tv Going Underground RT February 9, 2019 5:30pm-6:01pm EST
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and the deployment of the months band of troops to billy's is routine and nothing to do with venezuela they are there for hurricane preparation and counter-narcotics operations u.s. southern command told us that cooperation is so close with the u.k. that because of the month of may there was a u.k. liaison officer based with them and the cooperation remains the same as always with the u.k. military in addition the mounts bay works in conjunction with u.s. homeland security well homeland security and economic warfare against venezuela topics in u.s. president will trumps delayed state of the union speech this week joining me now to discuss that is greg swenson of republicans overseas u.k. thanks so much greg for you going on he begins the state of the union with eisenhower implied reference to a president who said he was judged by the military industrial complex you know eisenhower talked about that a long time ago a lot of people didn't know about eisenhower's as almost a peace candidate in one nine hundred fifty two and and so and also he talked about the industrial complex military industrial complex and he was very cautious about
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and he warned everybody about it and i think was interesting that the president brought up you mentioned eisenhower being a peace candidate he referenced the usas foolish war is that something that you wouldn't be out of place in i don't know university campus or. what why did he say foolish was threaten us prosperity look at in the president was very controversial during the republican primaries in the sense that he wasn't your standard you know he was your standard operating you know hawkish republican or conservative that doesn't surprise me that he's talking about these foolish wars that whiz like it or not just in sea and saying foolish was a threat and u.s. prosperity well bombing afghanistan well bombing syria yeah i mean you know he'd rather by then send troops right americans nobody likes to see body bags you know you're nineteen year old soldiers coming back from a foreign land and bags it just doesn't sell well so he gets that right so he'd rather him. and he was very you know when syria got into some heat with him or with
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the u.s. you know year and a half ago when using chemical weapons he executed he went in and bombed but he doesn't want to get caught in these quagmires that's just not his thing in effect he is agreeing with tools the job was twenty twenty president general manager the new generation of men to hillary clinton like. cortez and i would i mean if there is going to be peace in legislation they can all be war and investigation obviously look i think he's he campaigned on this right he thought it was expensive he thought it was a waste of time and treasure and lives so look he's sticking with it and if it if he happens to agree with some democrats you'll notice the democrats won't touch this you know that one candidate you mention from why she has the only one who's really come out and said something about the president's views on that i don't think you'll see you know harris and cory booker in
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a way to agree with the president on anything but they also don't want to criticize him on this because they don't want in two years they don't want to be called out on the fact that they agreed on keeping troops or were supporting you know the idea of keeping troops in syria when the president was against it it's a very delicate move for him but it's got to they have to be really careful some of his foreign policy has been you know somewhat unusual for a traditional republican but he's not a traditional republican i think people just have to get used to that you have because for all the talk of peace you know he's clearly going against an ally of china in venezuela. is china is venezuela going to be trumps libya well no i don't think so i don't think he'll make that mistake i mean i think he's been very aggressive and deliberate about talking about the western hemisphere and the u.s. interest in the western hemisphere i hope there's no military and you know intervention you know that the u.s. i don't they. has the appetite to get stuck in any kind of
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a military intervention when there's not some so really important strategic interest for the oil us yeah but the oil in venezuela is not that significant they have the greatest reserves in the world but they don't pump it and you know the biggest energy producer in the world right now is the u.s. if you if you mention it twenty years ago that might be a different you know there might be a bumpy more important as it would be for a future sure of what it really is but i wouldn't put that i mean this is not you know the to kuwait invasion back and in ninety two i mean you know this is not the gulf war when there was really the the risk of supply being cut off from the middle east it's venezuela there haven't been an important player but i do think that this is an important moment for the president and but but you know you bring up venezuela look you know you look who's lined up behind and you look up you know because wind up behind madeira it's pretty clear you know the china russia nicaragua bolivia the new west is president of mexico all behind me and then you
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know basically the western democracies behind. i just don't get it so i think that that was you know a good move by the president he was the first one to make the move but i don't think that's a surprise i should say the african union also. would during any contradiction here then that he keeps on talking about. people migrating a gross the southern border which many people see is the consequence of instability south of the rio grande yeah and here is sanctioning. i think one of these out of the rio grande where obviously they're refugees begad i mean there's been a million already and if and if things don't work out cause trouble relating to the refugees that the wall is going to go in the refugee crisis the exodus out of venezuela started a long time ago so i mean i think a lot of people are asleep on the wheel on that one look that he's i think he's trying to fix a situation they were you know he's right. they were the richest company country in
