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tv   Going Underground  RT  February 20, 2019 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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say a new generation of democrats have come under attack from the apac lobbied establishment this is of the youngest woman elected to congress socialist responded when she was attacked by the right of her own party on her green deal supported by twenty twenty presidential contenders but the sun does until she gathered i think a lot of times when people. who lost the election. think they're just personally i don't think that we lose elections by addressing climate change no split in the us democrat party yet though even after with the leaks revelations that hillary clinton destroyed the twenty sixteen presidential campaign of bernie sanders but in britain there was once a split in the labor party and in the labor vote it put margaret thatcher in power for a generation this was what tony benn meant it's a current labor leader jeremy corbin said to one of the splits is to be forgotten bola titian roy jenkins i feel very strongly about people who's a tad life depended on the working class movement your father was
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a miner he was in jail in the general strike you got into parliament as a labor member every officer because of the labor party cabinet minister appointed by labor prime minister and then you left the party that's a cancerous growth not personally but i think people tray those who gave them power are the real threat that threat arguably emerged again in the past forty eight hours so called red tories revealed that they were against jeremy corbyn becoming pm even though is leadership is seen labor make its biggest gains since ninety forty five but what apart from corbin's pro palestinian rights and anti blairite economics policies cause the seven to resign here is one of them. and those around him are in the room saw it on so many international issues from russia to syria to venezuela yes that neighbor friend of israel defect. because corbin's
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reprobation more with russia or is wrong the gorgons refusal to support regime change in venezuela is wrong and corbin's policy on syria is wrong he was called by him before he voted against to raise amaze as strikes on syria after nato nation media alleged again the use of w m d in the middle east i also urged members of this house not to forget the duty placed upon us by the chilled coffee inquiry the chill got inquiry was the result of the war in iraq it was the last of many inquiries held into that process it was the most thorough and painstaking they had ever been and i would have thought that is a salutary lesson to all of us was that lesson learned when britain bombed syria joining me now is a journalist who has seen the impact of nature regime change attempts in syria firsthand martha gellhorn prize finalist from as a believe it as a thanks for coming back also in the past few days foreign office official in the
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law that ahmed of wimbledon we will continue our support of the white helmet in it live the way to helmets humanitarian group we had the head of it on this show what do you make of the fact the british government continues to support in syria this humanitarian group this humanitarian group according to they are growing evidence against them particularly the recent you know insecurity panel in december two thousand and eighteen where correa of the foundation for the study have to marcus he presented a report as did i. evidence against the white helmets given by syrian civilians who lived under the occupation of white home and they affiliated to terrorist and extremist groups they deny all of it of course of the white home that's running cross border organ trafficking operations we know coverage of this whatsoever and are absolutely in the western you are saying with the foreign office and british taxpayer funded group there are allegations of organ trafficking absolutely based.
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on testimony and accusations leveled against by eight syrian civilians which is being of course completely discounted by the british government and by the other governments that are funding and financing and sponsoring the white helmet group that is effectively operating and lebanon this is a very important point to make that is under control of h.g.'s high tide. which is a rebranding or if we want to be generous it's an affiliate that's an accepted affiliate of al qaeda its approach scribed a terrorist organization so there's self certificate by the white home it's of their independence and neutrality is being accepted as gospel by the british government that is continuing to finance this organization that was just evidence at the un and then presumably the way to we will get touch with would say the humanitarian organization this is in the early all going to have these are all going to as part of a dying zillions because of the outside regime this is what that may have appeared
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to seem like organ trafficking that would be an extraordinary reasoning for the taking of children with very light injuries that has been described to me to the turkish border and then the children's bodies over time and basically with the family as stitching from top to bottom of the tools and the organs have clearly been removed this was a un security council panel where the evidence was presented that had being gathered. with hundreds of interviews with civilians not only in east aleppo but also nice and good to i myself have a number of interviews and testimonies that i gathered from civilians particularly in east aleppo but also in eastern greater who spoke to me of the white home it's abducting children using them for staging various chemical attacks chlorine gas attacks and also taking them to centers for organ extraction well we go. here over. you know there was evidence heard the un doesn't take him but i should
