tv Politicking RT February 8, 2019 5:30pm-6:01pm EST
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cancer world war two heroes people surviving auschwitz i mean it was it was a great made for t.v. movie he even brought me to tears at one point but the substance of the state of the union he didn't give an inch on the wall he's still holding out the possibility of declaring a state of emergency over the so than border and he really stuck it to the democrats you know basically saying that any chance of bipartisan accords on any of the issues he raised including an hiv unissued event and big reducing drug prices that nothing can happen as long as there are these ridiculous partisan investigations going on so if you separate. kind of the warm fuzzy moments of the evening from the hard jab so you've really got you know two different speeches and you really don't have a very different donald trump going forward not that i really expected that you see
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a breakthrough in negotiations over the shutdown and we won't have another shutdown apparently they'll come to some agreement well i think the republicans and the democrats can come to an agreement they did already once before remember and the president decided at the last minute not to sign it because rush limbaugh and ann coulter you know called him a wimp and said he caved so they are likely to come up with something involving a smart wall which would include barriers in some places and then if the president doesn't want to accept that i think a government shutdown is possible but he is got so much pushback from his own party the republican brand took a nosedive during the shutdown that i think the best worst option for the president and i think then would be to invoke the state of emergency and i don't think that's such a bad i. dhea because i think the courts would push back and it would be overturned
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and the president could make a run to try to get the money for it he probably wouldn't succeed and then he would get what i think he really wants which is an issue for twenty twenty saying reelect me elect republicans and you'll get the wall the democrats and liberal judges won't let you have or something like that so public opinion is against the wall right yes but not public opinion in the thirty five percent of the country that the president is focused on public opinion is very much against it's been against it all along public opinion is against a shutdown but this president for whatever reason is just obsessing about this wall and unless they can come up with some really artful language where he can pretend he won we could be in for some rough times what do you make of his statement about legislation not investigation. he tried to make the point that
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they're not compatible that if these as he put it ridiculous partisan investigations continues that it's not possible to to make peace in other words he can't get along with a legislature and develop policy if they're also investigating him i assume he's referring to the mole or report. and you know the congress it's out of the congress is hands there waiting to see what mower says just like the rest of us but that did seem like an implied threat to you know back off or i'm not going to work with you on any legislation ok what do you make you've been around about what's going on in the state of virginia. the state of virginia i actually wrote a piece for the daily beast making the case that one of the first rules of
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political scandal is if you can hang on long enough you can probably survive bill clinton used to be exhibit a in that regard i think president trump certainly after the access hollywood tape is his now the prime exhibit but there are countless people even even in the state of virginia you had. former. governor chuck robb who survived allegations that he had had a on the saw as she went and inappropriate behavior and allegations that he was at parties where there was cocaine i mean he he survived there are any number of people on the republican side steve king of iowa who's made racially important remarks for a good long time is still in congress and. the governor of virginia it's
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a one term governor. it doesn't look like the legislature there has the appetite to impeach because pietschmann implies well fees and in the job and this is something that goes back and now there have been unsubstantiated allegations about the lieutenant governor and the attorney general has now stepped forward to say that he too used black face appeared in black face this is virginia it was that it was the capital of the old confederacy they have a very fraught racial history so i think if he goes i think northam will be doing his party a big favor it's not just about him it's about democratic chances in the state democratic chances in twenty twenty but if he stays i would hope that he would use the time in office to really show. oh that some of the things he did a number of years ago are not who he is today and he would work to regain his
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credibility i don't know how it's going to come out at this point in this area of this something selling or unforgivable. yes and in this in this era with that we're in the me two era and we are in the era of. african-americans within the democrat credit party really asserting themselves and realizing that they are a core constituency and that they can stand up for many long neglected rights and so appearing and in blackface and or appearing in a klan robe which is also we still don't really know who is in that picture ralph northam says it wasn't him. this is behavior that should have been tolerated in one thousand nine hundred four and is not certainly not tolerated in twenty nineteen well how as always thanks for your time today wonderful talking with you right same