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latin america twenty years ago and now they're the poorest so this is this is a great moment for trump not only to show some leadership but also to point out the absolute failure of the socialist economic model and that you know you saw bernie sanders last night you know cracked a smile it's it might be a good moment to point out you know in to you know sort of win the argument against the bernie sanders and the seas of the world that are that are touting this socialism when you know the history has proven that it's a complete failure it would socialism you wouldn't even hear it before say but he did. with it before his campaign was a little do it by the clinton get bail. amazing is it clear that the drone bundestag socialism was on the rise for him to mention it in the state of the union so much yeah and is he frightened that his own economic record where this one and a half trillion in the tax bill is obviously benefit of the top one percent disproportionately is creating the conditions for socialist yeah right i mean i
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have to disagree on a few things one is i don't i don't think he's worried about that i think he's just being a little bit political here in the one myth that i think has to be better explained to the voters is that you know the benefits of these tax reform and deregulation have gone of the so-called one percent or big business it's actually not true ok so for eight years of a budget and policy priorities as the top one percent got thirty four percent of course because the top one percent pay most of the taxes i mean you know twenty years ago in the u.k. the one percent paid six percent now they pay twenty six percent there it wouldn't be a tax cut if it's in benefits the job creators and the tax payers right and now and by the way it was your own interest rates who benefited during the obama years right those who own financial assets and real estate that's what i have question of so that's what happens when you have you know a horrible tax policy when you punish job creators when you punish small business of course that there's going to be you know no wage growth employment challenges
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there's going to be lower you know labor participation all those things happened during the obama years and then you had two percent growth on a good day so you're you know anywhere from zero to two percent growth it was quite in the mic so now it's actually the by by reducing the regulatory burden on job creators by reducing you know by fixing the tax issues and it's actually benefited the entire economy so we had three point two percent wage growth last month that's the best in ten years it's it's phenomenal what's happened to the american worker and actually the lowest these wages are subsidized by the u.s. state though i mean arguably they are the most so. well it does the food stamps and all the privilege of you know there's there's subsidized i mean there are still there is a welfare state in the u.s. it's not quite as dramatic as some of the countries in europe but look that the the working class has really done well in this recovery right so three point two
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percent wage growth is fantastic but for the lower income americans or lower income workers it's been a four percent wage growth as i say so many different sources say otherwise that it is just bush to but that's yet again go to this theme of foolish wars he's clearly . iran which the e.u. of course doesn't support the u.s. policy nor does russia nor does china which is the rest of the world. as threatened to shut down the persian gulf trade in the late israel. how far do you think is going to go in supporting is also dismissed the idea of any to settlement talks nuclear disarmament talks from israel how far as you go yeah you know look he's you know he is definitely taking sides in the middle east and he's very concerned with the mullahs in iran and he has taken sides and he wants to make sure that there's some balance you know there are you know that's why he's been supporting you know
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the saudis and the u.a.e. and yemen in spite of the you know the pushback from congress and the pushback in you know from from you know all all the circles in the u.s. so look at you know he's definitely made you know drawn the line in the sand there and i you know look i don't think you have a lot of people in the u.s. that support the mullahs and i think everybody would like to have a lot of people in the u.s. is supported a war with iran no not at all i think i think there's a little appetite for that so so i think so i think that you know the president's been very clear on this very deliberate that he doesn't want to you know he he doesn't want to allow the mullahs to have you know more money and have more free reign on on. running their proxy wars and in the in the region but but going back to our earlier earlier topic he doesn't want to do that by sending troops if that can be avoided at all expense and thank you nice to be here after the break. we go to the middle of the ocean jaws fugitive u.s.
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presidential candidate and cyber security expert john mcafee about how he knows the claims of russia hacking the d.n.c. i'm not true only smoking or bathrooms going underground. big and bitcoin in crypto as the currency continues to dominate global finance and put the u.s. dollar into the graveyard yet. it's rather stand. right now that i know there are a lot of trouble at the rather across the top the for fourth.
