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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2019 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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no but the work of a coward and i don't mean to start then if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his own way. to. the floor and you can talk the fifty out of this bill frist woody allen and that you have a whole movie about a lot of that came out on the. books but i think is this is the found that is a constant thank. you. italy's prime minister is branded a puppet at a heated debate in the e.u. parliament where he lambasted the block for being out of touch with its people. faced with an economic crisis without precedent has withdrawn from the procedure
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and its progressive you lost contact with people my question for you mr cantor is how much longer will you continue to be the puppet. strings. leaked documents reveal a u.k. based campaign group offered to spread negative news about cantata in a bid to strip the gulf kingdom of the twenty twenty two football world cup. also syria demands action from the u.n. security council after accusing the u.s. led coalition of killing sixteen civilians in a bombing raid on the border with iraq. it is ten pm here in the russian capital great to have your company as always this is r.t. . italy's prime minister has fired back at senior european officials after he was accused of being a puppet of his euro skeptic governments during a tense exchange an e.u.
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parliament earlier delivered a somewhat scathing assessment of brussels saying it's no longer in touch with its citizens. the european project seems to have lost its momentum but we have seen the transfer of power is increasingly from the countries to the union my question for you mr conti is how much longer will you continue to be the puppet on salvini and in my own strings. europe faced with an economic crisis without precedent has withdrawn if if the legal procedure it isn't and it is progressively lost contact with its people it is so painful for me to see italy's political degeneration i mean progressively in this policy has lost its representative justification to become an oligarchy system where the real needs of society nor that it is your government that is openly spiteful against other member states who are members of our european family it is the italian government that is start the european union from being united against and you know why it's come under pressure from the
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kremlin under pressure from putin that is the truth it was quite the debut speech at the european parliament in strasburg by the italian prime minister just said picante outlining the future of the european union as italy sees it and also looking at the challenges to the goals that rome wants to achieve his speech caused calls today should in the chamber we heard from. the senior european parliamentarians and certainly no shrinking violet going as far as calling prime minister come take a puppet there was some support for the italian prime minister in the chamber from british m.e.p. mr conti the determination of your government to resist the privileged power access of merkel and macron and indeed to resist the pressures of the european union elites on show here today you deserve applause for that the european union top brass and roma been going back and forward for
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a while now big arguments last year over the budget that was put forward by the italian government it included things. like tax breaks for low in middle income earners a lowering of the retirement age and a multi-billion euro universal income plan all of the good stuff big problem is italy is broke its debt stands at one hundred thirty one percent of g.d.p. trying to put forward a budget this provided these things well it's just against the rules of being part of the european union eventually did cave in to brussels but they got to come back and back for more we've heard from the deputy prime minister. he's also the interior minister of italy he described mr starts comments as shameful and he said that at the upcoming european elections those that have supported brussels bureaucracy well they may well find themselves ousted by the people at the ballot box but spare a thought though for some of those at the upper echelons of the european union
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structure at the moment they've got poland and hungary certainly not playing the game the way they would like it to be played in brussels italy i think we can definitely say are in that group as well and with all of that there's a little thing called break that going on as well. liberal political activist and billionaire george soros has also waded in suggesting that the e.u. must straighten its ways or else go the same way as the soviet union sort of scissors pro e.u. forces to unite before the upcoming parliamentary elections and act before it's too late an answer compare the current european leadership to the us this us politburo saying it's been issuing irrelevant directives you'll give a stark warning suggesting euro skeptic parties might take a lead in may's ballot advisor to italy's league party cloudier d'amico believes that europeans could be eager for change. italy is not anymore dog that someone green get put on the wall in the g seven and the peace deal of please
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don't don't speak don't see anything because you are like a dog just stay on the cheer now dolly is speaking italy is saying it only has a brain as a wheel as a saw eat only is the power any europe but we are an example for the new europe the europe of the people of that we look to people and not the europe of the europe. the europe of the elite now they are very angry about the government of the people they are very scared about it a new election in europe and in this case we are sure that the people of europe we change the government of europe that now is. in the hands of few people. leaked documents are claiming to reveal a u.k. based campaign group was asked to come up with a plan to try to get cattle stripped of the football world cup in two thousand and
