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tv   Going Underground  RT  February 13, 2019 4:30am-5:01am EST

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we talked to former top u.n. human rights expert alfred desires the head of new u.s. economic warfare talks in brussels and from the headlines the yellow vests the red in france on the ground transport of bread in gaza all of them all coming up in today's going on the ground but first this week the day after chinese new year celebrations for ordinary people in the british capital dres a maze minority government warned of the threat posed to the u.k. by china china is developing its modern military capability and its commercial power similar taney asli we confront russia with war not only are we confronting a state like russia an ideological enemy without a state like al-qaeda or. very character of warfare itself it's changing at the same time while britain conducts political war on them as whaler we should apparently be based in the western hemisphere and to the south china sea they believe that we need to go further considering what
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a permanent presence we might need in areas including the caribbean and a ship pacific to extend our global influence now arguably what is needed more than global influence right now is national influence because while that man who told russia to shut up and go away wants to wars for war over seas here at home the u.n. claims to raise a major policy is set to turn britain into an alienated society these two dramatically different societies of people living the high life and a higher life and serve a billion live before in terms of limit levels of luxury and so on but people on the other hand normally able to afford a tin of baked beans non able to feed their children on the seventh night of the week non able to afford shoes for their kids to go to school. nono able to afford a bus fare to get out of the village to the job center i think that is going to create. the united states not of you well know region of the u.k.
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have poor growth last year than where twenty seven percent of all children are in poverty according to save the children now add to the mix that health to the border with the republic of ireland is now a key focus of brics it in even the state mandated b.b.c. is broadcasting peace negotiators warning of warfare closer to home than russia china over it as well and those who are prepared to use violence to achieve their political objectives will seize on any opportunity to use violence to advance their interests and try to stir up a return to sector conflict joining me now is shin fein m.p. venerian ahmad on the border of the republic of ireland mickey brady mickey thanks for coming in we'll get to thursday's irish border remain mintz and that's going to the second just remind us about the killing of the irish human rights lawyer for a new kid in front of his family thirty years ago it was an absolute vain act i
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mean it was an attack on the legal profession it was an attack in human rights that was essentially state sponsored murder the british government promised inquiries that has not materialized the family and remain steadfast in their quest for justice and truth and we would certainly support them wholeheartedly in that but for puffin it was someone who was to be admired he was a human nature he was someone he fought for everybody respect of hey there are politics or anything else and he did not deserve what happened to him we had the family on they said david cameron in downing street said that there were forces in the british state that meant that he was going as far as he could to have that inquiry you see you know the same the and the british prime minister would be to some degree in control of these dark forces in inverted commas that he talked about . the reality is the british government did not want an inquiry into patronage can
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scarce because it would highlight their role and not particular kelly do you think margaret thatcher would have the killing of well i mean i'm not privy to what margaret thatcher did or did not the but i think it's fairly clear that there was it was an act of state sponsored order let's go to break and what does the current prime minister minority government lead to trey's may what does he tell your colleagues when they trooped into ten downing street for a little nothing i mean nothing not because of particular significance the reality is that the withdrawal agreement with europe is simply this the backstop is not up for negotiation the irish government are also in the process and continue to protect the good trade agreement the good friday agreement has to be protected and implemented in all its parts the irish government are a coker on tore us with the british government so it's a comment upon them to remain steadfast on this because it is an international
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agreement that has been large and they did missions it's not something they can easily be swept to say it's a very much something that has worked and worked well from from certainly from a perspective as a representative in european arm our constituency which suffered greatly during the conflict mainly from the redish i mean it has to be said so we are we really know that europe is very much in support of the good friday agreement it has been stated publicly on many occasions by all of the european negotiators below the european politicians and people talk about the irish border and i reiterate what other people see it as an irish border as a border and ireland opposed by the british partition was imposed against the will of the irish people and if you go back and i celebrate in the hundredth anniversary of the first dollar and one thousand eight tain sinn féin one i think was seventy three out of a hundred fav sci. it's so there's no overwhelming majority for irish independence
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a passage which are pretty. ignored so when we hear them talking about democracy as canada selected because they totally ignored the democratic process back in one thousand it ain't there now a ton and most of we need to have bad bad which of course we do for democratic party but the reality is brags that as has been supplied this problem is a british disaster the simplest out well over to the british government doesn't accept that and i think even the national curriculum doesn't accept the events of one hundred years ago but i go to us q given your mission frame politician you know how the british media works why is the british media continually saying that the legal wording that may was forced to reveal could be changed at the last minute there could be a change of the irish back story is nonsense it is because the withdrawal agreement is there it's been a great set the backstop is or it's been agreed that there may be some around the political statements etc there may be some tweaking of that but the reality is
