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tv   Sophie Co  RT  February 15, 2019 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

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see global financial crisis part two it's underway it's all happening it's a wide multi-trillions of dollars gone in a heartbeat looking like phantasmagoria right here on planet. crazy. talk of us in the skies have been exciting researchers and the general public for decades are being watched from a ball phone are we ready for encountering the unknown i ask dr steven greer director of the center for his study of extraterrestrial intelligence and the disclosure project. it's quite likely that.
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somewhere along the myriad planets there is a full love life from someday we may meet those who live there. already. and why hasn't the world found out. dr steven greer director of the center for the study of extraterrestrial intelligence welcome to the show frey to have you with us seduction agree are you saying that we're not alone in the universe and that there has already been many contacts between us and allianz. you've got to admit though that for most people this claim is pretty far out i mean what can be done to prove once and for all that the aliens are real and already discovered. well that's a great question and in fact that has happened if you look at there's a documentary that has just been released. twenty seventeen an acknowledged and it
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is the first word in an acknowledged special access projects which is a term used in the military in the united states for very top secret projects dealing with the u.f.o. an extraterrestrial issue and you'll see that there are we have over nine hundred fifty top secret military people who come forward with testimony documents photographs we've even done analysis on an extraterrestrial biological specimen and this incontrovertibly evidence that we're being visited and frankly everyone in very high ranking classified projects know this the public hasn't been told because they've been wanting to keep the secret for reasons of technology and the macroeconomic petrodollar system the secrecy has a really nothing to do with quote unquote aliens it has everything to do with the jew a political power and money we could usually going to get to see a political power and why and why we're covering up the aliens because of that but
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still i mean wouldn't you expect an event of this cost make magnitude to be pretty much impossible to cover up. it hasn't been me that one of the interesting things is at least in the united states in most countries more than half the people believe we're being visited sixty five percent of the public believes that there is intelligent life out there in fact forty three percent of americans believe that we are currently being visited actively by non-human events civilizations so you people use the word cover up but in reality is hidden in plain sight you need to make a distinction between official acknowledgement of something and what the public already knows my job i'm an emergency doctor trauma but i left my medical career to expose this big cover up as you call it some years ago and we have put together dispositive proof and evidence and you go to our website sirius disclosure dot com and you'll see thousands of pages of government documents and dozens of top secret
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military testimony of the facts and so i tell people this is not about a belief system it's about what the facts are now you do question that you're asking is why haven't official government said not watch this that is a very different question from whether or not the subject has been disclosed we've been working for twenty five years to disclose this information and the public has . accepted the fact that we're not alone in the universe the vast majority in fact if you look at even on an acknowledged this documentary it's on netflix now around the world has had tens of millions of people see it and on pirated sites probably over one hundred million people so i thought i'd point out to people is that this information is out there the but the governments have not seen fit to of fully recognize it because it would disrupt the status quo all right so let's take
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a look at the world picture that you're painting and asking questions about that first hour everyone's just visiting or us or they have settled here permanently. i know these are reconnaissance and. civilizations that are visiting the planet certainly increased after we started detonating atomic weapons there's clear evidence that they have a concern about our destructive capabilities and weapons of mass destruction and if you look at the modern era of sightings of so-called u f o's those increased markedly after we developed atomic and nuclear weapons and the hydrogen bomb that is that's a fact and we can we have many top secret witnesses who were present at nuclear facilities where these extraterrestrial vehicles would come in to observe and to see what we're doing so i think there's a lot of people what course of science fiction would make you think there's some
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kind of risk of alien invasion or threat is the other way around we're viewed as the threat to human civilization right now is viewed as a very unstable civilization that is not attained a peaceful world situation which should have happened at the end of world war two and has not yet happened so i think that these civilizations are waiting for us to grow up as a civilization and until then there's not going to be any overt action by them unless some catastrophic event were to happen so how many different alien species are here visiting or what do they look like what's their culture like what methods of communication do they prefer or he. well these are all really complex questions number one the last i heard is that there was a documentation of more than five dozen different civilizations of different species and they range from all kinds of shapes and sizes the many of the
