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tv   News  RT  February 14, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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because they've been wanting to keep the secret for reasons of technology and the macroeconomic have her dollar system. and. it's thirty years since the soviet system collapsed under it's hard not to see developments in the western world in a similar law it's all we witnessing the final act of the cold war and if so what comes next. to get leave the government to be defeated. it is surprising that the prime minister is not even to be the result of. three is a may is criticised for failing to even hear in parliament as a delivers yet another crushing defeat on britain's prime minister.
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b.c. syria producer challenges the mainstream narrative by cleaning up the election be showing the aftermath of a chemical attack and to mount was in fact staged. out of the us senate intelligence committee which has been hunting for proof of trump russian collusion admits there is no direct evidence for any links. coming to live from moscow this is our international welcome to the program. the blows continued to rain down and british prime minister theresa may have rejected key motion of suppose for her have any criticize e.u. divorce deal a number of other amendments to the divorce plan were also voted in westminster
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where the prime minister was blasted for not even turning up. i said the right two hundred fifty eight the news of the left three hundred three. a. yes it gave the government has defeated. the government cannot keep on ignoring parliament all plowing on towards the twenty ninth of march without any coherent. way it is surprising that the prime minister is not even here yet the results of this. is the some way by which you can encourage you to return to described books until. it was actually is ok honestly who knows what this will mean and with everything that's been going on surrounding breck's it it seems that with this deadline looming and fast approaching just under six weeks to go now the situation is not
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getting any simpler nobody is cutting theresa may any slack neither here in westminster nor in brussels and in a series of defeats one after another she's been plowing attempting to plough through the situation we're seeing here another defeat and parliament in a rather simple if i can say motion or should have been simple if she was on a path that was supported by her employees this was a motion where she said she was rejected by three hundred three votes against two hundred fifty eight a majority of forty five and pretty much all that motion did was asked m.p.'s to say that they support the course that to rescind may is on currently and this did not happen and this did not happen following another crushing defeat on january fifteenth after which theresa may promise to go back to brussels renegotiate come back with something new specifically the situation with the irish backstop has been
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something that many m.p.'s are. not happy with in the deal that she had brought forward to them she promised to come back with so-called alternative arrangements but guess what in brussels nobody budged either so she came back pretty much empty handed and this vote seems to be a reflection of new progress really being made and all she needed in this particular vote was for m.p.'s to show that they still back her so she could go back to brussels again and say look i have the majority of my parliamentarians so let's you know try to move this negotiation forward but that didn't happen so what she's going to be pulling out of her sleeve now is anybody's guess there are still more votes to com we know something is scheduled for february twenty seventh for example but exactly on what the m.p.'s will be voting continues to be really anybody's guess because what we've seen so far is bracks it has been this multi
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legged creature pulling the u.k. in all sorts of different directions while also trying to make it to the finishing line in one piece and that has certainly proven to be extremely difficult. the b.b.c. syria producer is challenging the mainstream narrative on an alleged chemical attack in the country he claims that video of the supposed aftermath of a toxic strike in the syrian city of duma was in fact staged it's a line that russian damascus have long maintained many others though have accepted the video it face value claiming at us evidence of the syrian government attacking its own people the it has more. you do here it's very often not even a doubt not a suspicion but a certainty that the hospital scenes of the alleged chemical attack in duma was staged this is coming from the b.b.c.
