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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 12, 2019 8:30pm-9:01pm EST

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chris is for me why i'm in washington he is a republican strategist and founder of the new one group also in washington we have christopher barron he is president of right turn strategies and in san diego we cross a ken so he's an international energy and environmental journalist for forbes and other publications all right gentlemen cross-like rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate chris let me go to you first here i read the american conservative and came across pat buchanan's reaction to the new the green new deal and he said well let me just give you the title of the the green new deal is a suicide note for democrats would you agree with that assessment. well i do think that it's going into the very far hard left precinct that i think republicans want to paint the democrats in order to kind of push them off the radar from the independent votes they need that they were able to that they were not able to secure last time so pretty harsh characterization but i would tend to agree with that and i don't believe that and now they're trying to sort of distance themselves
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saying well it's just an idea it's not really formal policy yet but i would agree that it is very far left they're going to have a hard time dealing with it and notice two key democrats have had their hands slapped by nancy pelosi in regards to. miss cortez as well so i think there is a little bit of distance in going on in the democratic caucus in congress ok ken in reading this non-binding resolution i was is struck how it's trying to solve all problems all at the same time i mean over over the years even members of the g.o.p. do recognize the importance of global warming and and what strategy should be applied i mean as a conservative i can talk very easily to progressives if we agree on the problem we don't agree on the solution that's the problem here but in reading this. this resolution i was just i was almost let's speechless like i am right now i mean this
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is going to changed what they want to do is change the entire fabric of the country is this going too far go ahead ken. i think that you use for presented it here ok to be honest with you. and i just agree with your travis that it's a radical solution to a problem. the premise is global warming shutting down here travel not radical. keep going can. the premise is that if global warming is a issue to be dealt with then here or dissolutions we need to keep in mind and it just speeds up what's been a green energy evolution it doesn't it doesn't change things radically at all just now the cost will be an issue but the sponsors of this say
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they cost today in action is even higher ok i've heard that argument here and he got it christopher i mean let's let's examine some of the words the phrases in this here the green new deal the authors say the goal has the goal of the start the quotes stopping current preventing future and repairing historic oppression of indigenous peoples communities of color migrant communities realisation communities depopulated rural communities the poor the low income workers the elderly the unhoused people with disabilities and youth i mean what percentage of the population is this i mean this is fifty years after the great society and you have had looks like half the population is under oath pressure in go ahead christopher. well if this is so insane like i actually feel bad for people who are forced to defend this because this is sheer lunacy look i've worked for three former members of congress this is not how this is not how the process works this
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is not how things are done this isn't a serious proposal i mean we can have a discussion about global climate change which i believe is real and i believe that you know we do have man made contributions to it but what the hell does that have to do with full employment for everyone with guaranteed housing for people with guaranteed health care if we. were not even talking about global climate change we're talking about a smorgasbord of and everybody gets a unicorn i mean it's literally the kind of thing you would hear in a junior high school you know race for class president like i gary i promise everyone we're getting coca-cola vending machines you know in every corner it's just not a real proposal and the way that it was rolled out is so ham fisted and so embarrassing i can't believe there are any democrats out there who want to put their name on this you know christie even within the nonbinding resolution it makes reference to
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the new deal of the f.d.r. era and i would i would question the parallels i mean first of all the new deal didn't end the depression the second world war did i mean technically if you look at the indices it was nine hundred forty three ok two years into the war also f.d.r. didn't inherit these monster deficits and thank goodness we. we have a new public and party has to reassess this they after two years of having control of the congress they did absolutely nothing shame on them but we still have these deficits how can we even think about a plan that will remake america in every single possible way with these deficits go ahead chris. that's right peter well first of all once i get into congress we're going to fix all this don't worry about it but you know i think in terms of the new deal it's in terms of in terms of scope there's there are similarities in terms of scope in terms of doing big broad new things there are
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similarities between the green new deal and back when president roosevelt the difference as president roosevelt knew how many branches of congress there were chambers of congress unlike miss cortez who frankly i said don't call her the village idiot don't call her the village idiot dominic or the village idiot is inspiring that people can rise to office that's a good thing but when you get to this level you don't understand government you routinely misspeak you don't understand economics and to agree with christopher i completely agree what the hell is pay check on fairness i mean this is absolute unfettered socialism it's going to fail and the democrats know it's going to fail which is why now they're trying to play a whole bunch of different games look you know it whether it's whether it's this sweeping legislation here or border security policy there as far left as they come we've seen what happens in far left governments it doesn't work it's not going to work here and i hope that miss cortez can figure out how many branches of government there is before her next interview ok can i mean there is a consensus among us here that we have to deal with the changing environment ok
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and what we have already had an admission here that global warming is real and it is a manmade it is a man is part of that but we all have consensus here but when you have this plan come out doesn't it just really did little the position that you might have on the environment because i mean how many people have come across in the last forty eight hours that just said this is like a card a cartoon script i mean doesn't it denigrate in and belittle people like yourselves that support. more government intervention to deal with these problems because i think it makes a mockery of it go ahead ken i think you guys quite honestly are going way overboard in terms of your just. the objective of this plan so there's a lot to unpack in what's been said. for starters is you know the obama.
