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tv   News  RT  February 19, 2019 11:00am-11:30am EST

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p.r.t. linked online media company caught up in a facebook crackdown nothink media release to update its information on the platform and is now waiting for the social media giant to lift its suspension. base with decision to suspend the accounts is being lambasted as an act of censorship by the head of the international federation of journalists. those feeling discords the german chancellor causes outrage by suggesting outside influences behind a wave of student marches protesting climate change also ahead. for everyone. who is helping to employ are risking their future. they're risking their lives for us intensifies its efforts to topple nicolas maduro
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with donald trump warning venezuela's top military officers of dire clones are quinces if they don't rise up against the troubled country's president. a very warm welcome this is r.t. international broadcasting to launch from the russian capital and care in our top story the phone behind a series of suspended facebook news pages is waiting to hear if they'll be allowed back on the site off to agreeing to the social media giants demands to make clear that they're affiliated with r.t. facebook took moffitt media's pages down without warning a few days ago russia's foreign minister described the move as part of a broader campaign to clamp down on russian news outlets. yes without a doubt i think this is another example of the suppression of russian media and of freedom of speech it's very sad speaking to the press this tuesday russia's foreign
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minister sergey lavrov common to. a facebook suspension of several r.t. affiliates it counts including in the now page which originally was a show aired by r.t. and as you heard the minister called the situation and no other example of international pressure on russian media lover of also said that in such a situation it's best to create conflict all working conditions for foreign media working here in russia and i also had a chance to ask the minister whether he believes there will be any a measures taken in response to this incident and this is what set a gay lover of sad just to be honest i'm totally against any retaliates three measures to limit media activities i think the fact that we're not doing that not only shows our resilience but also. we are an open society so the gay lover of also said that he discussed this incident during his negotiations with the chairman miroslav light shock and he drew his attention to numerous incidents of such sort
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that involve the russian media mr said that further examination on oa c.e.o. level will be conducted. to see understand and support the role of independent media and does its best to create the necessary circumstances for their existence and has missed a lot i would contact the ois see representative about this issue and ask him to give his view a president of the international federation of journalists has also his house at facebook of which suspension of those pages closing a facebook account or any internet link from the media without prior warning can be considered as not to censorship opposed by the i have j. . well r.t. senior correspondent mark galaxy ever has been delving deeper into the story and explains why facebook's critics are crying foul what happened was unprecedented a channel with four million subscribers billions of views blocked or for its
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content not for saying anything malicious or untrue or hateful but just because of its nationality russian i mean c.n.n. which was behind in the investigation that led to this said it best so great viral videos great design you know and the content was pretty critical of the u.s. government of us mainstream media a lot of legitimate arguments but as we started digging into it we did find that the company which set up these pages over the past six months was actually backed by or why are they doing this. a lot of legitimate argument why they voiced seeing legitimate arguments critical of us foreign policy totally journalist the thing to do criticize and discuss stuff right this is censorship selective biased unfair prejudiced and blatant regardless of what you think of ron
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you call it russia or anything else this trio c.n.n. u.s. funded german marshall fund and facebook working together to selectively censor is highly disturbing but this is the inevitable outcome of breaking facebook to censor here is a taste of the u.s. media acting just like state media. report of course ran a colleague's videos for russia backed in the now and to us readers because they criticize us foreign policy for example the venezuela coup attempt censorship is the most commonly used word in reactions to this ban the suspected reason is that it didn't reveal its russian funding which no one does and facebook and never had we did. not violate any rules there is no rule that you have to post anything about your funding or personal finding on facebook no one does it not any of the u.s. sponsored outlets not any of. sponsored outlets no country not china not turkey not
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russia not the us has to put these labels are on their facebook pages there is no requirement by facebook that people disclose their funding the b.b.c. doesn't do it the c.b.c. facebook page doesn't do it al-jazeera space that page doesn't do it it's just not standard industry practice to disclose your funding on facebook you can't help but feel for the food my think media i know many of them they work to make quality stuff funny videos serious videos investigations the poor the sauls into their work only because the side the winds the thesis censors personally i'm surprisingly calm because i've spent in there now as a project that i created from scratch it's in the now because many of these in our way like this is my baby. i spent the last four and a half five years of my life growing this channel. the last year trying to build
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the team young professionals that really want to make good important contacts. so it's pretty big for me in terms of the broader picture it's huge oh it's huge all right the crime it appears was being too russian and this now seemingly is a crime enough to get your bad and the result questioned whether facebook should have the power to decide what people see and hear i mean the theory beyond the internet was if more people wanted to see something that they should be allowed to see it and of the when you do internet searches the things that come up when you put a question in you're supposed to find the thing that most people are looking at but of course of no started talking about changing the algorithms there's a lot of mass media would like to see to book the. is anger is hurt feeling of being picked or bullied but is also understanding and a simple human please facebook if you're listening what i would say to you is i