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all know that but surely the british government should not be still funding and organization that is the key of crimes against humanity and against the syrian civilians it should be carrying out or in at least enabling a public inquiry or an independent investigation into this organization you say the footage was staged really do more chemical attack alleged chemical attack a bomb which britain went to war with syria and bomb syria what do you make of just one it is just one b.b.c. producer the b.b.c. was quick to say this is its own views that the footage was fake the idea that the footage was fake didn't only come from this b.b.c. producer although it took him six months to arrive at the same conclusions. journalist robert fisk arrived at or. said d.f. war correspondent arrived at all that i arrived having spoken to people on the ground and to me yes and medical staff at the actual medical point where the
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victims were brought who told me very clearly there was no chemical attack they swear was ordinary smoke inhalation from the battles that were raging at the time for liberation of timber that of course came only a couple of days after that the conclusion is not extraordinary because experts independent journalists analysis already arrived at that conclusion but what is extraordinary is the media silence in the face of what is an acceptable media figure for them in the mainstream in the b.b.c. actually confirming what independent unless had concluded six months previously just go the nature of the smearing in effect and i should say that b.b.c. producer go see the tweet up there anymore because you were definitely smeared in the media here and on twitter seymour hersh you caused a little builder of course was read about it. and you think what we saw from the mainstream. media was an incredible rush to judgment which effectively
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manufactured consent for the british government the french government and the u.s. government to. run it all making a campaign against alleged chemical weapon manufacturing facilities that have already been proven by the a.p.c. to not be chemical manufacturing sites so this entire scenario around duma enabled unlawful aggression by the british government and by the u.s. government the french government the media absolutely run with the narrative that this was a syrian government chemical the toc i mean if i remember correctly in the guardian simon tisdall in his opinion piece actually said that now is the time for military intervention this was two days off to have religion really respond yeah the prime minister just said there was reliable intelligence but the reliable intelligence comes from the white home and affiliated activists and extremist groups like josh of islam that the british government has been funding p.r.
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for via increased route so the british government involvement in this intelligence feed that they've been receiving is very clear now that intelligence feed is being discredited or at least a part of it has been discredited that must raise questions about the previous narratives and the narratives surrounding the hospital seems to have be far as your hubby was on this show comparing the original there are demonstrations that kicked off the. syrian war head of british involvement taxpayer involvement to the yellow vests and your live in front is that possible through these again i mean what we're seeing in france and one of the most striking comparisons that i made having joined when it's the. you know best march is two weeks ago in paris was in syria during the liberation campaigns to do. fre the suburbs of cities such as
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damascus. homs. aleppo from the terrorist and extremist group occupation humanitarian corridors were opened to allow civilians to leave during the fighting what i actually witnessed first hand i was there in the past in the republic when the french police shut down all access to the plaster public they saturated the class with tear gas they are now using c m three gas i am six gas which is much more potent there is no four hundred fifty one infractions reported against the french police and that includes one hundred ninety five injuries to the had by the l b d forty which is flushable launch on. nineteen sorry twenty blind things loss of our people being shot and they are five hands being torn off including sebastien my head two weeks ago well i mean the
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european court of human rights is that. use these lethal weapons like we have yet to hear what the new curfew rules or the legislation they may bring in against protest in front over here we don't really get much news room parasol broaches of runs it is about micro all the e.u. and the united states trying to overturn the cover of the village where we are because of what moore is doing to his people but this is the insanity is that the interior ministry in france is as you said. sanctioned the use of what are affectively lethal weapons when used at close quarters in crowd control situations while this is happening micron is ignoring the fact of course if this is the insanity macron is ignoring what is actually happening in his own country which is state sanctioned mutilation of legitimate protesters and peaceful protesters i didn't see any violence on the protests that i went on. while he sanctioning and endorsing another us military adventurous and right. tourism campaign in venezuela
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i mean this is just extraordinary and there is absolutely no reason for intervention and that's why i will try and get a comment from the french embassy in london but that's really thank you as ever after the break in paisley jr the son of the founder of the you just party keeping to raise a million pound bricks at the back stop at the united island from the headlines the big british business but i'm touched by it as labor falls out with itself all the more going on about to have going on the ground. is america ready for a real anti-war candidate clearly the political establishment and media criticism of presidential candidates and anyone else who questions foreign policy war there are these the swift unrelenting fighting for peace has never been so good.
