tv News RT February 15, 2019 9:00am-9:30am EST
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the floor you can call the fifty pound is bill frist woody allen. movie available for them. but i think it is this is the fans that is a constant. francesco's chad's ten they feed from the rebel fighters in the central african country of chad using their firepower to help pull and carry. all teen children with h.i.v. anti-aids or expelled from the school and into means here at the insistence of outraged parents we speak to some of the kids who were forced out. to.
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go. to school and. i will miss suing twitter for that to be violating his freedom of speech after a bomb scare over tweets targeting transgender comments a russian film the stalinist truman show sparks controversy allegations of violence on sat's. is just ten five pm head in the russian capital you're watching are seeing international. france's conducted as strikes in the central african country of chad and the bid to invest a coup to the aerial attack helps the chaldean army captured two hundred fifty
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fighters but it's french support for the current leadership in charge is drawing criticism as they leave the trunk explained. just to the south of libya and between countries like nigeria and sudan there's a rare patch of relative stability called chad well it's just been bombed by france and you know what it's become even more stable after that. president. in writing to intervene to prevent a coup d'etat and protect his country. so. they saved the government from the rebels the militants on dozens of pickup trucks had crossed over from libya thinking they could take the capital but chad's president deby is lucky enough to have such good friends. the french jets nipped the rebels' coup plan in the bud by the way guess how it came to power almost thirty years ago and it
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crew ever since then has been an ally for the west and dealing with all kinds of islamist thugs in the area so his government's legitimacy deserves to be protected the former french colony is not a regime by any means. our intervention was totally in line with international law and the prime minister has informed the president of the senate and the national assembly. a few more facts about mr dombey has just tweaked part of the constitution to be able to stay in power til twenty thirty three he's like in victories have been questioned by international observers he's even been accused of war crimes and has countries do when very bad when it comes to the economy chad is a very poor country and with or without petrol with or without the oil money it's going to remain a very poor country and it needs it needs in many parts of the country it needs
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humanitarian help this very bad now nutrition basic help that the country needs and what's needed i think is a really sustained sight against in particular against government action which is becoming very widespread and very very serious problem in the country in case you didn't know the french army however has a history of standing by president deby oh we have got french taxpayers' money he's going in. to defend chad's current president that was going to blacklist of thirty many human rights watch groups it's totally hypercritical on the behalf of michael how can you on one side support the rebels in venezuela and attack them in chad there's no logic chad is one of the poorest countries in the world so why is france intervening to defend such a reach in. chad into the people of chad was decide what what is their future and what political system they want to install suffer america. we see less french
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interest but enough raquel and invidious who and the french government to seize these crises as an opportunity to show some understanding of the united states and to side with the americans to show some solidarity armorica but of course a geo put it to go to interest are always more important than the border to kind of ideologies on this. just why you can find so different altitudes to different countries if things stay the way they are you don't mess with those in charge of chad for. another fourteen years. a number of children with hiv and aids have been expelled from school in indonesia that's off to some of the parents of their classmates expressed outrage that in fact to children with attending classes we had from some of the kids who were cakes
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. we also talked to the head of an then g.a.o. helping children with hiv and the zia. for almost a week these children have been staying home and not going to school they're very upset about it and really want to play with other kids again but they keep asking me when they'll be allowed to go back i think children should be treated equally
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they should all have the right to go to school children have faced so many obstacles since entering school after kindergarten it's become the norm but we will stay strong and i think there is no need to hide the location of the next school for these children if we are open it will be easier to explain to the public that their disease is in their body and will not easily spread to other. a storm of controversy has erupted around a new russian film which looks at the life of a nobel prize winning soviet scientist that was filmed over a period of two years and premiered in paris last month the film's in a massive project which explores thirty years of soviet history from nine hundred thirty eight to nine hundred sixty eight it was inspired by the soviet scientists leveland he won the nobel peace prize for physics in one nine hundred sixty eight with more than seven hundred hours on film it sparked a heated debate among critics r.t.