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here thank you larry let's turn now to our political panel their job came democratic strategist former hillary clinton campaign staffer he's in washington and in dallas george c. republican strategist and c.e.o. of annandale capital was still with you george what did you make of the state of the union. well i thought the president did what he really needed to do i think he really got in the ditch over the whole government shutdown and i don't think his poll numbers showed any kind of improvement in fact they went the wrong direction or that so he had to have a more positive forward thinking can do spirit in the state of the union and i think the seventy six percent approval ratings the polls are showing coming out of it reflect that he did what he had to do and focus on the economy the job picture the tax cuts the regulatory reform all the things that people think he's doing well at joe your thoughts i think the president looked at was the opening salvo for his
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two thousand and twenty campaign there was an obvious attempt to tackle bits of the middle while still holding his hard line base on issues like immigration on issues like abortion you know i think in terms of just the art of how you craft a speech i think the president probably did it did what he needed to do whether or not it was accurate or or consistent with logic or consistent with the real world that they a lot of people like me might disagree with i think it was interesting that the president chose some issues some kind of whom by issues like childhood cancer research like h.i.v. you know things that people could come together around and talk about infrastructure so it was a pretty obvious attempt to bring in moderates to bring in independents as he starts to try to build out his coalition for twenty twenty again he had a rough month as george alluded to i think he needed to try to win back some support we'll see over the next few weeks if he does so probably took up a couple points but we'll see if a sustainable george why arms state so the union historically forgotten the next
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day. they really are larry i think that's an excellent point i thought i heard brit hume making that comment over and over again last night that he can't remember more than ten points on the forty three or so stay the years he's watched over the last four plus decades and i think it's because to the point that joe was making a lot of. this is putting out your calling card as to what you want to accomplish and what you want to say to your base and there's very little of historical significance or deep policy resonance and a lot of the things the president is saying is a wish list that he's not going to be able to get through the congress or get through the the democratic leader of the house ms pelosi and so a lot of it is just basically posturing and and trying to position yourself to negotiate what you can accomplish and the verbiage itself just kind of falls through the cracks of history you don't have many moments with with f.d.r. talking about a day that will live in infamy or lincoln given the gettysburg address which is only about two hundred words it wasn't eighty two minutes long but i would come
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back to the fact that i think the president really got himself out of the ditch last night jolie only these days to meet with him june. sure and listen this is been an interesting tactic by the president to try to this is i guess his attempt to be nixon in china right to show that he is trying to reach out to the north korean leader for some reason you know he's shown kind of an affinity for strong men and i actually say that without the full amount of irony but it is interesting that you look at the tour de philippines you look at earlier one in turkey putin in russia and obviously kim in north korea i guess maybe he feels like he speaks their language a bit and again that's not even said with any irony it just kind of feels like this is this present president comfort zone we'll see if he's successful you know it seems like the first go around he maybe did not get as much of a commitment as he thought he did because kim seemed to go back on some of the promises that were made at the table there gentlemen stay right there have more
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politicking right after the break. terrorists in russia and it's. you know world of big partisan. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're
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watching closely watching the hawks. aeroflot russian airlines. says it is is a stick from the water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is sponsor of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litter bugs are throwing us away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic.
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that seems close. to special projects funding he tells it depends. on the new best that is e n t fun now the mountains of waste only grow higher. than. the country's gone into a nihilistic fever that's why i think i got it hit the road and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america the charlatans the genius of this place especially american hero this is it we've come a point about how much on what has gone so we always are on the verge of something . called the culture parting. shot.