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i'm going to let them but when i catch them then you can keep an eye on what i don't think is a channel for truffle that it. was going to. get its whole full place. and pay i think time in theory has said. he she ought to have a. model for the. i will fuck around with mr hayes to for jim and then boy i hope that are fairly in your court. and i need another one of the eyes to my tongue when you don't feel asleep because
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banneker itself mukti about. closing this way got to dog it so hard not to think i'm going to dissipate this moment the work of a coward and an optimist all right then if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights in his way to. the floor and you can feel the feet down in this most recent woody allen you have all the ability of the moment on the. but i see it is this is the fans that is a constant. welcome back we're now going to move away from washington beltway and westminster bubble
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politics to go to an undisclosed location in the middle of the ocean cyber security pioneer john mcafee is currently running his u.s. twenty twenty presidential campaign in exile due to what he says on charges of using crypto currencies and criminal acts against the u.s. government he joins me now via encrypted video link john welcome to going on the ground the u.s. constitution allows people to run for president from prison on the run they just have to satisfy three quite area do you think you have a chance of winning the presidency in two thousand and twenty zero zero absolutely not absolutely not it is not possible to be present in spite of the support that i fear or have that some are going to happen i don't want to present what i want is access to the national stage so that i can promote the ideas that i believe america needs to adopt like cryptocurrency like the fact that our government has gone insane and. you know it is it is designed to serve the people that were then this is purpose and it said the people are serving the government the government has
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grown wildly out of control and has become insane you know we're in we're interfering with nations and regions of the world that we have no business being at how many american people speak farsi or arabic who understand the the muslim religion to its core who understand the culture they history of political alliances good lord we have no business doing this isn't a spain act and we're doing it because we have all of the guns and all the weapons and all of the power and we have made ourselves the world's policeman i'm sorry we have trouble is your hope we do not need to be policing other people so i'm it's i need to say these things and i need to say this ng is to the american people and once i've said them i don't want to be president you know what a terrible job. because it doesn't matter who is the president of the us it's all the same and once you become president you are beholden to everyone you're
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a puppet with a thousand screens john i know that we have quite a history of cia interventions in the countries that you're implying but the united states and britain actually says we have to uphold human rights in places like i don't know venezuela well let's us that mean we have to uphold human rights and we even a lot of human rights are in other countries i mean there are factions political factions there are cultural factions social factions we do not belong in countries that we do not understand i mean surely if we were living there and we truly understand the history of how whatever is happening is happening rhapsody could provide some inputs but good god one is our input is the cia and what they feed back to us we don't have a clue what the real truth is we see nothing but this information from our government and therefore from our media which is largely impacted by our government so to say we have to up hold human rights yes yes within your own village within
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your own town within your own districts within your own country but somewhere else i'm sorry sir we do not have the right to charge but so much of the media in the united states implies that it is a fact now that putin put trump in the white house not the american people i think that's out of nonsense. and you know even if putin or lots of what it's about that's only one person who did not put anybody in the white house we put trump in the white house the american people we voted we saw we listened to saying to putin or any it leader has the power to influence us the american public the voters i'm sorry sir that's just not happening you don't think the kremlin hacked the e-mails of. hillary clinton the contender for the president will happen it could not have been the grammar why it if you analyze that hack the it is if they did
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have russia all over it so number one it can't be russia because idiots think that the russian hackers for the state are so stupid as to leave trails leading back to better ways god no it was done by somebody else wanting to it's a look like the russians i mean i've been in computer security my whole life you can see the trademarks of what it is not if it's truly the russians it can't be the russians look at is that stupid i'm surprised no one would doubt that you're one of the great as experts on cyber security but dia think that the media then is following a dangerous path and trying to make the american people believe the war every pap the media takes is dangerous for heaven's sake because where does the media get its information the same place the public gets its information from governments from agencies institutions all of whom are hiding something and disseminating false information just information so no sir it it your
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your you are all of your pets are dangerous because what you report on you report on as true and you add to that your own opinions that's not news and when they're telling you at it late as a personality in the media what about when they tell us things about china or about russia or about iran who to much else us the cia that they did back and government fox news c.n.n. listen if you watch fox and you switch back and forth between fox and c.n.n. you will see the insanity of the news because a cite to different events but wait for it on the same thing but because of the bias because of the personalities because of the judgments of the media and you know i should be judging. i'm sorry you guys should be reporting facts but what about say just the dangers of using
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a smartphone and we know from edward snowden and julian a songe about surveillance capitalism you really think that one can evade the authorities absolutely crappy absolutely not sure they can plan spyware on your smartphone scan for those those things be be smart about what you do avoid pornography size because that's where they plant describe the spyware why pornography sides are the most common of the most popular sites like there are some things used common sense you can keep a clean phone and if you have a clean phone then you're in instead city you clean software you download and access one of the privacy coins and use it the government chan not watching and even if they they could they cannot possibly. buy on everyone it's just to their phones it is not possible technologically i know is speaking to you through an encrypted connection what why are you on the run we don't know where you are right
