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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2019 8:00am-8:31am EST

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i mean they. were. all the. storm. now at the. thought that another. i see like him could make the. italy's prime minister responded a puppet that's a heated debates in the e.u. parliament where he did the blocks of being out of touch with his people. europe faced with an economic crisis without precedent this progress of the last contact
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of its people my question for you mr cantor is how much longer will you continue to be the public. leaks documents reveal that you k. based campaign offered to spread negative news about qatar in a bid to strip the gulf kingdom of the twenty twenty two football world cup. and syria demands action from the un security council after accusing the u.s. led coalition of killing sixteen civilians and informing raids over the border with iraq. live from the russian capital welcome to r.t. and national. top story its needs prime minister has fired back at senior european officials that softer he was accused of being a puppet of his euro skeptic governments during it. tense exchange in the
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parliament just epic on tape eleven descaling assessment of brussels saying it's no longer in touch with its citizens well we can cross now to our keith europe correspondent. peter say things have been getting a bit heated what exactly happened it was quite the debut speech from the italian prime minister in the european parliament in strasburg just can't take a set out the way italy sees the future of the european union and also highlighted the challenges to the goals that rome wants to achieve well this was seized upon by saw him in parliament there was quite scenes and some strong debate we heard from gave ehrhoff start senior polman tarion within the european parliament also certainly no shrinking violet he went as far as to call the italian prime minister a puppet. of the european project seems to have lost its momentum
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but we have seen the transfer of powers increasingly from the countries to the union my question for you mr conti is how much longer will you continue to be the puppet on salvini and in my own strings europe faced with an economic crisis without precedent has withdrawn fearfully into procedure as a whole and it's progressively lost contact with its people it is so painful for me to see italy's political degeneration progressively in this policy has lost its representative justification to become an oligarchy system where the real needs of society nor that it is your government that is openly spiteful against other member states who are members of our european family it is the italian government there to start the european union from being united against madeira and you know why it's come under pressure from the kremlin under pressure from putin that is the truth. there were a handful of voices in the chamber supporting prime minister contrary they mostly came from british m.e.p. the ones that have the backing brags that. mr conti the determination of your
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government to resist the privileged power axis of merkel and macron and indeed to resist the pressures of the european union elites on show here today you deserve applause for that the european union and italy have been circling one another for a while now they clashed last year over the italian budget that had been put forward this budget include things like tax breaks for low and middle income earners a lowering of the retirement age and a multi billion euro universal income plan the problem is though italy is broke its debt currently runs at one hundred thirty one percent of g.d.p. with that type of debt you cannot put through a budget the way that they did under e.u. law eventually rome caved in in december and decided to revise its budget however they're back again for more clashes with brussels and with the european
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union we've heard from the deputy prime minister mathias salvini he's also the interior minister he called the comments shameful and said that at the upcoming european elections the electorate may well look to oust some of those that are toeing the line with brussels and the upper echelons of power within the european union bear a thought though for those in the upper echelons of power in the european union at the moment you've got a club that includes poland and hungary certainly now italy who aren't playing the game the way brussels want to see it played and on top of that a little thing called breaks that are teeth europe correspondent peter i live there thank you. leaks documents that claim to reveal u.k. based cum pain group proposed a plan to try to get qatar strips of the world cup in twenty twenty it's offered to run a p.r. blitz to spread negative news about the gulf kingdom in return for a hefty fee the group's headed by a prominent u.k.
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based tejas to run former british prime minister david cameron's successful election campaign and have ski picks up the story. it's almost a tradition now that every time a major football tournament is to take place scaremongering about the host country gets into full swing unless it's a country like germany of course in less than four years qatar will become the first middle eastern state to host the world cup and everyone's got something to say there are even whole books written about it qatar has won its right through foul means the tiny middle east country of qatar may have won the right to host it due to a secret campaign to sabotage rival bid the sunday times newspaper is alleging that those involved in katter's world cup bid team ran a kind of secret black ops campaign designed to sabotage its main rivals bits this time however it may have gone beyond just bad headlines newly documents seen only
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by the guardian newspaper and the spin watch conveying group suggest that a famous political strategist company c.d.f. partners was speech to a contract to make sure qatar's dream of welcoming the world's best footballers collapsed how by spreading negative stories about qatar in the mainstream media associating dollar with terrorism running fake grassroots campaigns and social media and lobbying friendly politicians journalists and academics we have a chance to talk to professor david miller from the spin watch group seriously this is the other techniques of the p.r. world isn't this deception as many puting social media trying to propose the problem with the qatari government as it is supports terrorism and extremists in the muslim world now of course this is a set of techniques which they've used before to try and suggest that the country should isolate which are based on nothing very much the c.t.f.
