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tv   Boom Bust  RT  February 11, 2019 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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and later there's been so little us planet it records for the last one hundred years ellis the hell of it tells us why it matters all that directly had but first we have some headlines let's go. outrage over corruption in haiti leads our global report today as protesters enter the streets of port au prince to demand the resignation of president hava no moisture protest against endemic corruption in the government of president kicked off last thursday leading to four days of protest in the streets including the killing of four protesters by the haitian national police the moyes government has been under pressure since the release of last october's senate haitian senate management report on mismanagement of venezuelan subsidies related to fuel known as the petrol career they report deeply implicated the prime minister of the president the the prime minister of president morsi his predecessor now get this he's a famous singer michel martelly who performed as sweet micky became
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a politician mr moore's in turn was endorsed and some say and picked for president by mr martelly mr moyes also campaigned with asian senator accused of narco traffic in his name is guy philippe mr moyes later appointed a member of mr philippe's political party as haiti's head of public security. and the yellow vest protests continue in france while it seems we've got this picture here i want to show you if you have it look at that car with the eiffel tower right behind that a little bit eerie isn't it the circumstances made us question if protesters are impacting investors in france and for more on that we go for an update to paris and here's our t. correspondent charlotte dubinsky as antigovernment protests in france reach the thirteenth week questions are not being raised about the impact that they're having on the country's ability to attract investors the french economy minister. has said the. the country's image remains intact but he's also said that investors political
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leaders and private actors all asking questions and with good reason to the government has tried to stem the protests with promises of a national debate to concerns and it's offered a package of measures for low earners at a cost of more than eleven billion dollars neither have stopped yellow vest protesters from taking to the streets but it has put the country's public finances at risk that's at least according to france's independent state audit office which has called on the government to take corrective measures now it says that without doing so france has a little budgetary leeway to cope with an economic downturn or a crisis stock woods especially as the eurozone second largest economy has been showing signs of sagging now in the last quarter of two thousand and eighteen growth fell to one point five percent that's compared to two point three percent in
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two thousand and seventeen y. well much of that says a result of the yellow vest protests which saw shops closed on the weekends around the normally busy christmas shopping period but with the weekly protests also descending into extreme violence with public monuments the cheek and banks being targeted francis image has also taken a bit of a beating now on top of that france is currently embroiled in a war of words with neighboring italy recalling its ambassador to rome citing months of unfounded attacks the final straw it seems was when italy's deputy prime minister's support for the yellow vest was announced now president micron came into office promising a country that would be business friendly instead he's presiding over a country that's in turmoil and involved with squabbles with e.u. trading partners charlotte you can ski for boom bust in paris. and turning to
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china this year is new year of holiday shopping season is in the now being counted as yet another sign of than economic slowdown their sales for this most recent lunar new year holiday season showed the smallest increase eight point five percent since the chinese ministry of commerce began tracking such figures in two thousand and six in two thousand and eighteen the percentage growth in the lunar new year sales was above ten percent for this year's cycle the sales total was one hundred fifty billion dollars one stakeholder showing outstanding growth was j.t. dot com the online retailer says they had a forty two percent sales increase for this year's lunar new year season. and speaking of the chinese slowdown science and apple has fallen from the tree as the u.s. based tech giant disclose sales in china for their flagship product the apple i phone fell by roughly get this twenty percent in the final quarter of last year apple's chinese rock chinese rival huawei tongue twister there on the other hand increased
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their shipments in the fourth quarter by bore the twenty three percent apple down twenty while way up twenty three and speaking of wa wait richard bordered on the effort by the united states to encourage allies to keep components from wall way and other tech firms with close relationships with the chinese state out of their internet and other tech infrastructure that debate has finally reached the united states major midwest mideast ally israel last month the times of israel reported that the us deputy secretary of energy warned israel diplomats that intelligence sharing between the u.s. and israel could be reconsidered if israel did not create a means to more closely scrutinize the growing portfolio of chinese investment in israel u.s. concerns recently flared of the issue of shanghai international port group's twenty five year contract to operate the port of haifa now the wall street journal is reported reporting israeli officials are moving to create a system that will perform the function filled in the u.s. by the committee on. foreign investment in the united states or sci fi according to
