tv Redacted Tonight RT February 15, 2019 9:30pm-10:00pm EST
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you have to choose to go to school to use the thumb with a little close to the consulate or the support system which should explain should go through one whose job is the root cause. of your problems going to talk to them i can tell you i've been too close to our group to reject of the night is the comedy show where americans in america cover an american news or call the foreign agents. representative phil han omar just a few months ago was celebrated was celebrated with some koreans it was celebrated
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by democrats everywhere is the first naturalized citizen from africa to be elected the us congress as well as one of the first two muslim women ever elected it was a huge show of inclusively people across the country said wow the democrats really do have a big tent that does include some women of color. this is massive this is so men dish oh now it is time to crush those women. you see last wig the democratic leadership realized ilhan own more holds views that don't facilitate the imperial war machine the way you're supposed to do if you're a member of congress either party so the d.n.c. has hastily changed their hass chag old white board for all we want women of color to do we want women of color who don't question arm. aerial rampages over seas and
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. daughter sister of all political rivalry. what happened a few days ago was glenn greenwald tweeted about how the g.o.p. was threatening punishment for omar's criticisms of israel then representative omar responded by saying it's all about the benjamins baby. now if anti-semitism is all you have on the brain and you're already prejudiced against non white women then you go now on o. was using anti-semitic troops and she must apologize and one geology eyes example not beyond. which is what people did and it's what the media did it was joe scarborough this is this was sort of distressing to say the least her apology was to stress and. i hope she takes another swing at it and is is we're on the quizzical in her apology but yeah i support the blowing up of
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civilians with our bombs every chance i get but this tweet stating there's money in politics was beyond the pale. oh more negs clarified that she's not an eight pack the israeli lobbying group then half of congress and even donald trump himself responded to that they were horrified by this use of anti-semitic tropes let's focus on the fact that if you're a rational human it's easy to see omar was not being anti-semitic and i can be considered an expert on this because i'm jewish all right which is also why i can say jewish everyone else has to say f. ing jewish. full disclosure i'm jewish by birth but no longer religious by choice i stayed in it until i was thirteen for the bar mitzvah gifts. which means it was
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all about the benjamins. omar correct apac and the israel lobby have full control over congress people by wielding money aka benjamin's these recordings were captured for a documentary by al-jazeera called the israel lobby but then when they were pressured by a way for it the israeli lobby is they ultimately shelved the documentary they did not air it they were also threatened with being labeled foreign agents were already so. luckily the documentary leaked out of a few months ago in this first clip you'll hear the voice of david o. founder of of an organization that pays to send people to the apac conference oh.
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now that's a pro israel group admitting they manipulate congress with money but that's an anti-semitic trump. just because something is a troll doesn't mean it's always being talked about in that way as i don't like the hate crime like you like it may be an anti white people trope that white dude. but i doesn't mean you can't ever mention the words. without being racist. if i say john bolton is on how much of a. that's just factually accurate later you know whether it's a trophy or not it's scientifically proven this guy is like this. they've done studies so it's quite clear that apac and other pro israel lobbying groups use massive amounts of money to influence congress in fact right now they're forcing through. a bill that is designed to stop the b.d.s.
