tv News RT February 11, 2019 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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the u.k.'s defense secretary says he will counter russia and china militarily post brags it as he delivers a plan to boost the british military's global presence. with assets to rebuild the war torn iraqi city of mosul and away as a jew ational the ground remains grim locals told us the city is a ghost town there's no reconstruction here all the reconstruction efforts are just like the living dead we have a cemetery over there but here it's
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a cemetery. and venezuela's president nicolas maduro initiate flaunts scale military drills in preparation for a possible u.s. military intervention. and very well welcome you are watching aussie international with me micky arison in our top story this hour the british defense secretary has been addressing national security and head of britain's withdrawal from the european union among the things he advocates is the deployment of more british warships overseas all london correspondent pauline boyko has the details. well this was a speech raghavan williamson on veiled his future plans and ambitions for the british military he said that the president is a historic moment and an opportunity for the u.k.
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and he listed all the new gadgets and the state of the art toys and equipment that he has on order he spoke about the british military needing to increase its mass and lethality which led to questions about how he's planning on funding increasing this mass and lethality take a lesson we've seen is the government has always been willing and ready to respond to the case. because we realize for priority importance office funding aside this speech sounded somewhat detached from reality in other aspects as well kevin williamson spoke about brags it being a great moment in the u.k.'s history which is sound somewhat optimistic given the chaotic situation that the brakes it process is in right now and it is. to seize the opportunities that brics it brings we will build new alliances rekindle old
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ones and most importantly make it clear that we offer country that will act when required we should be the nation that people turn to when the world needs leadership he also spoke of britain being ready to intervene to protect the international rules based order which seem to completely close over the interventions that britain has taken part in that haven't quite gone to plan for example iraq afghanistan libya to name but a few we spoke to chris lawrence i'm from the stop the war coalition who says the u.k. is aligning its military ambitions with america's well they're pretty leader of the u.k. independence party my coker believes the reasoning behind the plan doesn't quite add up. what williamson is doing is positioning our future foreign policy very much a close and tight alliance with washington's and if you read the you know trends
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foreign policy. trumps cabinets foreign policy documents what they're really doing is they're trying to. assuage the u.s. military concern to trying to deal with china in particular which they see as their main competitor so the thing is britain's government kind of goes along with that train these kind of aggressive postures can only increase tension around the world they can only be seen as provocative and confrontational against great powers many of whom are armed powerfully than we are so this is a this is a this is a very old foreign policy posture and it's hopefully not one that will in fact be pursued why are we getting involved with any of this we shouldn't be getting involved with china or russia or the you know there are not a threat to us as far as i can see at the moment you know way should be looking at building our own forces build our build in the air force up the navy defense force
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you know looking after our unconscious in the last few years we can see what's going on i'll chop have gone out there and done their optional but never more sure as the phrase lions led by donkeys you know we go out there and do the bidding of politicians and if politicians are let down the country and let down our troops. as efforts to rebuild the war torn iraqi city of mosul continue since is twenty thousand and seventeen liberation the situation on the ground remains grim experts claim that despite the flow of funds to rebuild the city much of the money is being pocketed by local authorities they'll start he's denied the allegations the locals continue to complain about widespread corruption we talk to some of those who have returns to mosul after his liberation ati's more aghasi have has the story. coming home should always be a joy safety security but it isn't always so not when you're coming back to mosul
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there are no basic services in the city no jobs it's terrible we return to our homes a year and a half after the liberation there is no life here there are no decent streets we suffer from power and water shortage it feels so pathetic. we are here battling all the hardships we now regret that we ever came back. it was one of the biggest deadliest battles in the world in decades in the name of freedom they turned west mosul into this. a city of millions reduced to ash and rubble in an act they called liberation i was there two years ago i saw tasted and smelled the city being
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freed that's an iraqi helicopter this is what the aftermath of a classic airstrike in mosul look like it doesn't matter way you do it looks virtually the same crumbled buildings bre airstrike craters two years and now things changed west mosul is still a wreck city of the dead are going to zero by one can even imagine how difficult it is one hospital no schools no teachers we're like the living dead we have a cemetery over there but here it's a cemetery for the living. their spirit children orphans appearing rubble in the absence of builders and construction crews they are what you call rescue crews the first to stumble on and dive from booby traps unexploded u.s. coalition bombs they are the first to reach the corpses under the rubble now
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estimated to be in the tens of thousands bodies left rotting for two years the have gotten as holes are everywhere there are still corpses everywhere and if anyone brings humanitarian aid into the local officials to steal it they are all corrupt. corruption has its tentacles everywhere millions of dollars intended for reconstruction apparently siphoned off stolen the u.s. led coalition which spent billions bombing mosul doesn't seem to have the cash or will to rebuild it the only thing that's being rebuilt the locals the bank accounts of crooked officials there's no reconstruction here all the reconstruction efforts are just on paper potholes everywhere streets filled with rubble and rubbish it's misery here i swear to god there are new clean officials here the norwegian refugee
