tv GONZO RT February 17, 2019 1:30am-2:00am EST
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and this area then of course became famous as the place for billy the kid was shot by pat garrett this is amazing that we're here probably touching my mom roots he was the largest ever private land holder in u.s. history. here it is really the kids tombstone. he was such an anti-hero they actually locked him up in prison even in death. you know they escaped many times from prison and he escaped death and become immortal american myth. i see that he was only twenty one they called him the boy bandit king. the boy band of the king well this is genius and it lives on in the all the people that we love and adore today the american characters like donald trump is kind of a boy band and king of the twenty first century. i guess the sympathy for him is that he was essentially orphaned thirteen and we know how. the wild west we
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know what the wild west was like is a very dangerous place so he had to hook up with some bad guys some gun slingers and he himself was alleged to have killed eight people including a sheriff so that's what he was executed for by pat garrett right here on your ancestors property and you also see it like the actual two stone is incased in some metal a metal frame because the first time it was stolen it was taken to graham berry texas where is found twenty six years later and that town was quite interesting because it's a town where real bad guys lived real outlaws who had faked their deaths but they were real living there think no charlatans kings paupers geniuses billy the kid kind of encompasses all those qualities you know he's a great american hero and we've seen today american entrepreneurs and politicians steve jobs doll and trump they all come from billy the kid the other theme that
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holds to billy the kid is that of course there are many many many conspiracy theories that he in fact was not killed and that he went on to live and there are even up to just a few years ago they want to exuma him and take some genetic testing and see if it's actually him and so you know just like elvis. they never die just dogs and they never die they just become immortal even to them . modern times where all the nine eleven victims never really died it was all staged fake all those plane crashes the same with all the sandy hook like we always have this thing of like these tragic big huge epic events never actually happen people don't like to accept. and so they mythologize their heroes and they never die and with billy the kid this is a quintessentially american hero who forged
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a path in the west and one to war with the authorities and became a mortal and became a myth and became a proto typical boy outlaw king that is the. character that is repeated every generation rock n roll in america reinvented elvis reinvented donald trump reinvented the boy genius to outlaw king i'm tearing up here you know i really feel an affinity i guess because of my old ancestors land and such a stark old moment happened here. you know it's moving yes so we've you know seen walter white we saw all the gangster lore of las vegas we saw we talked to your friend chaz they're the author of inspired by many of the outlaws in american history to commit a crime here we have billy the kid he is still an anti-hero and like
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that ghost guy you know we continue to make money off him there are activists trying to get him pardoned up to this day by the governor but obviously if they pardon him he's no longer a bad guy and new mexico can no longer make money off them to this day people are always pushing the law and some get caught some go to jail but some become heroes well i'm going to go look at the like four or five other tombstones and seven is harry here you know do it i'm going to spend some time in philly ok have fun. and i say some folks i left them shotgun shells and cigarettes seems like a fitting tribute this reminds me of careless jazz and paris where i spent some time at the tombstone of jim morrison another american character outlaw the lizard king who died romantically tragically and paris buried along with some of the greatest authors of all time jim morrison claim
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to be a great poet many people argued that point and yet he's buried with some of the very the some of the greatest poets ever in european history so i have to believe he is spared carried him to. co-edit greatness in the end. a max max you want to come check this out that this is your ancestors tombstone you gotta read this. wow the c.n.n. bonaparte maxwell a native. casket illinois a fur trader and trapper who by industry good fortune trading became sole owner in eight hundred sixty four of the largest single tract of land owned by any one individual in the united states maxwell founded the first national bank of santa fe new mexico and invested two hundred fifty thousand dollars to build the texas pacific railroad dynamic charitable lavish one of the great builders of the
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american west like the sentence one of the great builders of the american west i love it. but my ancestor. and i'm thinking of stacy i should be buried in this graveyard someday oh my other a relative saying to be here a lot of maxwell's a few macs and believe the kid timothy maxwell connors or i could get up by going to talk to the new mexico thirty's about this so he helped to build the texas pacific railroad your other ancestor hugh maxwell in pennsylvania actually built the first turnpike through pennsylvania so that whole maxwell that maxwell part of you is an american entrepreneurial spirit or builders you get i like that well we're going to take it into the twenty first century and i'm very excited very moving to meet all this and be part of this is going to cry i'm crying inside. we've got a lot of work to do still you know this trip has gone to
