tv Cross Talk RT February 15, 2019 10:30am-11:00am EST
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ski. buff and i mean i'm on the pull of the highest amount of weight or both the suv. bannock itself mukti about. closing this way got to dog so hard not to think i'm going to dissipate this momentum look like a power and i'm going to start then if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way. through and you can feel the fifty pound is worthless woody allen called the ability to put a hold on the. what i think is this is the fans that is a constant. thought.
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hello and welcome across the uk where all things are considered i'm peter lavelle the bipartisan senate intelligence committee shocked the liberal media when it admitted there was no evidence of so-called collusion between the trump world and russia so what have the last two years been all about and what is the damage left behind when russia gate fades from the news cycle. talking russia gate i'm joined by a congressman in providence we have a lot of mayor goldstein he is an associate professor of slavic studies at brown
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university and in phoenix we cross to robert he is a civil rights attorney at the patillo law group all right gentlemen cross type roles in fact that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it glad i'm here let me go to you first because you've been chronicling russia gate on facebook quite vividly and i've always enjoyed it so what has the last two years really been about when the senate intelligence intelligence committee comes out and says well there's not there's no there there which i've been saying all along because there is no evidence and no evidence has been produced and probably will not be produced so what was the last two years about the investigation was the point it wasn't to find anything out it was just to have an investigation go ahead lattimer. well it's it was over as their hearing and many mania observed us knew it and call it as it is but a red herring can be or was put to a very good use and i you know from that perspective. or i would say of the matter
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of the status quo a lot of things has been achieved that is in no the president has been booted it has been you know i think the whole process can be summarized the interim so shakespeare's play called taming of the shrew so you know tromp came out with the idea school while some crazy some reasonable but they were definitely challenging the status quo or so this investigation of the sons of the bombardment constant pressure you know somehow kind of in organized him put him into a rather narrow mold where war establishment wants him to be so i think from their perspective had it not been there it should have been invented because it's a really you know was put to very good use ok michael the same question to you i mean is it because trump as a as a candidate challenge foreign policy orthodoxies and he's just being punished to make sure he gets back into line and i would say quite unfortunately he has gotten
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back in line he has pompei all around him hands bolton has these people around him that are very neo con ish something that he ran against but it's good to be used as a cudgel all the way through the next two years no matter what it happens because he violated the rules and he had to be put back in line go ahead michael in washington i think the rule you violated was winning the election good law he really was about its foreign policy views and. the trumps attorney the other day had an excellent observation about the miller commission and that was mohler is a decent guy who got trapped into doing this by left overs from the chicago cobol. combining with senate democrats and never trumper is to get this whole thing hyped up to try and do their level best to move trump away and also recently rosenstein as observe that they. actually had meetings on how to get rid of trump you know
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through legal means of the twenty fifth amendment and miller got sucked into doing this commission i don't know if more of miller was an unwitting do perry might have been very well attached to it but the whole concept was to get rid of a duly elected president and it wasn't a deep state desire to straighten out our foreign policy i really don't think so i think it was a deep state desire to overturn an election that they were invested in winning fair point robert and phoenix one of the greatest casualties and it not just because of the investigation but it put a greater focus on the failures of the legacy media because what what is rachel maddow going to do now is she could be unemployed because her favorite subject is gone up in thin air i mean the media is quoted itself very very poorly in covering this breathlessly looking for a bombshell bombshell and there never have been any bombshells what kind of
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credibility they have now not that they had much before this go ahead robert in phoenix well they would say there's often we saw this in the last administration when conservative media. every other hillary clinton has good point and no demanded that. before that we have the liberal media who is attacking president bush over every single thing that but the as if they were going to somehow bring down the president think the media all turned into this idea that they're going to be the next watergate there to be the person to break the big story and we see to hurt the media's credibility look at dan rather the swift boating. in the national. president bush in two thousand and four or this belief and as a support of a road that's what forces people to be. that's why you see the rise of things like info wars and the blaze and the other. journalistic almost opinion based forms of journalism because the mainstream media. just. opinion but it's