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charlotte bensky picks up the story. unsettling secretive stalinist truman show just some of the ways it down is being described thousand and nine hundred people left their everyday lives to go back in time to the soviet union those who took part were cut off from the modern world living in their role twenty four seven no screenplay every aspect of their lives was filmed volunteer actors fought got drunk sexually assaulted one another the volney the violence all on the simulated it was george orwell's nineteen eighty-four big brother was always watching. the strange world. people became open to new discoveries. and scientific. what came out was thirteen films ten years in the making from the mind of a multi or creative genius audiences and critics are devalued it
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now the idea hatched by russian artists ilya corrosion of skee has been met with criticism for its disturbing and violent scenes down may have set out to condemn solve utilitarianism but part of me worries that the scheme may have become a desperate himself and overseen behavior that cross the line from fictional abuse to the real thing the project has also taken its toll on those involved in this giant stanford like experiment some participants still suffering from post-traumatic stress one visitor who managed to get a visa to down said it was like entering into another world you know new crane and found lots of details which resembled the apartment of my grandparents there was exactly the same ashtray that was my grandfather's home the same table
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lamps the same figurines the same things on the already had. the feeling of finding something that had once existed for me. in one of the most discussed scenes and x. prison guard playing a k.g.b. agent rapes a female prisoner with a bottle but plainest said she was ready for the violence spiraling out of control . part of the experience i imagine as for the heating how bad was it and who was hit was it the actors were they really hurt the lines of the screen between past present and future but regardless of what people think of doubt whether it's think it's breathtakingly surreal off failed revolution vision what it's sheaves is to shock and she says in equal measure. ati cards. a canadian woman claims have a right to free speech is being denied by twitter that's often meghan murphy found
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herself in an online spats with a transgender activist and tweeted things like men and women it prompted the social network to blog her this all happened back in november a few months later she decided to sue murphy says twitter fell to give her thirty days' warning as per head terms headcases gotten support from people using the perform some of them have even hoffa to help offered to help cover her legal bills murphy told r.t. there's now a climate of fear surrounding public discourse on the topic of gender identity. i'm challenging gender identity ideology in legislation that most people in the world agree with what i'm saying and people are scared to speak out because of all the horrible bullying and threats that go on when we do say these things and i'm a great example of this i mean i said earlier that i received tons and tons of threats and people have tried very hard to silence me and now twitter is attempting to silence me. twitter updated its policy against hateful conduct last year and to
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stop users from mischief entering and naming the practice of addressing transgender people by their birth names mayfly says she now opposed opposes the new policy twitter's c.e.o. jack dorsey commented on the bow. i don't think we can be this neutral passive platform anymore i'm not sure what was behind that but i certainly don't believe it was that one tweet one of the lawyers representing their face says she receives messages on a normal daily basis from people claiming to be suing twitter or wanting to messy believes online censorship is a very serious issue i think that it's really important that we members of the public in general fight back against the. incredible power that social media companies have over our speech and the kind of information we have access to the kind of conversations we're able to engage in. a problem and
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in the l a best movement is facing a suspended sentence and a five hundred euro fine for failing to declare the organizing of protests however eric drache denies that he is an organizer of the rallies the l a vest have been demonstrating since november against rising fuel prices and the cost of living but since last week the movement has stopped announcing the location of protests to stop what it calls excessive police violence against demonstrators. it was decided that we will no longer. be complicit in government violence. we spoke to political commentator sean frick mol he thinks that the government is trying to suppress the movement to lose the government's claim to the prison there granting what they need that's one of the leaders last night. is they go to court
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the that and they're also trying to create then she will need to present a link to her history of elections which is really to be a very good position to make a comeback maybe an elderly woman democrat being in the lead in all this election it's up to her to everything is used to destroy this movement but the movement can organize itself in different ways you see they can only lead themselves and try to educate the rest of the population and eventually create a movement of opposition that may be deeper than these demonstrations or than the least of the open elections. well look at why the chinese tech giants wa wait and see us is waging a cyber war against it after the break. i am. there's incontrovertibly evidence that we're being visited and frankly everyone in