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a ship heading east to the swamp and it's really about rediscovering one's roots and understanding what needs to still be done and taking the the maxwellian global imperative into the next phase well unfortunately he was one of the great builders of the american west america no longer has builders we have private equity sort of extractors and that is extracting assets extracting well. from all our assets and like leaving a carcass as kind of a locust sort of model. some say is a builder so he does build things he's a developer you know we're traveling across the country as we have been doing we staying in a lot of hotels a lot of guys who are building stuff there are building roads building bridges and these are workin guys and really puts me back in touch with my my roots builder
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you know i started my career on wall street as an extractor now and getting more in touch with my so i was a builder that was interesting being out here in very remote new mexico last night in our cheap motel there were a lot of cowboy boots left outside the rooms and you saw the guys in the elevator and they had really really really caked on mud boots on and it looks like they were doing something yeah one guy was heading out to the rink to put in a full day's work he said it's a little tough because you got to artificial knees but you know he was off off and running heading back to go to the work site that's what this country is built on grit grit well let's go look at this grit then you get some grit some kind of hungary that's a good idea we're not quite down to the south yet. so do you feel like part of the american west. very much so. i think this is
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a pilgrimage for me personally that has been to still to go back to this this describes. you know that's all was interesting that we are all more connected than way then we think we all have families we all have friends we all have connections to history and the more connected you are the more mentally healthy you are you know mental disease comes from. disconnecting from going away from the connections that make up who you are so for me it's very satisfying to see all this is part of my ancestor old history and here i am i'm on this journey and i'm intersecting with this part of my history as part of american history so i'm connecting you know all multiple different ways the history of new mexico the history of the united states the history of the old west my personal
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history the history of this gonzo american pilgrimage so it all comes together in a very satisfying way because it's all very connected in that way and it's. it's. american stone. and out here in amarillo texas. cadillac ranch. this is i work out a life came from rome out here like alfalfa i thought they were manufactured in detroit or a worm or yeah i had no idea that cadillacs or farm true you know this is the most unusual car accident never happened no not at any interest dave ever doesn't get any more gonzo no sorry mike paint over you. john you know. room i'm right you can hear her jacket just in here i'll become part
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of the art installation and it is easy and i know we go. to afghanistan here now for the rest of my days that is so gonzo i think i ruined your jacket but on the positive front you are immoral now you are paying no no problem. plan for all contingencies and then read on responses from often. these cadillacs tries stuck in the dirt like this we had disco and some truth and that was the internet i was driving down the road what happened and it was a dirt road selling turquoise on the side of the road i saw the turquoise i saw your image and one of them it was as big as my god who was in the taco rolled over
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the highway like a tumble we are where the whole surface is cracked like the face of my grandmother my third person that gave me a five dollar bill and i bought some candy corn and i shared it with my friends at school and then they threw rocks and then they threw rocks at the cutest one i heard you speaking with a southern accent i feel a little bit of that so their news coming down a they really nothing to be ashamed i think i inhaled too many feelings to this pain yeah that's got to be this is texas. i just want to get me one of these cadillacs and drive away.
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happened and in another one of our esteem i found its way to both the food. bank itself movie theater on the plaza in this way got to dog so hard not to think of the mother disappeared this moment the work of a coward and i know from the start then if. this is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights in his moods way to. the floor and you can feel the fee on this bill frist would have been called even at the. time the. but i think it is this is the fans that is what comes to mind.
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welcome to max kaiser's plentiful survival guide. looking forward to your pension account. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. watched as a report. from. the united states does that all the time it always tries to influence elections when people who are running who are friendly to the united states are running against people who are unfair and we certainly did that all through central america and south america for many many years we know that these efforts are made repeatedly there are not criminal every intelligence agency in the world she's a supporter of it's function to make sure that elections turn out favorably to the country.
