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tv   News  RT  February 20, 2019 5:00am-5:31am EST

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people who work in the same company if you can be charged as a criminal group and then add. a stronger punishment this is absurd to. so-called economic crimes have to be here because that is when you. have to be treated in a fair way very often people. kept in jail simply because investigators are not competent enough or do not have the time to do all the unnecessary procedures people who sit in church or you detention and in several months for several months they've been sitting there and they've not had any questioning and investigators could be just on a holiday i know that the have a lot of workload. something has to be done with it. with the habs we need to hire more people to increase the number of investigators but it can help all
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that if we can happen that people are in jail for some time they have not been questioned and the investigator. cation if you'd like to instruct the prosecutor's office and the. ministry of interior to look into these issues and to come up with the proposals the. initiatives agency . what food needs to come up with the digital platform act actually that's been their initiative interpreters. able to. voice their concerns. were officially informed the public that they're under pressure. to. get out or plead to the authorities in the passivity in them so that. of the
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investigative authorities would it take action the thought which the government needs to work together with the business community wants to. drastically the right legislation and come up with the right legal digital platform to launch the platform investigative committee is he and dreamy serious internal affairs and prosecutor's office need to come up with the rights of those procedures in criteria we need to have such a platform or. least in part of very soon what the government would like. the legal framework for inspections there's a mile and i would like to do all that initiative but i think we need to take it a step further. you need to take drastic action and starting from the first twenty twenty warning we need to stop you. current.
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pull those. you concerning inspection is. and the regional instructions regional which is. we just have two years ahead of us we need to sit together within the business community and with three new this is a legal framework we need to keep only thorough is a law. that meets the current requirements the rest. of. needs to be archived. we talked to some of the colleagues and some of the. sincerely well. this latest version problem it's terrible you know that with their eyes shoes they're just horrified look into it but you've got to give. you my child for huge piles of paper that have been been accumulated since. you couldn't. no even further than that since imperial times. for civil union.
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crimean was integrated into this into russia well i don't mean two thousand and fourteen i mean earlier times when there was a crime he was first integrated into russian service so much paper that so much legal that exists and i don't think that the stuff knows how many laws there are so we need everything and when you need to have those laws there you cannot meet current demand based on new technology we need to upgrade our infrastructure. it will help keep the country connected some we've supported for russia the country with the biggest territory in the world. critically important to preserve the framework of the country.
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to grow the economy huge piece year it will have. a rail transit along the korean crimea the krinsky bridge like to thank the real workers and construction workers but what we now have the access road that has been launched. in the crisis in the region usually this year we will. let the dust of us move the we will have finally the real traffic that we have to develop crimea and the trust in the region it. we also have moscow seeing. roads will be fully operational that would create jobs that would provide more opportunities for the business community as i said new jobs in the. small scale regional region to. more than sixty airports or will be upgraded. we're
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also building airports in the city. it's possible this bomb will increase. the capacity of the transfer a railroad. by column or mine lying in two hundred ten million tons. as i said all the russian region search need to increase the life expectancy and all the socially. indicators is our strategic priority that siberia. and the far east they have to be the focus of our turn and we'll discuss that. when we meet since september and three cars for a lot of our stock market our plans to more grades to see poor.
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roads you need to. feed the region you're seeing to increase their investments appeal to deal. people have so much interest. we need to use even visas for foreign tourists so we have had a very positive experience during and company in two thousand and eighteen the thief world cup we need to focus on the development of the digital economy. but i would start. the analysis is. infrastructure has to be increased we need to provide broadband to internet and to introduce five g. . revolutionize communications.
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stablish. ally in the search. for remote sensing. the. new navigation systems. are what we need to establish the national space and. it will work with our indeed institutions. and a unifying force to help to train staff. coordinates research we see the global competition you know he's. getting increasingly high in education and high tech over. it but if you could have imagined we. would be able to make a breakthrough in the defense sector on. the high tech sector we had to
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start from scratch we had to come up with. disruptive solutions to our engineers work is scientists have come with have come up with such the lucian's they include young. scientists and engineers. but it. is. roughly the same in. terms of its impact as the launch of the first in first satellites from the. through the year capabilities of our r. and d. . to certain point three you got the atomic. our mustangs there are scientists. and game were able to set
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the missile shield to help with that project helped to launch such allies into space we got new materials and new technologies and now that we've come up with a new weapons we need to leverage that potential and use that those technologies for civilian purposes we signed it laura genetic research we have also have. the same level of programming in ai. probably twenty twenty s. we need to become one of the leaders of the world this is the technologies that will define the future of russia and the future of the entire world are a those projects we need to have advanced scientific infrastructure in place because. we had. the. science class. nutrients in the world it will help to.