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the journal get this every one of seventeen seventeen of twenty startups in israel worth more than twenty million dollars is involved in some way with china at seventeen of twenty while. and over one hundred ninety million dollars worth of crypto deposits of gone poof gone nada after the death of gerald cotton the c.e.o. of canada's largest crypto exchange quadriga supposedly the thirty year old mr cotton took the passwords to his grave at least that's what's being reported and was the only one to have access to the hundred ninety million books it's a bizarre and brutal story especially for investors of course and others here discuss this christiane of counterparts welcome back christy thank you so much good to be vast so all the stories we've talked about and we've thought about up bunch of cool stories on the show right in crypto this is going to be one of the more bizarre ones there's even some question whether or not mr cotton is actually beyond
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us actually died right exactly so this is a very rapidly developing story and there's so many unanswered questions right now surrounding the chain of events and so the court has appointed are now saying on to actually investigate this quadriga and see where the accounts have gone and so what the investigation has actually turned up is that there actually isn't any evidence of a cold while it's stored at the hundred million ninety million dollars worth the cryptic currency it's stored there's no proof of this cold wallet anywhere and so it seems like quadriga is actually transacting between hot while it too hot wall and swapping cryptocurrency between that furthermore jesse powell is the c.e.o. of crack and one of the largest crypto currency exchanges in the world right now he has cooperated with the story and helping investigators he said that quadriga in fact has thousands of accounts on crack and with transactions going in and out of each of those accounts so this is highly suspicious and furthermore delving into these transactions between may and december of last year up until his death
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quadriga has withdrawn twelve point seven million dollars worth of cryptocurrency for no apparent discernible reason so again highly suspicious ok so there's just so many things to develop into one is you were telling me earlier that. this wasn't just i mean they have a lot of staff there i mean you used to work at j.p. morgan chase you know it's not like there's only one person at j.p. with the code now granted that's a little different than a crypto exchange but there's gotta be somebody else other than one person and one dude with the password i mean that would just be malfeasance it would seem like exactly and so it's highly unlikely that it is absolutely no business continuity plan in place and this extends even far further from like cryptocurrency a technology like even any multinational consumer product corporation they have business continuity plans in place in fact execs aren't even allowed to fly on the same plane as each other for fear of something might happen to a plane businesses have this rule in place in order to protect investors and to
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protect stockholders and shareholders so it goes to say that if your costs so again of one hundred ninety million dollars where the cost of currency that you have some sort of plan in place whether it's in your will or legally established otherwise you're enlightened me the former regulator on something we're talking about i think it's odd that a thirty year old would have a will but you said well you know it could be required in some places because of as you say that we should call it government continuity of operations program coop so they might have to have one of these things but one of the will but you're telling me the will is not that old right the will was actually only salvage a month ago before his death in november again the timing of everything makes a very highly suspicious and so that's why a lot of people suspect foul play out here what a really bizarre story talking with us about it i want to ask you before we leave we talked last week about the iranian effort to establish
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a crypto backed by gold what do you make of this kristie so this actually recently launched called payment and currently it's backed by four banks out of iran in order to circumvent the u.s. sanctions that wrecked havoc on their economy as a whole so right now they're trying to use payment. establish a crypto currency trade agreement with other commercial corporations in order to further boost their economy and trade agreements with europe but i do suspect that they will have a hard time with investors and as well as and users within europe trying to establish big large commercial transaction using crypto currency. it didn't work out so well for the petro in venezuela i mean it seemed with venezuela sort of like a last ditch effort that sort of seems like it here but can i get your take we've just had a little bit of time forty five seconds or so what's your take on where bitcoins going this year and what needs to be done i think right now we are on the verge we talked a lot about a c c and the likely approval of a point a.t.f. and i think that that's something that again on the table here and it's going to be
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something that's going to talk to again this first quarter this year but we'll look forward to it now hope you'll come back to talk about it with us christy i have counterpart x. thank you kristie. and it's time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return danielle sherry of simpler trading will help us look at budget airlines and how their low cost deals appeal to a millennial plus there's been so little u.s. wheat planted its beat record for the last one hundred ten years alex behala vision joins us from toronto to tell us why it matters and as we go to break here the numbers at the closing bell will be back in a flash. tough
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and i mean i'm on the floor of the highest in my town when you go through a food. bank itself movie theater i. was in this way got to talk so hard not to think of the mother disappeared this woman the work of a coward and i'm going to start then if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way. through and you can feel the fifty thousand this will face woody allen who have all of the ability to put the payment on the. but i think is this is the fans that is a constant.