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journalism the reason not to go to one of these websites that conspiracy theories you know a lot of me are you know speaking of institutions the d.o.j. and the f.b.i. have acquitted themselves very very badly here and as michael was saying i mean we we had collusion on the part of the the the power structures the deep state to get undermined and possibly even still to get rid of this president i mean how do you fix that because the confidence i mean is there going to be any really follow up on the steel dossier is there are going to be any follow up on the clinton foundation there are connections very real connections to to russia that there may not have been aboveboard i mean bill clinton can't there but it seems like no one in the liberal media is interested in that whatsoever do you think that trump's new agey will investigate these things is it worthy of investigation go ahead lot of mere. i
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think it is a very interesting issue but you know using. the term ones used by hillary clinton there is a definitely a vast range in kind of a liberal conspiracy and the question is does want to get involved in it because it is so deep that is you know. forces and say in the liberal media and in democratic party they're all talking with each other that is different that collusion there but you know basically investigating the whole thing it will paralyze the whole country so i think if the president really wants to go ahead he should proceed and so you know somehow kind of you know may be tools that he you know a person should be just you know forced to resign from their positions because they shouldn't abuse the shouldn't abuse their position the way you know. people in all our brand say and you know the sort of people who are strong and so on. here yeah yeah absolutely absolutely they shouldn't be tolerated but basically i
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think it's just a look ahead and with down by you know sort of investigation it's not productive that's something for democrats who want sort of who don't want to face that reality and that's what they want to get in the gate but if indeed it has this kind of you know mandate from the american people to give the concert going he should she should be very deeply involved in that ok well michael i mean has a precedent been said here is they did the deed state doesn't like you you're going to have to be worried about it mean diddly this is not the way the checks and balances were designed and if you can do it to donald trump will what's to stop him from doing it in the future this is a very dangerous precedent reflecting a lot of lot of me or said there i mean if we just let it go by then it actually. makes it acceptable for the state the state to get involved in the the democratic political process go ahead michael in washington. i can't say you're wrong the was
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out for a lawyer early and the. the the problem i think is is as it always is lies with congress article one of our constitution says the congress has all legislative power congress is the article one branch it's the number one branch and congress has ceded so much of its power to the executive not just this executive series of executives over the last fifty years or so that it's not in control anymore than the executive lives in secret if they're willing to follow the rules as trump is they have to find money to do things occasionally but if they're not willing to follow the rules as president obama and president bush did you know to find money to give to iran or whatever they don't have to follow the rules they just have it printed or borrow it from here from there and nobody says anything congress if congress is willing to put up with this sort of behavior by government the state the secretive portions of government the the portions that the public have no control over and the portions that the gov but people do have control over
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congress continues to be impotent and make itself impotent as it were is soley about getting itself reelected the this will grow and continue to be a problem in the presidency will continue to grow and preeminence in importance and this is not good for the republic and we need to really start asking these very hard questions of ourselves is how much power do we want a president to have and it's not a partisan thing it's a government thing and why are we going to start holding our legislators to account not for producing crazy pieces of legislation or marvelously fantastically interesting tweets but to actually do the hard work of running the government and this is this is a question we haven't asked our legislators in a long time and we need to start having that the scale and let me go to robert before we go to the break here robert is the legacy liberal media going to apologize for its appalling behavior over the last two years. i don't think you're going to get a policy but i do think that it is crucial that we understand that we do have the
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best the geishas we need to investigate any sense of impropriety the only thing to hold our constitutional republic together is the confidence of the american people and they do not believe that everything is happening above board if they do not believe that independent investigators independent prosecutors they can bring people to tell them that you rose to believe the american people have that their boat actually controls the nation and let's understand the two years of this investigation has rooted out a lot of right that our government everybody from an effort to call went to the public was all well and people would still get lucky to get to that i mean it's gentlemen i'm going to go to a short break here and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on russia get stage with talking.
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just it's just. a matter. of the digital control as much. as we have to choose to go to sleep or come up with you of course there's the girls who. were you supposed to go shoot shoot shoot are you sure could do it is a. big . one in one of our slow. was no. he didn't used to but he's here to you know.