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where starting last with is going to headed east into this. the gun in the belly that the i think. doesn't get him are gonna. play into this. about politicking i'm talking with our political panel joel payne democratic strategist. stand for he's in washington and in dallas george c. republican strategist c.e.o. of annandale capital joel the less than two weeks until the term continuing budget resolution runs out we're going to have another government shutdown do you think i think it would be you know i hate the term political suicide i think that's a overused term but i do think that that would approach that level of catastrophe
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for this white house and this president if he decided to drag us into another government shutdown part of the reason as george talked about before that the president had to do so much repair work at the state of the union last night is because of the damage that's lasting from that first shutdown so i think it's very unlikely that the president would be advised to go back into that kind of a mode now again whether he'll decide to do that on a whim who knows but i know that congressional republicans people like mitch mcconnell people like kevin mccarthy they learned their lesson they were chastened by that entire experience of having government workers missing two checks and it being pretty much on the hands of the president in the republican party i don't think they are interested in going back to that so i think it's very unlikely that the president will be advised to do that again whether he decides on a whim to do that we'll see george you think he'll declare national emergency which would send it into the courts. i hope not larry i think that would be a bad precedent i don't think this is the kind of thing worthy of
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a national emergency and i would echo i would agree with joe i think shutting it down again would would be about as wise as the new york knicks trade they just made with the dow i think that it would really not not not serve the president well it would be an error so i hope you didn't do that or do you really know how to hurt me man i'm a knicks fan as a killer. i could believe i did the trade but i i can't believe it whenever anybody shuts down the government i think it's a real political loser as you indicate agreed well i've joel what about the divide between president trump and intelligence officials on policy russia is north korea iran what do we make of that well again you know this i think the president what he sees his role as the be kind of the conduit for people who are tired of d.c. you know i think that they call it the deep state in the deep right wing of the republican party i think that he feels like this is the tip of the spear of the deep state is the intelligence community and so he sees it as his role to kind of
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put his thumb in their eye whenever he can i think it's incredibly wrongheaded to side with vladimir putin over your own intelligence chiefs again these are people that work for the president they're a loyal to our country if the president doesn't believe our intelligence community we've got big problems and this president has not demonstrated an ability to either a believe what they're saying or find a way to to fix whatever communications problem he has with those agencies i think it's a big mistake and we'll see if he actually backs down on that flight. george what do you make of according to leaked documents the president has spent over sixty percent of his time in the past three months in executive time that's meetings we don't know about who he has them with. and sander says his secretary press secretary that he has a different leadership style what do you make of more george. the president's leadership style. i think it's historically unique i would agree with that comment
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he's a very unique kettle of fish and he showed that is as a t.v. personality and as a larger than life figure before that i would go back to what joe was saying about foreign policy we're seeing a very different. role for the president play in foreign policy as well but one thing i'm highly encouraged about is he's calling china on the carpet for all their lying and cheating and stealing and i'm a free trader to the core but somebody has got to step up to the chinese and force them to be more cooperative and a better actor on the world stage economically and again going back to north korea if we can negotiate anything where we reduce their threat that's a good thing and i'm just so thrilled to see him call out our nato allies about how much money they spend on defense they have under spending that two percent a map that they should be spending on defense for years and he's called him out on that so i think he is accomplishing some very good things but it's in a freewheeling very different style that none of us are used to and sometimes it's
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it makes you did he just watching it all larry i think historically unique is my new favorite phrase the george this coin i'm a put it on a t. shirt yes this is they said he likes a creative work environment here's what bothers me about this i thought a lot of republicans spent eight years bludgeoning barack obama for playing golf and accusing him of being lazy for reasons that i'll allow the viewer to kind of judge on their own so for this president who spent by the way entire campaign talking about hillary clinton not being up for the job and not being physically able to hand the end of the rigors of the job to really show himself to be a pretty lazy president i think that's a lot of you know that that that is that is a big problem for republicans that the answer to is how they elected this guy on the idea that he somehow was going to be this work horse and really he's a show horse joins you calling to send him for american progress terms campaign and transition team had more than one hundred separate contacts with russian level
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russian linked officials many of them not revealed until well after the fact are you concerned about this whole russian thing george. i don't i don't really think you can be an american and not a hyper partisan which i'm not i'm a republican i'm a proud reagan conservative i always have been and always will be but i love my country first and foremost and that level and the extent of the contacts with russia. have to be an eyebrow raising concerning moment for anybody now have they come up with anything in terms of collusion direct. outcome determinative involvement with the russians in our elections i don't think so but you've got a lot of people under indictment or who play bargain their way in into into prison sentences and i feel i feel like there's a lot of people trying to stiff arm this this discussion i would like to see the special prosecutor finish his job file his report and see what the fallout is after