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thought. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the the ball different clips on one hand it is logical to sort of go from fields where everything is familiar on the other i want to the new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to suppressing us all if. i'm going to talk about football not be or else in the sink i was going to the. by the way what is the punch line here. financial planning guide i don't buy any i'm on a few. friday that's not some of my ex from the future trucker.
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welcome back and by the way slight correction on that story about israeli startups and the connection to chinese state government it's one of every seventeen above twenty million one of every seventeen new startups and now turning to europe the european union and the eurozone finance ministers are meeting this week to discuss the next step towards the goal of a euro zone budget there is however no consensus among those conferring in brussels on which direction to go how far or how quickly french president manual crawlin has been the leading advocate for a large hamann budget and a reserve fund that could be used to address the expected periodic crises within
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the euro zone and. onna me german officials are expected to be the lead debaters for those hoping to be more modest in a euro zone budget. and turning from the european union to brecht's that the latest official economic statistics for the united kingdom show the u.k. economy going through what is arguably the roughest patch since the global crash in two thousand and eight u.k. economic growth in the fourth quarter of last year total just point two percent that's just two tenths of one percent growth weighed down by an actual contraction of point four percent in december growth for the entirety of last year amounted to just one point four percent british treasury secretary philip hammond acknowledged the bad news with the expected understatement telling an inner and interviewer its guide network there is no doubt that the economy is being overshadowed by the uncertainty created by the bracts that process. and turning to the consequences of rex's abroad cambodia may be the latest nation to feel the after effects of the
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messy european breakup the u.k. reportedly buys nearly eight percent of all cambodian exports leading the world trade organization to were warned last week that a no deal so-called hard brecht that could erase a full percentage from cambodia's g.d.p. and more from household consumption meanwhile cambodia faces other potential headwinds from europe as the european union considers economic sanctions against the government of prime minister who in say over alleged political repression cambodia is among forty nine nations allowed preferential terms of trade under the e.u. so-called everything but arms or e.b.m. agreement in the event of a hard brecht that cambodia would lose the favorable access to u.k. markets enjoyed under the agreement. and we now take a look at the budget airline companies and their stocks with an eye towards millenniums to do so we are pleased to be joined once again by
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a millennial herself daniels of simpler trading danielle thank you stood before her for being so generous with your time it's great to see you again. great to see as well ok so let's start the script was in the news today and they were doing pretty well i mean if you look over the last year they've done pretty well they're the seventh largest carrier the u.s. did have some international routes although not to europe but they go to canada mexico the caribbean latin and south america and look at that yearly chart there from just under forty dollars per share last year to over sixty i think they were sixty one forty four when i looked at it what's going on with sprint danielle. so first of all i think that spirit airlines is doing. for us thank you thank you thank you spirit not your line of. they're doing an excellent job capitalizing on millennia old and what millennial is love to spend their money on someone else we love to travel we live by the thing you only live once write and. love to travel
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but they want to do it at a cheap price and we still want good service so spirit airlines has come into the airline industry offering the cheapest fares but they do that by taking away a lot of those amenities so it kind of just depends i mean if you're willing to travel with a backpack not getting not getting get any on board drinks it's a great job during it's a great option and you can see that you can see that in the stock price so i mean the stock the stock chart looks amazing it's climbing higher very strong on a technical basis and i and i like it as a buy you do very very interesting i do i think it's a good stock buy personally for me i would prefer to fly on a on a la scar united but as a stock but i think it would be great yeah ok well that's what we're talking about now so that's a that's important to let's look at a couple of others i mean southwest is known as a budget airline a year over year they were doing pretty pretty well in year to date does southwest