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spacecraft that are seen are not the typical round u.f.o. some are triangular some are circular spheres these civilizations range from hundreds of thousands to millions of years more developed than ours and it appears that they are working somehow together in observing the planet but the caricature of so say an alien that's been put out there that's mostly a counterintelligence. perspective that's been done by the cia be honest with you i would say that most of the information people see out there on this subject is dissin from asian created by the intelligence community for its psychological warfare value but the themselves the civilization is a range and so been documented to be as short as a foot foot and a half tall and some that are more than twelve feet tall and there are many different species from different different star systems now the communications this
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is where it gets really interesting because you and i are talking at the speed of light basically electromagnetic or less if you're dealing with civilizations from another star systems or technologies or phasing transdimensional across dimensions beyond the speed of light now this is been something that is not wanted to be exposed because it has huge implications technologically for example we often will say well what the state of the oral communication for us or it is an i phone or telecommunications system or satellite system those are actually very antiquated systems based on an eight minute eight hundred slaty hundreds telecommunication radio frequency. the successor of we're dealing with civilizations that are communicating with technologies that go beyond the speed of light but also interface interestingly with directed incoherent fought so you have to ask your the question what is the speed of consciousness and thought so this
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gets into some very advanced concepts in quantum quantum mechanics and in so-called integument where you can go beyond the speed of light which has theoretically been stated by western scientists not to be possible but i would argue that it's only being argued from the point of view of of the myopia of the current scientific paradigm we're doing with civilizations that are so far advanced from us that almost every manifestation of how they might appear would could could appear magical but it's not if there is a sign actually is there so much and you're saying that aliens have visited earth with reconnaissance missions if this is just is this just that or do they want something from the planet is a situation that manages entered on their side exist then samake says a real. backwater of space yes. it is except here's the problem we're going into space aren't we we have the space station we're
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going to mars with unmanned in eventually manned vehicles we've landed on the moon my uncle helped design the thing that landed on the moon with no armstrong in it the lunar module what i tell people is that when we started going into space combined with weapons of mass destruction of red red flag went over the earth said we are at the point where this civilization could potentially be a problem so i believe that we're viewed as a problem civilization that's an evolution and the big task for humanity is to go from a fractured you know kind of ape like civilization where we're fighting each other over stupidity to a peaceful civilization that goes on. the space peacefully when we reach that hallmark that milestone then you're going to see a much more open contact occur from these other civilizations and the human species
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so according to your words there is the special organization that keeps the lid on the u.f.o. story but surely aliens would not just stick to america and if they're out there other major governments of the world should have been aware of aliens too so is there an international secret all agreement or government has their own alien policy line. it's a transnational organization so let me make a distinction between international something like the united nations and transnational transnational sort of transcends geo political boundaries and for example we have documents that show that the old k.g.b. and soviet u.s.s.r. had cooperation with u.s. intelligence on this issue back in the darkest days of the cold war so in fact secrecy on this issue has been maintained by a cooperative entity that is multinational and transnational for many decades now the crown jewel of activity on this subject has been in the united states because
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of the technology and just frankly the macro economic clout that the united states possesses but other countries have certainly had i mean we've had for example chile and brazilian military files have opened up recently where they have. acknowledged chasing these objects with their jet fighters we have footage that have been given to us from chilean generals recently of these objects being chased by their jet fighters in mexico we have similar footage so a number of countries have actually cooperated with opening up their files but the real research and development projects have been centered in the high tech corridors in the united states and in very classified projects which are properly known as an acknowledged special access projects or you set up and there are
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corollaries to those in canada the united states the united kingdom and i would presuppose it to some extent in russia and china although to a lesser degree certainly countries all over the world have a prevailing interest in having this information come out because the big talk is about climate change so-called global warming and resource the. the fact the matter is the technologies for going from one star system to another involves a very advanced science physics that would get us off of oil gas and coal very quickly but there in lies the problem it's a multi-trillion dollar economic question bringing out this information but if you acknowledge that we're we're not alone in the universe and they're here the first thing a scientists is going to say to any government official is what technology are they using to get here when they ask that question it will be answered when it's answered it's the end of oil so we're. in the second part of our
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program then take a short break right now we'll be back with dr steven greer director of the center for the study of extraterrestrial intelligence discussing our prospects of finding alien life forms anytime soon stay with us. you know world a big part of. lot and conspiracy it's time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other