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agreement has been agreed the backstop has been agreed the twenty seven countries in europe foursquare behind the irish government is behind it and it will not change through is she deliberately risking the good friday agreement the threat of violence which apparently tory holbrook city has appeared to be ironically threatening risking all of this to run down the clock to get the deal through tory bracks the tears for equally tough budget project fear and i think when the lead to a return of violence as projects fear coming from them i do not think there will be a return to violence what i think is people actually ordinary people will stand up to any change in the good friday agreement they will stand up to any type of border at all old enough to live through a hard border i've lived three minute raciest on the border and if you look at the border as it is there are something like two. two hundred fifty fav crossings
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running from tony gold to kelvin and may own constituency i think when there was a border there's something like twelve official crossings but the border can consist of a stream and may own constituency in villages like jones the border actually runs through hayes's so you can have your lunch in the north and your dinner in the say you know how how do you regulate it i did it without i mean i spoke to david davis when he was and this practice secretary and he started a technological solutions that may well happen in forty years with no between the living room exam and it's exactly ok but there we have the provisional larry's former head of intelligence kiran calm way when he said if the british put soldiers and checkpoints up there maybe in the twelve points which they used to be a british soldiers will die may not his opinion i certainly would not necessarily agree with a certain a far as we and the process of consensus are not in the process of returning to violence ok but then have the material
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conditions change so much that under the terms of the good friday agreement a poll an irish unity must be taken soon because of the possibility of irish unity vote i don't have data by the good friday a centrist and because you know people have a case of suddenly bring into the forefront our issue in a day where they will be seeing the agree yeah but we're the oldest political party in ireland we have been. you know go on for the belief that we would have irish independence and that as our ultimate political goal since partition we have campaigned long and hard for reunification so it's not something new or irish republican we want sovereignty in their own country wants to time isn't the issue and the good friday agreement on the border pole is really at the behest of the sect of state of the circumstances. elaine i feel like it would be appropriate if today you or the president of your party told the prime minister this is this is
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this is the tame for a unity referentially have before march the twenty ninth because you can force the hand of the irish and it's well they did the issue is in terms of sect of state has to call their british prime minister no one and cabinet has talked about it you know if the state doesn't get three then it opens or if for reunification they are as far as specific under the terms of the good friday agreement there must be polls that show there's a possibility that the last list would winning united the house to be a majority fifty percent plus one there's a recent poll in the south i think it was something eighty six percent of people. who were approached in the poll were happy enough that there would be reunification we live in a very small county will live in a condo of approximately six and a half million people we have to have everything if the education system. to police services to house service none the more problems and if you consider the.
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northern step that was set up a british back and nineteen twenty one. short term solution to a long term problem that has to placate genius well one reason people on the left ghibli would. be pro bricks it is the european union's position on venezuela where israel in elections is unfair as the british media tell us but it could say that i was simply there to observe. the election process i wasn't there to comment politically or anything else and not respect what i saw and i can only say what i saw and my own opinion the elections were fair there's a quite a rigorous process there was like a three stage for people to actually get three vote much more rigorous i thought than we would have here in the north or indeed in britain and so it was it was very closely monitored we were given some detail and havilah actual process is done the
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logistics of that and i can only say what i saw was fair as far as i'm concerned in this russian fans concern it is for the venezuelan people to decide their destiny the british thank you. for the break ahead of us secretary of state mike won't pay is scheduled visit to brussels on friday we asked the un former top human rights expert about nature nation media complicity in the war on venezuela plus from the news dangerous days for high visit and the dangerous hero who wants to be pm and likes to go camping all the civil coming up about to have going underground.
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after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to sort of go from fields where everything is familiar on the other i want to the new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to surprising. or not if you think. i'm going to talk about football not the or else you can think i was going to go. by the way what is it that sliding here. after a rather bumpy rollout the new green deal is upon us co-sponsored by democratic firebrand alexandria cortez the plan for sees a radical restructuring of the american economy and how people will live what the plan does not address is how much it cost how much will we have to go into the red become green.