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or doing any of the other carriers fit the bill as far as appealing to millennia. i absolutely think that southwest appeals someone else and especially due to ward's cards that they have the partnership that they have with chase right now and j.p. morgan is one of my favorite bank stocks as well but the partnership that they have as far as their credit cards and their rewards points is huge for millennia els and i think that especially southwest and spirit airlines are going to continue to climb higher and i do really like them for a long term stock buys let's shift to another budget carrier this one on the other side of a the atlantic ryanair the dublin base ryanair which is in the news today michael o'leary really are leery of the c.e.o. got a huge new contract for another five years but frankly we've reported here on the program didn't you know they've had some pretty terrible troubles this last year
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labor strike so they didn't cancel a bunch of flights what about ryanair how do you look at them. so first of all looking at the chart it's it's in a down trend i don't like it as a stock by looking at the overall company the problem with ryanair and what they do differently than spirit is that they don't have good customer service if you look on the internet i mean you're going to see all types of p.r. issues and the reason why spirit is able to be successful and make money is because they have excellent customer service and people still enjoy flying on the airline when you have a budget airline like this like ryanair that don't treat their employees very well and they have a lot of p.r. issues i mean when you have cheapness and you can see that you're getting what you pay for it's not a good buy. in the in the story about mr o'leary it was sort of notable that he wasn't going to take a big salary increase but it looked like he was going to take this huge amount in
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stock options do you think the management's doing ok at ryanair i mean obviously not with regard to the customer service that you pointed out but are there some other things you think they might be doing right. well it's definitely possible from what i was reading it was primarily that they weren't treating their employees very well and so if they can work on shifting that over time because i mean you really need to be able to treat your employees all to have your company grow and for have your customers be happy so if they can work on shifting that over time then i could see the trend shift but not right now ok danielle shay is simply trying thank you so much we always love having you thank you danielle thank you. and winter we seeding in the u.s. is that its lowest level since nineteen zero nine zero nine get it one hundred ten years it's hard to say that a u.s.
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department of agriculture report which was delayed due to the government shutdown here in the us shows a drop in crops as weather international trade conditions impact output and the bottom line why is this important argues alex mahela beaches in toronto with more hey alex thank you for a look at this for us let's start with the domestic front here in the u.s. it's not growing as much as we used to what's going on. i think that pretty much flatlined in the market when you think of the midwest in the states or in the prairie as up here in canada you think we can do it so little staples that you think you know kind of keep our agriculture industry going but things have changed in the past years and there's been a drop here check out this chart to give you a little bit of an idea so this winter we see things we're looking at the u.s. department of agriculture numbers they show about thirty one point three million acres down four percent year over year some blame weather conditions and you know they call during seeding season which is in september if you get wet conditions
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that's bad for we farmers will sometimes just pull back when they see things are just not going right also the cold weather we've had that polar vortex so if you look at the states and just basically said that you know not this will be the lowest number since like you know nine nineteen zero nine is when they started recording this so this is a definitely a drop that that is something that people should keep their eye on i mean it's not it is a big deal it is a big deal you look at places like west virginia nebraska new jersey ohio smallest amount of kansas is a nine hundred fifty s. for seeding wheat oklahoma since one nine hundred forty three texas which is also a weak state believe it or not i haven't seen numbers this low since one thousand nine hundred eighty two so wet conditions that's a big issue also the cold and that much of that polar vortex so we don't know yet what the outcome is going to be of that we are hearing in south dakota at least that they beat that polar vortex that we should see the crops being managed as usual but these are things that we won't know until mid spring so all these things
