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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2019 10:00am-10:31am EST

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don't want to. believe. he didn't you believe he was you. know. god saw him or god. was. touching to protect the territorial integrity of syria the leaders of russia iran taking me to the latest to achieve a peace plan for the country. the b.b.c. syria producer challenges the mainstream narrative by claiming a video pepito to be showing the off the mark of an alleged chemical attack and was
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in fact staged. the u.s. senate's plans to slap moscow with fresh sanctions citing alleged aggression in ukraine and suppose of meddling in america's twenty sixteen election. the move comes as the heads of a two year probe looking into claims of trust russia collusion reiterates that there is no direct evidence for the. lie from the russian capital we are watching r.t. international welcome to the program. in the latest attempts to thrash out a peace plan for syria high level delegations from iran russia and take a have gathered in the russian black sea resort of sochi vladimir putin noted progress on the normalizing. situation in the water one country.
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in the name of the almighty and the merciful. president putin there president aragon and president rouhani. and i would like to greet all of our fellow citizens who are watching this broadcast i have a question for president rouhani but. the other presidents can also answer that if they wish to the future of. including the eastern bank of the euphrates river how do you see that future and what was discussed there with regard to you today. the. opinion of the three of you get on just states and their opinion of the international community is that the entirety of the territory of syria needs to be . legitimate under the control and the visible control of
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a legitimate government. whether it's all the bank of your freight is all of syria's territory belongs to the people of syria tauriel integrity and sovereignty of syria has been emphasized by everyone here both of this meeting and tourist previously during previous meetings. but during the previous summit we have discussed the ways to cleanse. terrorists so that. so that civilians would not be damaged would not be killed or harmed you know what mechanisms should we choose to achieve that. this mechanism hasn't been used so far. we have discussed.
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ceasefire today we have discussed all of this but this is a temporary measure terrorists need to need to be eliminated the need to be driven away from the region sovereignty of syria needs to be restored in the region. for the eastern bank a few freighters. currently american troops are present there and we are concerned . they have a long term plans for this part of syria. we don't know whether they're actually going to withdraw from this part of syria. also. there are some force there are some plans. that include using aggression using hostile measures to resolve the situation. but this area needs to be cleansed of terrorists and returned to the syrian government to.
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believe. the syrian people have their. rights and they need to be preserved and they need to have the right. future for their role in solving the crisis with but. we all believe there is tutorial integrity must be one of the principles observed resolving the crisis in syria this goes for the region for the territory around the or photos river including the east being but also fighting terrorism also we mean are you were ever those terrorists are entrenched secondly we do not support anything related to separate is. we believe there is a dialogue in sayed syria must. help restore must lead to
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a restoration of the syrian state to say. good moments when the syrian conflict. needs to be viewed through a number of lenses. and. we have a joint border with syria that spans all the nine hundred kilometers. in this southern part of our country or and the northern part of syria there are efforts to. create a terrorist corridor surekha corridor. that needs to be destroyed which is our. priority task to our structure from the other issues poetic you to all these situation there is as you well know. difficult there were
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a lot of migrants of riches there the same could happen. but. to actually joint efforts together with russia we were able to prevent. migrant. three hundred thousand people were able to remain and in their homes you know we. need to be very strong in dealing with terrorist organizations. now we are dealing with the bank a few freighters. of the summit today. to take a number of agreed a number of steps. like the concessional committee needs to be created and a number of other states need to be taken i would turkish journalists will continue
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please pass on the microphone that it's all here. could be. viewed all from the. mr president it is states has decided to pull out from syria. at the same time they have requested their nato allies to set up or they have appealed to them to. monitoring areas in syria i have a question to president putin and president rouhani. you said that you understand our concerns to such concerns turkish concerns what steps can be taken in this regard. as a member of nato i'd like to know that. and this regard the us have expressed their decision and this decision has to do with president trump but at the same time we can see that. colleagues so to speak and to not
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always. share his opinion if this is a decisive action on part of the on the part of mr trump we would see a different situation but now they're talking about april or march when this is going to take place so we don't know whether this withdrawal is actually going to take place now ask for the steps. the three asked process countries are monitoring the situation closely. we would like to secure through total integrity of syria. needs to be. freed from terrorists liberated from terrorists but. we should not give. any land to terrorists we need to remain.
