tv News RT February 13, 2019 1:00pm-1:30pm EST
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how much it cost how much will we have to go into the. green. i. i. i am i i. i i i think. it's prime ministers branded a. heated debate in the e.u. parliament passed the blog of being out of touch with its people. faced with an economic crisis without precedent has withdrawn from the procedures and it is
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progressively lost contact with its people my question for you mr cantor is how much longer will you continue to be the puppet. strings. leaks documents reveal that a u.k. based campaign to spread negative news about the bid to strip the gulf kingdom of the twenty twenty two football world cup. also syria demands action from the u.n. security council after accusing the u.s. led coalition of killing sixteen civilians in a bombing raid on the border with. me here in moscow great to have you with us this is r.t. . italy's prime minister fired back at senior european officials after he was accused of being a puppet of his euro skeptic government during a tense exchange in the e.u. parliament. delivered a scathing assessment of brussels saying it's no longer in touch with its citizens
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. the european project seems to have lost its momentum but we have seen the transfer of power has increasingly from countries to the union my question for you mr conti is how much longer will you continue to be the puppet on salvini and in my own strings. europe faced with an economic crisis without precedent as we put it is so painful for me to see italy's political degeneration. progressively in this policy has lost its representative justification to become an oligarchy system where the real needs of society nor that it is your government that is openly spiteful against other member states who are members of our european family it is the italian government there to start the european union from being united against and you know why it's come under pressure from the kremlin under pressure from putin that is the truth it was quite the debut speech at the european parliament in strasburg by the italian prime minister just said picante outlining the future of
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the european union as italy sees it and also looking at the challenges to the goals that rome wants to achieve his speech caused consternation in the chamber we heard from. the senior european parliamentarians and certainly no shrinking violet going as far as calling prime minister come take a puppet there was some support for the italian prime minister in the chamber from british m.e.p. mr conti the determination of your government to resist the privileged power access of merkel and macron and indeed to resist the pressures of the european union elites on show here today you deserve applause for that the european union top brass and rome have been going back and forward for a while now big arguments last year over the budget that was put forward by the italian government it included things like tax breaks for low in middle income
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earners a lowering of the. retirement age and a multi-billion euro universal income plan all of the good stuff big problem is italy is broke its debt stands at one hundred thirty one percent of g.d.p. trying to put forward a budget this provided these things well it's just against the rules of being part of the european union eventually did cave in to brussels but they go to come back and back for more we've heard from the deputy prime minister. he's also the interior minister of italy he described it mr comments as shameful and he said that at the upcoming european elections those that have supported brussels bureaucracy well they may well find themselves ousted by the people at the ballot box but spare a thought though for some of those at the upper echelons of the european union structure at the moment they've got poland and hungary certainly not playing the
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game the way they would like it to be played in brussels italy i think we can definitely say are in that group as well and with all of that there's a little thing called break that going on as well. leaked documents are claimed to reveal a u.k. based campaign group was asked to come up with a plan to try to get cattle are stripped of the world cup in two thousand and twenty two the firm allegedly proposed to run a p.r. blitz to spread negative news about the gulf kingdom in return for a hefty fee to groups headed by a prominent u.k. based strategist to run former british prime minister david cameron successful election campaign. as well. it's almost a tradition now that every time a major football tournament is to take place scaremongering about the host country gets into full swing unless it's a country like germany of course in less than four years qatar will become the first middle eastern state to host the world cup and everyone's got something to say there are even whole books written about it qatar has won its right through
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foul means the tiny middle east country of qatar may have won the right to host it due to a secret campaign to sabotage rival bid sunday times newspaper is alleging that those involved in katter's world cup bid team ran a kind of secret black ops campaign designed to sabotage its main rivals bits this time however it may have gone beyond just bad headlines newly documents seen only by the guardian newspaper and the spin watch competing groups suggest that a famous political strategist company c.d.f. partners was speech to a contract to make sure qatar's dream of welcoming the world's best footballers collapsed how by spreading negative stories about qatar in the mainstream media associating dollar with terrorism running fake grassroots campaigns and social media and lobbying friendly politicians journalists and academics we have a chance to talk to professor david miller from the spin watch group seriously this
