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tv   Documentary  RT  February 10, 2019 3:30am-4:01am EST

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theory. no idea what that is. but it's certainly plastic. jessica perelman is a biologist accustomed to finding plastic in fish stomachs she has started a very unique connection. casually often plastic bags and this was all coiled up in the stomach when i found it i had no idea what it wasn't all that it just. how did you react when you find this installment i was shocked i started you know documenting it measuring it taking photos showing whoever else was around in the lab and we were kind of. we were just you know a shock to think that that these fish are are really ingesting this i mean. to her disbelief the scientist has found plastic in a non likely specimen known as the long fish.
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the young was not expecting such a surprising discovery when she began this piece is. fish live at a depth of about two hundred to four hundred meters and they're clearly coming in contact with plastic and it appears that plastic is truly a deeper problem that we might have imagined. even swimming at these depths the long sit fish manages to swallow trivial plastic objects and i mean occasionally you might find a brand name such as this dishonored bottle label and what is this says is a label from a water bottle. and found amongst the lancet. this is a. design design is a pretty well known. bottled water company. you know finding finding
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a label such as this in the stomachs makes it that easy to determine where you know where it may have originated. this is always more to taste than just what. is just one. in front one of the world's best selling brands. and if you're not familiar with you will certainly know the name of the group behind it the coca-cola company. everyone knows coca-cola but not everyone necessarily knows that the group is in china. dozens of other brands just sunny as part of the coca-cola company and sprite two there is also minute maid powerade and of course one of the company's
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flagship brands. every year the group sells more than one hundred twenty billion bottles across the globe that's almost two thousand bottles a second and this mass production is creating a devastating mass pollution. in january twenty eight hundred the multinational made a bold announcement by twenty thirty the brand is promising a world without waste. and it's james quincey coca-cola c.e.o. who is leading the movement. what we need to create is the circular color we need to create value for the out there is absolutely doable a world without waste thanks to unlimited plastic recycling but how reliable are the promises that this multinational can recycling really make this problem go away
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. with plastic becoming a global catastrophe reinvestigated the company's promises and on competence secret strategy which contradicts that convincing prejudice and none of us for the world we don't sit by and don't resist the study of affect the political philosophy for decades the multinational has been aware of the damage that it's plastic bottles off capable of causing but responsibility has never appeared to for long then. what is the reason behind this because ultimately it means it means higher costs for them in africa offering the soda giants american headquarters we're going to expose the truth behind the so-called recycling economy that coke is trying to promote in the somebody who. only going to see. it to see that this particular motel yet again that's a night to. come on one last drink for the road welcome to the wonderful world of
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the plastic promises if the coca-cola company. coca-cola and plastic have a longstanding relationship and one that is full of surprises. to find out more we traveled to the united states to meet a man who is well informed on the subject he lives in this small house in the dounia. i got back nicely thank you nice to meet you yeah really welcome to. you know this if we go to five. i doubt i doubt one of the drivers get that or might have come on oh yeah. but
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elmo is a historian. he's the author of a book about coca-cola a best seller it retraces the multinationals and time environmentalists strategy particularly from the sixty's on woods when plastic began to revolutionize consumer society we began to see massive amounts of litter piling up around the country coca-cola tried to respond to this wow we're getting blamed for all this aluminum waste all this ultimately plastic waste what do we do and one of the things they did was partner with a organization called keep america beautiful what do you here keep america beautiful you think like wow this sounds like an organization. started by a bunch of kind of bearded environmentalist at least that's what i thought. you know because you see the sign everywhere in the united states is still a very present organization but it was founded surprisingly by the beverage burning
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in canning and packaging industries right the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones they're the litterbug they're throwing us away industry should be blamed for all this waste. and so this native american looking like a character from an old weston makes the keep america beautiful and huge that sense some people. are bright. as one species. and this guy throws in his car he throws the packaging waist down it is feet and then and this great camera man lifts the camera up towards the crying indian's face and there's a tear in the snare and it comes on the screen and says. people
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start pollution people can stop it right and it's this message of. consumers are the problem right not us industry but consumers are. since the success of this advert in the us in the seventy's keep america beautiful has branched out. now there are organizations throughout the world designed using the exact same model and who is backed by the company with the red and white logo. to understand how coca-cola is recycling its reliable old consumer guru technique we have to go to their son i not to the chateau but to an event that is being held at the town.
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it is an important conference with several elected officials from all over europe and they're here to speak about the plan in this at their talents and it's serious stuff they're even discussing the color of that trash cans that every town. hall meeting. he immediately goes. to conclude the meeting the guest of honor makes a speech this time it's the director of keep scotland beautiful an association partly financed by coca-cola like keep america beautiful and it seems derek robertson is a fan of soda. and listen closely some of his slip ups are extremely telling. i have a clear well that i don't wish and saw and the thing about him. yes yes.
