tv Redacted Tonight RT February 9, 2019 6:30pm-7:01pm EST
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a thanks was. the comedy film where americans in america covering american news are called for in a drunk's so let's get this out of the way everyone's talking about the state of the union so here is my in-depth analysis of president donald j. trump's state of the killings. that i covered it and i was wrong so we also need more honest than the state of the union. now let's move on to some religion so i know i covered the u.s. backed coup in venezuela last week but the problem with our country's on go and destruction of other countries is that it keeps developing so now i've got more breaking news on that there was a cool of i do it again tomorrow as well you. guys because even if you guys will.
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do they i was going to do it anyway. all right last week i said one of the big reasons we were working to tear apart venezuela with i.m.f. regime change puppet one guy why though is because we want their oil they have the largest oil reserves in the world now i don't have clear proof we want their oil but it's a hunch she you know just. kind of like if you put a balloon in a room with a porcupine your lie i have a hunch will prompt the whole world. i don't have any quotes from top trump administration officials saying we're going to take their oil you know you would never have someone like trump's national security advisor john bolton just admit it will be great if we could get american oil companies in there i think we're trying to get to the same end result here you know venezuela is one of the three kind. i
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called the troika to tyranny it will make a big difference to the united states economically if we could have american oil companies really investing to use the oil capabilities in venezuela. you're not supposed to say you know. for like twenty years we've been trying to destroy venezuela and our government always says we want to help the people all we care about their democracy they have a lot of inflation and that's why we need to send our happy bombs. parade right then they never just go yet like hundreds of oil there and we want to you know we we try to keep the cookie monster under wraps or not i'm. also it's amazing how like matter of fact he is a u.s. backed coup often in in terrible violence with tens of thousands of innocent people killed it's horrific someone did end up with
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a brutal military who taking control we should view his statement you know but the statement by bolton as no different than somebody saying something a horrible in like a monotone voice we should react the same as if he just said yeah i've been having sex with my dog as well a week we do it in the laundry room a half dozen times a week and then people don't approve of our relationship because technically she's under age or was you know it's good for the american people. like that makes you feel pretty gross arrived so should proposing the collapse of a society to steal their oil right. thank you thank you all. so much blumenthal great journalist over a great zone project question some of our lovely congresspeople about their views on the u.s. backed coup attempt. and they really stunned me with how well informed ingenue when
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they are here is texas representative roger williams do you think it would be. meddling in russia were to declare. to follow see the president of the us. and. he has done that well in that case by all means declare one why go the president of a country even though he was never elected to that after all our motto is america you can't get mad at us for doing things because women thought about the consequences. here's more from missouri representative lacey clay you think the u.s. is meddling in this very good news. here. but it's good for years it was good when. we got to the point that the american government is screwing with so many countries not even congress knows what the fuck is going on
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but not even to the level that they know how to appropriately lie about it i mean that's really what you're seeing here is congress people who don't have their propaganda down yet like they haven't studied that they don't or say much doro bad because it was in the cliff's notes but. then you say well what about the who leader that america just installed in their go. can i phone a friend. should we embargoed in this way it was the same. one because it was in the population will start right right. where he was are you going to speak up on that because clearly you know who you are you she was friendly and she was the former just. go ahead and start venezuelans or bomb the shit out of children in yemen i'll be working on financial services and that is all. an excuse because there's been this opioid epidemic is. killing just so many and. i only did it is
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use of renaming post offices. is it. anyway it's clear our congress people both don't know and don't care what the us is doing in venezuela so the actual policy is decided by an elected maniacs like john bolton and elliott abrams from just named abrams special cut a special envoy to venezuela even though the guy has a resume that would make joseph mangle a blush so this wig the u.s. sends food aid to the border of venezuela but with dora blocked it and corporate media went he won't even let. to help his starving people but if you talk to people in venezuela there are shortages of certain foods and products due to the american embargo and sanctions but no one's really starving because of it so really the u.s. is just of setting the dora isn't playing along with our allies you know this would