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is the other techniques of the p.r. world isn't it deception as many puting social media trying to propose the problem with the qatari government is it to support terrorism and extremists in the muslim world now of course this is a set of techniques which they've used before to try and suggest that the country should isolate which are based on nothing very much the c.t.f. partners company both a major success in political campaigning it led the u.k.'s conservative party to an unexpected general election victory in twenty fifteen it's found. and they he is certain lynton crosby was a ward at night hood from the van prime minister david cameron so there is little surprise that somebody would hire these company for a job probably just as difficult to put direct pressure on sci fi to reverse its decision about holding the twenty twenty two world cup in qatar here's
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a quote from the leaked documents we would identify all potential allies in the media politics industry academia and government should reach out to them going a deliberate attempt to inform and motivate them about the need to reconsider cattles hosting of the world cup in twenty twenty two below suggested that the c.t.f. partners company was interested in that job not only given it and name project ball detailing the concrete plans to fulfill it but even putting a price tag on it three hundred thousand pounds a month with the overall price for the contract exceeding five million however in a statement to the guardian it denied and tearing into that contract it is legitimate for one party to use the services of people or entities or clients to put important information into the public domain and in fact manner the big question is who was the client both the guardian and spin watch point at qatari opposition figure. who is based in london and has
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a history of organizing events against the ruling powers of three hundred thousand pounds a month for a p.r. contract for this client to. want to be qatari prince who lives in london. it's kind of weird we have reached out to hollywood all hail for comment but we haven't heard from him yet according to the lawyers for cross protect never took up the contract so that's what we're led to believe is the case so it's not entirely clear whether the coroner. in. not so we're still unsure about that there is no direct evidence that such a legit attempts to hire political strategists to discredit host countries of a major tournament have existed before but ask yourself would you be surprised if it ever surfaces considering that every time the world is about to enjoy a feast of football the media and politicians are having
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a field day let's see russia a field day let's see russia city r.t. reporting from moscow. we did contact c.t.f. partners about the matter but their response failed to shed much light so we have asked them for further clarification we also contacted pfieffer for reaction and they told us they have no comment on the story. moving on and syria is demanding action from the un security council damascus accuses the us led coalition of killing sixteen civilians and injuring dozens more in a bombing raid on the border with iraq on video to see roughly film the aftermath of what appears to have been a combination of airstrikes and shelling. correspondent takes a closer look at. syria again is accusing the united states of war crimes for bridge twenty nineteen the u.s. led coalition committed a new crime against innocent syrian civilians is will playing targeted
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a civilian camp in the village of who's in the countryside of the governorate of there is all sixteen civilians including seven children were killed and seventy civilians most of them women and children were injured syria again calls on the u.n. security council to stand up against these crimes and the turks and to shoulder its responsibilities in the maintenance of international peace and security here is what happened in. syria is a small village which happens to be one of the last islamic state on claves in syria and it is in the firing line the u.s. led coalition its troops in. allies on the ground are pressing it from all sides and the media's there to watching this isis village burton final push to defeat isis in the villages their last remaining stronghold in northeastern syria days away from victory days before they saw the end of the caliphate the problem and a serious one at that is that aside from the five six hundred isis fighters there
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are hundreds upon hundreds of civilians innocents whom the terror group was holding hostage using as human shields liquid as you can see the coalition killed a lot of fun and they killed a lot of fatherless a lot of children but this time the u.s. led coalition hit a mosque and the coalition has a rule never to hit mosques they're protected except when it stops being a mosque because the pentagon says so this mosque lost its protected status when isis deliberately chose to use it as a command and control center lot of first time they hit the mosque which stopped being a mosque packed with people the incident near aleppo springs to mind yes the coalition takes all reports of civilian casualties seriously investigates for months or years
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writes an apology note when everyone's forgotten and moved on almost always the terrorists fault yes the u.s. is fighting terrorists in syria but it was never invited to it invited itself then to be able to say good job boys we beat isis it should be formally announced sometime probably next week that we will have. one hundred percent of the caliphate . but i want to wait for the official word and i want to say too early we have won against isis we've beaten them and we've beaten him badly now we've won it's time to come back you could in that vacuum see a resurgence of ice and see a resurgence you know or one thing i'll come back if we have to. so the come from the seas yellow again as the protest movement makes another stand this time against police violence.