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very high ranking classified projects know this the public hasn't been told because they've been wanting to keep the secret for reasons of technology and the macroeconomic head for a dollar system. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the us is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise one is cheered some with four hundred to five hundred trade first second per second and between rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need remember in one one business show you
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can't afford to miss the one and only boom but. welcome back venice when there is shoring up support summits international efforts to oust president nicolas madore speaking at the un the country's foreign minister announced the formation of a bloc of countries united in the support of the current leadership the minister also lashed out at the us accusing us of meddling in the file ating monday when chahta south sentiment was echoed by presidents. i feel almost wrong if donald trump decided to morrow not to get involved in the affairs of venezuela venezuela would shine venezuela would recover and then exhilarated way venezuela would find solutions through political dialogue but the in fact a hand of political trump is heard as well i tell him from here hounds of venezuela
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and venezuela will flourish. the trump administration though looks like it has no intention of keeping its hands off with the us national security advisor warning other countries that washington will not tolerate their supporting mentor or those who conspire with moderate to destroy them as well as democratic institutions will continue to face consequences the russian foreign ministry has marks the warning with spokeswoman maria's corrode recalling a scribbled notes carried by bolton picked up by the media reading five thousand troops to colombia she then asked who would be scared off by that china is part of the probe coalition international affairs experts lou about chiang told us the principles behind beijing's me. always maintain a policy of for the part of our diplomacy. as for unknown interviewer ference into domestic politics china is now you know suffering from the large credit that is
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or was standing and also given the mismanagement and given the plummeting oil generation of all the oil back to last china would isolate this issue of merely our economic and trade front rather than you know getting into the midst of politics interference with military might is not a choice for china. the u.s. is waging a chip in a school war against chinese tech giant huawei that's according to the fence steps the chief he believes washington cyber security worries are rears evangelise sips us has the details. well it seems that while these officials are getting furious and tired with all this and rhetoric in a press conference in the southern chinese city of change in one of wheeze rotating chairman eric who accuse washington of carrying out
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a quote coordinated tactical jule political campaign against the chinese telecom firm the us government is undertaking a well coordinated jew political campaign against whoever way it's essentially using a national machine against a small company so we've been wondering is the reason fixation on who are truly about cyber security could there be other motivations this is not the first time that we see why it was officials calling at the united states last week the company use words such as uncrowded in senseless and fill chalk the news on how the us government has been lobbying here pm governments against a telecom firm now few statements come after us secretary of state mike on pill media tour in eastern europe and has been warning its allies that if they use any of the chinese teleconference equipment in any of their major infrastructure projects they will face consequences when dealing with the united states chinese infrastructure. delivered via one way you mentioned huawei in china
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we done here in poland what we've done all across the world their task is to make them aware of the concerns of risks and show them the data we've made known the risks that are associated with that we share the things we know about the risks of the waterways presence with all this negative talk around kwaku is not actually only talk it seems to be paying off fringe carrier orange which operate in twenty seven markets has been using as its top equipment supplier what it would want run its first french five g. network with samsung but the pressure does not stop there just last month the us filed two criminal charges against the chinese telecom firm accusing them of stealing trade secrets. from telecom companies in the united states and thirteen counts of fraud and conspiracy to bypass sanctions on iran. has been better only with from western governments calling in because of spoiling for the chinese state
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with of course sugaring reactions from not only from quark way over the chinese government as well. without any solid evidence the us keeps inventing crimes and china different theories it's using state power to suppress the legitimate development of the rights and interests of chinese and prizes that is using political means to intervene in the economy we believe that this is hypocritical and unfair and immoral. walkway faces war and more pressure from the u.s. and its allies the future not only of the two countries is uncertain but the international trade as well. donald trump has fired office and it's he quotes the views of harvard law professor emeritus alan dershowitz who happens to be the latest kasten artie's worlds apart shake the host of weight checks on a boy k. join me to discuss the interview this whole discussion was triggered by the latest