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welcome back joining me now to go through some of the week's top stories is full of liberal member volatile limbert opec member. let's go to this dangerous man's story or this is a big story often the canary jeremy corbyn is definitely a dangerous arrow nice one male do you know what this is about i'll tell you as a book by my uncle tom bower it's called dangerous hero corbin's ruthless plot for power get this it turns out jeremy corbyn wants to be prime minister and it's worse than that he likes going camping and he can't pay the male serialisation we have fifteen pages of it fifteen pages of x. factor would be that he has a seasoned politician what does it mean that is he has a distressing lack of he's found no pleasure in medieval towns how can he be roman history absolute it's worse than the option he can't tell own brand beings from tesco or lines of
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a some teleprompter and daughter of an available so he's civil taney is the useless and dangerous treasure may set of the dispatch box dangerous at the same time he's used these dangerous the useless and he's messy if you look at these extra find out that sometimes his room was a mass of paper everywhere this man can't lead the country and it will be his finger on the button of britain's. britain's breck's again to be the nuclear weapon oh never mind that he might mess up wrecks it he might do a bad job of that we can't possibly have someone like him in power still dangerously let's go to this prison we have from venezuela in the saudi society is that reports yellow vests protest loses hand in clashes with police this is about iran all venezuela no it's not but the point is it sounds like venezuela the demonstrations of these people are hungry about emanuel macron who used to be the darling of the disenfranchised and your party vince cable leader the liberal democrat said he was going to be a centrist like
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a mackerel i'm not active anymore option i'm not active anymore well vince needs to take a leaf out of this book then ten deaths associated with these yellow vests thousands i just thought two thousand injured at least now what's happened here. as the yellow vests have been telling the police when they going to demonstrate have now said if this is what we get if police violence is what we get we're not even to tell you we're going to demonstrate now the local french are getting angry and this is looking really nasty and pretty much why do you think it's going to be written very much because it's not in the headlines because micron's are kind of friends we have to keep them on our side during breaks it may not be doing a great job of that and snow is interesting is talking about places like gaza because it's far away and we think we know who the enemy is there a let's go to the british backed and occupied territories ready israeli occupied territories of the morning stole us from morningstar reports palestinian teenagers shot dead by israeli soldiers once again we see a fourteen year old and an eighteen year old shot that what was their crime they
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were throwing rocks on the defender with the israeli government saying these people the israelis are defending themselves and they also say this is standard procedure so we still see this underlying level of violence once again not really making it into the mainstream press here in the u.k. eight because it's complicated and b because we have complains about cold how do we get in a new one under attack for alleged anti semitism birmingham unliveable labor bodies under attack by jeremy corbin's deputy in the neighborhood who john watson friend of israel isn't the friends of israel to make the running which is why we don't hear about this it is complicated why because the u.k. has complex relations in that region we sell gallipoli and some pounds worth of arms into that area at the same time as having great peacemakers like tony blair going there to try to settle the issue there's nothing simple about this especially when you're facing threats that need all the international friends you can get trade deals with israel very soon lebanon
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a big thank you well in the next few days donald trump's us secretary said by pompei o shuttle to arrive in europe to discuss economic warfare on venezuela with the u. fisher was the former u.n. human rights expert in the first un report to enter. venezuela since one thousand nine hundred six professor alfred disaster joins me via skype from geneva in switzerland for welcome back to going underground so don't trump secretary of state mike pompeo shed yule to meet with the e.u. leaders in brussels do you believe the e.u. would have acted against venezuela the way it did if it hadn't been for u.s. pressure certainly not smarter refract the european union or other european union states that have recognized one bill as interim president are by a lady. fundamental principles of international law customary international law the uan charter and. other norms such as resolution twenty six
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twenty five thirty three fourteen of the general assembly here you are dealing with a revolt against international order and every war against international law the principle of non interference in the internal affairs of states is absolute the principle of nonintervention is absolute it is not for the united states canada the united kingdom france or germany to say well we prefer this individual. president of venezuela rather than mr model this is a matter exclusively for the venezuelans to decide and in a country under the rule of law and country that has separation of powers it's evident that the last word belongs to the supreme court to raise i'm a i'm going to merkel macro let alone might bump a zero and donald trump say it was a sham election and maduro would it were clearly himself and therefore they have
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the right to go in cuba has already invaded venezuela according to his border is active cells and i mean ron is a prime example of manipulation of public opinion as if the world had not seeing enough lies from colin powell two thousand and three when george w. bush and tony blair attacked iraq to get there with their so-called coalition of the willing that probably the greatest single violation of the norm for principles since then norbert trials not only and tailing the crime against pays or entailing all that war crimes and crimes how many are against humanity that followed in iraq and after a dark we saw the tragedy of libya and that was two thousand and eleven again it revolt against international law. another oil producing
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country now instant turn of venezuela the only reason for all of this is to have a looting cum pain to be able to privatized the all industry in venezuela and to have the profits flow to the one percent well that's the road crossing the red cross in the us in a bid to agree with you in that they are not part of this usaid project british media media and nato nations is continually showing us a colombian venezuela border bridge women duro is refusing to take in aid i know that the sanctions mean that they lose maybe thirty million dollars a day and this is only maybe twenty million dollars in one chip what do you make of this picture of this bridge well it's another another piece of fake news i mean we are swimming in an ocean of fake news the media war in two thousand
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two thousand and three in the context of iraq or in two thousand and eleven in the context of libya is quite similar to what's going on now and you would think that people would learn from experience and you cannot trust these sources of information on the other hand the sheer power of the conglomerates and this year power of the mainstream media are actually fanning the flames of war you know that propaganda what war is specifically prohibited in article twenty over covenant on civil and political rights you know that the write off and the use of force is prohibited in article two paragraph for all of the un charter and that doesn't seem to matter to the capitals whether it be brussels oberlin or london and i find most worrying from the aspect of the creation of.