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be like if someone tells you you're in. and you're like i don't actually do any drugs never i never have you campaign. against this you know you're going to die from this affliction that i made up about you. and one last thing the u.s. installed pretend president. has already said he wants to sell venezuela's oil to foreign companies and let the i.m.f. back in to drown the country in debt and even the wall street journal stated so u.s. push to oust him adorable is just the first shot in their planned to reshape latin america basically to remake latin america in our image well in that case they're going to need a whole lot of spray on tan or and more floppy skin around their necks in washington d.c. and thank you renee. ok
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. ok well like a going to take the news from behind big nose big news viewers the tightly held secret of what the donald trump is doing in the oval office all day as finally been leaked to the world and the truth is shocking as the schedules show that trump has spent around sixty percent of his scheduled time over the past three months in unstructured executive china what does that mean well it's undeniable that trump has the intellect of a teenager and if a teenager says he needs executive time alone in his room. where although a dad means masturbation. is that really surprising have you ever seen anyone who loves themselves more than donald trump. so to sum this up breaking news from spend
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sixty percent of his time polishing the old washington monument and fun fact george washington's teeth and directions were made of wood. schedule. a lie on the schedule show he also spent another seven percent of his time a full hour a day on lunch and i think it's really been paying dividends i really really been work it out so between masturbation and lunch trump is not working a full two thirds of every day and i think i speak for all of us when i say thank. you just thank you that means two thirds of the time trump is not working to enrich himself while screwing everyone else two thirds of every day the decisions are instead being left is the administration and their goals are to enrich themselves while screwing everyone else. good to see that really
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that is one decision that did seem to come from trump this week from called for keeping troops in iraq to watch iran watch iran. is probably not realize we monitor other nations with satellites and spyware because you think we do are watching of other countries from like windows or the like a dude in a base in iraq with an ocular is sorry just think they're up to something. and if he wants it nearby for a response time trump doesn't seem to understand you don't have to leave troops in iraq because we can come back if we want to we have we have very fast planes we have cargo planes we can come back very quickly but come back if we have to we have a very sinister place with a good place we could come back very quickly. and that's the same interview this week when he said we have to keep troops in iraq ok fine look leaving troops in
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iraq is idiotic because of being in iraq was a mistake it was a big big. one i think it was a going in to the middle east one of the greatest mistakes that our country has ever made one of the greatest mistakes we've ever made why kids he had dads being in iraq was a mistake ok that was a big mistake you know one of the greatest mistakes going into the middle east that our country has ever made one of the greatest mistakes that we've ever made i think of winning or losing this debate. let me try another angle here leading troops in iraq is wrong or simply because of the money americans are drowning in debt yet we're spending more money on military that anybody's ever spent in history by a lot we spent over the last five years close to fifty billion dollars a year in afghanistan alone that's more than most countries spend for everything including. education medical everything else would some would dare tell that to
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donald trump was spending more money than he would ever spent in his. we spend over the last five years close to fifty billion dollars a year in afghanistan that's more than most countries spend for everything including education medical and everything else. i give up this is like debating a potted plant that a lot of plant that spent twenty years in the n.f.l. . speaking of plants let's move on you've all heard about climate change yes something about the planet hating that we have eleven years before the point of no return that will inevitably lead to our extinction something like that i can't really remember the details i was too busy watching u.f.c. two thirty two guy punched in frank's. really lived up to that i really did anyway i heard about this climate change thing and i had this crazy idea what if we all drop what we were doing and planted millions of trees like. oh i
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want. to raise our amazing new stock of carbon dioxide and they create a whole ecosystem for animals and insects these new tree devices could save us. and apparently my ideal was pretty great because over in india one point five million volunteers planted sixty six million trees in twelve hours breaking a guinness world record. they were going to bring. those people have inspired me let's drop everything and plant trees all right was your right ok all right i just like to say get some dirt. name a tree. with the. little guy looking for any good.