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partners company both a major success in political campaigning it led the u.k.'s conservative party to an unexpected general election victory in twenty fifteen it's. and they hear this sir lynton crosby was awarded night hood from the van prime minister david cameron so there is little surprise that somebody would hire these company for a job probably just as difficult to put direct pressure on sci fi to reverse its decision about holding the twenty twenty two world cup in qatar here's a quote from the leaked documents we would identify all potential allies in the media politics industry academia and government should reach out to them going a deliberate attempt to inform and motivate them about the need to reconsider cattles hosting of the world cup in twenty twenty two below suggested that the c.t.f. partners company was interested in that job not only given it and name project ball detailing the concrete plans to fulfill it but even putting
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a price tag on it three hundred thousand pounds a month with the overall price for the contract exceeding five million however in a statement to the guardian it denied and tearing into that contract it is legitimate for one party to use the services of people or entities or clients to put important information into the public domain and in fact two men are the big question is who was the client both the guardian and spin watch point at qatari opposition figure. who is based in london and has a history of organizing events against the ruling powers of three hundred thousand pounds a month for a p.r. contract for this client to. want to be qatari prince who lives in london. it's kind of weird we have reached out to holly del hale for comment but we haven't heard from him yet according to the
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lawyers for cross protect never took up the contract so that's what we're led to believe is the case so it's not entirely clear whether the coroner. in. so we're still unsure but there is no direct evidence that such a legit attempts to hire political strategists to discredit host countries of a major tournament have existed before but ask yourself would you be surprised if it ever surfaces considering that every time the world is about to enjoy a feast of football the media and politicians are having a field day. reporting from moscow. we contacted c.t.f. partners about the matter but their response fell to shed much light we've asked them for further clarification we've also contacted pfieffer for their reaction they told us that they have no comment on this story. syria this demanding action from the un security council damascus accuses the us led coalition of
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killing sixteen civilians and entering dozens more in a bombing raid on the border with iraq video agency rapidly filmed the aftermath of what appears to have been a combination of air strikes and shelling where it gets day after take the close. syria again is accusing the united states of war crimes. twenty nineteen the u.s. led coalition committed a new crime against innocent syrian civilians is will playing targeted a civilian camp in the village of who's in the countryside of the governor it's. sixteen civilians including seven children were killed and seventy civilians most of them women and children were injured syria again calls on the u.n. security council to stand up against these crimes and the turks and to shoulder its responsibilities in the maintenance of international peace and security here is what happened. syria is
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a small village which happens to be one of the last islamic state all claves in syria and it is in the firing line the u.s. led coalition troops and allies on the ground are pressing it from all sides and the media is there to watching this isis village burton final push to defeat isis the villages their last remaining stronghold in northeastern syria days away from victory days before they saw the end of the caliphate the problem and a serious one at that is that aside from the five six hundred isis fighters. there are hundreds upon hundreds of civilians innocents whom the terror group was holding hostage using its human shields liquid you know the coalition killed a lot of families they killed a lot of fatherless a lot of children this time the u.s. led coalition hit a mosque and the coalition has
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a rule never to hit mosques they're protected except when it stops being a mosque because the pentagon says so this mosque lost its protected status when isis deliberately chose to use it as a command and control center lot of first time they hit the mosque which stopped being a mosque packed with people the incident near aleppo springs to mind yes the coalition takes all reports of civilian casualties seriously investigates for months or years writes an apology note when everyone's forgotten and moved on almost always the terrorists fault yes the u.s. is fighting terrorists in syria but it was never invited to it invited itself then to be able to say good job boys we beat isis it should be formally announced sometime probably next week that we will have one hundred percent of the caliphate
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. but i want to wait for the official word and i want to say too early we have won against isis we've beaten them and we've beaten him badly now we've won but you could in that vacuum see a resurgence of isis see a resurgent you know they're winning out we'll come back if we have to. middle east experts him our calf says washington has found a new way to explain away uncomfortable tree. what we know for sure that the americans showed disregard for human life and for infrastructure what is happening this time around is that previously they would say you know we would punch an investigation whenever a large pool of civilians and lives were lost nowadays they seem to have a pretty preset justification so for example yesterday they bombed a mosque in the same village boat and they've issued a statement that we bombed a former mosque which lost its status because he was turned by a dietitian to