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conduct. research and biologically biology chemistry it will help to bring new. medicine into the market for the first time in case the russian shipyards start building. ships and vessels inclosing actually they will be able to study. able to study offshore or areas to work in the arctic and in the arctic arctic we need to come up with a new model of research that what this is why we create. the senses in russian regions they will integrate all the levels of education they will leverage seriously capabilities of the business community and. and the science community fifteen russian regions you need to build those centers the first five
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centers will build the buildings here three a new timin region in belgrade region and in the perm region and they are almost operational this year they will be launched we need specialists who are ready to work with cutting edge technology with cutting edge facilities we need to introduce a gram now you new curriculum but as i work at every level of professional education vocational education we need to train specialist for the industries that are just emerging in late august russia will to will host world's skills. our team team russia success. is natural this is so. boost the reputation of those who work in the vocational is. based on experience of world skills we need to speed up the other modernization of occasional training about we need to. colleges.
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we need to provide sure. the state of the art equipment for two thousand workshops. if you vocational centers we need to add to the build squanto of the so called. innovative senses you want humanities senses and we will create about a million new jobs in vocational training. in the next year it will have to be able to all children which is you. these serious center in sharjah. buy it. in the crowd and we hope that it will have similar centers in or russian regions by twenty twenty four but are doing it. we're getting. we're getting reports that it could be done early you don't even welcome search approach.
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the car companies and the business community will assist projects as the ticket if we can to the future of the students starting from the sixth grade cared so that we can turn ship's company scientific sentence i get i call all the younger generation your talents your creativity far. your creative. potential and you are the strength of russia. we have a network of projects and contest for personal development. project my first business i am professional leaders of russia which to name a few it obliterates a bit more and again shows the younger generation that will be exposed to leverage
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those opportunities with the us they need to be brain with needs to work benefit yourself your family and your country. colleagues russia has been and will continue to be an independent state so. this is. i the russians will be like that also its will no longer when you exist we have to be clear about it. this is non-negotiable russia can only exist as a state if its sovereign other countries can the trash will never be. if you want to build a relationship with us it means that you should not lecture us or dictate your own
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conditions you need to work together with us we need to build trust we need to fight with threats we need to expand. in the culture and science we need to remove the barriers for human contacts that serves the platform that we rely on as we work at the un c.i.s. the g twenty brics and china cooperation organization we feel it's is right to deepen our cooperation is sparse three union states with you. we. can work closer in the car the meals the politics of foreign policy we usually part of the year asian economic union will continue to expend. more markets. we're also. together to align the eurasian economic union with
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the. one that eroded. by china and it's held to stabilize the situation in eurasia it's an illustrative example of the role model for how we can cooperate in the economy but we also work hard. to improve for all the ours to egypt privileged partnership with n.g.o.s who continue to extend ties konami cooperation with egypt and with we are ready to work mutually acceptable even though the goal conditions since he signed the peace treaty. with the association of south east asia. i see are as it's now we hold that the european union. action is going to be to restore north. political trade ties are with russia the citizens of the e.u. are interested in such cooperation it will benefit them including
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a medium sized big corporations over all the business community over the past would benefit from shared interests. but he's got one of the key concerns of the russian and u.s. ties is the unilateral withdrawal from the i have treaty. that i have been forced but i have to speak about that greater detail. it was signed in one thousand nine hundred eighty seven and there have been drastic changes around the world many countries have developed and continue to develop this type of answer but russia and the us have stopped with. restrictions on ourselves one terribly such states is could raise questions with the u.s. partners it's going to be honest and straightforward with us this should not have used. the trumped up accuse asians allegations to work unilateral withdrawal with
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it if you like they did it in two thousand and two they did an honest way they pulled out of the a.b.m. treaty i felt it was done in the wrong way but at least they did it in a straightforward manner and they had to say we're here so how do we do it they violate everything and then finally an excuse and then they point a finger. and they also got them but. use satellites as the satellite countries and they. told their lines to the u.s. a lot. started to develop these so-called medium range and to be trained to me stars they said ok these are. targets and the cells then they started to in solve them under. a
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force you would warn where you were sure what human system certainly europe vets would be able to carry tomahawk missiles again these are the violations of the bad . but. all of the provisions. of chosen. treaty according to article four section one i quote each country. there are intermediate range systems and it launches them so that no country could have such missiles and such. article six. both to close one of the issue or go to give the illusion. going forward none of the country can produce. range systems does not it. just get you does not build stages for this no launches it will certainly surface
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once you launch into media training should be targets may start placing launches in rumania colon up to four zero if you cruise missiles are a good style for the us has violated these provisions as they've built them a long time they did a long time ago but we have this launch system in their remaining and nothing has happened well there's nothing strange for us but people need to see that it is standard so what's our assessments of the situation i said earlier. question that he does not have any intention and i wish once again he does not have an intention to place missiles in europe. to be the first in place in this missile if such missiles are produced and supplied to to be installed in europe and the us do have said he does have such. a dead. cynically. creating new spiraling with.
