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tv   Cross Talk  RT  February 18, 2019 7:30am-8:01am EST

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hello and welcome to crossfire where all things are considered peter lavelle is the u.s. lead kook against a legitimate government in venezuela faltering also as russia turkey and iran's search for peace in syria washington beats the drums of war against a rant and much much more on this edition of crossfire. cross talking some real news i'm joined by my guest here in moscow exhibit a moreau he is that a founder of the center of political strategic analysis strat but we also have
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dmitri bobbitt she is a political analyst with sputnik international and in london we crossed alexander me curious he is the editor in chief of the duran dot com all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate look at let me go to alexander macarius in in london here i remember the days the years ago when the u.s. led to against chile was in progress and nixon asked kissinger to make sure that the economy there would scream is that the same game plan that we have here with venezuela because it seems like the shock and awe of regime change is spent and now we're going into a different frame phase of this force regime change in caracas go ahead in london i think yet to answer your question i think that is exactly what. the intention. was to provoke action by the military in effect in minutes against president do.
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rowe who as you correctly say remains the internationally recognized legitimate president of venezuela representing venezuela in various international organizations including the united nations the military did not act as anticipated it has remained solidly behind president material and his government so now all the plan seems to be to try to block a then as well as far as possible tightening the grip on its all while exports which will receive vital energy resource ramping up sanctions against these. increasing economic hardship there whilst at the same time using a humanitarian aid what's what's called humanitarian aid to try to destabilize the situation least equally internally by creating facts on the ground within venezuela
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itself we know works by shifting the economic balance to the. group which the united states recognizes him and we've heard humanitarian aid before coming from the lips of a man that has been in the business of force regime change in latin america and that is elliott abrams wealth he didn't have a very good time did he in front of congress because a common congressman or woman omar asked the most remain question mark here is what were you lied to this committee thirty years ago are you going to lie again i'm paraphrasing it's very interesting that the united states or it wants to continue or increase the blockade of venezuela well the same time sanctioning it so it wants to get humanitarian aid whatever that is because there is a humanitarian crisis quote unquote but they're part of the process product part of the problem when it comes to sanctions so i think there is us. actually planned
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this school i think the confused been israel of two thousand and eighteen with russia in one thousand eight hundred nine or with iraq in one thousand nine hundred one usually neve people are impressed by the mere notion of humanitarian aid like they're dropping bombs but they're also dropped in on iraq you know sex or sex of grade or of. floor you know things like that they impress people well the nice reverence just like just like salvadorans they have credit all of you know in the ninety years they had in the eight years they had their outer liberal regimes which supported the united states which. conducted the neo liberal reforms so they know that there can be aid and there can be a lot of talk about free enterprise and helping the poor and at the same time you may be very unhappy very poor having nothing to eat so they are more experienced
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than us russians in one thousand eight hundred nine when women were really so if anything they've all seen this you know how it is there isn't any of the reason because if you compare with the o's of color revolution which worked actually it worked when the current poor is already a pro-west you know look at you know which it was not the enemy of the worse he was not the friend of putin gave all the all potential resources to ten companies including us one he didn't do what he promised during his campaign it means doing a language and official language and he didn't join the union as you probably do it comes in look at you on the show and. even is not considered by tweeter when he was a minister for enough in the. us or even milosevic in the one thousand nine hundred sixty was consider that the balcony got a bunch of after that and when the more let's betray the serbian for public. yes
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there are still a problem for the u.s. government in venezuela that maduro did many mistakes but z's mistake of having close to him some western advisor exactly. five years ago in the last hour you know alexander mackerras and we go back to london here that is the reason why. the the opposition. they don't want to have any kind of negotiations because the government has repeatedly over and over again even asked for international fora for negotiations the resolve this because the government in venezuela knows that if they deal with the united states directly that means surrender everything ok and we have at the same time the chinese turning around saying that they're going to maintain their relations with the current government the reason why we're talking about it because as i said in my introduction it looks like the who is faltering at least at this
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point but that's why they have elliott abrams go ahead in london yes i think that has responded to this crisis actually with surprising intelligence at least surprising to me and he hasn't overreacted by rushing off and rounding up going to hunt yeah because he's walking around yeah he says walk around and act exactly but it was you walking around in a box in a sense because the expectation was that there would be massive protests the hind quite hasn't really happening now and i think mature understands that in fact by playing a waiting game with quite a lot actually why don't lose is immense and loses credibility and i think what you also understand that he starts to negotiate with went to the row then of course what is you to go shaking about dear he said he's not prepared to agree to a trans. whereby he gives not our right just negotiate with europe
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on the basis that. if he does you completely lose the game go ahead well but if my door stays obviously even even the guardian admits that his complaint is allusion stam i'm quoting them if it's going to be a terrible embarrassment for the european union because of the other still another thing to be embarrassed about getting out of a twenty eight member qantas recognise why they're the new leader of the country if it hadn't been for italy the e.u. as an entity it would recognise would have recognized and this guy is just incapable of doing anything and the people the people in minnesota who have the experience of us intervention in latin america they're very skeptical about this humanitarian aid you know you mentioned. dialogue with all my heart