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that and the president has been very clear in saying that he'll be completely exonerated and he didn't do anything that would result in an impeachable or convictable offense and it we can hold him to that and once we have the report we can make the judgment as to what everything that happened at that point i think that the the special counsel has been extremely professional in not lashing out publicly and not in fact they actually rebutted one explosive charge against publicly because they thought it was so outrageous they needed the safe something but otherwise they pretty much kept kept their mouth shut and gone about their business i'd like to let him finish the sooner they finish the better and then we can either move on or confront some serious and difficult realities if we're forced to do so i don't really expect that job politically that is a widespread perception in the democratic party has moved too far left what do you think. oh boy that's a that's a nice political hobbyhorse right now larry and i know that people like to suggest
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that the center of the party is alexander ocasio cortez or bernie sanders and you know the honest the god's truth is i think the democratic party isn't as good as position as it's been in a very long time there's a very diverse array of young dynamic leaders they are people from more could progressive parts of the country and from conservative parts of the country i think a party that can have alexander ocasio cortez and joe manchin in it that's a ton of diversity i worked in the senate in two thousand and ten when democrats had sixty vote and i think what people need to remember is if you're going to ever build that big of a coalition you have to have a very diverse caucus you have to have moderates you have to have progressives you have to have liberals you have to have conservatives democrats have got to a place where they have a lot of strong voices that represent all wings of that spectrum and i for one a very happy with it so i think democrats are in a good position i'm not concerned about being too far to the left or too far to the right i think the democratic party is just right right now gentlemen i thank you
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both very much for a very intellectual. well thought out discussion which we don't hear much of these days thank you both very much thank you larry thank you george thank you larry our pleasure thank you joel before we go i want to tell you about a terrific interview coming up on my other program larry king now the interviews with grammy winning him pub artist and activist killer mike his real name is mike rinder he's stopped by to talk about his newest project the docu series true go warning but we largely spoke about u.s. politics president trump prison reform and gun legislation among other issues no topic was off limits his little sneak peek of that interview watch your unsavory in favor of second amendment gun rights very much in favor sentiment why why wouldn't it be. i'm only been very very loud and up schools know people are shooting up
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schools on a daily basis not a daily so a month just bad bad things happen you know people don't use their brakes the brakes go out we don't ban cars i am only going free fifty five years my father is sixty three years old my father was born in apartheid we have agents of the state now that are currently murdering people look like me and they are going to jail i would not advise any ethnic group of people only fifty five years into freedom to ever disarm themselves i just wouldn't so it's not something i'm ever going to be whites and what's everybody have a gun absolute fast there should be five guns per household you have a shotgun you have a similar matter right guns in schools teachers should have guns no i don't think gun should be in school but if you teacher has a new car and it's a legal gun that i'm not going to i'm not going to search the teacher's car to find it why do all the guns in the house why do i want the guy was about to say you should have you should have a pistol that's a revolver because easy to shoot you have a similar to magic because it shoots a lot and is easy to shoot if you have a shot gun because of any dares to kick in your door it's just as easy as board get
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yourself in your room and shooting out you should have a long rifle in case you have to either kill a deer that way you got me through the winter. in case the government ever tries to take your freedom on why not you're jewish your should really be the last person x. we have the government is untrustable government is horrible it is want to hold the government yeah you should you should come to the right with me if you come to atlanta i'll take you to starters. i'm not done happy i'm not going happy smart you think they're going to pass legislation in the house though tightening gun control i hope not deaths to one thing i have faith in people who wear make america great hits again i think that they're going to keep the second amendment intact what i would like to see talked about the larry's the thirteenth amendment the thirteenth amendment gives clear pathway to slavery in this country and i think that we waste we can there are three hundred million people in this country we know at least there are two hundred million guns. says massachusetts pastor bob stop loss
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nobody's turn your bus stop backing right some people are going to tell me guns back you know we are dealing with that what we can deal with and what we can change is a piece of legislation or two a minute thirteenth amendment that says slavery is illegal except for we have made slavery legal in this country and since the time of chang's which my grandfather started with use prison labor slavery i think our time is better served radically changing the culture of slavery in this country than it is radically called radically change where you see slavery slavery is the thirteenth amendment allows for illegal ass life it says that slavery is illegal except for prison that was the interview with killer mike monday and i encourage you to watch it and i thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at king's things and don't forget use the politicking hash tag and that's all for this edition of politicking.
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of russian and life it's. you know world of big partisan new things a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching it closely. watching the hawks.
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another machine and not. can as you can quote all of them ok if that. was not going to match the plan a little bit late about a day out wait for the lastly i'm a good watch. that would be. the one that having. people. give the new million come on what the how do not. assume alice are shown in another jane mean the whole. why did not let out a year or so and i think just an honest one. we'll
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