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it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. see a big. set up have been miles from the independent us that's when the tears that they didn't. i went up at a song we were meeting they. were still sort of my love and respect they let him get me or the now with jamie has a hunk of those. now at the five the. hell i got money but that never. see life seem to make the one you have me or the i'm the marrow
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have got they got me. now when i looked. we're back with dr steven greer director of the center for the study of extraterrestrial intelligence discussing whether alien life is fact or fancy so the
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documentary based on your book serious starts with the premise that the power of all corporations is what is behind an unfair financial system that benefits to few and the least american middle class in the dust. hole you opposing really your way of expressing extreme frustration with what is going on in normal world. no it's just an acknowledgement that the world is a faint shadow of what it could be if the technologies that were developed over the last fifty years and classified projects were being used i mean we're all using jetson cars using oil and gas and we don't need them we haven't needed them for decades it's a decision that's been made because to bring out these new technologies would be too disruptive to the current macro economic system and i think this is a debate that needs to be joined because increasingly people are concerned about the climate change and pollution and deaths related to air pollution these are all
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solvable problems so they're not going to be solved by tinkering around the edges with solar power or wind power we need really bold new scientific discoveries that have been studied for many decades and classify projects brought forward to benefit the human species so well what are your main serious you're saying earlier is that the powers that be don't want the public to know because of oil revenues and technology would kill oil business but some governments like well run news and then others don't for instance china would be very happy if it didn't have to buy oil so you can't all be about that can it it's about the macro economic system that is the pendant on the petro dollar system and that's from bretton woods at the end of world war two if you look at history so it's not just even countries that are not or oil exporters for example but china or japan they're tied into a macro economic system that is very dependent on the current energy and industrial
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paradigm the in particular the petrodollar so these are things that would change very quickly with the disclosure of the fact that we're not alone in the universe and we've been studying and figured out how these machines operate let's be very frank they're not using. exxon jet a fuel or. russian oil or saudi oil to go from one star system to another this is common sense and the people i've spoken to in the research and development world in classified projects and as i mentioned we have over nine hundred of these top sort of top secret whistleblowers on our team it is quite clear that these technologies have been fully developed but bringing them out would disrupt the status quo and so big economic interests all over the world would have to adapt very quickly to
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a whole new economic system. so you also say that american president is not being told about all sides findings you know in prepared a special briefing for president obama and you spoke before congress how did it go . well you know what i found is everyone wants to know i'm in washington right now about this issue this is the biggest non-secret there ever was everyone knows this is going on all the way back to when i was first putting the briefing together for president clinton and his cia director it was well known that there was there are deep secrets on this issue but for the most part the elected officials at least in this country aren't given control over those projects if you doubt this go remember what jimmy carter said after he became president when he tried to look into this and president carter said that when someone asked what it's like being the most powerful man in the world he said i wasn't that man because there were things that
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they would not tell me about and i had no control over so this is a really big problem for democracy and for governance all over the world this level of secrecy and it's reached the point in at least in the united states the united kingdom and a number of other countries where the secrecy is and of itself criminal i'm saying this very specifically and has subverted the constitution and the rule of law and proper oversight and this is what we found with the president obama and with clinton also if you look all the way back to the time of eisenhower he got very frustrated dealing with this issue and this is why he made the famous speech where the military industrial complex he was a general he was not anti-military nor am i i'm from a military family however there are interests that have become very undemocratic and have been a threat to world freedom and also now to our jew physical existence in terms of
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the biosphere that have been allowed to go on for way too long and this is been a problem all the way back to president eisenhower in this country and similarly in other countries around the world this level. secrecy. alright so tell me this if this story is kept so secret that even presidents aren't informed about the issue why are you still alive i mean why are you allowed to make documentaries step stream on that flakes the cia has killed people for way less than disclosing going . up. yeah there are three people on my team who have been assassinated who have been helping me including a former cia director i want to go into that right now however we have systems in place to protect what we're doing i have a lot of information that if something happened to me that would hit the internet that would be catastrophic for those folks so that's just something we put in place