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and most a member of congress you know a republican she reminded him of an interesting she's a democrat. she said. would you support and i'm factions within your soil that engages in war crimes crimes against humanity or genocide if you believe they were serving u.s. interest as you did in guatemala el salvador and nicaragua and eyebrows did not find a better answer than to see the day the do our job was elected in a free election el salvador has become a democracy yeah so let me remind our listeners that's why in el salvador what percentage of the little us are doing well population lives in the united states now because of the glorious democracy and because of the large debt so of for our listeners. who don't know ukraine you know all is the same as do are there you know they saw far the results of his room have been the same. so if you
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want to if you want to create if you want russia to walk through the same fate or its neighbors then support. me and we're starting care about the fate of police people starting caring about it because look at the phone in syria this is offending no in ukraine because the country's collapse is collapsing and they are fretting in. trust the us and the and the state department for the next revolution ok you are not in a position in a in one country and the minister for foreign or for the us one come to you come to you and promise your. right hand you have to let me go to live anywhere go to alexander before we go to the break here my gut feeling is alexander is that trump being as disinterested in foreign policy as he's well known to be i think that my
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sense is that he's given pompei or bolton and abrams a green light up into but not for war so go ahead with your humanitarian aid you know backing these opposition people are people that in other individuals there will be willing to defy the legitimate government but they won't go to a military solution that's my sense right now go ahead in london i think that's absolutely right and i think there would be huge distance not just by trial but by many people in the united states to military action in venezuela in fact if they go down that road it will be an admission that this operation which used to try and overthrow has failed exactly i'm going to just add one very quick point to this which is that. this thing was clearly not thought through well they didn't understand yes thank you if they think. what they deem by recognizing quietly in that way by spread it then. telephoned to say that they
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recognize the rest of the president. has rallied exactly target alexander i got to jump in here gentlemen we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news state party. financial survival today with money laundering first to visit this cash into three different. oh good that's a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something over the cayman islands or they will pull these banks are complicit in their tough talk or suit isaf the. need to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did well we've got
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a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy home beautiful jewelry how about. a bill for a match you know what money laundering is highly illegal here for a watch guys record. i do think the numbers mean something they've mattered the us has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime happens each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent of the world market goes thirty percent some with one hundred to five hundred three per second per second and that when he rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars ai industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember one one business show you know bored in
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this one and only room but. you know world a big part of new things. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. welcome back across the uk where all things are considered i'm peter in belgium and
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you are discussing some real names. ok gentlemen let's talk about another force regime change that's in process here we had a summit in warsaw it was big. sleekly evil framed as middle east regional security but of course it wasn't a it was directed against iran even the host country poland after being. suffering the the tongue lashes of the vice president the united states mike pence about no european union staying in the nuclear deal. which poland is in hearing today as a member of the u. it was a lot of cajoling and it was absolutely a complete failure because they didn't get the results they wanted also we had benjamin netanyahu show up there showed up there and on his website talking about unity about going starting
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a war against iran which of course changed ok because they were delegate delegates from arab countries you can talk behind closed doors and smoke filled rooms about your relationship in the arab world with israel but you don't do it so publicly yet well i think that people i didn't hear anyone calling their conference a conference on the media is because it's simply not true they all called it and they called for us and that was the real name of it you know what we want now is the substance of it that we're not only because because of the substance but also because the representative of the palestinian side mahmoud abbas didn't he he refused to call there were no high level e.u. officials as well yes and he refused to account for a very good reason he still feels insulted by the transfer all of us embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem and also why should it come to
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a point for us but people are discussing basically the ways to contain iran iran has been helping geez for decades so it was not about israel and everyone understood it was about iran and i just love the formula suggested by michael bell but bell. borth peace and stability in the region would just not be possible without confronting iran and of course there are three miles of me or brian in nine hundred eighty four by george orwell remember wallace peace peace is not possible without confronting iraq what does it mean for your war rate so if. it was so is war is peace. talking about democracy. or i want to do our share that is freedom this way very you know remember britain says freedom is slavery war east peace you know we have the same kind of talk. where is the state craft in all of
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this i mean the optics of the the bombastic language it is you know washington calls these conferences and just expects everybody to get in line in the european union really snubbed it ok they were not going to participate in this sharod ok it was a good we knew this way that we wouldn't do this comment or there is no learning curve there's no state craft there is now even pretense to diplomacy in my opinion syrian losers they want to work on see the defeat because it's a complete defeat again in the russia against syria of course against to against iran so the try to move or the front line in an as of in a place and they want to conceal his defeat in maybe. later but in many pins of person is this one and there is unfortunately the very. word in policy. which want already is revenge continue bomb being. very
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pretending that there is some iranian. hoses or troops and and and the true it's you know it's very effective like you like bomb being since you can't you can't see but it's it's. it's a question of saying it in a way it's a kind of a militaristic virtue signal you know in a way eleanor makers' let me go to you in london it's very interesting as this was going on in warsaw you had in sochi we had. iran and turkey and russia discussing the very difficult and game for syria because the turks made promises and last september and they're having a hard hard time monitoring those but the russians and the iranian seem to be expressing strategic patience still maybe what do you think alex well absolutely can we come back to that would you use state craft as the contrast between the lack