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the job of journalists photojournalists any type of videographer writing journalists is their job it's much more dangerous every year because so many people now see what we do is threats you know threats to whatever their narrative is whatever the propaganda is and you know the like anything in our culture and in the iraq and afghanistan wars had to be sold to the american people . so across in texas and of course when you cross texas is a lot of desert and there's a lot. of distance between exits. so our sponsor average was very concerned about us and sent us this bottle. and i forgot the water there wolf. on the other side of the desert. when you think about
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the cadillac ranch is a an example of building they will come. within our walls our art is one of those parts of any working community of society that is the central. if there's one thing really hugely different than the us versus europe is that in europe they understand the value of art and the community it what it does to lift the community in america they don't see our as being communally uplifting in any way and it's been relegated to the margins and this is not funded and artists are looked down upon as opposed to europe worse complete opposite and yet that clearly was a mecca for people going on pilgrimage to go see this cadillac ranch middle of nowhere texas so they were coming to that i might add that there were italians
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there were some germans i think i heard some swedes so you know they were being drawn from europe it was inspiring it did look like an american stone hands are equivalent to what our modern society values which is the great american car when america was a great many people think. you know we're crossing america feels huge out west for sure but the other thing is that it just seems a lot calmer than anything you see on twitter or social media so i kind of feel like social media is where the crazy people go that makes people crazy it is where the crazy people go. because people are normal outside of twitter that's an interesting thing about it is that these usually powerful people will respond to trolls who have five followers and they'll get into these flame wars with people that are going. those where they are you know people sitting in
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a barbershop somewhere in wichita falls texas with nothing to do that they are in a flame war with syria rubini year. bill gates or something it goes on for a bed then they block one block the other over but yeah there's no boundaries there's no. wall separating these people and that does smack a bit america. you know the absence of a rigid class system although that changing of course but this all the egalitarian to democracy openness. is there on twitter and it's being shut down of course because they ours that they hate. egalitarianism and democracy so they don't like the fact that people are assembling ways americans of the right to assemble but that means the right to dissent that means the right to
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overthrow and that can't be tolerated. or face up down facebook being now managed by. you know global government forces who want to keep the dialogue within a certain narrow range and social media just think that corporate media. same thing happened through the internet that started up extraordinarily open and for a job perry barlow was writing about it is. true democratic domain and that is the corporate. it's time for second gap all over by the cops. and i got attacked. that our guy again yeah. i guess. they really are. feeling like i'm being arrested by the sheriff. or you know check out. american infrastructure that's how america owes me greed of
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course this bridge was actually in use until two thousand and one and of course like everything in america it's haunted by this guy he learned wait a minute thank you looks like mitch firestone. already knew he didn't see it or what he's doing on this rickety old bridge that's haunted what the heck they matter so i don't know man what do you guys do in here with this get up oh this is pure america. connel center is me tom wolfe me don hope i'm here just inviting some clients in the energy market oh right of course the hardest working man i was there you did one of them jump off the fracking industry isn't making any money or clients but those fracking bonds are underwater also rumors that oh my god that's really very normal i still think that oil prices are far too high right now because if you look at what's going on around the world in china and elsewhere there's no
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demand so that means oil prices will come down i see oil going back into the twenty's at some point and then fracking becomes so you spend you spend x. but you're only getting back like less than three cents on the dollar that you're spending to create these money jobs that mitt america is a great oil nation again we're big oil we're out there with russia and saudi arabia so you're saying it's a figment of our imagination and it will evaporate overnight well i think that there's a lot of things that are a figment of our imagination and they're about as murky as that water is so i mean when the when the rubber hits the road i think there's going to be a bit of a problem and people are starting to realize that you can't really trust the media because they whine about everything jointed it ends up causing some social unrest on what i think some gaps and are you seeing that as well we've got the greatest wealth inequality in the history of this planet right now and that dispersion is not good when you see something like that you know and you've seen in europe you've seen anti-semite. ism on the rise in paris with the fire bombings of the synagogues