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security system because the time to fly to moscow could be between getting to you if you're twelve minutes and that's a serious threat for sure but we are here to put you in we will be as much a force again are we have to we will force of much to say. but he appropriates reciprocal measures and i would like to be open about it all will tell what and you what we're going to say so that no one would blame us later on the russian would have to rebuild and deploy them and systems could be used. against the cherry trees where we would see direct threats initially but also against those territories which is the thing where you have decision makers. on the use of the. missiles. who would be sleazy worsham here's an important point. you must have
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a lot of new information here and the flight time for such missiles. will be comparable to the threats we see. coming against russia we know how we can do this and we will implement these plans immediately as soon as we see such threats becoming real and i don't think the international situation today. and i don't think that the international situation that we have today is that it requires further escalation immediately this is not what we want which is that way and i would like to add to something that the united states with what we once sought global domination through the global missile defense program and they should have been there are these illusions and we will always come up with an appropriate response our new weapon systems i mentioned in my state of the nation address last year this work. consistently we launched the manufacturing of the
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vanguard. system this year it will be supplied to the first regiment of the strategic of me so forces we are also continuing to test the sort of model. and hypersonic. missiles. he would usually are being tested on combat duty. and or. personnel have gained some experience of using the system soon paid us we had to be able to be commissioned and. then we put on competent u.t. as we'll continue working on the mic thirty one is not quite a chair with that i.q. and you're going to show me so we're also at the testing but it isn't actually. me . doing. and subsurface we
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continue with the way down limited the range is going to use one more point this spring. we will. i want them there but our first nuclear submarine carrying this on the man subsurface simply because. he wouldn't shoot there was also i will make another official announcement to a. new system remember last time i said there were certain things that it was too early to mention back then but now the time has come for me to announce another new project with a plan we've been working on this successfully and when the time is right we will complete this work and this is a hypersonic missile called sort of gone but. with has a speed of maque nine it has the range of one thousand kilometers and can.
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see in the navy and the targets. can be launched from a ship or a submarine we're going to get an equal if that was that which in about an it can work together with the caliber system so we will not be too costly for russia. to protect our national interests for the next two or three years i had two or three years they had of the there are many procurement programs the navy will receive seven new submarine. and soon will start building five more. major in its navy ships and in the other five new ships will be built before they go with what i get twenty twenty seven to finish the subject of the i.n.f. treaty and the u.s. will draw from this treaty i would like to say another thing the u.s. policy on the russian recent years can hardly be described as friendly when the
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village in the interests of russia they want to be north and we see all sorts of anti i think it's all russian if you depend initiatives as much as they can this is . totally on we called for these. scenes and new sanctions imposed on russia time and he. says that was the. unilateral efforts to dismantle the existing system while going to national security treaties and at the same time they call russia the biggest threat to the united states this is wrong this is not true russia wants to have actually quote what i see the caller as you know should use the relations with the united states or russia doesn't threaten anybody but i need whenever we do anything it's we do this in response so we are defending ourselves you know those situations we do not seek confrontation we don't want confrontation especially with a global power like united states but it seems. that the united states does not
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notice how the world is changing today and where the world is going to the united states continues to threaten with it's something you've constructed policies this is not in the u.s. best interest but it's not up to us to decide we see that you're a capable people however among the ruling class in the united states you have a large number of people who are only. there exceptionalism and their superiority over everybody else in the world it's their right of course could think whatever they want to think but they should be able to count at least i do believe they know how to count so let them count as the range. and that you know weapon systems let them count first and then the based on that they should make their decisions that would create additional threats to our country if you got to get them and i think or so whatever they do will russia will
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respond to that russia will always secure make sure that it is secure absolutely secure. i've said this before and i would like to repeat we are ready for the further talks on arms control and what we are not going to keep knocking on the door that it's locked we will wait for our partners to come to the realisation that this kind of dialogue is necessary we'll continue building out of the military will improve the quality of combat training using relying on the experience we gain as a syrian to basically hold the commanders of major experts and land unionists special operations units military police exhilarating units have received such experience that each the air force commanders. know what it's for long term to development of our military for the long term development of our country we need peace and whatever we do in the military area is only to make sure
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our country and our people are secure so nobody would even consider it was hacking or a shell or the trying to use force to put pressure on their country. what do you make of them as they are these are this you me colleagues. and this just goes ahead of us and we're consistently to achieve them we'll be working on the our social and economic development to provide all the necessary conditions for self-fulfillment so that we respond to the rising the challenges of the world to a need to preserve russia's civilization in. its national identity. are a long standing tradition it's the culture of our people. our legacy and the only.


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