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of state craft in warsaw where the united states can few convenes a calm truce where nobody of any importance turns up exposing its own isolation on this issue and responds by criticizing its own allies in grossly intemperate language and the very careful patient diplomacy we see in sochi whereas a sense that there were as you said correctly the russians and the rain ians are now trying to get the turks are out of the whole war is lisa make at least make them honor their pledges that it's not it's not really a big thick red line there keep going not exactly and what i'm now hearing is that there's now discussion about some sort of joint operation will russians and the uranian is joining the turks to try and bring some kind of order to italy profits
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that is diplomacy that's how to see works you talk you talk quietly measure you look for solutions you understand people's concerns you trying to satisfy those concerns you don't convene conferences without. proof airing it while i was. i just said i just i had no idea you're so old fashioned ok david you completely let me remind you about our beloved mainstream press how they said in the beginning of the syrian conflict all russia is and why it's so with shiite more stems and quarterly with the sunni muslim world now would have been sorting they radian president their representative over a shiite mosque in country educated a shiite cleric. president of turkey a representative for the sunni mostly it was probably the most important one and president which in discussing the ways to resolve this syrian crisis isn't it
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a success and on the other hand in warsaw you know the poor media was so proud we're like the madrid conference in the wire you know that this is what i read. that you know let me remind our border brothers in one thousand nine hundred one people talked about peace in the middle east they were not talking about the ways to attack iran so with ports it's always like that you know where they support at the border on now when they support. and they have say they have good relations with israel i want to tell them again and again polish brothers don't delude you wet yourself you will get a way they have a habit of always thinking of our city to pick the wrong side here and stay with syria here we we have no we can go back about a year ago where we have this. alleged because we've always said alleged on this program even after all the media storm the alleged chemical gas attack in due maine we have a b.b.c. producer coming out in saying this was just made for show for camera oh yes and we
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as a result of the allegation donald trump ordered the bombing of syria illegal under international law most of the french remember when the minister of defense and for in your first presented the proof you know it was you know five five pages the document. proves the evidence is some video that found on the internet and the french specialist where sinking that there is some evidence that the use of chemical weapons so it's all your sources you tube. for them it's all of force it's pretty beat it. you know it's a fiction use but when you buy is the government and the list so of course of course it is good and so what i'm waiting for know is from from paris from london from even berlin and of course from washington does give the prize. but you know in
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my opinion they won't say anything now well of course they're. looked at on the french or on the french t.v. is that once we're aware of. the supporters or is it even didn't talk about b.b.c. report we're not talking about team reports ok we're going to alexander in london you know exactly is absolutely right i mean here we have a major news. one of their producers and making a very important admission but it will never get to the point of apologizing to viewers for pushing a narrative that ended in violence when violence was used against international law with no real evidence being supported it all made public here but they just keep going on as if it never happened of course somehow some way it was russia's fault that somebody you allegedly used gas in syria you know that such
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a dysfunctional sense of what the media should do go ahead in london but can i just say i mean it's important to say she's a b.b.c. producer it is not the b.b.c. i was very chair more with my words. but that it has it goes directly to the point you're making because of course the o.p.c. done which is supposed to investigate these things is now. has actually if. there's no evidence of salary and this particular producer saying that the one of the incident in the hospital which is the one that serbia was referring to that appears to have been staged now what these episodes show is the final importance of them. eight broker investigation closely impartial internationally recognized investigation before you go to wall in this instance there was no such investigation there was
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a rush to judgment missiles were launched extraordinary things was said across the media and people and property would destroy it all all killed and that is not how you supposed to do it your supposed first to find out what happened find out whether or not incidents like this are exercises in manipulation which an increasingly looks like this one was and then you come to some sort of international consensus about what you do that is not what happens and that's the lesson that should be learned and that's what the media it should be talking about and of course just do it you know it's so old fashioned now it's an image here as my goodness by second i will guess at what was out. there b.b.c. producer who stated that he can provide without adult at the hospital simple stage
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was dull r.t. and i ask of us if they can go and work for their boy ha son this was the boy shown on this radio who gave a press conference you know all pursuit of a dinner and they were gracious enough to tell our viewers that months ago that's all the time we have gentlemen many thanks my guest here in moscow and in london and thanks to our viewers for watching us here are to see you next time and remember rostock was. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution two to crush the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just
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a lawyer. book video. explaining to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four g. and. those who took. it invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. seemed wrong but. just don't call. me. yet to shape out these days to come to advocate and engage with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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you. know he's. going. to let us. know what. kind of.
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i. don't know. what. facebook. page. with. the rules on. a senior french military officer could be said to face punishment after he penned a critique of the u.s. led coalition's campaign against islamic state in syria. is the u.k. behind a significant number of civilian deaths in yemen.


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