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syria producer after almost six months of investigations i can. proved without a doubt that the duma hospital scene was staged no fatalities occurred in the hospital the incident in question occurred almost a year ago when the syrian military took on the army of islam in the town of duma. the white helmets working with islamist released videos of an alleged chemical attack hospitals people in panic reaction was immediate and violent trump launched more than one hundred cruise missiles that syria france and britain chipped in the un security council in uproar few can he time to think for years duma had been held by the army of islam hardcore islam ists the same guys that caged woman and elders and roofs to protect themselves against
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airstrikes i can tell you that jaish al islam rules dumont with an iron fist very co-opted activists doctors and humanitarians with fear and intimidation you may also remember in the lead up to this incident russia warned that this could happen and that rebels might stage a chemical attack to invite foreign intervention the rail and evacuation deal we have undeniable evidence that this was yet another staged attack that involved intelligence agencies of one of the countries that is rushing to spearhead a recent forby campaign but no one in the west listened or pretended not to hear of the media not the politicians here by the way is how b.b.c. reported on the incident back then disturbing reports of a chemical weapons attack chemical attack carried out by the assad regime the
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magic's are doing more damage but they're all. grounds dozens of people have been killed due to poison gas a chemical attack did happen believes but everything else the casualties that pavlik the videos lose were meant to achieve something that seems odd for the first full blown his styria over supposed chemical attack casualties in order quiets be how it's claimed we contacted the b.b.c. for a comment that said the producer in question was expressing his personal opinions about the footage he never sent the attack hadn't happened we've heard from pierce robinson chair in politics at the u. case sheffield's university the western countries ignore anything that goes against their narrative. there is ample indication that there are inconsistent seas regarding evidence coming out to do what we do point towards some kind of
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manipulation some kind of false flag event why would ignored by western media or western governments well because what they were saying was not convenient it did not fit with the narrative which is being maintained for a long time regarding syria we have to remember that after doom i mean there were voices calling for governments to wait for p.c. w investigation but there was no way to know the c.w. investigation they went straight ahead and attacked syria so i think these voices were not heard they were not listened to because western governments wanted to attack syria and they were going to use whatever happened in order to justify that it was already widespread public concern and distrust of what governments say we've had to since the iraq invasion in two thousand and three with allegations of weapons of mass destruction which turned out not to be true and frankly this is a continuing past and we have a continuing failure much of the mainstream media across the west to really get to
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the bottom of key issues in relation to foreign affairs saying that there has been staging even if he says that some kind of attack did occur if he's claiming that staging occurred then the question obviously that is what else has been staged how far that staging extend to is it the case that what happened in doom was in fact a false flag those are the questions which are now on the table which now have to be addressed and it's in very important we do do that. we will see patterns repeating themselves and attacks on countries occurring with flimsy or next to no evidence in support of them. in the latest attempt to thrash out a peace plan for syria high level delegations from iran russia and turkey have gathered in the russian black sea resort of tsotsi and the message from the leaders is clear it's up to the syrian people to decide the future of their country by definition that has been following today's meeting since. thursday has seen very
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intensive talks on syria between russia turkey and iran and as all the three leaders confirmed speaking at the press conference following the event these talks have also been very fruitful and very productive mr putin mr han and mr erdogan have all stressed that they believe that the meetings under so-called asked enough forward is the most effective mechanism in resolving the syrian crisis a lot has been said about territorial integrity of syria that it should be protected no matter water about the fact that these are syrian people who have to decide the future of their country and also about countering the terrorists on the ground in syria it should be for everybody agreed in any form let's take a listen right now. we're convinced that we can provide stability and peace in
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syria by only using political not military methods following the principles of unity sovereignty and territorial integrity we think that only the syrian people can choose a future. which are not a lot of us announced they were going to draw their troops from syria but according to our information they intend to continue interfering in the domestic affairs of syria regardless of how many american boots remain on the ground it must be up to syrians to decide their own future. or to guarantee the territorial integrity of syria and we cannot give a single part of learn to the terrorists we need to be sure the syrian people will be the only ones who only learned all the three leaders have also agreed that the syrian crisis should be resolved with the help of syria's friends but without any foreign interference speaking of which they ran a leader mr rouhani has slammed a u.s. led and u.s.
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plans to gather in a more than sixty. sixty countries in warsaw poland that happened the same day as the summit regarding syria here sochi why it was announced among other things that there is no a peace in the middle east unless confronting iran say these measures and these after it's have been viewed by the iranian leader as counterproductive and having nothing to do with bringing peace to syria may want to run was the subject of for us bonser at summits and poland where israel's prime minister faced questions after calling for war with iran. you can only learn. from here and go into a meeting with sixty foreign ministers and voice from countries around the world there against iran but what is important about this meeting and this meeting is not secret because there are many of those is that this is an open meeting with representatives of leading arab countries who are sitting down together with israel
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in order to advance the common interest of war against iran. transcript of the interview netanyahu is the official twitter account deleted the phrase war with iran and replaced it with combat but in the original video you can hear the prime minister saying in hebrew the word that translates as war iran's foreign minister the regional tweet exposes netanyahu is true intentions adding the whole world now knows them to. the middle east summit in poland the warsaw because meanwhile the u.s. vice president mike pence has just lashed out at iran the greatest. peace and security in the middle east. is the islamic republic. one political analyst we spoke to thinks netanyahu swore comments about iran are a way of saving his own reputation at home. iran has shown to be