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movement you probably recall the b.d.s. movement is a push to get people to boycott products made in israel not because people hate the jews but because of the way israel is treating palestinians the hundreds of unarmed palestinians they've killed in just the past few months we've covered it on this show it's it's horrific so it's not anti-semitic to support b.d.s. it's pro human beings also. partial and i cannot stress this enough israeli policies and the jew are two very different bangs jews can be against israeli policies case in point. so when you act like criticism of israel is criticism of jews you're being an idiot of jerad question or proportions are right you're making steve bannon look like stephen hawking you're just you're making axl rose look like carl sagan's so just
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stop it but despite that and despite the fact this country was founded on a revolution that started with a boycott of british tea last week the senate passed an anti b.d.'s bill and it will now go to the house of reps but the influence of apacs money doesn't stop there here's john mearsheimer co-author of the book the israel lobby if you wander off the reservation and you become critical of israel you not only will not get buddy a pat will go to great lengths to find somebody to run against you and support that progress so it's the carrot and the stick if you do something wrong they hit you with a stick if you do something right they promise not to shove the carrot up your ass i. think that's how that works anyway. chances are we will now see this with representative old mar very wealthy lobbying groups and donors will fund
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a pedia in till then there are examples of this happening in the past former virginia congressman jim moran voted against the invasion of iraq even though a pack heavily pressured congress to vote for it here he is detailing the result of standing up against a completely immoral and catastrophic war they have warned me that if i place my. surely lobbied by korea would be over and applied to would be done through the post and sure enough the washington post. was probably everybody. was. these rely on the israel lobby is not the only ones who do this the cartoonishly evil koch brothers have a similar lobbying arm that heavily. pressures congress people and how does the morning joe treat the james bond villain koch brothers it's hard to find people in the new york liberals we were mothers before liberals or conservatives alike who
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have been touched by. your graciousness. brothers to see us all they have their fingers in all of us. but the point is representative omar was not wrong and she was not being anti-semitic she was absolutely correct and now she's being mercilessly attacked for it because the d.n.c. does not want women of color or muslims in their big tent they want women of color and muslims who go along with every imperialist permanent war unfettered greed bleep that the ruling elite spew forth no new from washington d.c. the value of a bad. welcome
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has no ignoring trends in a couple of people who thought this was the way to the men's room and. really can always take the news from behind we start off with a large scale report showing that the church continues to do the lower of the work if you consider a lord to work to be sexual assaults i don't know i do i know you all do but i don't view that and that's why you disgust me but yes the new sweeping investigation revealed twenty years of sexual abuse allegations within the southern baptist church with over seven hundred victims including many children seven hundred victims and those are just the ones that came forward. and this comes a half a year after all port showings catholic priests abused a thousand children in pennsylvania alone and another report this past december saying that the catholic church in illinois withheld the names of at least five
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hundred priests accused of sexual abuse of minors five hundred priests in illinois it's horrific we are literally under assault and that is why i'm calling on the nation of venezuela to send some humanitarian aid that you. ok all right and no one is sending us aid centers soldiers send copies of the bible to you can hide masons i know you can make room for it by cutting out all of the references to helping the poor because we're not really using those anyway. tell some other country could paratroop in cable news anchors who have been especially trained to cover this story rather than ignore it send a man shoots why aren't you there for us find us well after all we've done for you . we've been sending humanitarian aid ever since we decided to topple your
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government. and by humanitarian aid i mean assault rifles smuggled into us back paramilitary forces. that's right as democracy now reported last week venezuelan authorities claimed they had uncovered nineteen assault weapons one hundred eighteen ammunition cartridge and ninety ninety military grade radio in tennis on board a u.s. own plane that had flown from miami into bilin c.-a and as well as third largest city but i'm sure those assault weapons are filled with cheese it's to feed to the people. i bet those radio antennas had baby formula and. we were helping the starving people and now the redcross. of colombia has said the u.s. action of in a swell is not humanitarian aid how do you know day everything we the united states do is humanitarian a right remember remember we didn't rock our planes dropped
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puppy dogs to those people which is why we called it shock and awe. but ok let's assume we did sue model arms in venezuela to help create an armed insurgency i would just like to point out how much better at it we've gotten since our military and cia no longer have to worry about where their funding comes from i mean the whole reason the iran contra snafu happened under reagan secretly selling arms to iran in order to fund the contras in nicaragua was because reagan's goons needed the cash nowadays the military and intelligence apparatus that were once for a cash are you ok but is twenty one trillion other category dollars of the pentagon was last time so what are the pentagon as money going to come from. that's like