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about twenty years ago and it's something that my view of it is is there are and this is the other thing there are people at the pentagon and cia i've dealt with who are very much in favor of disclosing this information so this is not a monolithic us versus them there's a huge number of people who are on the side of bringing this out all over the world of a friend of mine carol rosin who's worked very closely with senior russian contacts who want to see this disclosed for the same reasons we do so and we have similar people in china and the united kingdom in canada so i don't think that there is a monolithic issue i think it's very much in flux what i'm seeing is that. it is going to happen until the people become aware that this is a serious problem but it also has within it seriously lucian's for the world's environmental and governance issues and economic problems around the world
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you know there have been high ranking military and government officials coming forward talking about allianz for about sixty years i spoke personally to former defense minister of canada who told me that there are dozens of these are friends of mine right so he said he told me there are a lot of species that alice fishes visiting the planet and none of them were able to provide heart undisputable evidence but i just want to like how many witnesses there needs to be i mean does it really take an alley and saucer landing on a rest square or pentagon for everybody to acknowledge the existence of outer soon as nations. no it doesn't take that however it does take the people to get educated on this in a way that's meaningful which is why we're putting out these educational. films and products i think that. paul hellier the minister of defense of canada a very good friend of mine he and i held
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a press conference in toronto and i was one of the early people to introduce him to this subject and he knows for a fact that he was being kept in the dark as minister of defense of canada i have dealt with the minister of defense of great britain lord hill norton who is a five star admiral who also was being lied to about these projects now in terms of hard evidence we have them i have radar cases i have traces of the actual physical material we have you know when you say that we don't have the physical material and evidence we do but who's looking at it who's exposing it like there should be a series of shows that does nothing but put that forward that's what we've started to do because those exist not just government documents and testimony but physical evidence such as the radar tracings and recently the pentagon released a radar case off the coast of california where our one of our fighter jets tracked one of these objects moving in
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a way that no conventional aircraft could possibly move and this was in the new york times and c.n.n. and elsewhere my point is that there's a huge amount of evidence like this and even physical hard evidence and we have it i've been accumulating it for decades the question is who's going to do a story on this because ultimately what happens is that at least in the united states if you start doing a deep dive into the evidence on this that show is going to get cancelled everyone thinks we have a free press in america we do not we have a managed press and if c.n.n. started drilling down on this subject they would be told to stand down off of it and i've seen it happen. a.b.c. news was specific pursuing this with us i gave them thirty five hours of digital tape of top secret testimony and hard evidence and the executive producer of a.b.c. news was told you will not be allowed to do this story so there is a myth around the world that the media is somehow completely free the big media
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mainstream media is free to do this and that is not the case if you look at the documentary and acknowledge we have an air force intelligence official who said we used to bring it from the us bags of cash to people in the media to secure their cooperation in keeping this stuff secret now this is a fact this guy's testimony is there for anyone to see and he was with many years in a classified project out of kirkland air force base managing counterintelligence and trying to stop leaks on this issue so these facts are out there for the public to see now i hope people will look at it and i think that your people need to understand that we need to create a new type of media that actually is honest and will tell the truth to the public about this all right dr green thanks for this insight in the interview we're talking to dr steven greer director of the center for the stanley of intelligence talking about alien civilizations and our prospects to get in contact with them any
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time soon that's it for this edition of starting call seen next. thank you. and in another one of the eyes in one way you don't. bandicoots old movie theater i. was in this way got to talk so hard not to think of the mother disappeared this moment the work of a coward and i don't mean start them if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way.
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to. the floor you can feel the fee will sound is worthless woody allen called the evil of the day came out on the roof but i think is this is the fans that is a constant. cool. the bipartisan senate intelligence committee shocked the liberal media when it needed there was no evidence of so-called collusion between the trump world and russia so what have the last two years all about and what is the damage left behind when russia gate fades from the news site.
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decision to quit the i.n.f. treaty takes the world a step closer to a nuclear holocaust that is the warning from twenty twenty us presidential candidate who has introduced a bill to torpedo the move. french air force jets to turn up the heat on rebel fighters in the central african country of chad using their firepower to help file a coup. fourteen children with hiv and aids are expelled from a school in indonesia at the insistence.


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