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is that it does yeah we do yeah and what a liar she. bendish as well you can stop thinking into something by. the emphasizing individual rather than collective responsibility clearly nothing has changed since the advertisement of the native american crime. i assume that you were drinking coca-cola this morning is the single use a lot of plastic and the problem today. class they are plastic packaging has a very useful function in society and we need to we need to remember that the products are very creative they are very very useful and they obviously perform a function as important as how we again as individuals dispose of these packages so coca-cola for example one of the packaging rightly want to be ready to get it fiery safely i mean use it. what you don't want to say and then environment according to the head of an association which claims to fight against pollution coca-cola is
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supposedly the example to follow but does he admit to being financed by the american multinationals he asked the question a few minutes later who is financing your targets. in order to finance these are the targets of you but if it is a terrorist. who would you want to drink here i don't look i mean i'm asking you these are judged to be in jail especially seeing my own guys asian and scotland as my digital ok i'm fundamentally through tell you i'm committed to that will i volunteer my saying ok. by asking the finance question we have identified it touchy subject the conflict of interest in this book of conflicts of interest do you think there's going to ensure that asserts you think you are trying to create a measure of our conflict of interest of us was like you're trying to do you think there is one. we are as one source are you have sponsors again that's it's
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a different model and i'm not purchased obviously not her child isn't that the secret to her doing and good humor characters if you were to see to see what it says. bring to our sponsors i want option of this correspondent the scorched grass policies and the hiring of experts and some companies and some companies are alive but i want i want more than. mcdonald's bring us starbucks. more suffering or some bank brand names. we had to insist since the sixty's coca-cola has been paving the way for other multinationals. and the only haven't is a leader just almost the. reason for this myth that bailed. them. out.
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and there is no known she knew not. can if you had a way that was more greek if there. was not a master plan a it will be like the battle they have wait for the us they have a good watch that'll allow that to be. the one that having. people. give their name not. what the how do we slow our d. s. when i last are. not those they need the whole corn to go before. why demand not let out a year or so and i think just. tough
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and i need another one of the highest amount of weight. both assume because they could still move exterior i. was in this way got to talk so hard not to think of the mother describe this moment the work of a coward and i know mr larkin if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way. to. the floor you can feel the fee on this bill frist woody allen and if you have a whole movie about a box of that came out on the. what i think is this is the fans that is a constant. cool.
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but what if the soda giant really had decided to change a few months ago upon launching its program for a world without waste the company announced a set of very ambitious measures to resolve the plastic pollution problem for coca-cola the solution is recycling the concept is simple collect used bottles to make new ones out of them. coca-cola promises to put fifty percent recycled plastic in its bottles by twenty thirty and that's on a global scale. is absolutely doable there's a model there for the china's a lot of parts of the world on how to create value out of plastic and get it we
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used. of course that would be great news. but with all that we have learned about the company's strategies we wanted to check how often they actually keep their promises the american company has been promising to make bottles out of recycled plastic begins take the year two thousand and eight for example in its report on sustainable development coca-cola announced that it wanted to put twenty five percent recycled plastic in all of its bottles by twenty fifteen. for a long time we sought to find any trace of this in the report from twenty fifteen. the company never clearly states whether or not that promise was kept we end up finding a single figure twelve point four percent at first glance it's easy to believe that
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this is the. recycled plastic used by coca-cola but after taking a closer look twelve point four percent turns out to be the total percentage of recycled and renewable materials used the problem is that recycled and renewable plastic are two very different things. to decrypt the soda giant dog and we arranged a meeting with an ngo that has been interested in the coca cola group for a long time. is a specialist in ocean pollution and she's going to explain how the multinational twists words and statistics. are best. ssage better to put just sort of the visit of the most i mean the most they are a little bit supplanted of a country. back to the eleventh
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renewable plastic is essentially plastic made from a plant base but it's still plastic and therefore it's still bad for the environment that clears up the words now let's move on to the statistics. not seven veges say on. sixty. that's set for the plastic or sickly. or labor day when you've owned at a special project a fundamental difference and we are clearly very far from the target from the n.g.'s point of view coca-cola is recycling targets are first and foremost a marketing ploy to ensure that the consumer keeps buying their plastic bottles. on tests. as a whole lot of us you clash lessers volatiles no three pts. sabbats
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protests are so long that sanju would have called you so to tella. the pool of call it. says to the. coca-cola subtle statistical distortions are bad but the worst is yet to come. we uncovered something far worse in this envelope which contains dozens of letters and internal records from coca-cola these documents should have remained confidential but they were published anonymously on the internet a few months ago we carefully sifted through all the information and found that we could not be further from the ambitious a world without waste slogan. amidst the mass of information this document caught our attention it's dated from twenty sixteen and signed by the coca-cola as
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a law being manager in brussels. the bullet points are all the measures that europe could adopt but which do not coincide with coca cola's interests. in the next we find carbon pricing restrictions on the usage of caffeine and eat you ban of advertising to children under twelve. in other words anything that could lower the company's turnover figure on the right there's a circle entitled fight back these are all the european measures that coca-cola has decided to fight against through lobbying. and amongst the measures that coca-cola downright refuses we find increased collection and recycling targets.