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a prudent party a very responsible one it knows their real objectives behind this move that has been done by netanyahu this move has been done for domestic purposes as well as international ones under the massive scene we do remember that netanyahu and his wife are you know accused of. financial corruption so the best thing to do on the eve of the election new elections in israel is finding a boogie man a bad man abroad in order to deal really public opinion from inside the country the domestic scene and the financial corruption and charges to foreign enemy and who is better than iran and who is better than netanyahu when it comes to escalating tensions and confronting tehran. u.s. president donald trump will declare a national emergency to secure funding for a border wall with mexico the white house has also announced trump will sign
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a last minute budget deal meant to prevent another government shutdown house speaker nancy pelosi says reaction to the news was less than three years he asked dick. i've just had an opportunity to speak with president drop. i would say to all of our colleges going to katie's prepared the bill he will also be issuing a national emergency declaration at the same time did i ever say i was filing a legal challenge i may that's an option review option but it's important to note that when the president declares the same urgency first of all it's not an emergency what's happening at the border it's man the terror in challenge to us the president has tried to sell a bill of goods you need to be putting that aside just in terms of the president making any run around congress and both houses of the u.s. congress have pasta. border security package that provides government funding through september of this year the bill will now house to be signed by the
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president in disagreement over money trump wanted to construct a wall on the bill would have resulted in the partial government shutdown in december which lasted a record thirty five days i spoke to george to some wally from the global policy institute of london who says the sponsoring deal is lust an ideal for trump. this appropriation bill that he's about to sign is an absolute disaster from his perspective because. the one point four billion dollars that is actually appropriated for a border war comes with a lot of strings attached so he really doesn't have a terribly good deal in these hands so even if he were to go ahead now and to declare this national emergency he is now really in trouble with his base with his supporters because you know his supporters are saying well ok here's so you don't
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really have anything for the war and there are all sorts of other poison pills in this appropriation bills he's got a lot of problems on his hands and simply declaring a national emergency to build a little bit more of a war isn't known to solve his problems he had of the u.s. senate intelligence committee has officially as there is no direct evidence donald trump colluded with russia in the twenty sixteen presidential race that's after an exhaustive two year probe into the matter. well i'm not sure how to make sure that i said it before we have no factual evidence of collusion between. the two year pro got parts of the media very excited expecting it would find smoking gun. the walls to feel like they're closing in on the truth administration right now and i'm not sure they can hold them off for much longer the walls are closing in and everyone is freaking out the walls are closing the wheels are coming off. the walls
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are closing in on president trump the walls are closing it with trump on the walls are closing in on the trump white house. all of the walls are closing in at this point the walls are closing in fast after two years two hundred witnesses and three hundred thousand documents if we were to report based upon the facts that we have then we don't have anything that would suggest that was collusion between the trim campaign and russia democrats have now confirmed this to n.b.c. on conditions of anonymity sent investigators have access to highly classified intelligence so for example if there was an intercept between some russian intelligence officers suggesting that they were conspiring with a truck campaign they would see that that has not emerged so that evidence does not exist and trump will claim vindication so donald trump has spoken up the it twitter the senate intelligence committee there is no evidence of collusion between the trim campaign and russia well the twitter sphere lit up because for two years
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n.b.c. has been pushing the trump russian narrative now they're saying the opposite. n.b.c. news and miss n.b.c. have been telling us for two plus years that there is always evidence of collusion to the russians hacked their accounts. breaking news the narrative we've been spin on endlessly for two years was based on zero evidence it seems that it wasn't lost on n.b.c. themselves who did everything and to walk back there are police but on the very same day we heard this on the very same channel senator byrd coming out and saying there was no direct it is kind of conspiracy that also really struck me because prosecutors almost never how to direct it i wish the intelligence committee came out and so they found no direct evidence of criminal conspiracy but that's not the senate intelligence committee is read it it is the f.b.i. in a special counsel's team to do the criminal investigation so he doesn't have any evidence but he somehow just knows it's there mr trump's claims. you know whole
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question is the claims of a former cia director who previously called doubts on allegations of cold loser he is not alone in speaking up and saying that what can't be proven somehow must unquestionably be true washington's new special envoy for than as well has been accused of flying by the house foreign affairs committee. was quick. to install opposition leader. and as well as president and as bit to oust nicolas maduro the session was interrupted several times by antiwar activists. you know. right. then of what. the activists were dragged out and the rest they were trying to draw attention to al brown's alleged human rights violations in latin america his track record was raised and some tough questions from congress. in the audience would you support an armed
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faction within venezuela that engages in war crimes as you did in guatemala el salvador and nicaragua i am not going to respond to that kind of personal attack which is not a question you feel that your parents actions in iran contra permanently impair your ability to fairly and transparently deal in the region my question is whether you're aware of any transfers of weapons or defense equipment by the united states government to groups of venezuela i asked this question because you have a record of such actions nine hundred ninety one you pleaded guilty to two counts of withholding information from congress regarding your involvement in the iran. affair i fail to understand why members of this committee or the american people should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful i don't think
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this entire line of questioning is meant to be real questions and so i will not reply. twice convicted to fund lawfully was holding information from congress and nine hundred ninety one or for him selling weapons to iran to fund nicaraguan right wing rebels and the nineteen eighties has also faced accusations of covering up massacres and supporting repression contains of dictators and guatemala. and honduras. in american politics expert michael durham sees pointman message to it as well as that the u.s. is in charge of that area of the world. in the testimony to congress it just shows that he's super confident he knows that nothing is going to happen to him the government should never have got to be involved with things he's been involved with venezuela before the two thousand and two.