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a command and control center so now they've come prepared. for whatever criticism they might face but we don't think that this acuity council will will take any steps they would stab the united states is not alone in this sort of illegal. presence in syria you had. the u.s. states of north dakota seeking to restrict access to public records relating to place and government operations it comes after a number of lauren foresman to be says were exposed. and picks up the story there are members of protests out in standing rock in response to the dakota access shale oil pipeline it seems like old news but two cases are actually pending in federal court still and at this point we've got many people who can remember how horrified they were when they saw the government's response to peaceful protesters.
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well critical legal information about what actually happened during those protests may soon be unavailable to the public a billion animists lee pass by the north dakota state senate would forbid the publishing of information and records related to quote critical infrastructure that
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term might sound vague but pipelines are actually included and now they say that this new law is necessary because of cyber security but it's going to be a big relief to police and other law enforcement agencies that actually complained about the release of such information in a document that was made public via records request however they were far more critical and e-mails that were leaked one non credentialed media group involved in high profile actions would request publicly available records to a done a fine law enforcement agencies and persons involved i'm still doing some checking on the legality of everything and what i'm forced to release. is there a preemptive way to prevent the city of bismarck from disclosing any law enforcement product produced by bureau of indian affairs personnel leaked documents also show that a private security firm known as tiger swan was heavily involved in the crackdown on the protesters documents show them referring to the protesters as jihad us and
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insurgents since the movement generally followed the jihad this insurgency model while active we can expect the individuals who fought for and supported to follow a post insurgency model after its collapse but despite all the bad press and protests the dakota access oil pipeline is moving forward trump signed that on his fourth day in office to go to excess but. again subject terms and conditions to be negotiated by the us. and if the new north dakota law sealing records actually goes forward we may never know the full story of what happened when protesters got in the way of powerful oil companies kaleb up and r.t. new york. trival protests in venezuela over the blocked us eight that story and much more off to the bank.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they've matter to us is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise once a year some. one hundred might want to trade for shaq in first second and this one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars industrial. but don't let the numbers are. the only number you need remember in one
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you know for. one. the. welcome back and number of prominent french journalists have been suspended after it came to light that they belong to a group that's been mocking and women online for almost a decade charlotte depends key has more details remember the me too movement how could you know what that was after all one of the biggest stories to rock two thousand and eighteen well here in france it was better known as but also essentially that means to call someone out as acting like a pink and really grab the media's attention all great except fast forward
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a few months later and we find out what's really been going on on a press forces led. to depreciate the other good we need a new office and more leaving. just in that she used to just call them to sebastian moore yes all the time when the moral brigade were flying the banner for me to a number of senior journalists in france were reportedly engaged in coordinating online harassment mainly of female writers and feminist activists the l.o.l. league not true online boys' club consisted of a run thirteen members it was founded back in two thousand and nine it spread explicit means abuse to victims on social. media arm doctored photos to humiliate them just suffered from attacks on twitter when you tweet something you have thirty people who can call you completely stupid. i lived in fear there is always this tension of when will it happen and in what form it's very humiliating and the
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humiliation double since is now online and public and accessible to our. i had a morbid fear that this can turn to real violence it was not violence or lying but in my head it actually transfers a call so how did this hugely embarrassing scandal come to light well it was accident discovered when one newspaper left wing labor has still carried out a fact checking exercise exposing two of its own journalists as not being only members but one of them actually founded the cyberbullying group several journalists have been suspended who range of outlets and some have even offered apologies although not everyone has held on to the feeling of guilt for very long to those jumping for joy in their vengeful by saying few of these idiots now we're going to clean up our own dirty laundry. for turning is these bullies have been operating like