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and. i've been saying the numbers mean something they've mattered the us is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three first second per second and fifth when rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollar ai industrial park but don't let the numbers over with. the only number you need to remember in one one business show
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you know ford from the one and only. welcome back france faces another wave of yellow vests protests within the state to staking to the streets of paris to show their anger over police file its march is being called by several activists courage to show their solidarity with people in a man who had part of his blown off by crowd control good night so for the day. we spoke to. who was he. in the head with a grenade in december and claims that she's on the brink of losing it because of it is her story. that is told if she were under chandeliers say it was common at first
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there were very common yellow vaster around us and some hooligans scared of vandalism and started to shoot to help the firefighters to get through congress and it was the last thing that i remember because actually that i fell and a grenade hit my head my eyes don't repeat and it will be removed in the next operation doctors sad it can't be saved it is painful to touch it so i can move it and i can read. system it is around three thousand people have been injured during the all of us protestors some of them suffering serious wounds hearing things that the current level of violence between the protesters and the police is far from normal it says. policemen are called to work every saturday i understand they are tired but fatigue is not an excuse for everything especially for leaving people without eyes plugins were on the right and i was on the left so explain to me why do policemen fired in my direction it is not normal france is one
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of the oldest democratic countries in the world it is not normal that this is happening here. streets over the standoff regarding usaid. he's played himself interim leader and said it turned a deadline to get blocked a deliveries into the country president nicolas maduro meanwhile doesn't believe the convoys have anything to do with humanitarian aid both men addressed crowds of supporters. they keep inviting soldiers of the country to join us we'll keep inviting the humanitarian aid to enter. because it will answer in venezuela no matter what because usurper will have to leave when a swale no matter what. i want to unite venezuela around one goal of peace i want peace for venezuela we all want peace for venezuela but the drums of war go away but the threats of military intervention go away and let venezuelans say in one chorus with a single voice we want peace. venezuela surface food and medicine shortages
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hyperinflation and see more than two million people flee the country on monday quite go to twitter to say that the first delivery of humanitarian aid has already been made including medicine for pregnant mothers among us children but we have not seen independent confirmation of this claim but durai has blocked us aid shipments for in washington could be using them to assist in a coup one of the key delivery routes would be a bridge that's between colombia and venezuela but madeira ordered that tankers be placed across the roads with the military also guarding the crossing it's worth noting though that the two year old bridge has never officially been opened or used in the meantime venezuelans remain split on whether to support u.s. deliveries in that long why there is calling for a fadal war because it is a war against all the people of venezuela not only against the president of the republic it is against all the people of venezuela. or ference from other countries
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cannot happen over the heads of the venezuelan people we chose nicolas maduro not just there's really isn't a crisis that's no secret and we need the humanitarian aid so here it would be a blessing from have been for this humanitarian aid to inter-country because we need it now everyone but those who are in hospital for example there are suffering a lot. joiners dismissed claims made by the wall street journal that its diplomats met with the venezuelan opposition has branded that report fake news wall street journal claims that the meeting with representatives of one grade zero was held as china's seeking to protect its investments in the crisis stricken country china has been holding talks we venezuela's political opposition to save guard is investments into trouble latin american nation in fact the report is false it's fake news. i can speak live now to alexander bruno who's an independent political analyst for
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good evening to alison. we've heard the background to the story there the the chinese foreign ministry though has branded that report fake and said that it was published before beijing could even get the chance to reply what's your take on it . good evening well my take is that. i wouldn't be surprised if the chinese had met represent is a white dog. nevertheless. the implications of the article from the wall street journal is that china is trying to protect its investments in venezuela that's where i find the issue troubling and perhaps cause for suspicion over the article because china doesn't need to worry about a different government or right wing government coming in venezuela to protect its investments china has investments throughout south america including brazil which recently went to what some consider
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a far right government with both sonar and also now recently enhanced. brazil's relationship with china china has excellent relations with. israel as neighbor colombia which is often accused of using its military to. to provoke venezuela so in that sense i really don't think china is worried about that the only thing that it may worry about or that where it has something to lose is the fact that. the government uses the petrol you want it sells its oil in you want to china rather than u.s. dollars that may be the only real difference that. china has with venezuela compared to other south american countries but china is using its soft power trade and loans for infrastructure projects in