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came into office in two thousand eight hundred under the green under a new energy economy and this is merely an extenuation of the new energy economy which is helped reshape. the american economy the american economy is is really transitioning from the industrial age to the digital age in this is a catalyst to help can't tell that you can't can let me jump in over there if you're saying this process is going on right now why do we need the government to do it why don't we displayed it happened ok great question and you read the piece that i wrote in forbes i mean in the free market is working i mean the free the the wheels of the free market are already in motion and natural gas is replace equal wind and solar energy or becoming cheaper and better and getting more and more market share all this does is aimed to accelerate the progress
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a little bit and there is one other i'm not sure how does hear it how does gary hart how does guarantee housing for everyone have anything to do with climate change i know that you you are you want to try to dress this up and you want to try to make this seem like a reasonable proposal but the fact is stop gaslighting people who the actual language of this resolution is completely and totally off the rails like we don't even need to get in to the f.a.q. that they released after which would then they pretended like it didn't happen it was dr no wait it was accidental we still have an f.a.q. up now i mean this stuff is not mainstream if you want to have a discussion about a green economy that's great about new technologies that's great about stopping global climate change that's great if you're then going to have a. station about how are we going to afford to guarantee housing for every man woman and child in this country guaranteed health care for every man woman child in a country guaranteeing job like that's not a conversation that can all ok so let me say let me let me jump in on my gentlemen
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here because it's three against one i want to go back to can hear can i mean and i'm i'm i'm not trying to be facetious here and i'm not i'm i want alexander ocasio to has to to succeed i'd be i think you know let her put her case out there but in reading this document isn't it just really one one big form of virtue signaling it would be nice but it doesn't have any details how we'll get there go ahead can before we go to the break well i mean i'm not i don't dispute the fact that. you know this is not the ill be all to the resolution of all kinds of problems and you know and not sure that that that's the takeaway but if that should take away i'm not going to argue that the only other point on what it may is that when you go into some of these distressed unities. such as in southern west virginia in appalachian where the coal industry has been decimated and people there live in
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abject poverty and the opioid addiction is it's just over the top the notion that as democrats put them out of work all right i'm going to john mason gentlemen i'm going to jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the green new deal stay with us to. see the who of them so. good to have who work with before. most of those who heard the preview are most few other movies to see him win or lose north we will. move. move.
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move show us look beautiful i mean it's going to look good. more muslim also and there's also a good few films good cool. video to show also look look the same you want me to show it's toward the door you should go. to starts to. get to me to tell it with the littlest dates to look at is it. just ashton understand just you know it's the mashed old truck stop the president and please control this project until it's. over your producers to close listening to snoop to come up on your because that was the cousin with you swear your supporters to your shoe station shouldn't throw you should cook door for the one who's your desire to.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see that. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be increasingly violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know here i mean your list put to you a clue in the new bill is that i'm pulling you to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other calls that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic.
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when all make this manufacture can be sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the final merry go round to be the one percent. we can all middle of the room stick. to the real need. welcome back to cross talk where all things are considered on peter lavelle reminder we're discussing the green new deal.