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a pack getting high on power on the pain they could inflict in reality they've been experienced as what they really are the league of largely the muses and the lofty liberal media and france has been left with egg all over its space shuttle at the. ati paris. that's been major protests across venezuela after the opposition called his supporters onto the streets over the standoff regarding u.s. aid one quite over whose proclaimed himself interim leader has set a ten day headline to get blocked deliveries into the country president nicolas maduro meanwhile. doesn't believe the convoys have anything to do with humanitarian aid both men addressed crowds of supporters. saying keep inviting soldiers of the country to join us we'll keep inviting the humanitarian aid to enter. because it will answer in venezuela no matter what because usurper will have to
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leave when it's whaling no matter what i mean i want to unite venezuela around one goal of peace i want peace for venezuela we all want peace for venezuela but the drums of war go away with the secrets of military intervention getting let venezuelans same one course with a single voice we want peace. venezuela has suffered food and medicine shortages hyper inflation and seen more than two million people flee the country on monday why do you took to twitter to say that the festa livery of humanitarian aid had already been made including medicine for pregnant mothers and malnourished children however we have not seen independent confirmation of this claim madore of has blocked us a chipman fairing that washington may be using them to assist in a pit one of the key delivery routes would be a bridge between colombia and venezuela however the door awarded the tankers be
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placed across the rights with the military also guarding the crossing but it's worth noting that the two year old bridge has never officially been opened or used in the meantime venezuela's remains split on whether to support u.s. deliveries. and that one why there is calling for a fatal war because it is a war against all the people of venezuela not only gets the president of the republic it is against all the people of venezuela and their fear is from other countries cannot happen over the heads of the venezuelan people we chose nicolas maduro not just that as well isn't a crisis that's no secret and we need the humanitarian aid it would be a blessing from have been for this humanitarian aid to inter-country because we need it not everyone but those corps and hospital for example there are suffering a lot. professor of latin american studies. says any pretense this crisis is
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a democratic process is nonsense unfortunately i think that washington will continue on its current course of action this is become an ideological mission for them when you have amassed marco rubio you have michael pay all you have mr john bolton and now elliott abrams directing foreign policy in washington a sensually taking over the function of the state department here are essential and marked on a course of regime change the us has embarked on this course previously since which obviously is elected in one thousand nine hundred ninety eight the us assad regime change across three different governments bush obama and now and will continue to see an escalation of conflict in the context of venezuela versus the us for more details on any of us stories all teed up com is just a click away you're world news for tens at the top of the hour feedback.
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make us manufacture consent to stick to the public well. when the ruling class is protect themselves. with the finest. be the one percent of. the time we can all middle of the room sick. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution to the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful approach. yes to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just always i mean your list.
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is full of needles the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty forty. eight invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. she'll be a. student have been miles from as. independent. as that with. the councillors if i went up at a meeting they. were sort of my lemon who speculate hint that me or the male with jamie has a hunk on the roof. now at the five the. hell i got money
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for that matter i see let him make the boy am it worthy of the marrow have gone floating closer gave up because of me is because he is so see you so when i would. no competition the stock price discovery say and a fake prices in fake prices beget fake news that's what comes out of fake prices fake news you want to get rid of fake news restore competition in the marketplace to get real prices and then you'll get real. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guess what the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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later on. this is going bust broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance to the impact on all of us i am bart chilton in washington and we are so glad you've chosen to spend some time was a thanks for being with us going to be a great show coming up today the e.u. seems to have china in their crosshairs over hacking but will they pull the trigger on sanctions hillary for which the c.e.o. of strong market r.t. correspondent caleb often joins us to discuss plus we take a long look at the recent spate of crypto criminals and how regulators have been cracking down during the wall and that a new can.


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