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in hewing security for turkey. southern border is something. that we view with the understanding based on the fact that there is a. treaty an agreement signed between turkey and syria which also provides for a common fight against terrorists and this. serves as ground works today with them come. clean with our security services and our military. closely cooperate in this area and will continue to do so and we believe that we move on with such coordination in the future then success would be all but secured but ultimately we the turkish president that the territorial integrity of syria will be secured and ensured as the terrorist threat accept
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sides in this country legally secure which as for a withdrawal of american troops from syria we know that the us president mr trump. has been working quite active we are implementing his. promises that he gave before being elected this is a rare occasion in american political life in reality one of mr trump's promises was to pull out u.s. troops from syria it's a different matter though that the domestic political situation in the u.s. is such that the president is not always able to come so that you fulfill his obligations and promises but whether that will happen this time we will see but so far we can say that. there aren't to any significant changes on the ground in syria
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but if changes occur if it happens the only solution for. providing security for syria would be to pass in the territories under the control of syria and the syrian military. it's. first question is about the u.s. we are not optimistic about. when optimistic about what the u.s. is saying if the americans do pull out their troops completely out of syria that would be very very happy news to the people of syria. however. if they do the same and withdraw from. afghanistan from iraq from other region that would always be good news but the thing is over the past twenty years
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the u.s. have been consistently destructive in our region. both in iraq and syria now in yemen and the role of the u.s. has never been positive who believe that the u.s. need to change their ways. and understand that. the way they've been interacting with the region is wrong. they've chosen the wrong path to work with us the actions of the americans world not bring anything good neither to themselves nor to the people of the region. you've seen what's been happening at the meeting in war so they haven't achieved anything the u.s. are. clueless they don't know how to proceed. both this administration and the previous administration are clueless about how to
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maintain and secure the interests of the region and so we believe that. the u.s. . change. policy towards the region i support turkey we know that believe that his concern is. correct. and there have been a number of terrorist acts took place in iran we have seen that some of these many of these terrorists were prepared by foreigners including the zionists. the yes the terrorist act the blaze. yesterday. the person who committed it. she killed a number of our border patrol people. and we understand that this is
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a very dangerous region and we need to fight against terrorism. but i don't think that is very concerted is mostly concerned with the terrorist groups. whatever they're called these terrorist groups need to be destroyed but our priority of course is the territorial integrity of syria. and finally a question from the russian journalist. hello my name is a woman i'm from network i have a question for all three presidents you've talked about the issue of syrian refugees and how acute it is what else could be done to assure their ability to to go back home and who else could do something about it in a way only doing it in a question to mr putin on january twenty third it doing your meeting with president earlier go on in moscow you say to
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a letter from western powers to. an envoy of the u.n. security general that where they were essentially slowing down the process of summoning it simply in syria has this situation. changed let me start by answering the. latter part of your question we have been actively working with our partners both from iran and from turkey and our experts from the military from the defense ministries and foreign ministries have been actively consulting both with the syrian government and with the opposition. and i'd like to say that on the whole and we have been successful it's too early to state for certain but. i'd like to say that we don't understand the position of some of our partners with regard to the formation of the constitutional
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committee because we believe that. we have. done everything we've agreed to do and so what my opinion is. it's not just being slowed down is it's a summit of the process. in the future but despite all the differences all the difficulties we have continued this very intensive work and in the upcoming future we will finally achieve the actual results and the sooner it is done the better as for the military component certainly. is interested in having the refugees return to their homes that everything needs to be done so that the conditions of their lives are decent that they can lead to good lives and. we should when you're limiting aid in any way to the
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syrian people. and it's very strange and it's really all too sure that there are so. ancient's now against companies. or individuals who are providing this humanitarian aid to the syrian people or to the syrian government to restore infrastructure to restore health care. everyone needs to unite around single the single goal of helping syria restore its. society its people its government and. i would lead to. especially note. the process of preparing for the tory constitutional assembly in syria undoubtedly the
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this process is not going to fester and in recent months the effort itself for this special the un special envoy to syria. have been contributing to this process it is undoubtedly it is and it is beyond doubt that soon such a condition will be summoned and the people of syria will be able to decide on their future as one of the war in terms of the us and a process turkey. a much we once again the us in a form it is not an alternative to the geneva process but on the other hand the geneva process is no it's a functional while the us and our process is what is functional and we can see that in some some of the really implications and will continue to work within this format our fourth meeting in saudi today took place and our fifth summit.