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particular to fill in where the west has failed really and what the united states in particular has failed has been many there have been plenty of criticisms of us devolvement from south america and. not just during term stand but even during obama's time so that's where i find the whole issue. disconcerting i think to provide some interesting context for our viewers or certainly hope so and it leads me into the fact that we're actually come out and said china and russia they will be welcomed he says in a post country which of course is what he's hoping for do you believe him when he says that and more importantly you think that china and russia will believe him. well we'll see why do well has plenty to give back to those who are supporting him and he's a self declared. presidential not even presidential candidate is president and he also. john bolton and washington and few members in the european union
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thankfully so far blocked by the final government into recognizing him which is helping at least to prolong the process and perhaps have cooler heads prevail. but. frankly you know if he were smart and really wants to reconcile the country. should he ever become president would probably honor. cooperation from china and russia because other south american countries particularly his his would be allies in south america from my creek in argentina and brazil in colombia and peru. they have certainly continued to accept chinese particularly investment so in that sense i don't see why why don't you know nor process would not do that the problem is
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that venezuela the way the campaign is being run the political. stallman's is being run now it is not conducive to a peaceful transition it's conducive to something much closer to syria or ukraine. two thousand and fourteen which is not a very peaceful process and is not one that i would welcome investment from anybody let alone china and russia. beijing's been calling for political dialogue to solve the crisis in israel and i would have thought that that was likely to kind of slow down the momentum of quiet bearing in mind how quickly he came to the fore kind of shooting star in political terms i would have thought he and his backers wouldn't like that dialogue is likely to be the solution. well dialogue is the only solution that will benefit the venezuelan people i think in the long run the
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proposed like of dialogue is where as i mentioned before the risk is that's what the falling off the cliff problem. begins we're looking at in south america in terms of mention ukraine and syria before but there is a very south american president in. one nine hundred seventy three with a yenda and. if i end there were to come back from the grave he would advice both. my duro and white oak. making. less radical transition because that's where the that's where the problems. are in the and the radical transitions so the fact that china is. proposing dialogue that does
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suggest that perhaps someone somewhere has talked to why does are present is after all it's only diplomatic to do so. but it's not diplomatic to reveal such things it's it's not that china would not be the first country to to hide. talks with an opposition party. and it would be in its interest and right to do so but it's more. the context i think china is doing this if it did this in the context of dialogue where the year members some members of the european union and the united states are doing it in the context of contrast i was under of religion to talk to appreciate it alexander bruno my guest independent political analyst. and i appreciate you joining us as always i hope you'll stick around i'm back with the latest news headlines small on top stories and often.
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the swarms blood of them so million. viewers who was before. much of those who heard it's a preview of the most you ever see him will be north we will go. move. move. move show you just look beautiful live look i mean it's going to look good. more muslim also these girls will give you films for good girls. to go to shows a look but look you're the same you want me to show it's door to you should go. to
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starts to. get to me to do it with the little girl missed don't say look it is it's. just testing understands this new it's a mash dog truck to stop the president and the speech from this project until. we have produced a ghost whisperer to snap them up when you will because that is the girls who are to sort your supporters to your machine station shooting star you should cook door for the one who's doing the design.
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance to the impact on all of us i am bart chilton in washington and we are so glad you've chosen to spend some time with the thanks for being with us going to be a great show coming up today the e.u. seems to have china in their crosshairs over hacking but will they pull the trigger on sanctions hillary for which the c.e.o. of strong market r.t. correspondent caleb moore up and join us to discuss plus we take a long look at the recent spate of crypto criminals and how regulators have been cracking down during the wall and you can rosamond joins us and later in these volatile times what's an average investor to do john grace of investors advantage corporation has some helpful advice all that directly ahead but first let's have some headlines let's go. a deal to avoid a u.s. government shutdown later this week has bipartisan agreement in congress and
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markets seem to be buoyed trading up for earlier in the day nearly two hundred points but president trump who torpedoed the last deal at the eleventh hour leading to the longest ever u.s. government shutdown raters apparently optimistic and trading well traders trade that's what they do we like to think they are scary skillful and most of them are conducting super sophisticated trades but that's not always the case but here.
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