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revelations by former f.b.i. deputy chief and my cape who on the record admitted that the justice department officials indeed considered back in two thousand and seventeen invoking the twenty fifth amendment to remove donald trump from office now that amendment provides for a process of discharging a sitting president if he is mentally or physically incapacitated but according to alan dershowitz this by no means applies to trun because he's physically fit he may disagree with his policies and a lot of people do but that is not the grounds for invoking this amendment and according to some people on the tram side that was as close as the united states has ever come to an administrative who when a group of an elected security officials get together and discuss removing democratically elected president from office well it was a terrible terrible abuse of the constitution because provides for impeachment
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that's a political legal remedy but the twenty fifth amendment was designed for people who had a stroke or president reagan when he was shot when you're incapacitated or unconscious when you're only able to read the president it provides a mechanism for replacing the president with a very very very rigid use if you read the country of a president who people don't agree with may have committed obstruction. just as your collaboration with russia but we know trump faces more pressure in the form of the ongoing miller investigation into alleged russian clues in so what did tissue it say about this he was very critical of the way the miller investigation is being carried out because remember almost two years into this probe we still don't have a single and dogman that relates to the original crime that it was supposed to investigate which is the collusion that's been the trump campaign and the russians
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we have a number of them died minutes based on this so-called process crimes when you arrest the person when you interrogate him when you sum to or her when he essentially set up a moral trap to see if he would lie to the prosecutors and then did a couple of people did but none of them was or has been charged with. being directly involved with the russians and one one interesting point that they're sure it's made makes is that even if administration officials had some contacts with the russians having a contact in and of itself is not enough to support the collusion charge well first of all even if there were between the trim campaign and some russians that would not be a crime it's not a crime to call it would be a crime only if members of the trump campaign or any campaign urged people in another country to commit a crime by hacking the emails of their opponents the democratic national committee
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but there's no evidence of that at all. and i suspect in the end what they'll find is there was some people in the campaign who had contact with some people in russian intelligence perhaps some contact with wiki leaks and contact with others but they're not going to be able to make a case for the government of russia. being illegally we. presidential candidate donald trump we are running this interview in full this coming sunday and i think it raises a number of very interesting points about the lengths to which some americans are willing to go to remove tron from office and what they're willing to sacrifice in the process of doing that which according to dershowitz is the constitution and the rule of law don't forget for more details on any of our stories on t.v. dot com is just a click away you're world news for tens and thirty minutes. the
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a should go. to start ups to do it to meet until it was the little one wished they'd say look it is it's. just best not to test this new modes they mashed old truck to stop the president from please introduce more students. as we have produced a ghost whisperer to snap them up when you look at those the girls who would swear you supporters to your machine station shouldn't for you should cook dorothy was do you do the.
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pollock to sophie and co i'm sophie shevardnadze tucker of us felt was hammering in the skies have been a. researchers and the general public for decades are being watched from a ball phone are we ready for encountering the unknown i ask dr steven greer director of the center for his study of extraterrestrial intelligence and the disclosure project. it's quite likely that humanity is no solution in the infinity universe somewhere among the myriad planets there is another full of life and someday we may meet those who live there but has already gone. and why hasn't the world found out. dr steven greer director of the center for the study of extraterrestrial intelligence welcome to the show great to have you with us dr greer you say that we're not alone in the universe and there has already
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been many contacts between us and i found out i mean what can be done to prove once and for all that the aliens are real and already discovered well that's a great question and in fact that has happened if you look at there's a documentary that has just been released. twenty seventeen an acknowledged. the first word and acknowledge special access projects which is a term used in the military in the united states for very top secret projects dealing with us for.
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