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ok let's go back to the great city of san diego ken you want to finish your thought before we went to that heart break go ahead yes to it which has tremendous bipartisan support on is to have public investment in these communities that have been sort of left behind by the digital revolution includes you know the coal regions of appalachian it includes. one that the congresswoman represents who helped author this thing so public investment in these areas that have been left behind is bipartisan support and so if you start putting twenty first century. energy investments in these regions that's a good thing it means jobs that means opportunities it means in advancement you know it she called can i don't think anybody here on this panel or in most of our viewers probably would disagree with that i just don't understand why this or all
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encompassing plan is supposed to fix all problems let me go back to chris and in washington d.c. i mean i lived in eastern europe in the one nine hundred eighty s. communist eastern europe and they had five year plans and this sounds like a ten year plan ok where the everything is managed by the federal government makes all of the decisions here i mean every single household will have to be refitted we care planes essentially going to be banned but i'm sure the rich will still fly to davos i mean this is this is central planning i'm sorry that's exactly what it looks like to me go ahead chris. peter honestly i just want to turn over all my life's decisions to represent of alexandria i don't want her to handle my finances my job i don't want to ever make another decision again i want the village idiot to make it for me look i think ken sounds much more rational on this i think the way that he's talking about it i grade makes sense but can i hope admit this isn't the ken plan this is the far left hard plan of trying to use those understandable
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investments in terms of energy amount in addition to push a far left hard left agenda of diminishing our military diminishing our greatness in the world and trying to take over the economy here's the problem with socialism at the end of the day for me and yet people can say they're socialist tenants in the way we budget things sure we've got entitlement spending we've got these things here's the difference though we still have free markets and we still have checks on that once you give away your power to a central government you're not getting it back and that's the difference that these that these far left democrats don't understand when the bubble in washington now that they're part of the swamp making it worse so that's my big concern that's my big concern is that they don't they don't have it's it's dressed up like a modernization plan but really it's a far left plan by the village idiot and i don't think it's going to work well chris affirming in reading it very carefully there is a huge injection of what we call identity politics now are you going to legislate that into law identity politics i mean that seems like it's we ramming it down the
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throat of people and actually you kind of reminds me of the patriot act nobody read it but they voted for obamacare nobody read it but they voted for it ok this sounds like deja vu all over again for me right now it's a non-binding resolution ok and it doesn't have bones out there of virtue signaling but when you inject you want to legislate into law identity politics i think you're going down a very bad. path in if that's the intent and it certainly looks like it to me go ahead christopher. absolutely and by the way i want to give ken credit because done a great job of putting lipstick on this pig the reality is i happen to live in one of those depressed areas that he's talking about i live on a mountain on the border of virginia and west virginia and the very people that he's talking about that we need to be helping i agree with but guess what in my precinct seventy six percent of those people voted for donald trump and they support donald trump and these democrats who are signed on as co-sponsors of this
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green new deal spend almost all of their time demonizing those people and what people they don't talk about in this document is the people who happen to disagree with the those rural trump voters they have spent the last two years demonizing those people so you can forgive me and my neighbors if we don't take this as a sincere legislative effort to try to help those people in those areas it's not it is lipstick on the pig appreciate the my sound bite but that's not what this is about you know can now we're going to get into how much of that going to cost ok let me point out something that's going on as we speak right now we have this yellow vest movement in france and essentially is the the the the spark that started all of this is that the government. brought in to force a. fuel tax that affected the rule areas working people that use their cars and now. popularity in this country is at twenty twenty percent at best here it
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seems to me again reading this non-binding document you're basically going to ask the interior of the country the people rely so much on their cars and their equipment that creates emissions you're going to make them pay the highest price ok because well the rich and and fortunate always seem to get around all of these things that everybody else has to pay for people that have are least able to pay for it go ahead ken. i'm sort of dismayed that the whole proposal is been. limpin before it's even got out of the starting gate at least by your side of the aisle. i mean everybody here knows the legislative process you know how it works you know these people they work very they didn't put a lot of detail into their into their proposal it is just an idea to start a debate it's on i here's our idea take it or leave it everybody knows that the
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president the united states is a republican the u.s. senate is dominated by republicans so the idea general is not going anywhere but it is all it does is try to advance the notion that as a country the united states would best war in twenty first century technologies that can help mitigate. but then continued then you would agree with me because i think that i had i differ from gotta hang on here you get canned then then you're agreeing with me that this is just a an app that that is a virtue signaling that's all that is ok we just you know i it was this is a proposal it has no detail it really isn't really logical it's a wish list it's hopeful but that's not a very good political tactic again i think it undermines people the good work of people like yourself that it tried to bring attention to these things if you go