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of his appointment gives a message to venezuela and to everybody else in latin america that the united states is in charge of the area of the world that have a sphere the latin america really is the united states is part yard and whatever they decide to happen will happen. i don't think it's meant to to frighten venezuela or to frighten only impress the rest of the continent of the subcontinent . but as well as foreign minister has announced the formation of a group of countries opposed to the ousting of nicolas maduro he made that statement while speaking at the united nations he also accused the u.s. of violating the you and charters of non interference in the affairs of other nations diplomats from sixteen countries including russia china iran syria cuba nicaragua have to point the group meanwhile billionaire richard branson is planning
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a concert to raise one hundred million dollars for emergency ativan as well is a wonderful lineup of international and regional artists will perform in the colombian city of kuta near at the even as welland border on february twenty second at the opposition's request. because dora's regime was responsible for this crisis is currently refusing to allow any humanitarian aid into the country we must break this impasse many venezuelans will be on the verge of starvation would he go and media analysts the line told me earlier that foreign celebrities would do bass to keep out of an s.o.s. politics is a version gary say of perhaps a celebrity based color revolution is just another example of somebody of note trying to do bolster public opinion involving something they know nothing about let
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me just tell you this if you ask anybody in this country what is the venezuelan issue about people don't know anything about this and i can only speak here what people are saying is this is somehow a statement about socialism and this is about a bad dictator and when ever you have somebody who was told when the media left or right or otherwise tell people this is a bad person this person is evil immediately you will see a resigning acclimation approbation of this particular idea frankly every time a celebrity has entered something invariably and i hope i'm wrong now they've known nothing about the cause. the right to free speech is again at the center of debate this time a canadian famine ists magen murphy as suing twitter for banning her from the platform last year due to her tweets about transgender people before her permanent
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suspension she posted tweets like men are not women and what is the difference between men and trans women she was asked by twitter to delete those posts later when she referred to a transgender activist using the incorrect prochnow on her account with the stand it was for a few murphy. told me she considers online censorship to be a serious issue. i think that it's really important that we as members of the public in general fight back against this incredible power that social media companies have over our speech and the kind of information we have access to and the kind of conversations were able to engage in. twitter abdicated its policy against hateful contact last here then you version aims to stop users from as jan during and dad naming the practice of addressing transgender people by their birth
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name murphy says she'll pose as the new policy twitter seal jack dorsey commented on the ban i don't think we can be this neutral passive platform anymore i'm not sure what was behind that but i certainly don't believe it was that one tweet. murphy says a climate of fear now surrounds public discourse on the topic of gender identity. i'm challenging gender identity ideology in legislation most people in the world agree with what i'm saying and people are scared to speak out because of all the horrible bullying and threats that go on when we do say these things and i'm a great example of this i mean i said earlier that i received tons and tons of violent threats and people have tried very hard to silence me and noun twitter is attempting to silence me. they're watching ninety international will be back with the latest news right at the top of the hour.
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the bipartisan senate intelligence committee shopped liberal media when there was no evidence of so-called collusion between the trump world and russia so what have the last two years been all about and what is the damage left behind when russia gate fades from the new site. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics school this i'm show business i'll see you then.
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greetings and salutations these days it seems that the only thing rarer in washington d.c. than honesty is accountability like catching a unicorn eating pancakes on the glen this week saw both honesty and accountability in a very unique moment on capitol hill the freshman congresswoman out of minnesota representative omar rolled up her sleeves and delivered a one two punch combination of honesty and accountability to long time foreign policy insider and president donald trump special envoy to venezuela one elliott abrams if you remember our good buddy elliott abrams he was one of the ronald reagan era types who found himself in hot water when he was convicted of lying to congress over the iran contra affair he was later pardoned by george w.
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bush which is how the game is played here in washington.


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