plastic pieces are currently in the world's ocean eaten by sea life which. eventually by us which means we're all eating plastic mainly because we eat and drink with single use plastic utensils and containers but that day is about to set its own because a mutual week on mexico based startup bio phase has found
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a way to reduce plastic pollution and use the leftover pits from avocados to do it you see the company is manufacturing straws and utensils by using a molecular compound found in aa because opiates to create a moldable polymer that not only does it use petroleum based products but also reportedly degrades within two hundred forty days after production bio phase gets the avocado pits from industrial packers and processors who would normally throw the pets in the landfill so currently bio phase is turning fifteen metric tons of avocado pits a day into biodegradable bio plastics just think our generation's love of quark and oh my god otoh is through right actually above saving move the world of the care robot that can write those angry think p.c.'s are glaucon overcrowd over that saving the world going to make it that is our show for you to everyone remember in this world we are told that we are above the sword so you all love you i am i robot
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and on top of all this people watching those hawks on third over great day and. donald trump second state of the union address was conspicuously light when it came to foreign policy why use is was is to avoid disappointing his base while at the same time wishing not to spar with the deep state what are these mixed signals all about is an elaborate strategy or indication indecisive. a lot. of indians later still must execute.
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on. the lunar mission aras surely can't. imagine any n.l.e. . at all only i will not or. cannot there's another machine and not. can if you could vote was more great if the. was not a master plan a it will be like the battle they have laid for the last three of a large that i would rather have been. the one that having. given the people. who give the newly married couple what the how do we learn our d. s. when i last saw him. why do men not well known as your son i think just my vision i was the one.
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who feel. awful. the international paralympic committee says it will conditionally reinstate russia twenty nine months after the country was. a state sponsored don't think.
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through march in great numbers to washington.


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