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ahead go ahead you all all show about this talk now people are talking about it people are debating it. i mean people when he was on about well no i mean you know i have a lot know if they have to to put to congress congresspeople propose and go public with it you have five presidential candidates instantly back it up did they even read it to even ask any questions yeah i'm doing a program on this i think it's really important. christopher jump in. it's like a political hostage situation going on in the democratic party right now the truth is is this is nuts and this is insane and it's not us lampooning it they limp themselves i mean this proposal is not serious it's ridiculous it's a wish list and the fact that there are so few democrats willing to say yeah climate change is important and a new economy green economy is important i agree as i made office on high needs guy this i agree it realistic that no one will speak up about it. ok chris i mean i
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don't get it let me go back to chris here i mean it seems to me when we look at the reaction of speaker pelosi which i think she probably has very strong feelings about a c. and you know what i mean what's happened here is that because he's turned into the the wedge for all of this because of course if you turn on fox news she's there darling because it's a wedge to divide the democrats now the democrats because of the virtue signaling i'm sorry ken i'm going to stay with that they're being pulled radically to the left is not really where they want to go go ahead chris not if they want to win you know in brief you know when you mention the patriot act the patriot act the acronym stood for providing adequate tools required to intercept that obstruct terrorism the reason i mention that is most people in congress didn't know we don't. read the bill and it had sweeping effect same thing here with the with the green new deal i don't think they're going to win you know it's there's a lot of hypocrisy that president trump has been able to hit them so hard on
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they're having a hard time nancy pelosi has walls and armed guards around her house but she doesn't want to for the country they don't they don't want to have they don't want to lose their own political capital but they want to be able to have these other ideas out there so they're in this position of empowering the energy as nancy pelosi says of new ideas but when they hear how stupid the ideas are that's when they start to backtrack so yes it's an idea yes they're just expressing themselves but they're in a position where when it comes down to policy they're going to have to kind of work through those. things i don't think they're prepared to do it and i also think that some of these messages that they're using are not working when you look at the crowds donald trump has then you have demagogued bet it will work who should have had his rally in mexico if they want to represent foreign trips so i think that there's a lot of they're really struggling lately and frankly you know like the president said you know i would love for some of these folks to run it's going to get a lot more exciting you know can on top of the fact that we were going to make it partisan here i am not a republican i'm
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a conservative ok. you know considering how the left champions open borders and then you have a layover of this. green revolution as it were so you could have everything is free for everybody and you have open borders i mean how in the world is that sustainable when everyone will be able to come to enjoy the fruits of this of this. amazing green revolution that the. members of the left seem to support i mean it's ludicrous isn't it go ahead can you guys can you guys i think we just combined it through to your place i mean i don't even understand that the crafted you guys are even saying it just because we run into differences here in california that's what i like doesn't make it a. i don't watch fox t.v. so i mean i just don't quite understand the mindset that you just you're in the proposal you have the time you did i mean do it you're going to propose what can what i think we're saying on this program maybe out we're really going across
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currents or what you've written what you think and some of the policy prescriptions you propose i agree with i'd like that ok and that's the reason that's a reasonable conversation what this document is is it it's written by the high school socialist club ok ok so let me just say one thing again so you know i've been covering this for twenty years and that's what we have you on. our team to. office in him pumped in straight as a trillion dollars in the stimulus plan to create a new energy economy he also it was called social today the new energy economy by all standards even by the standards of this show has become mainstream that is climate change is accepted is real that we can or can we have run out of time but i want to have you back on the program to continue this discussion ok as it moves forward that's all the time we have many thanks to my guests in washington and in
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san diego and thanks to our viewers for watching us here darkie see you next time and remember crossed couples. simply. sat still dependent miles from the independent both with that statement. that. we will meet today. with the sort of my love and respect i think that may or now would we have a hunk of. now it's a bad thing but not money for that matter i. see let him
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pay make the point you have made or do you mean never have one thing close i gave up because of me. when i when i would think. when you're talking about social. like cortez out of new york that congresswoman saying oh say oh say that you know socialism is back and we need higher taxes we need redistribution of wealth that's actually not the solution to some of the shortcomings of capitalism the solution is access to give people access to capital because fifty percent of the stocks in america are owned by one percent of the population up that's an incredibly lopsided concentration of the greatest growth engine in the world by a very small community. and
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high and another one of the highest sway you know from the food. bank itself mukti of on. this we've got to talk so hard not to think of the mother disappeared this is the work i think i want and i don't miss so much and if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights a useful way. through our to conform to the thief who found his will for this would be a driving home to leave it at the truth of. what i think is this is the fund that is cold comfort.
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me that. i. wouldn't have done if. you. can see. that i i. think you're protests taking place in that as well and with both pro-government and opposition rallies held across the country. thousands protest in the haitian capital against economic hardship calling on the president.


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