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you heard it coca-cola wants to fight against increased recycling targets in europe while they're promising the exact opposite in their public pledges sit. on the tablet. the ties in nicely. sit out. in that fight back category we also discovered that the company wants to fight against the deposit system. this is one of the systems that is actually effective in combating pollution and the oldest in the game are well aware of this. deposit system works like this when you buy your drink you pay let's say a euro for it and you also pay an extra charge the deposit let's say twenty cents per bottle in total it'd cost you one euro twenty but if you bring back the bottle
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you'd get your twenty cents back and so all of a sudden no one wants to throw their bottles away anymore. and what is most ironic is that the returnable bottle is virtually how coca-cola began in the fifty's a bottle of coke was not always served by a pin up girl instead it was served in a glass bottle with a deposit. so once empty the bottles would go back to the factory where they would be washed and really used this creates significantly less waste for the environment . the system worked very well but coke decided to put an end to it and use plastic instead completely disregarding one particular scientist's recommendations. would you like to know how coke decided to get rid of the return of old bottled the company has at. attempted to keep this story from getting out but we tracked down
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the only man able to tell it. today he is enjoying a discreet retirement in michigan in the united states i'm going to have to reach him nice to me it's nearly thank you very much for going to the center thank you so here are knots. in this gentleman is called us and down ached he was that the american environmentalists agency finale is he's also the first engineer in the world to investigate the ecological impact of coca-cola bottles. that does a very imitation there are smaller. typical quote battles about this from this big green translucent always glass. always to us. down a it's referring to the beginning of the seventy's. that was when the coca-cola company
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began to show an interest in plastic and to reach out to him. what they wanted to know is if you take into account in all other end environmental impacts on nature what is the best system the engineer works for over a year comparing the environmentalists impact of glass bottles to that of any million cans and plastic bottles he costs analyzes the data makes graphs does complex calculations and he finally comes to this conclusion a glance at the table shows that the returnable glass bottle provided it makes three fifteen trips before it is discard is the ecological container proposed also . thanks to this report the coca-cola company knows full well at the start of the seventy's that return a bull glass pollutes sea. then plastic. but the company would never
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publicly share this information. we put this together for them and they didn't publish it you know why. they were not interested in it have everything to public see the the total picture why because they want to keep it in keep it quiet as to which way they were going to go. this is the new life way plastic. i watch them slowly introducing the plastic bottles easy. for someone to i even remember clearly one time going to going home and saying to bridget my wife and i said they're going to plaster bottle. the danger they would and they are not growing it's just a first step. serialized that ted eco plastic bottles playlist and one last
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question. with this advert for its new plastic bottle released in one thousand nine hundred seventy five coca-cola barry's ass and honest report once and for all. it's life's tough it's easy to let. the american company never looks back coca-cola imposes its plastic bottle everywhere and then isn't the only one flooding the market it's a tidal wave from the eighty's on would plastic devastates beaches. and the first ecologists begin to protest against pollution. certain american states consider a forced return of the deposit. little do they know the company's immense power. coca-cola has been a significant force behind. fighting legislation
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that would put deposits on containers or put some kind of price on packaging waste there are newsletters that talk about all the successes that coca-cola is having around the country and it's almost like this great you know celebration letter every day every week we defeated this deposit system in this state and we defeated it here why do you think they were fighting so hard against deposit system want is the reason behind this because ultimately it means it means higher costs for them in the end this was a way of this was forcing them to internalize their pollution costs this was a market mechanism that's very smart to try and get industry to recognize that you have to deal with this waste. as you are the sand here homeless and then. move on what has.
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that i was shocked at the rather you know i thought the four thought that if. only. compatible and i. can keep an. eye you lose a child with a trunk full that it. was. my michelle little and. then let's. get this whole full plate choice. you have them and hey i think i'm going to me this is. a. mile farther and then after that i will fuck around with mr hates it for
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a gym and then lawyer. i hope that our fairly mature course. that's geysers financial survival guide liquid assets not those that you can convert as quite easily. to keep in mind no assets mean to the place and. therefore. you know world of big. and conspiracy it's time to wade to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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violence erupts on the streets of francaise yellow vests protest this turn out for the thirteenth consecutive weekend to condemn the policies of the micron government . with venezuela suffering through a severe humanitarian crisis countries.


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