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combined in the way that markets are in the world wheat is getting hit especially in the states it seems like it's a huge crop i mean i did agriculture policy on capitol hill and it's really wheat soy beans and other feed grain so it's a major thing not just in the states as you said but it's grown a lot of places like that you would not expect tell us is still a major player even with this decline in winter we. like you say the winter wheat is planted in the fall but then there's spring weights planted in the spring of course but who else is in the game out there other than the u.s. allies russia is a big player right oh of course yeah let's bring that out of that chart up for you right away so this kind of breaks down who is who the players are and believe it or not look at china india russia so there's a lot of countries there that you wouldn't necessarily think are russian of we all know but when it comes to wheat china and india you know what this is news to me that there are that big when it comes to the bigger scheme of things so you know the u.s. i mean look it's they're struggling the world prices there's competition out there
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and the competition when you have these major players in the market you know what they're going to start selling to countries that the u.s. traditionally sells to so countries like right now we're looking at egypt who they're buying from france so there's another one on the chart but the big player when you take the e.u. as being the biggest producer of weight of france's takes up a big portion of that as those germy so egypt take it over by france then we look at places like algeria also buying from places like france and from from the e.u. so really when it breaks down the metric tons that are going out are coming out of france or the coming out of argentina they're coming out of players from other parts of the world and for the states right now i mean it is a competition when you look at countries that are that far away it also comes down to shipping your prices can be great but if you have to ship that distance the price obviously goes up which is a definitely a big concern for americans right now the american farmers they're looking at the situation especially guys that been around for a long time they can remember something and that's
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a bar or go back in the one nine hundred eighty s. that the u.s. had against russia because of the invasion of afghanistan by russia that was all put together by jimmy carter and these farmers remember one thing is that they got hit the hardest when this happens they're the ones that lost money and we see these type of trade sanctions popping up again to trade wars the nafta the china and farmers are afraid you know they're seeing that with other crops as. well such as soy but now with wheat you know if this is a big reminder of the instability when your own government is trying to do something to cortical protect itself somebody is going to get hurt along the way so back then back of the day in the one nine hundred eighty s. what happened is when they sort of put up the embargo against russia well you know what's other countries like canada took the place of the united states brazil argentina so when you have other players committed to fill in the gaps who gets hurt it's the american farmer so whether to these conditions also when it comes to international trade the american farmer right now is not on stable ground and
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they're feeling it so you know it's crops like this week when you have this type of weather patterns as well it's pretty dangerous and the whole alex allegory thank you so much we really appreciate we got to go so long for now that's it for this time we'll see you next time. they exist since so far that foreign troops including u.s. forces iovine about it is to help the iraqi government fight terrorism it's no i job all foreign troll just chill a spy on our neighbors or you will see i simply vote against it one day but this is not how do you know it was jewish in iraq it was jewish and this is no pothole but the whole of the so patients.
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with no make just manufacture consent instantly of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the financial merry go round lifts and we don't one percent. of the time to ignore middle of the room signals. i mean real news for the world. the swarms of them so moving. to good news who was before. much of those who heard the food you knew who see him will. who will. move. move.
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move show you this new you liberal media look or a good. movie muslim also his goals will give you a good groove. go to shuls a look but do you do some you want me to show the story of the i should go. to start ups to. fill it with those little missed dates to look at israel. sure stash not a chance just need to mount the mashed on. this trip the president can please control his project until. those who have to choose to go to school to snoop or come up to new york are those the girls are with you or your supporters to your bush you shouldn't feel you should go door for the one whose job is the impulse to.
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peer case defense secretary says it all counts in russia and china militarily post greg says that if their plans a base the british military's global presence. with efforts
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to rebuild the war torn iraqi city of mosul under way.


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