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a super bowl halftime show asking where's. going to come from. where we're going to go. but more importantly as we spread military weaponry in devices around the world when has that ever had unintended consequences. just as the whales that have been marching right up onto the beach in order to tell everyone how much they love antisubmarine sonar. it sure is scientists call these mass stranding of vents but i think the real term is illegal immigration or i want . the papers do they have has anyone even checked a new study has found. mass stranding adventures beat the whales were extremely rare prior to the one nine hundred sixty s. but increased markedly after the development of naval mid frequency active sonar but you know other things started in the one nine hundred sixty s. that could also be the cause for example of our bees was founded in one nine
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hundred sixty four maybe whales are just dying to get at those giant under-cooked wad of roast beef or all morbidly depressed freeze dried cal carcass. and they don't sell it on to the city though. but speaking of showing up in the wrong place amazon has pulled out of its plans in new york city headquarters. as you know amazon heavily hyped if this isn't to create a second headquarters it did this of the cities would fall over themselves to give amazon everything and anything new york offered them billions in tax breaks virginia offered them tax breaks plus a hell of a pad for jeff bezos his personal use nashville offered them thirty five hundred out of work country singers. and los angeles promised them twenty two thousand tiny
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loud relationship destroying dogs. which is a drop those over iraq and at least then we americans could get some sleep. anyway amazon announced the winners were northern virginia and queens new york well new york activists fought back and won they won. before scrapping it amazon had tried to appease protesters with this statement whether it is building a pipeline of local jobs through workforce training or funding computer science classes for thousands of new york city students we are working hard to demonstrate what kind of neighbor we will be. i don't know of comparing yourself. well pipeline is really the best choice. although the analogy is apt here going through people's backyards when they don't want you there where red you completely pollute the environment around the area so it works and then but maybe
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a better analogy is the church you're powerful you're rich some people are glad to have you in the neighborhood but the number of victims you leave in your wake is hard to fathom we have to go to a quick break but i have a live comedy show coming up in chicago it's called. i walk you take the risk you talked i contradicted the detail of that. welcome to max passers by this whole survival. looking forward to your attention to . the yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain don't want to see you watched as a report. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the multiple different clubs on one hand it is logical to sit in the home field where everything
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is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to surprising people and i saw one on t.v. . i'm going to talk about football nazi or else i just think i was going to the. by the way what is the flooding here. welcome back welcome back over a dozen states have either approved or will soon approve work requirements for americans on medicaid and medicaid isn't the only social safety net program saddled with unnecessary restrictions but while politicians claim this move will root out
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fraud and waste they seem to leave out who really benefits from this for more we go to our senior work horse whisperer now i'm a ghetto. me me so there are lots wrong with states trying to make people self-sufficient or saying someone that's been on government assistance for years is like seeing a five year old kid that still breastfeeding. we both know the resources to sustain them have been sagging for years. manoli these are shown repeatedly that these people already work this is an unnecessary bureaucratic nightmare it makes is zero sense that states would create more work just to screw the poor of course it's more work that's why they pay private come. he's to do it for them i mean it would be un-american if we didn't outsource the work to someone else and for decades the federal government and states have outsourced that kind of work to
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a private company called maximus which since one nine hundred seventy five has operated under its mission of helping governments serve the people jesus christ a trademark that. was a company that sounds like a comic book villain to help government serve the people are i'm glad you last see maximus multimillion dollar contracts with states to manage the qualification process the paperwork as a matter of fact in late twenty seventeen maxima signed a thirty six million dollar contract to run indiana's work programs for snap and cash assistance which maximus sees ninety three thousand clients and nine million dollars a year and fewer than two hundred people a year will keep jobs for at least six months. six million dollars fewer than do one hundred people good steady work keeping a job for six months isn't stable than. it is if you work in the trumpet ministration. already have any scary movie was gone before his health insurance even kicked in. i mean the only one bucking that trend is sima vermine who heads