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said he with what obama personally i think you know i think in syria for example in two thousand and thirteen when there was a threat of and we knew that the regime was about to use chemical weapons on a wide scale like he has done in. the obama administration should have responded with force and eliminate the capacity of the syrian regime to use helicopters and other if forced bombs. welcome back joining me now if you go through some of the week's top stories as chairman of the parliament about going to the and former shuttle if you will an
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island. even before we get to the papers what is the parliament for as god the world's first space nation option when you come to visit the moon you'll find everything. we do politics properly in the scardino that's what you should learn what should. this woman probably from another planet. what's she saying she used to be announcing our future of the katie hopkins who says excellent news a new center left party headed up by chuck and lucy. and five other labor m.p.'s emerged as one of the choco muna seven angelus without to give an apology within five of hours over this big fancy launch because she was allegedly racist for calling people funny tinge for. limbert i wouldn't say that but we should ask katie hopkins she's got some form on this as well of course she's in the media free speech for her maybe and this week and boldly want to have a good indoors with a probably not going to like a the elkins anyway a corbin operation by the leader of the british labor party to discredit those
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attacking him because no one could be this chaotic is what some people are saying don't ever underestimate parliament when it comes to chaos this is unlikely writ large but i don't think it's been planned option and steve you look to that well if you were in that were you in the us i was never in the s.c.p. i joined the peer liberal democrats not the the me out of the split off of the labor really it did but what we've got here is these seven have decided to split this has been on the cards for a long time and they've got all kinds of gripes and when it is about jeremy corbyn grapes they're accusing him of n.z. semitism of being a apologist for them as well you know the pretty heavy duty criticisms i don't deny that but just recognize what they have to do here if they're going to make this great and grand statement then they have to say what happens next how will seven of them for a party they're even small they have a last count it could be maybe most mainstream media saying fifty people might defect split saying with small groups there but come on that's remembered seeing
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seven people exhibit says it's a splinter but it hasn't splintered the party let's goes to the serious issues arguably of trade deal success for tourism a great news here. supports bulk of britain seven hundred billion plus daily business say for twelve months in advance you were going to monitor in a second but this is a great success for the government isn't it trumpeting the fact that the city of london is going to get free reign to reasons because it kind of makes a mockery of relieving whenever there's a wait for it forty three really in pounds a year of business carrying on regardless that's actually more than twenty. times bigger or roughly twenty times the size of the entire british economy and the second reason is because it's a bit embarrassing whatever else we decide to deal or no deal l c h i c e and i mean they can just carry on so don't worry our friends in the city aren't going to be affected let's go to the story of the ass swindon advertiser devastating
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politicians react to reports on the two x. three thousand five hundred jobs at swindon plant is this about brecht set i think not this is because we're not buying diesel cars anymore why because of political decision climate change i do believe is our strength where does it cause unnecessary wonder fairness in order to meet invest half a billion dollars in electronics because electric cars in china are partnering with the communist party of china where they investing that money here two things first of all this has happened before the japanese to still weight the british motorcycle industry because the british motorcycle industry didn't adopt secondly politically china is on the ball here they're in acquisition mode we're meant to be reaching out to the whole world post bracks it just looks like china got there and so what effect will it have in a place like swindon as we in swindon nearly a third of females that we've been able to afford sanitary products i mean how is the economy of swindon going to cope with all this basically be tax funded know in the image of i've seen this before many recession could happen in that area this is
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serious damage to the economy not just the three and a half thousand jobs here and potentially another ten thousand it's all the families involved as well all the ancillary industries this is serious and this may not be about bracks it but it's certainly bad news for swindon and the surrounding area that a big thank you yesterday dres amaze attorney general counsel of the chance to explain the legal basis of the so-called alternative arrangements for the irish bricks that backstop going to be because any so-called turn it over arrangements about to be superficial that's what you're in for an m.p. making brady appeared to tell us last week that through our agreement is there has been agreed a set that. has been agreed to but the fully protestant paramilitary wing do you appeal which props up to resume the minority government is. back to a potential alternative saying it could offer a route towards negotiating a future trade relationship with the e.u. joining me now is g.o.p. m.p. in bailey jr whose father founded the party and welcome to going underground so what is the brics it alternative arrangement well it's really up to the british