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welcome back to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing russia. ok but i want to stay within the the theme of the media here i mean after one bombshell after another has been shown to be fake news. and is has there been any lessons learned here because again i worry about precedence being set in institutions being destroyed i've said that maybe a couple dozen times on this program over the last two years and the media itself has to be held responsible but can they even come to terms of it with this if they're ideologically so ideologically absorbed and possessed with their their
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prejudices and their hatreds because we hear that twenty four seven go ahead lattimer. yeah would media does is producing some kind of a scapegoat scapegoats which are supposed to in it you know elevate the situation sort of to distract people from real problems you know what they will want to do not by united states raises very serious problems both domestically in terms of economics grow in economic inequality middle class solution is grounds you know more and more you know younger people than middle class cannot afford to leave like their parents and this is seen as a taste that they see is that asian you know on the international you know for and with china on the sentences so these are the issues richard be addressed but why should media spend time when they have you know trying to reform like mike said you know it's time for congress to get yourself it's time for the conduct a little bit of selves time for the democrats will with themselves but it's much
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easier to find some bogeyman some scapegoat and continue sort of to beat the drum of rush of this that are so that and i think the media did a very good job at that you know they didn't manage to sort of to distract the concert for a very long time they managed to shield democrats from looking very deep at sort of the concerns of american people working people they are they doing a very good job of that so i think what will they change unless there is a tremendous pressure from the audience from the leadership please report to us the news we want to know what's going on in our country want to know what's going on outside the walls why can't we compete with china why sort of you know what's going on out there until they call for that they will continue to create you know the book but the amount of the scapegoating and that's brought us unfortunately the united states is not the first to be engaged in this and not the us but it's not not the position to be and also another thing which media tries to do is to to sort of by every creek every kind of dissident every independent political to russia
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they try to suppress the dissent and this is also not very good for the public at all based. the business i think it's going to deal with its critics is. to take a lawyer you should know because you immigrated from the soviet union so i thought i'd take that to heart ok michael and again i get supposed very early i suppose the at the end of the day the media will say ok we didn't exactly get it right and i'm being generous here we didn't exactly get it right but we're morally right this is what they can't get over going back to what you said at the very start of this program is that drugs trumps cardinal mistake was not collusion his mistake that he is that he got elected in the first place and this is something the liberal media will never ever come to terms with because they think they're morally superior to the audience that they're propagating to because that's exactly what it is propaganda go ahead michael. you are correct here you and your excellent production staff on the show also come from
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a point of view of producing news of producing useful valuable opinion related to news that's not what they produce in the legacy media and the right and the left they produce entertainment they produce something that is designed around making a buck and so they have some award show where they all tell each other how the news worthy and how ads already are and they serve their consciences that way great there are sure and then they go back to the bottom line and awards and bonuses and salaries and everything else is based upon how much they have made what's the bottom line and i am sure that everyone at every one of those channels with all of this hyped up news about russia gate has made bazillions of dollars and considers it a wild success not a failure in any way yeah and that is the wrong and that's what's sad about this even when you have commentators on these channels there in you know you see some crazy person waving their arms and saying something absolutely nuts but you keep
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seeing them and you want to how could this person on television they're attractive people they have strong opinions and people's tune in. listen to what this person says it's not about what they're saying it's about how i can keep eyeballs fixated on the boob tube and that's what's driving it today and that's what's incredibly broken about all of this and as long as that continues to be true the more extreme and crazy the opinion is the more you are likely to see it because it will bring people to the viewership yet robert and michael is absolutely right let's take the example of a max boot i mean i my name for him is always wrong max boot i mean from two thousand and three all the way to the present you've never gotten anything right but he goes on there is if he's the crown prince of truth ok and they look at elliot abrams ok you know here's a guy convicted by. convicted for lying to congress about iran contra had to be
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pardoned and when he's challenged by a congresswoman about his past why should anyone believe him now i take away was oh but the story about the congresswoman is her anti-semitism alleged ok and hardly anyone said a word about it and echoing what michael said about congress clawing back some of its responsibilities not to speak of the power to hold those accountable to a to account ok the media doesn't like that because the media loves itself the media is the message not news go ahead robert well you're completely correct on that because in large part what the cable news has copied the model of e.s.p.n. and other sports yes which is instead of just reporting what happened that's about the. so much of what happened there doesn't tell you what happened it bears no resemblance to what actually happened example of the state of the state of the union address were people lots. of people go the great suite but by the time the