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the centers for medicare and medicaid services her old job was outsourcing this kind of work to private companies and i doubt she is going anywhere since during her confirmation hearings her consulting firm still held a ten thousand dollar contract with maximus it is definitely a conflict of interest people won't lose benefits because they're lazy it's because the their state created a labyrinth of requirements that's harder to follow than a plot to twin peaks i mean politicians think the poorest americans don't deserve help unless it's something in it for there's something in it for the employer or an employer who won't pay them they're worth because you know a c.e.o. pay you now is three hundred sixty one times that of an average worker ok ok i'm sorry since when did you not have. to work to get a handout or the bare minimum you have to say trick or treat before a neighbor gives you free candy. so you smile and you take what you get even if it's for my weird neighbor who hands out pennies instead. of it yesterday was
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valentine's day now. if i say will you be my valentine and you want this candy what do you have to say. yeah celebrate your valentine but only because i want to carry on the. way things are pennies right look i've got to get where i got to get rid of my we're neighbors parties right now. are either like the candy corn of us courts no no no. it was rejected correspondent naomi caravan he was certainly out of work this wig she went down to the us mexico border to see why exactly journalists are being treated like criminals she filed this report. here i am the mexican border on a story of international cooperation security officials on both sides have been
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coordinating harassment of journalists lawyers and activists it's the first time these two countries came together to say we don't like to have our picture taken and especially at the single we do have footage my agency some of you are aiding and abetting these people to enter the united states illegally if you come to the united states we could conceivably get arrest warrant for the liberals doing that some may be shocked by this but if you're not being threatened with false arrest can you really call yourself a journalist that agent was a member get on a job well done later the border patrol reported that petard refers encourage migrants to cross illegally in what appeared to be a staged event i knew these images were staged. ok can you hold the baby closer. more this arrangement. you
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know i'm just not getting the sense that they're struggling to. take to. i need more jennifer lawrence leslie well. more desperation. ok that's too much. oh look at how this u.s. agent is trying his hand at amateur photography but these pictures are then utilized to id the journalists on the other side of the border mexican authorities systematically take pictures of the journalist passports then generously share them with americans those far of the seven journalists to have their passports photographed mexico denied entry to at least two and this comes at a time when almost all of these journalists are working freelance so unfortunately they don't have a news organization to protect them and appeal work. but on the other hand no one
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is asking them to do this they are doing this out of pure passion for documenting the truth and let's face it that's not a real draw up. who was banned from entry is a serious freelance threat to american security she's been published in the new york times national geographic and has not one good to ted talks look at how she shares her insights on how she got the courage to pursue her are disgusting what if she inspires others before she was put on a plane back to the us chronic claims as do many other reporters that she was detained with no food or water in mexico for thirteen hours but having had their phones confiscated how can we take her word that there's no law if there are no pictures didn't happen humanitarian volunteers like jeff ballons well
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a song from terrorists also claimed he was detained but the officials said he was not being arrested they only shackled to a bench for four hours obviously they were not arresting him. but just his ankle he was reaching go but they held onto his ankle for screening others claim they were identifying instigators of the caravan which might be a frightening thing for press freedom but for freelancers that's a job offer to snitch for the border patrol one journalist describes as experience getting searched entering the united states they're going through my bags they're going through my camera i'm used to that if i'm trying to enter nicaragua not trying to enter the united states so the good news is you don't have to travel so far to document oppression and cruelty you can get it right here in the u.s. that's one way to save on airfare when you're freelancing. maybe pinch the babies
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to apprise more. ok let's take this again and we're pretty sure this is really a pair of running jacket. that was trying to do your true. trump clarifies that he is staunch that his staunch support of israel has earned him the right to be anti-semitic on twitter. and tomorrow you'll learn. robert mahler staying up late to brush pubic hairs off in the so-called. good grams right thing to do that's always show but if you want more grab my standup comedy special only at least can comedy special dot com or get our podcast free on i tunes spotify and stitcher it's called moment of clarity until next time goodnight and keep trying.
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and you know how this will entice to my son way you don't assume. somebody could still move it to you i. was in this way got to talk so hard not to feel the dissipated but the ok i was and i'm pleased so much and i think. the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way. through i. will tell you this both the studio that you have given that. kind of. what i think is this is the fans that is what.
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