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twenty two the firm allegedly proposed to run a p.r. blitz to spread negative news about the gulf kingdom in return for a hefty faith groups headed by a prominent u.k. based strategies to run former british prime minister david cameron successful election campaign. has details. it's almost a tradition now that every time a major football tournament is to take place scaremongering about the host country gets into full swing unless it's a country like germany of course in less than four years qatar will become the first middle eastern state to host the world cup and everyone's got something to say there are even whole books written about it qatar has won its right through foul means the tiny middle east country of qatar may have won the right to host it due to a secret campaign to sabotage rival bid the sunday times newspaper is alleging that those involved in katter's world cup bid team ran
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a kind of secret black ops campaign designed to sabotage its main rivals bits this time however it may have gone beyond just bad headlines newly documents seen only by the guardian newspaper and the spin watch comparing groups suggest that a famous political strategist company c.d.f. partners was speech to a contract to make sure qatar's dream of welcoming the world's best footballers collapsed how by spreading negative stories about qatar in the mainstream media associating dollar with terrorism running fake grassroots campaigns and social media and lobbying friendly politicians journalists and academics we have a chance to talk to professor david miller from the spin watch group so initially this is the other techniques of the p.r. world isn't it deception million puting social media trying to propose the problem with the qatari government as it is supports terrorism and extremists in the muslim world now of course this is
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a set of techniques which they've used before to try and suggest that the country should isolate which are based on nothing very much the c.t.f. partners company both a major success in political campaigning it led the u.k.'s conservative party to an unexpected general election victory in twenty fifteen it's. and they hear this sir lynton crosby was awarded night hood from the van prime minister david cameron so there is little surprise that somebody would hire these company for a job probably just as difficult to put direct pressure on sci fi to reverse its decision about holding the twenty twenty two world cup in qatar here's a quote from the leaked documents we would identify all potential allies in the media politics industry academia and government and reach out to them going a deliberate attempt to inform and motivate them about the need to reconsider cattles hosting of the world cup in twenty twenty two below suggested that the
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c.t.f. partners company was interested in that job not only given it and name project ball detailing the concrete plans to fulfill it but even putting a price tag on it three hundred thousand pounds a month with the overall price for the contract exceeding five million however in a statement to the guardian it denied and tearing into that contract it is legitimate for one party to use the services of people or entities or clients to put important information into the public domain and in fact manner the big question is who was the client both the guardian and spin watch point at qatari opposition figure. who is based in london and has a history of organizing events against the ruling powers of three hundred thousand pounds a month for a p.r. contract for this client to. clear a boy want to be qatari prince who lives in london. it's kind of weird
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we have reached out to hollywood all hale for comment but we haven't heard from him yet according to the lawyers for cross protect they never took up the contract so that's what we're led to believe is the case so it's not entirely clear whether the coroner. in. so we're still unsure but there is no direct evidence that such a legit attempts to hire political strategists to discredit host countries of a major tournament have existed before but ask yourself would you be surprised if it ever surfaces considering that every time the world is about to enjoy a feast of football the media and politicians are having a field day. reporting from moscow. well we did get in touch with partners on the matter but their response failed to shed much light so we've asked them for further clarification we also contacted pfieffer for reaction they told us
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they have no comment on the story. syria is demanding action from the un security council damascus accuses the u.s. led coalition of killing sixteen civilians and injuring dozens more in a bombing raid on the border with iraq our video to see roughly film the aftermath of what appears to have been a combination of air strikes and shelling guess dear it's a close up. syria again is accusing the united states of war crimes in february twenty ninth in the u.s. led coalition committed a new crime against innocent syrian civilians is we're playing targeted a civilian camp in the village of who's in the countryside of the governorate of there is or sixteen civilians including seven children were killed and seventy civilians most of them women and children were injured syria again calls on the u.n. security council to stand up against these crimes and attacks and to shoulder its responsibilities in the maintenance of international peace and security here's what
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happened near east syria is a small village which happens to be one of the last islamic state on claves in syria and it is in the firing line the u.s. led coalition its troops and allies on the ground pressing it from all sides and the media's there to watching this isis village burton final push to defeat isis the villages their last remaining stronghold in northeastern syria days away from victory days before they saw the end of the caliphate the problem and a serious one at that is that aside from the five six hundred isis fighters there are hundreds upon hundreds of civilians innocent whom the terror group was holding hostage using as human shields liquid as you can dish and killed a lot of fun and it's as if they killed a lot of fatherless a lot of children this time in the u.s.