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god jelly belly is a still it was. close it was one of the water or. close enough to see. to the little bit of hair on your trunk read it somewhere and you truly are right you know what i can do you are to taste the clean oxygen we're just a kid tim scott soon as it smells like nancy pelosi breath. and said without the mom of five remains of humanity's hopes and dreams. does it. really and i think i'll go on name and glynn fitch. but india is not the only country planting a forest here in the us we've created our own manmade forest of rich. the nation of change is reporting that one it tech billionaire has the same net worth as
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a million teachers here in the land of equality on shore mark zuckerberg does as much work as a million teachers i mean do you have any idea how much effort it takes to give away that much personal data but he has to work twenty four seven to make sure each and every one of his billions of users don't have any privacy left right and jeff bezos has to work tirelessly to entrap us all and amazon prime. really does. what he has to spend countless hours setting fire to millions of unsold products that's right every year amazon destroys about three million unused products in france alone how wasteful how terrible for the environment oh don't listen little clinton it's don't listen listen cover your ear buds cover your plants. but in amazon's defense they are destroying products that have. gone bad or right have
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gotten moldy or expires things like toys and t.v. . you know how it is when a new television starts to smell amazon gives us give away. t.v.'s because what then poor african people walking around with a samsung plasma plaid screen. that would ruin the global class system that it took hundreds of years of colonial oppression to create. oh it was next you're going to have people in farms shoes. but the fact that pathetic french actually seem upset about this french secretary of environmental transition broom postone called the practice environmentally irresponsible and shocking oh oh oh i just i just thought of something we don't need to waste all that time planting saplings we could just use all those unsold t.v.'s to display
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videos of saplings that should have the same impact. back when furniture out your your bin automated you know good thing you can put down roots all right well you know where frank by join our live on is there any way. big news is in big coin in crypto as the currency continues to dominate global finance and put the us dollar into the graveyard yet. which of us is revolution the screeching to a whole inflation and unemployment cause millions to leave venezuela the world powers a long job or where the president maduro should stay but the real question is.
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should the country move on its current crisis. that's right the sand had the. problem what i saw. i know that i know i might try but there are rather tough it out for a kid that. only a lot compared to when i got him and you can keep an eye on what i have floozie china for twelve years and it living. my life and i'm all in the financial times i know it does. in their own mind the. number of the hatefulness and believe me.
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you get the toll for bush choice for the un you say you didn't pay our time and terry has said he believes she is if. someone else for that then after that it will fuck around to say that for jim and lawyer but i hope it is our family for. the money. oh my. god no police department is training officers to reduce violence against minorities the program sounds like a good idea until you hear that the trainings are led by officers who have been accused of misconduct now that sets out the bad as good as hiring. one of william
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cosby to teach sex ed we have to discuss is our corrupt vonnie. a scam for you drew is a really good to everyone supports education of the nation's youth but not the police these comps need to be off the streets and in the classroom because they got kicked out of the local schools for tasing children. it's true that sixteen of the seventeen officers leading these implicit bias trainings as they're called have one hundred eleven complaints of misconduct against them a hundred and eleven are you kidding me it's crazy it's just the complains lee i didn't even get into the lawsuit so don't blow your outrage low just yet oh the lawsuits are they teaching them how to be racist but better no no that's ridiculous but when i first heard that the teachers were abusers i thought the training was an immersive experience where the police themselves would be subject to full cavity
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searches in the morning and then in the afternoons the trainees would have cocaine planted on them which they were then arrested for with excessive force you know some hands up learning. so how are those ricardo bullies who are trampling on civil rights with little accountability and that's according to the federal government going to get rid of racism with training by proven racists are they going to do it with white power point presentations. indeed there are slides but it's implicit bias not racism implicit biases is sub conscious automatic associations between people and stereotypes that shape everyone's behavior for example a chicago police officer received a misconduct complaint for saying i will lock your black. that seems like a very explicit racism i just i just don't see. it's not obvious to me no we don't
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know the tone and what he said i am sure it could have been a loving i will lock your black. so you will never leave my side. anyways the complaint was investigated but i do see some undertones anyways take a look at how they plan to fight this implicit bias in the course and then we used educational more difficult conversations it's taking a look at ourselves and what's going on with us and we had to be open with it and part of that was our cynicism see it's part of history this great nation was founded on cynicism there are statues of many great cynics still standing today. it's not cynicism it's racism naomi and it's terrifying chicago basically identified the bad boy and promoted to sergeant bad ok so people are taking issue
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with one officer leading the training who was so cynical the police had to pay seventy five thousand dollars to a black man who had his ribs broken by bad cynicism however compared to the seven hundred nine million that the department paid in settlements since two thousand and ten that's small potatoes or small bad apples if you want. the police can't be trusted to reform themselves i think they have power point slides you said so yourself. in the meantime black lives matter needs to change their chance no justice no peace no races police to no justice no peace no subconscious bias sees that create unfair suspicions of some groups over others ten with me no just. because you have to tell it to offer it is our best and brightest what have they been up to lately nothing shady has come sure to gore's wanted john of o'donnell.