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of course we had a horrific shooting in united states in that synagogue recently and of course everybody trying to blame donald trump you are from new york which is very liberal town city and you're jewish how do you feel as an american jew living in this country do you feel this do you feel any sort of anti-semitism rising do you blame donald trump many people are suffering from trump derangement syndrome so they're trying to blame trump for everything and that the anti-semitism as you know live between the united kingdom and here has been on the rise in britain for quite a while this isn't because of donald trump and it's not because of donald trump's politics i mean i think like if you go back to the one nine hundred thirty s. when hitler came to power you know we saw similar things and what we're seeing now with the social justice warriors and they want to get rid of some of the disney characters and disney stories is akin to the book burnings that they had back then i mean because look you can't rewrite history you should learn from history and it's really important you get into
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a very dark place and you start to do that when you suppress free thought and free speech is fascism because i agree with you i'm tolerant i'm accepting i am diverse in till you disagree with my opinion at which point i become a violent intolerant fascist and b you because it's ok because you must be a nazi if you don't agree with me so i can beat you i can do anything to you violence is acceptable and i think that it's disgraceful how you have politicians in washington like maxine waters or like the former attorney general that are saying you've got to kick them you know you've got to go out and get in their face and harass them so you mention the other thirty to some parallels with the theory of course that came about after the treaty of versailles after world war one reparations had to be paid from germany and they were a dry county and and it set up a disaster in two thousand and eight my question to you is that sixteen seventeen trillion dollar giveaway to wall street creditors was that equivalent in a way as reparation. and to wall street that then set up this huge backlash you
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know i think that the bailouts and you know that i wrote my book because of the bailouts and i disagreed with the bailouts and if you remember back to the one nine hundred eighty s. when you had the resolution trust company that took the s n l's and actually put bankers in prison i mean i think that's what should have been done bankers should have gone to jail the reason why i wrote my book was because when it i said when the credit crisis hits next time which it will don't say you know it's going to be worse because what you're going to do is take down the entire financial system because all you've done is kick the can down the road to the point at which now we're going to have a crisis like you've never seen before globally which could lead to world war three now how to make america great again because one thing we've also noticed crossing the country is like when we saw max's ancestors land he helped build the union pacific railroad he helped finance that part of what made america such a powerful nation was not only our bountiful landscape but the fact that we
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invested in the country and in infrastructure now the model is one that you know very well as a private equity guy it's more that private equity extracting all the wealth and assets and equity and not building anything we don't build anything anymore and how do we do that the big problem as as you rightly point out is that financialization and using debt to buy your shares back and pay the c.e.o.'s we pay all the little you know the people that work for you in the in the upper echelons of the company and basically screw over the shareholders and screw over all your employees like amazon for example what happens is you're creating grotesque asset bubbles in the stock market the bond market and the property markets and all these bubbles are going to explode simultaneously this time and and it's kind of like a nuclear sort of thing that sucks the air out of the rest of america because the asset bubbles you talk about are on the coast there in san francisco la branchless washington d.c. and new york and aging of atomic weapons with. we are in vegas and we were at
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a bar where they used to watch atomic weapons explode in the desert is entertainment so are we living in an era where these financial atomic weapons and explosions that you're talking about as they go off it's just comedy is entertainment that's the problem you've got the propagandists for political tools moving forward scripted narratives that most of america just acts like in a bow kind of way and goes. like a very texas relevant metaphor. exactly the scene of the cows we drive around here it's amazing here so the barbecue is. did oh i haven't had any barbecue going to have any experience to get some brisket and join us on the ground. you know i need to correct spectacles this is my theory aren't you have jimi hendrix which one do you think that i think you could be my friend yeah purple haze there you go. yeah you ready journey let's go how would you want to
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because the swarms of the blue of them so moving. to build your school or local was before. much of those who heard it's a preview are much fewer movies to see him with the north we will. move the bulk move but it. will mean it's going to look for a good. movie muslim also in the gulf will give you films for good good good. good go to shows so look i do the same you believe it's good to or you should go. the thoughts to hold off some to get to me to fill it with the little one must think still look it is it's. just the schneiders tester sniffed nuts the mash told . to stop the president from please introduce more to constituents.
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as we have produced a ghost whisperer to sniff of the most unusual because that was the cousin with you sir your supporters to your shoes are you sure shouldn't for you should put off with one whose deal would be the ripples to. come back out. of the past our current heart with the california going on a. hot tub with al that want to. go back up. was.
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