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mainstream media got a hold of it you all thought it was the worst address in the history united states or converts one of the other saw that it was another gettysburg address for people on the right what we have to get back to simply reporting the facts and allowing the people to make decisions for themselves any time that we stray from this same time that we get away from that fundamental principle is no longer reporting the news what you're doing is giving opinion and that we have merged the field of journalism and opinion whereas we used to have our people just saying what happened now we have the entire evening from about six o'clock till midnight of people telling you what they think about what happened that's what shapes opinions we break free of that we're not going to be able to get back to having an actual truthful fruitful conversation you know. you mentioned crushing dissent and i think you know when i was thinking i'm envisioning this program and i send out the question to these guys you know what is the lasting impact of it and i think at the end of the day it is the crushing of dissent
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a new mccarthyism because if you don't toe the line you will be punished and with the invention of twitter which sometimes i regret you have this mob mentality and where people pile on pile lawn and sensually want to create a. a chilling effect if you don't toe the line you will be severely punished and we see this and again i'm speaking to my international audience right now the issue of racism as they say with new term for me a trigger and and what that does is it shuts out reasonable debate and discussion even in disagreement because the mob decides and that's what russia gate is been all about it's been a mob effort to. silence anyone that would question because i have said for the last two years i know you have also he said well i'm interested in this discussion can you show me some evidence i don't care what you think and i don't your opinion
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doesn't mean anything i need facts to make a decision here and this is where this is the greatest tragedy of this whole russia gate thing that is it's acceptable to have a mob mentality go ahead lot of fear well they use a double way one is to try to give police. some activists were to go lie and martyr their members of the russian connection very recently they say there are other independent police. who sort of your neurons are going to run for president right their way there is an article in the navy seal something that the russians like are too much yeah so they try to sort of in our target and sort of attack that but it was my to us i think is the use of this russia gate fornier our sygate you know for new power over us or is to stifle dissent on internet they now came up with a sort of you know facebook or other media google they now rink the news which are
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more reliable and the source they labeled dissidents or their friend or source of information is not reliable as the fake and they sort of don't promote that so they were have legitimate sources of information are being sort of pushed aside silence and so the use of russia gave in terms of you know kind of stifling of its concerns all of us you know we talk about the media not only media is doing wrong but they want to make sure that it would it would challenge of i'm not there and this is very disturbing you know michael you know it's news guard now i think you know and then when they spoke has the atlantic council doing their fact checking that's quite laughable and not even that. and if you look at buzz feed it gets a green check or a green shield it's a you know seal of approval you know and after their latest be a steel dossier and. they are still on a roll here but they still get a green check here what how is this affected freedom of speech because a lot of mirrors pointed out you know now they're trying to censor the internet and
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it's very real i see it with my own eyes go ahead michael you're right lattimer's right robert's right to that the problem is we're we're we have so confused facts and information with opinion that we're trying to decide whose opinion is right yeah and therefore we have to settle out just give me the facts give me the information i'll make my own opinion and if i say it out loud and i'm wrong it doesn't mean i'm wrong it just means my opinion is doesn't agree with yours you know it with the old saying you know you're entitled to your own thoughts on the matter but you're not entitled to your own facts we have so few facts i'm reminded of the covington kids in the recent past you know it was. bad information because we had incomplete information but you never really had information what you had were people commenting on opinions offering right people reacting on what they saw an opinion as i look at all the opinion over when you know if you run out of time is insane we've run out of time gentlemen and. come up with the new standards you
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know it's better if you're morally right you facts are nasty necessary many thanks to my guest in washington phoenix and in providence and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. next time and remember. happened and in another one of the highest amount huevos to subsume. bannock itself movie theater i. was in this way got to go out so hard luck the thing i'm a bit disappointed this moment then look at the date hour and i'm going to start then if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights in his room when.
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you have all the ability to put the payment on the roof but i see it is this is the fans that is the constant. thought. there's incontrovertibly evidence that we're being visited and frankly everyone in very high rankings of classified projects knows this the public hasn't been told because they've been wanting to keep the secret for reasons of technology and the macroeconomic have heard all or system. that. she'll be.
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shut up have been months from now to the independent. that they didn't. own up at a meeting they. were sort of my lemon who speculations that me or the jamie has a hunk on the roof is. now at the bottom of the lesson but the co hillary got money but that never. see let him commit the war you have me or the of. course i gave up because of me as. french air force jets ten up the heat some rebel fighters in this. fourteen
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