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understand that you're under in pressure from various forces to suppress this or that content based on political reasoning but do not succumb to censorship do not succumb to complying with various government funded out that's regardless of what government they're funded by to censor what your users decide what's good and what's bad do not get in the in the business of dictating. what constitutes good speech and bad speech it's a slippery slope. and it could lead to disaster in the end facebook's been in contact with russian media explaining that it's a dating page on its platform with large audiences and waiting for information to be disclosed concerning location and founding however a screenshot taken from in the nouns page one of the accounts that was blocked shows that location data was actually provided as you can see artie's deputy director for creativity and innovation i have a quality gave us his thoughts on the crackdown and what it says about the current
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political climate i think the militia is a little bit obviously comes from the tip of the german marshall fund and the follow up on the two. through c.n.n. to the atlantic council are not necessarily sure facebook even knew what was going on although i dare say after people like mr of and others voicing an honest there might well be some flags raised on facebook that had been raised before who should always keep the door open and hopeful but having said that it's quite clear the russian gauge is out of control the narrative around russia gate the paranoia the conspiracy theories were about russia going to start to disintegrate on the one hand i certainly had executives who senior executives who work with. social media platforms eighteen months ago tell me behind closed doors that that narrative was out of control that there was nothing you can do and they did mean anything personal by it but we were really on the our two side we're going to suffer. that's one u.s. senator bernie sanders is
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a is officially throwing his hat into the ring for the twenty twenty eight presidential election he's pledging to quote complete to the revolution which he started in twenty sixteen let's go live now to new york an r.t.s. more pain i caleb at thirty seven found this throwing his hat into the ring get quite a grand day he can be filthy it's got a job to do here absolutely now bernie sanders the independent senator from vermont who calls his ideology democratic socialism has announced that he is running for the democratic primary for the presidency of the united states in twenty twenty this is some of what he said in his announcement. i am going to run for president that's correct we're going to win we are going to also want what i think there's an unprecedented in modern american history and that is a grassroots movement. now it's important to know that bernie sanders this will be
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his second presidential run he did run in two thousand and sixteen as well and his campaign made quite an impact a lot of young people were supporting bernie south sanders many people noted that his rallies were very very large much larger than both trump and hillary clinton rallies this is some of what we saw during his last presidential run back in twenty sixteen. feel. now during the twenty sixteen election
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campaign e-mails from the democratic national committee revealed that the democratic national committee was working with the hillary clinton campaign for the purpose of trying to undermine bernie sanders and secure the nomination for hillary clinton and that caused a huge amount of outrage many people many young people who would work for bernie sanders campaign many rank and file democrats became very angry about these results there was quite quite a bit of controversy when these e-mails were revealed but ultimately hillary clinton did receive the nomination and despite many of his supporters saying that they would not vote for hillary clinton bernie sanders himself actually did endorser this is bernie sanders ultimately endorsing hillary clinton after the twenty sixteen campaign hillary clinton will make an outstanding president and i am proud to stand with her tonight. now as folks are well aware donald trump ultimately won the two thousand and sixteen election and became the
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u.s. president and sense then among democrats many of the ideas put forward by bernie sanders such as medicare for all and health care for all and education being provided have become rather popular with even some mainstream democrats now embracing those ideas so at this point we see bernie sanders announcing that he is indeed going to contend for the democratic nomination for president many different voices charming in about what this could possibly mean could this campaign be bigger and more effective than the previous one could he actually secure the nomination because his ideas have become more popular people are just waiting to see what could happen a lot of questions in the united states as we see bernie sanders has officially entered the twenty twenty presidential nomination election the democratic primary for the presidential nomination absolutely kalam up in let's see if we can do it this time thanks. i was in germany now i chancellor angela merkel has sparked outrage among environmental activists by implying recent student protests against
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climate change were triggered by an outside influence influences that ati's europe correspondent peter all of our reports protests demanding on climate change of scene of young people on the streets of cities across the world including here in germany. i yet ah ah. the. boots politicians including those who have previously been outspoken on humanity's need to act when it comes to the climate to imprest the german chancellor going as far as to suggest that a food party may be at play here if you believe that kicks this hybrid online he is haunted attacked because you saw. only have movements that you wouldn't have thought would happen in germany children and all protesting over climate protection
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it's an important concern but you can't imagine that all german children after years and without any outside influence come up with the idea that they have to take part in those protests those comments came just after chancellor merkel had talked about russia as a potential threat well her spokesperson had to step in in the end didn't clear things up to say that mrs merkel did support the commitment of those protesters but ideas and talk of hybrid warfare doesn't wash with the protesters or their supporters. puts us alongside hybrid war for one except that we are a self organize movement of students apparently the chancellor concert magine that young people can organize themselves politically and stand up for their own future i find it tragic that we're not trusted to stand up for our own concerns it isn't just in germany that this is being suggested though in belgium a regional vironment minister was forced to resign after she falsely claimed that