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yet another precedent. of ignoring international law with total impunity going back to humanitarian aid which is an important point when i was in venezuela i had the opportunity of speaking with no less than twelve ministers including the minister of foreign affairs and they all welcome humanitarian aid if it's offered in good faith with goodwill and if it is distributed by a not throw a germ be it the international committee of the red cross or be of some neutral non-governmental organization if the aid came from. switzerland from mexico from europe way certainly that is what i would immediately accepted what i cannot understand is how the torture or the torment
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tore off the people of venezuela has been asphyxiating the economy in venezuela that has cost the so-called humanitarian crisis that has cost the death who might turn our mortality and infant mortality and muslim christian and cetera that that concrete then there has to morph into the same here and just dresses the good guy who's going to bring them. food and medicines in order to solve the problem do i wait with the sanctions do away with the presidential blockade do i wait with the economic war and fight documented in my report presented to the human rights council on the tenth of september. the impact of the sanctions has been devastating ok well of course people are going to was giving
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the coverage visually and they to a nation media. even you are comparing it with iraq where of course millions were killed wounded or displaced sanctions of course a by bill clinton and madeleine albright hundreds of thousands of children dead why are you not appearing on more t.v. channels to explain this because this doesn't seem to be a view a tool in the media or in the countries which are backing the recognition of this man going to as the new pres interim president or they're going to ask that of your colleagues by the b.b.c. and c.n.n. and fox on the dog's envelopment i mean i have been. attacked by the media in. before during and after my mission to venezuela. even before i touched ground in venezuela. some media outlets and twitter or
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and. and facebook were insulting me and saying that mine was going to be a fake investigation it doesn't occur to them that an independent expert is independent and the whole exercise is valuable because he's going to go to the country he's going to be on the ground speaking to all stakeholders and i did i spoke with members of the national assembly members of the opposition opposition non-government organizations chamber of commerce the churches professors students and cetera but i also spoke with the government because i was interested in persuading the government that it's in their own interest to make certain reforms in order to solve the problems of the venezuelan
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people and when i put that down in my report i thought that there would be a syria's the bait there on when it was presented in september there was no the bait on my report because i was not singing the song that was expected of me if i had gone and said it's all the fault of chavez and other little socialism it's a failed system and therefore they beare all the responsibility i bet you i would have been on the first page of the new york times on the war in the post however since i said look it's not that simple you have the. graham matic fall in oriel prices followed by a savage economic war and at sixty eight shut all of the country and closing all of the bank accounts of the government of venezuela and opened but only
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us. when you have the bank of england refusing to turn over thirty one tons of gold worth one point two billion dollars you have the united states refusing to transfer nor nine billion dollars of sick go that belongs to the venezuelan people and that the venezuelan people need for buying food and medicine but no the idea is first starve them to death first create a coyote accentuation so that the people. vote against the government but that may string me here will not tell you that it is of course in my report on the other hand my report is not being reported on professor alford disaster thank you and that's it for the show will be back in five days you demolish the idea of a confident korea success and possible britain because my social media feelings are they the sixtieth anniversary of castro's inauguration of president.
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and you know how the going to. sway you know food. bank itself movie theater. plus we've got to go through hard not to think you know how they decide this is the work i think i want and i don't think it's too much and i think. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way. through and you can follow the film this will persuade you that you have given
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a lot to the. what i think is this is the fun that is what comes. after rather bumpy rollout the new green deal is upon this co-sponsored by democratic firebrand alexandria ocasio protest the plan for sees a radical restructuring of the american economy and how people will live but the plan does not address is how much it cost how much will we have to go into the red become green. this hour's top headlines on syria demands action from the united nations security council after accusing the u.s. led coalition of killing sixteen civilians in a bombing raid just over the border where there were. leaked documents reveal that
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a u.k. based campaign group was.


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