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. led coalition hit a mosque and the coalition has a rule never to hit mosques they're protected except when it stops being a mosque because the pentagon says so this mosque lost its protected status when isis deliberately chose to use it as a command and control center lot of first time they hit the mosque which stopped being a mosque packed with people the incident near aleppo springs to mind yes the coalition takes all reports of civilian casualties seriously investigates for months or years writes an apology note when everyone's forgotten and moved on almost always the terrorists fault yes the u.s. is fighting terrorists in syria but it was never invited to it invited itself then to be able to say good job boys we beat isis it should be formally announced
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sometime probably next week that we will have one hundred percent of the caliphate . but i want to wait for the official word and i want to say too early we have won against isis we've beaten them and we've beaten him badly now we've won it's time to come back you could in that vacuum see a resurgence of isis see a resurgence you know they're running out we'll come back if we have. an iranian photographer has lashed out at donald trump after he allegedly used her photo of a protest in an iran bashing tweet you know the more a year he said the photo was used without permission and that was a great shame for the u.s. president published this week in both farsi and english on monday as iranians marked the fortieth anniversary of the overthrow of the shouldn't be abused by quote men in washington over the wages of roughly spoke exclusively to the photojournalist. but. i have no twitter account and someone sent
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a picture to me i wanted to react at that time because of my patience it took a long time i did not expect this picture to become viral because i was thinking that i had taken better pictures wow sometimes things happen in a way that we do not expect. the post is a lengthy instagram post in which can be defined as social to be more precise there are always people who can travel to europe for different occasions like wedding parties or funerals in our forest years face time in order to be in touch with their families so it is clearly painful to me and it also affects my personal life my family is in us and we haven't seen each other for four years because of the travel ban and you feel like my family was in a prison because we could not even visit each other in another country when you do him and the economic and social impact of the sanctions that affected people
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including those who are not interested in political issues caused me to show a symbolical protest it was not something like a legal complaint or any other thing. fronts faces another wave of yellow vests protests with demonstrators taking to the streets of paris to show this time their anger over police violence the march is being called by several activist groups to show solidarity with people injured during the protests that have been engulfing from since november to support one victim in particular a man who had part of his hand blown off by a crowd control grenade and so far the demonstration has been passing off. we spoke to fear. who was hit in the head with a grenade in december and claims that she's on the brink of losing it because of it is a story. that is told if you were on your show. instantly say it was common first there
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were very common yellow vaster around and then some hooligans heard of vandalizing a shop on another side of the street because trying to set fire to it policeman's dirty to shoot the firefighters to get through congress and it was the last thing that i remember because actually that bell and a grenade hit my head my eyes doing great and will be removed in the next operation sad it can't be saved it is painful to touch it so i can move it and i can read. system i did around three thousand people have been injured during those yellow vests protests some of them suffering some serious wounds if you think the current level of violence between the protesters and the police is far from normal. it is clear the policemen are called to work every saturday i understand they are tired but fatigue is not an excuse for everything especially for leaving people without i could gives were on the right and i was on the left so explain to me why do
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policemen fired in my direction it is not normal that difference is one of the orders of democratic countries in the world it is not normal that this is happening here. i mean being widely seen as an anti around summit is being held today in warsaw with representatives from more than sixty countries attending it's been jointly hosted by the united states and poland but not everybody has been keen to take up their invitation some high ranking european officials for example stayed at home for instance the foreign affairs chief. isn't there the same goes for the top e.u. politicians france germany britain have only sent lower ranking diplomats despite the meeting being of originally planned for foreign ministers considering this facts the iranian foreign minister said that the meeting would fail to result in anything meaningful. but the worse conference i believe it's dead on arrival or dead before a robot i don't think it would do anything it's another attempt by the united
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states to pursue an obsession with iran that is not well founded. the news being linked to the e.u. is recent trade mechanism coming into force it allows european companies to continue to trade with iran despite the reimposition of sanctions by washington and i can ism has been criticised by the us although it's not taking any particular measures against it as yet even says that it's undertaking helps ensure the survival of the twenty fifteen euclid deal with iran. and its big political analyst and commentator should be a very good evening to shove it what do you think will come of this meeting if anything. i think i would agree completely with foreign ministers i read from that nothing will come of it i mean if you look as of late america's policy of iran especially since it tore of the j c p o e it's been more and more almost
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insane in that it keeps making all of these allegations that he's believing iran it's you know it's done this year and it's done that iran won't survive to see its fortieth anniversary or two days ago it did exactly that it had its fortieth anniversary and america hasn't been able to do anything now what it's doing with this war so conference it's trying to build a coalition of people that will entities that will. actually bend the need to washington and its allies and not do business with iran and further try to isolate iran i don't believe this is going to be successful because we have the new. mechanism that the u.s. put in to try and allow trade to be transacted with iran even away from u.s. sanctions and to be fair america is losing its relevance specially would be ludicrous claims that american makes regarding for example the fact that america somehow thinks it defeated the irish in syria when really it is the manufacturer