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will take place in turkey. as for humanitarian aid for syria unfortunately expected aid to the people of syria the promised aid to the people of syria has not been provided the e.u. had promised that three billion euro would be provided and then any other three billion but only. seven hundred million have been through only one one billion seventeen hundred million have been provided. by the un and the us are only provided some seven hundred fifty million dollars for syria. and. those. figures actually come through humanitarian organizations and they are directed to
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refugees whereby. has provided the aid of thirty five billion dollars for refugees in turkey syria three some three hundred and ten thousand. syrian refugees have have gone back to their homes but some three million syrian refugees are found refuge in turkey and only one tenth of them have gone back. with the arrest or a meaning into knowles and the money assigned. as aid for those refugees is not going to turkey to the turkish budget it is important. because we are discussing further steps for syria but once we start those that process where will those refugees live in tents that is why it's important to ensure security in their those territories and built them infrastructure provide
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some infrastructure so that those refugees could go back and actually have somewhere to live and be safe and secure the west has only been promising there are also the. countries of the persian of the gulf who have been talking a lot blah blah blah but they spend a lot of money on armaments but when it comes to humanitarian aid we don't really see that them providing any and so we have our questions in this regard we're hoping that sam restoration in syria will start to end destruction will finally be over in that country i think you. well we believe that the issue of helping to refugees return to their homes and the issue of rebuilding syria. it had. to be. conditional to a number of. there are issues such as the constitutional committee and its launch
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which is a very important process everyone needs to. achieve this. but the fact that refugees find themselves outside their own country is a bad thing. for them. for the people to return to the country we need to look at the reason. of their leaving what was the reason or was this someone killed was this and that what was that as long as terrorists remain in syria as long as we haven't eliminated all of them. these people the refugees will not be. ready to return they will not be confident that they will be secure in syria. we need to step up our fight against terrorism in syria and in all of other places. where
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security needs to be maintained we need to how directly just to return to secure places together with iran's since the past year we have been providing humanitarian aid to syria we believe that this is our responsibility. as a neighboring as a brotherly country and we have been providing humanitarian aid to the nation of syria. over the. decisive in helping syria rebuild this would also require a lot of investment and. i hope that the effort of our three countries over the future summits. will help that but this is of course very important issues thank you. well we've just been
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listening in to the news conference in sochi with the leaders of russia key and iran president putin said thanks to all three countries a positive environment has been created to help solve the crisis in syria he also said aggressive operations of militants should not go unpunished and the fact that restoring the economy in syria will require the help of the international community including the un also addressed was the issue of cease fire and the facts terrorists need to be driven away from the region there was also concern raised over how the u.s. withdrawal of troops might affect the country but the summit has enabled all three leaders to talk about a number of steps towards restoration in the country and for its people our correspondent will be following this. little later on for more details on this. the b.b.c. syria pretty serious challenging the mainstream narrative on the alleged chemical attack in the country he claims the video of the supposed and aftermath of
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a toxic strike in the syrian city of duma was in fact staged it's a line that russia and a mask yes have long maintained many others they have accepted the video it face value touting it as evidence the syrian government attacking it saying people. have had similar. you don't hear it very often not even a doubt not a suspicion but a certainty that the hospital scenes of the alleged chemical attack in duma was staged and this is coming from the b.b.c. syria producer after almost six months of investigations i can prove without a doubt that the duma hospital scene was staged no fatalities occurred in the hospital the incident in question occurred almost a year ago when the syrian military took on the army of islam in the town of duma.
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the white helmets working with islam missed released with you of an alleged chemical attack hospitals people in panic reaction was immediate and violent trump launched more than a hundred cruise missiles that syria france and britain chipped in the un security council in our poor few. to think for years duma had been held by the army of islam hard core islam it's the same guys that caged woman and elders and roofs to protect themselves against airstrikes i can tell you that generation islamic rule dumont with an iron fist very co-opted activists doctors and humanitarians with fear and intimate. ation you may also remember in the lead up to this incident russia warned this could happen that rebels might stage
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a chemical attack to invite foreign intervention the rail and evacuation deal we have undeniable evidence that this was yet another staged attack that involved intelligence agencies of one of the countries that is rushing to spearhead a recent campaign but no one in the west listened or pretended not to hear of the media not the politicians here by the way is how b.b.c. reported in the incident back then disturbing reports of a chemical weapons attack chemical attack carried out by the assad regime the magic's are doing more. but they're overwhelmed dozens of people have been killed due to poison gas a chemical attack did happen believes ria but everything else the casualties the panic the videos those were meant to achieve something that seems odd for the first full blown hysteria over supposed chemical attack casualties in north quiets be
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how it's claimed we contacted the b.b.c. for comment it said the producer in question was expressing his pessimal opinions about the fetich and he never said they attack hadn't happened. back to our top story now we can chat live now to our correspondent. she's been following the meeting between the leaders of russia take a run in sochi and she joins us live now maria what's the latest what's the latest development. but i can say that. you can see the journalists are still leaving the hole where the press conference has been held by the leaders of russia turkey and iran i can say that thursday has seen intensive talks between these three countries here in salt on syria on ways to
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bring the long awaited peace to this war torn country a lot has been discussed again in tens of talks but i can say that they were two major focus it was during these talks first of the situation in the province in syria's north western region more than ninety percent of which according to the russian side right now is controlled by jihadists from this is a group that is banned in russia as terrorist groups and has been just recently banned in turkey as well as a terrorist organization and actually more is not quite happy with how things develop on the ground because according to the greens and was supposed to secure this region and what actually happened the opposite. the terrorists managed to conquer new.


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