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now why are you in the run at the moment i have been speaking out against taxation large government and insanities within a marriage and political system for years now when cryptocurrency came along i i saw a chance for american citizens to free themselves on the nightmare which is the american government on our shoulders and our backs we are stooped and crippled by this government so i started talking about it simultaneously i've not paid taxes rate years because in my mind and in the mind of most libertarians i'm a libertarian. taxation is illegal it's test our constitution says pacifically congress shall pass no laws to tax. income citizens and yet they're doing it so i haven't paid taxes not it's not illegal not to file it's actually turns in america
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it's only illegal to lie about it or to do it to create fraud well i haven't lied about because every step of the thing about. simply not file however the i.r.s. in desperation has i thought i don't want exact charges they convened a grand jury on the twenty second of january charging myself my wife and four of my campaign workers with unspecified criminal jelani charges involving taxation the only thing i can think about is they're going to claim it's a conspiracy to avoid taxes but in any case the grand jury is real grand juries are rubber stamps for prosecutors in america one hundred percent of the time they come back with an indictment why only the prosecutor is allowed to talk to them on the prosecutors will present evidence that those charges are not allowed even though that is happening there only children she's in the world who
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still use grand juries one is america and the other one is liberia every other country abandoned this obvious shake practice decades ago so in any case that in any case did said the grand jury was convened charges repress i'm sure that there that indictment was resort or is being reached and why they have not publicize it yet i have no clue but i did i did so bits be my twitter proof of the it's back to the grand jury was convened if i am if i'm arrested they want to put me in prison then they're going to say i'm a flight risk oh it's obvious i'm in flight. and i won't be able to talk for the duration of this campaign and this extremely important for me searches say things i need to say but will try and get comment from the i.r.s. spent obviously other present. antrel contenders would say to you who's going to pay for hospitals and public roads and public health care if no one pays tax but
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when it went well wait a minute what percentage of the taxes on our income actually go to those things they go to congressional salaries and junkets and everything else are we had no chance to speak for the civil war in america one hundred years of prosperity and government that was well it was sane and for i had it one hundred years without taxation there are thousands of ways to fund a government you don't have to illegally tax and steal from your citizens in order to fund it it's just the easiest way you could you could have road taxes and then people who use roads you have to are taxed by the mile for your they use roads ten cents from our would fund our entire government good lord there are thousands of ways or don't look at me that nonsense i'm not buying our well just finally some of what you said donald trump kind of said he's in the white house and being accused of being a russian spy what it what do you think of these kinds of accusations if anyone
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says anything against i don't know goldman sachs or military intervention we have a two party system in america the our entire system is based on one party accusing the other party of this or that nonsense twenty four hours a day. i don't pay attention to it than anybody that he stands for not paying attention to it when the democrats are out of power they're angry and they want power what's the quickest way to get it entertainers are the ones who do have the power as they are doing it wrong we need to come back and the reverse and this creation out of the insanity obamacare the billions of dollars spent on the creation of this program dismantling by the next administration has got that's not helping us any and that's not helping healthcare is all helping anything it is it is the wages of war between republicans and democrats and again any two
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party system in this world john mcafee thank you and that's of the show will be back on monday the fortieth anniversary of the reagan revolution zero. zero zero zero zero zero. zero zero zero. zero zero zero one. and again as you know not. all of them ok if the. last nine and most of that in a little like about a day at least the last three of my life that i'm not going to be. the one that.
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people. give the name not a local what the how do we. assume alice are. not those they need the whole corn to go forward. why do men well not a whole lot and i think. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. she'll begin. that still depends on mileage from the. independent
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the meters that they did with. the counselor that i went up but we were meeting they. were sort of my limit was speculation to me or here now with jane we have a one quarter the only star. now at the five at the scene but because a lot of money for that matter. see let him make it what we have made or the only marriage will have gone folding clothes are geared up to grab me as if to see you so when i win a looter. because this woman who got them so moving. and good your local was before.
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much of those who heard it's a preview or must never be snooping we will. go. with a. look for you to look beautiful. i mean it's a good good. muslim also these girls will give you film school good girls. to go to shows so look i do the same you believe the shore it's good to the you should go. to starts to organise some to get to needed so it was the little one wished they'd say look it is it's. just testing understand stitched mutants they're mashed on. the street the president can please introduce more students.
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as we've produced because listening to snoop to come up with new yorkers there's the girls who are serious supporters to your shoes they should shouldn't feel you should cook dorothy one whose job is the impulse to. do it all seems mark a thirteenth weekend of yellow that's demonstrations on the streets of paris. phyllis whalen self-proclaimed interim leader says he is not ruling out requesting a u.s. military intervention against president maduro.
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