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council's media coordinator in iraq tom pear costa is not convinced about how quickly mosul can be rebuilt. mosul is not normal yes and it won't it will not be the case for years. reconstruction is not being scaled up people cleared the houses and rebuilt with their bare hands and they are exposed to unexploded bombs we've seen many victims recently so clearly the situation is not back to normal yet there is a nerve agent need to rebuild and i'm going to tell you why for the simple reason. that the camps were not designed as permanent structures the life expectancy of attend is supposed to not exceed six months and in camps in some camps they haven't been replaced for more than two years now people are exposed to winter conditions and floods we have big floods in iraq and even recently there has been many of the . so it is clearly urgent to rebuild the people from mosul have been enduring
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life under islamic state groups for four three years and there are trustees but they are not suffering from the large cause of their support and this is clearly an acceptable. but as well as embattled president nicolas maduro has launched huge military drills in preparation for a possible here west invasion but they were insists washington is leading a coup against him by backing venezuela's opposition leader won quite a claim himself interim president in january that his way to military is sticking with madeira for now despite some fifty countries especially recognizing it. has warned washington against crossing the line. all of us if we are a peaceful country but do not mess with us do not threaten us donald trump get out of bed as well and stop the threats and get out we must prepare to defend our
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sovereignty to rhetorical integrity and independence. my dear i was also not allowing u.s. aid to the country saying it's not needed medical professionals protested that decision they were blocked bridge at the colombian border why does being arching the military to disobey him a dear oh i let it through i made food and medicine shortages and high pay inflation more than two million people have fled the country. the president of the international federation of the red cross has his house in the situation saying aid should never be politicized. it's really easy really challenging fortunately he had a. top priorities are for us as organization and on these of course we are we are trying to our operation together with when it's right on red cross. at the moment this is the big challenge
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that the humanitarian aid has been not. politicize it is dividing the political debate which shouldn't be. international community can do more giving to the you money the real you money. to support the most vulnerable communities here in venice right now or elsewhere. the peaceful dialogue can prevail we hope that. the option now won't be on the table in the next day and they will find a way to sort out from these difficulties because here again on the wall studied a humanitarian challenges in that case care players have recognized one guy joe as one as well as interim president however the lower house of the german parliament has questioned its legality under international law andre hunka
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a member of the dmca party as long as the decision by main to e.u. countries as irresponsible. it is clear that currently has no real power in venezuela recognizing him as a president is an irresponsible act that further aggravates an already dangerous conflict we spoke to andre hung himself to say so far in recognition of one going toe as president is a legal record nation and the current case is against international law and it's very clear and. the expertise that the threat of violence or military interference or even the threat to bring. about this is very clearly against international law i think it would be much better for the german government or for the european union to have. to have a neutral stance to support for example the initiative of mexico and old why. and
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even as you know the red cross now from from venezuela colombia they. said they cannot support the so-called whose money tarion eight of the us because it's not independent it's not neutral i think we should have a neutral stance on the situation the us there remain staunchness support towards the self declared leader one point zero and with washington piling the pressure on the class madeira a failure of a failure of the lights during one of his recent speeches proved an easy target. not playing. few.
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to work right now are we building up. is there a little light i have. in our intelligence agencies if they just turn off the life of privilege and say. ok yes ok. well soccer is witnessing a significant rise in attacks on follows we hear from some of the victims off this in very short break stay with us. when folks are talking about socialism like cortez out of new york that congresswoman saying you know see they all say that you know socialism is back and
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we need higher taxes we need redistribution of wealth that's actually not the solution to some of the shortcomings of capitalism the solution is access to give people access to capital because fifty percent of the stocks in america are owned by one percent of the population now that's an incredibly lopsided concentration of the greatest growth engine in the world by a very small to me. seemed wrong. when old rules just don't hold. any new world view yet to shape out these days comes to educate and in detroit because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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welcome back to south africa now where violence is honks on farmers are on the rice increasing by fifteen percent over two years according to new information official figures indicate more than seventy percent of those murdered on farms where whites we spoke with some saw most subjected to a tux. i think we're usually brought into making the sims three you actually want to just be in the look come to the activity if you're going to. this is we still like you know what it was like up in the jaw and other scratch guy but it's on around my neck and how to come to my age. i. got. to. start. it is now i'm. on my as i went down the guy hit me beyond the head with this but the stick. and as i
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stood up obviously the short didn't you first oh maybe she will continue going to the movies for you. maybe older doesn't mean you're really going to do. it the whole time they held a shotgun to my far edge one the leader is calling the leader and you keep saying you'll dance josh notch and. confirmed old. yeah this is bomb ok let me. when i recently i recently published reports has revealed that electric drills blow torches and bleach have been used as assault weapons against farmers the issue also why is control the farming has long stirred control of the sea. excuse me efforts to redistribute slant of black farmers have been launched by the government which is stressed though it doesn't intend to begin the mass seizure of white owned farms the recent spike in attacks has put the issue firmly in the spotlight it's been violence against farm mona's has been happening for decades
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while most of the victims are white some say the attacks are less to do with racism and more to do with why does social problems concerning law and order in south africa. the nature of the attacks is disproportionate we're not among those claiming there is a wide genocide or a crime against humanity but it is each serious crisis and there are signs the. it is only going to get wars we are on record as as dismissing the the white the white genocide narrative of it it does not exist dispense that being said. you you do get into it into issues of what of what motivates these crimes and an argument could be made that in certain instances. reckless richest racial rhetoric by maybe a contributing factor once again these awards expresses possibilities commercial farmers. tend to be disproportionately white although. you know i think it's it's