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and creator who has very little to do with defeating the irish that was firmly in the hands of the syrian regime. your honor has been low so america has lost its relevance this is a means by which it's trying to get relevant and i don't believe it's going to have any success it will just be a complete waste of time especially given that many key decision makers are not even bother listening a lot you don't see junior people as opposed to senior people so no one really sees it as anything particularly important it's a means to try and actually change or work on a pathway to create regime change in iran and again america's me trying this for forty years and again it's going to fail you don't think it will be able to mount really successful would you go to force to assess it the same way the iranian foreign minister did which was to say this summit was dead on arrival can it produce anything at all. i think what they might try and do is of course you've got a lot so so with the money in the mix you've got american i don't really know any
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other word for it american insanity so you might have some of the weaker countries that you know come along and jump on the bandwagon or countries that are desperate for money and so you know they will be paid just like in the you know in a way that was very similar to the coalition that so-called saudi arabia manufactured in its war on yemen where it just paid a whole lot of countries in africa it's hard africa huge amounts of money paid countries in asia money to send messages over if it does do anything it will do that they of course there is talk now of. america and this conference being a platform to launch the any k. organization the shot dead shot. into a sort of a light where they look like the new democratic opposition to iran and somehow they will try and work on. him acting regime change and doing further terrorist
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activities because the any cable going to zation and it's related offshoots are just terrorist organizations completely i mean today we saw a terrorist to get attack against against iraq. in one of the in the east in the eastern border regions and this is what the conference will achieve if she has anything it will achieve more terrorist attacks against there are more stress more tension but in terms of any real results whereby they will be able to annex regime change will somehow stop iran friends acting and stop countries doing business with iran no i don't believe they can do that i don't believe america has the ability or the relevance anymore america as an entity is no longer you know the only superpower it's become a joke i mean especially here especially in the in the in the age of trump it's become fossil because all of its lies and now laid bare for the will to see in the world can see this is just. most of the country example said it you know saudi arabia what this country or their country if they want to defend them they have to
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pay it's essentially a mercenary army it has no morality and it's a country that's in decline it's an empire in decline anyone who studies the history of empires will see this is like among the final stages before it loads upon itself and hopefully the american people can be liberated by themselves into something a lot more reasonable decent and honorable instead of the garbage that it is today unfortunately. i guess our political analyst a commentator many things. china has dismissed claims made by the wall street journal these diplomats met with the venezuelan opposition it's branded that report fake news the wall street journal claims that the meeting with representatives of one guy doe was held as china is seeking to protect its investments in the crisis stricken country china has been holding talks rebrand as well as political opposition to save guard is investments into trouble latin american nation in fact the report is false it's fake news
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independent political analyst alexandra bruno thinks china's not actually that worried about a change of government in venezuela. i wouldn't be surprised if the chinese had met me representative of my dog. nevertheless. the implications of the article from the wall street journal is that china is trying to protect its investments in venezuela that's where i find the issue troubling and perhaps cause for suspicion over the article because china doesn't need to worry about a different government or a right wing government coming in venezuela to protect its investment china has investments throughout south america china is using its soft power trade and loans for infrastructure projects in particular to feelin where the west has failed really and what the united states in particular has failed. ok if you all
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wonder what you're watching this is our to internationalise great tell you with this but with the dates i hope to see.
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after a rather bumpy rollout the new green deal is upon us co-sponsored by democratic firebrand alexandria ocasio cortez the plan for c. . a radical restructuring of the american economy and how people will live what the plan does not address is how much it cost how much will we have to go into the red become green. and after accounting we're going underground on the eve again of one of the most important house of commons votes since the second world war coming up in the show is the u.k. government inciting violence from europe to latin america we speak in vein m.p. and venezuelan election monitor making brady than the u.k. collusion in crimes against humanity in latin america we talked to former top u.n.
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human rights fact that for disaster the head of u.s. economic warfare talks in brussels and from the headlines the yellow vests the red and france on the ground transport love red and gaza all of them all coming up in today's going on the ground first this week the day after chinese new year celebrations for ordinary people in the british capital tracer maze minority government warned of the threat posed to the u.k. by china china is developing its modern military capability and its commercial power similar taney asli we confront russia with war not only are we confronting a state like russia an ideological enemy without a state like al-qaeda are in dire. but very character of warfare itself is changing at the same time while britain conducts political war on there is whaler we should apparently be based in the western hemisphere and of the south china sea and i believe that we need to go further considering what a permanent presence we might need in areas including the caribbean and
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a ship pacific to extend our global influence now arguably what is needed more than global influence right now. now is national influence because well that man who told russia to shut up and go away want to cause for war overseas here at home the u.n. claims dres amaze policy is set to turn britain into an alienated society these two dramatically different societies of people living the high life and a higher life than it's ever been lived before in terms of limit levels of luxury and so on but people on the other hand.


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