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intelligence chiefs had told her there was a shadowy hand behind the protests i know he is behind this movement i have also been told that from stay security climate demonstrations are more the spontaneous actions of solidarity with our climate we have not reported anything about this neither verbal nor in writing in australia the prime minister was fairly blunt in saying the protesters were little more than a bit of a nuisance kids should go to school we do not support our schools being turned into power or what we want is more learning in schools and less activism is the way these young protesters aren't finding a receptive ear amongst the world's leaders as they try to save the planet but they will inherit. it all trying to live a stark warning to the venezuelan government on monday the us president stressed his country's commitment to regime change in the south american nation. and called on its military to rise up against president nicholas. and today i have
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a message for every official who is helping to keep the duro implies they are risking their future. they are risking their lives you must not follow the doers orders to block humanitarian he's the commander in chief of the national bolivarian own forces donald trump from miami. they believe they are now country the days of socialism and communism are numbered not only in venezuela but in nicaragua and cuba as well. we don't trump in miami which is tired rhetoric question the right to free country to adopt the ideas of truth in human social if i was socialism you know was not speech it's been almost a month since opposition figurehead one point zero declared himself interim president told the impoverished country he's locked in a known going power struggle with nicholas madeira and is continuing to clash with the socialist media of his refusal to allow u.s.
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aid into the country done cohen takes up the story trump called on the venezuelan military figures to accept amnesty from quango i don't know it's saying that if they don't then they will lose everything now up to this point there's venezuelan military officers continue largely to support the elected president nicolas maduro trump says that they are risking their future and their lives and called on them to not make obstacles in the delivering what he says is humanitarian aid now many are questioning if this is humanitarian aid at all including the international committee of the red cross who spokes person in colombia said it is quote not humanitarian aid and in the past is the u.s. military has brought shipments to the venezuelan border in cocoa talk colombia and actually the billionaire richard branson has announced he will be staging a concert to pressure nicolas maduro. open the border to this so called it earlier to be the venezuelan government announced it will be holding its own concert on the
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border and said it wants to deliver aid packages she not only images. speech delivered to the country like you know one of the government of the lady first who you know just pleaded. words for it. means to follow we all do you know how to do it with those in the world will want to bring the regime change. we will do. you know those. who say this is the real president and this is also another was. not just a national. because if the united states were to get away with. doesn't look easy they'll be able to get away lead if we were not to nationals from an early. u.s. intelligence has reportedly found that russia tricked the world while presenting a ballistic missile last month the weapon in focus remains
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a sticking point between moscow and washington after america's withdrawal from the historic i.n.f. treaty let's go live for more now to r.t.c. for stan of eagle you were at that briefing when the missile in question was unveiled what were the main details from it well basically making russia has rejected all claims that it has tried to well really corn anyone by staging that briefing showing really not one but two missiles one the older version and another its modification which the united states says is violating the are in of treaty while now in the official statement the russian general the official representative of the defense ministry. has said that well really russia did not try to corner anybody and since the very beginning. has been very consistent in its approach and the approach was well quite unprecedented transparency or. and as you've said yes i was at that briefing and they saw the two missiles shown by the defense ministry
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but of course i'm no military expert so it's really not about me and as a matter of fact it's not about anyone who were at that briefing but rather it is about those who decided to ignore it because nato countries and the united states in particular did get an official invitation from russia basically russia saying that they are ready to give exclusive first hand access to those missiles and really what the united states did they just abstain they decided to never go to more school to really for a chance to lay their hands on those two missiles at the same time and so now what we have is a month since that briefing and apparent leak of a classified documents submitted by you to intelligence agencies including the cia who are adamant that russia should try to stage a hoax showing an entirely different message so really but they still haven't provided any explanation as to why these two brush up on its invitation because
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if they are so convinced that russia tried to deceive everyone from the get go then would better chance do they have to catch russia red handed rather than come to moscow or see them. nestle round with it and then say look this is just entirely this is an entirely different walk at this is not where we're talking about so what we have now really is a stalemate because because of this mess of the united states are decided to withdraw from the i enough treaty which is largely viewed as a pinnacle of international stability and which is one of the few documents preventing a another arms race between the united states and russia and so after the united states pull out of the deal the russian president vladimir putin has said that well while on moscow's side the dog. for dialogue is still open he instructed the defense ministry and the foreign ministry to not initiate any dialogue any contacts
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with the united states regarding the deal so the ball is in america's court and apparently stays there. it goes down our thank you for those details. tensions are beginning to fray between washington and the e.u. despite previous talks to prevent a standoff now donald trump is threatening to target the automobile industry with tariffs as high as twenty five percent brussels in turn says it's ready to retaliate donald trump give me his word there won't be any car terrorists for the time being i believe him should he remains in their commitment we will no longer feel bound by our commitments to buy more u.s. sawyer and liquid gas i would very much regret that the european union will stick to its word as long as the u.s. does the same if the u.s. goes ahead with actions to trim and told to european exports the european commission would react in a swift and adequate manner in march last year the u.s.