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breaks it down. as if you're an n.s.a. cyber security expert a hacker a spy and you're looking to change employers what do you do for your next job you can't like go into retail or become a middle school math teacher that's too anti-climactic no sign no daughter you got to join project rave in this stage adaptation of edgar allan poe's the rave in. ok that's not really what project raven is it's a clandestine team that included more than a dozen former u.s. intelligence operatives recruited to help the united arab emirates engage in
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surveillance of other governments militants and human rights activists critical of the monarchy no big deal there just a deep dive bombshell exposé by reuters one of the biggest news wires about a despotic gulf nation monarchy co-opting u.s. intelligence assets to crack down on free speech the operative say over time the data collection became broader with americans data also being collected who see an n.s.a. spokesman declined to comment on raven and apple spokeswoman declined to comment a spokeswoman for you a's ministry of foreign affairs declined to comment the u.s. embassy in washington and a spokesman for its national media council did not respond to requests for comment that is a whole lot of no comments and wait why did reuters reach out to apple the operatives utilize an arson. all of cyber tools including
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a cutting edge as being a platform known as karma in which raven operatives say they hacked into the i phones of hundreds of activists political leaders and suspected terrorists. they used car i phone. the name karma after the fundamental buddhist doctrine of moral causation good thing i've been meditating so much lately or that would have really pissed me off. ok u.s. intelligence operatives are working as mercenaries at the behest of despotic monsters it would be unskillful for me to get emotionally does regulated by that. i'll keep working on it so of the nine former project raven operatives interviewed only one lori strauss was willing to be identified by name it was incredible
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because there were these limitations like there was at the n.s.a. there wasn't that red tape you know that red tape of the n.s.a. for attending to respect civil liberties not actually respecting them that would be insane but being forced to pay lip service to the importance of the fourth amendment. that is a. red state. also there's this in two thousand and thirteen her world changed while stationed at n.s.a. hawai'i stroud says she made the recommendation to bring adelle technician already working in the building under her team that contractor was and we. have. haha ha there is to worry stroud after she found out project raven was spying on americans she left and so did a number of the other operatives. but it begs the question is it only on ethical to
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help repressive regimes crush descent if americans are the target otherwise just fine because according to the actions of these intelligence mercenaries it begs the answer yes totally yes it's chair. reporting from washington john ford off. that's our show but if you want more from my stand of cover harry i have one cannot do not thank you for not returning yet. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to express injury. or something wanted.
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to go right to the press that's what the four three of the four can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters about how. things should. have a. system must. have . another mizuno on them she knew not. who was mochrie if who. was not going to match the man he had killed in battle they had laid the other kid was that a woman rather than to be able to. hang with the man that had. even for
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people. who give the know. what the how do on our side our d. as soon as our. jane need the whole corn go before. our nation of war. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is on offer and spearing dramatic development the only personally i'm going to resist i don't see it as threatened will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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