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it's very important you know you can see solutions you know to become trapped in that racial prison we are aware of instances where we're. black people being attacked and also i think it is it must be pointed out that that part of the whole form for matecumbe form of phenomenon is the vulnerability of workers pretend to be interviewed by and they've been instances where. black people abuse that lots to protect. to protect what i watch people under attack and vice versa was a case where we followed the priest. now to northern russia where a state of emergency has been declared off to an invasion by poa bez several people have been attacked by the bad as which has been entering residential buildings and he's fifty two polar bears was spotted on c.c.t.v. footage and resettlements on russia's novaya island as all classed as an endangered
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species in russia so it's unable to kill them however since all farces have so far not months to scan the bezel with sirens they say that more drastic measures may be necessary. the head of online retail giant amazon is protesting the invasion of his privacy that is off the u.s. template the national enquirer allegedly tried to blackmail him by threatening to leak nude photographs the lawyers for the tomboy its parent company rejects jeff bezos his claim it comes at a time when i'm as it is reportedly helping to develop state level surveillance systems don't quarter takes a look. it's blackmail for amazon c.e.o. jeff bezos who has threatened to have his nudes made public by the national enquirer but he chose to own up to it and publish the threat leaving his sympathizers to believe the whole thing was political somehow someone was trying to hit job government entity might have gotten hold of his text messages people who speculated that trump kind of aspect or to do this this was at least partially
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politically motivated back in two thousand and thirteen amazon signed a six hundred million dollar contract with the cia to create a secret cloud server under amazon web services it was intended to pull classified data of seventeen intelligence agencies into one location and one web service has become an especially invasive surveillance technology the amazon videotape young is powered by learning based models providing video analysis of an object in scene detection face attention activity detection and safe content face recognition post and tracking amazon recognition was launched back in twenty seventeen claiming to recognize tens of millions of faces base so says the tech can't be used to criminally violate people's privacy however this strides towards a surveillance state has sparked serious protest amazon cannot simply escape
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responsibility by saying this cannot be used illegally it's you and i don't know i don't think you could believe that we are under surveillance we can't even challenge that surveillance civil rights groups even found that amazon wanted to use doorbell cameras as a surveillance tool for police and immigration officials the american civil liberties union slammed to the whole system as all for a tarion. amazon is building the tools for authoritarian surveillance that advocates activists community leaders politicians and experts have repeatedly warned against even amazon's shareholders are now calling for an end to law enforcement's use of recognition perhaps spays also was just trying to make an easy buck but the writing is on the wall and many think that amazon c.e.o. is finally getting a taste of his own medicine there's a real irony in this if you've been caught sort of host on his own petard as we say
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being. a in his organization you have a very tight link with the n.s.a. the national security agency and has been helping them with their surveillance techniques so they're intimately connected with the whole surveillance state that the u.s. has been developing when you see something like this happening to one of the world's most powerful men and it should say to you wow if they can do that to him they certainly could be doing that to me and i wouldn't even know about it. starting next month jose maria or tends to our coverage of the twenty one thousand us the champions league from pretty much predictions to game post-mortems as named by weekly so has it all. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the multiple different clubs on one hand it is logical to sit in the home field where everything is familiar on the
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other i wanted a new challenge and a fresh perspective from time used to surprising. or not if you think. i'm going to talk about football not for you or else you can think i was going to go. by the way what is it that slide in here. something to look forward to that well those are the headlines for you this hour we will be back at the top of the hour with the latest seether. when the whole make its manufacture consent to stick to the public well. when the
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ruling classes protect themselves. with the climate clearing go round listen to the one percent. tonight we can all middle of the room sick. from the real news room. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. tough and i mean i'm out of the entire system i found a way to go through a food. ballot itself mukti about. two hours in this way got to go out so hard not to think and i'm going to dissipate this moment then walk up to
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a power and open this door and if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights in his room when. the floor lukens off the fifty pound is worthless woody allen you have all of the ability to put a hold on the. what i think is this is the fans that is a constant. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line and they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to be. it's a right to be press it's like when the full story of the morning can't be good that
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. i'm interested always in the lawyers in that. case sitting. in a world of big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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when not in the literally but in michel the only moral sword in all medicaid you'll be able to listen but the conqueror. simpatica. not better so now you me today. now at a. loss in part because he lied on the only important other i got an important lucille senilis pick. the. last bits when i sent it in.
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their seed this time being in the policy but. i mean the rest you're gonna see when you go a story ideas and you say well he. or they don't. you save the library or through those on to say that they can make it all style must be used i said in my last. trouble no real is in my reading y e a million a year man of miami golden era. megastar sort of my lament was that they like him to make all the chair we have a hunk of gold. seal hint that met their wm me or the i'm a marrow have gone folding clothes or gave up.
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