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. allies after slapping brussels with hefty import tariffs twenty five percent on steel and a further ten percent on a limb india that prompted a retaliation with the e.u. targeting kill american imports including borgen whiskey and motorcycles and orange juice and brussels that is prepared to extend its tariffs if trump makes good on his threats let's discuss this further now and live to i guess to beijing to have a solely a member of the left party in germany mr to have a surly thank you for joining us on the program why has donald trump threaten to break away from the previous agreement and why now. well as an economic terrorist he is trying to draw the european union countries into accepting americans period products and i think he has realized something that many of the america leads have not yet realized that is that their
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country is in the long state of decline and what he's trying to do is trying to force their products i'm too willing european customers. this tit for tat doesn't seem to be doing any good fit for either side do you think stands to lose more from another round of economic tensions well it's of course the consumer in europe we have to situation that we have resources from for example russia with natural gas abundant natural gas that is. excellent quality but the americans want to force european custom us to use their liquefied natural gas which is of inferior quality and produced by fracking which is the most toxic thing you can do to the environment many reappear opinions don't want to
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do that we have a different set of status regarding the environment and if you look at the boycotts that trump is forcing on bombay the chinese tele promp indications company well he's trying to force european customers to use cisco and equipment which is inferior in many ways and where we know that the n.s.a. has back doored it. and this comes out holes off the back of the munich security conference where angela merkel stood firm against pressure from washington i germany's partnership with russia on the no steam to a pipeline project we can quickly have a listen to what she said. a molecule of russian gas remains a molecule of russian gas regardless of whether it comes through ukraine but by way of people to see that is the question of how dependent we are on russian gas we cannot be resolved by deciding which pipeline it's coming no one wants to you know
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not to dependent on russia if we received russian gas during the cold war not only in the d.d.r. where i live but also in west germany and i don't see why the times and situation today should be so much plus a real commitment to say that russia remains a partner hide and seek so that langley merkel that unwilling against u.s. pressure why would the washington right now when there seems to be a growing number of obstacles between the two allies well donald trump is suddenly trying to ratchet up the pressure against girl in and terrorists on the auto industry are something that jump companies are very worried about but they should be because there's growing markets in the east there's a huge shyness market there's a russian market for auto companies to explore and that should be the focus because as we all know the american market is in decline and donald trump is only exaggerating that perpetual decline if the u.s.
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does hit the with the sanctions or tyrus well done launches to reinforce brussels need to seek alliances elsewhere perhaps china the they a potential new leader of their well delta could be a more reliable trading partner of course and also if you look at what chance america sad about the russian gas supply it has been the most reliable supplier throughout even the cold war times when there was high tensions but this the supply of gas was never in question and that was one of the cornerstones of the german economic success. throughout the last decade and so i think that we need to face new economic alliances and russia can be and china can be great partners for that more and more people in germany and in the german economy are realizing that. and we'll leave it that began to have a slowly
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a member of the left party and jamie thank you for your time thank you those are the headlines for this hour do join and again at the top of the hour for the latest we see that. would normally just manufacture consent to step into the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the flame and larry go around the sun in the one percent so. we can all middle of the room sick.
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other says the report aliens checking our universe through the house rate of climb quite possible stacy max i've got some british comedy for you to set up the whole episode about security and security risks. this first one is very british comedy defense secretary of the u.k. says britain's new carrier mask queen elizabeth will sail to the pacific on its first mission and reveals plans for a new r.a.f. squad.


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