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prime minister to go to europe and to negotiate what she's been instructed to negotiate by the highest commons remember the vast majority of families of nine passed a resolution of the harvest saying that we want to have a withdrawal agreement but we want to make sure that there is no backstop and it would hinder any part especially north not being treated differently as we leave the european community but as a governor said definitely no deal is off the table and as you know i don't normally buy the wouldn't really say don't veiling vote they they really did vote by majority and they also voted this a good deal cannot be renegotiated well let's be clear about every c. and person wants to make sure that we leave europe in the past possible terms we want to have a very positive relationship with european community after the facts of the will of the british people have asked us to accept and we want to make sure that our relationship is a two way relationship so the only people who are talking about doom and disaster are those people who are trying to frustrate the negotiations of those people who
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really aren't interested in the best interests of the united kingdom i breakfast here is like me want to make sure that we leave the e.u. in the best possible terms that we get a good deal that we continue to trade with the e.u. and good positive terms that are beneficial for the e.u. partners as they are for us. as a state and as a nation and with the rest of the world so you know this should not be a negative thing this should be regarded as a positive thing but to get out we've got to make sure that we have withdrawal agreement that works on having a withdrawal agreement to tie one part of the united kingdom into the e.u. differently and for ever would be and tartly abuse of of us as a people that would go against the will of the seventeen point four million people who asked us to leave but i think the majority in the has a common support you on that. what sort of prime minister she's with today would have thought of legally binding a possible eternal. no border with the public will the current withdrawal agreement which has been rejected close on the north lawn protocol was rejected
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overwhelmingly by both labor and conservative on our sales only because she was forced to reveal it i didn't hear the d.p. forcing to reveal it it was people it was gina miller and they all these oversight that it was very clear was in the northern protocol to look up our party's been involved in the seasons for quite a long time we read the small print on the small print long before the document was clear was indicating where this was going and we were warning all of the warnings from the samberg two thousand something from us both publicly and privately make it abundantly clear that north not a could not be treated differently and more importantly that we could not be buying into something that would treat us as a place apart north and does not do well when street was a place apart it's got to be part of the united kingdom of great britain the north moderns trading on the sea in terms cooperating and working on the same time we're arguing for a company and information the prime minister to achieve a change to the legal text that will last there for agreement that part of which
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the european union has already overruled everyone would get on the other there's two sides in agreement you don't have an agreement if one side says there's an agreement you'll have an agreement of both sides a great idea but there are various government has gotten it's a secret agreement it was secret before she was forced to reveal that i'm not going to get on the road with them because it's not fair first was not from the prime minister was in secret when she was forced to reveal that it was revealed in the house of commons it was revealed to us we explained to the british public and we explained from day one whenever it was published this is actually not going to work now it's clear it's not going to work now let's look forward what can we achieve with it you know they are part of that we want to get a deal that works with unity that we do not want to have a backstop. that would prohibit or tied north nandan a different way to the rest the united kingdom were clear that we don't want to have differences in terms of a hard border this is not about getting on to the tree of daily and negotiating a trade the look works for all of europe and really this whole negotiation frankly for the last two years has been wrong headed because it's been pointed
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a political arrangements for domestic politics as opposed to looking at the greater good of a year of a negotiation on trade that would suit everyone in europe and i think sooner or later the germans and the french and other member states will say to the irish you play good enough for messing about with your domestic politics this is not for stripping also getting a deal with the united kingdom move aside and let's get that they'd get more into dublin in a second but it was what i'm getting at is the fact you countenance that and she gave you the north a billion pounds maybe a billion bucks of infrastructure investment we're hearing that not all of that money is helping your constituents in the local communities of northern ireland what is the d.p. getting out of propping up to raise a maze premiership what will the one thing that we want to achieve whenever we came i suppose holders of the balance of power at the last general election was to have stability for a nation and to achieve bracks and we are a few days away from achieving bracks and i think we will achieve
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a but terms of getting stability that obviously is a very very difficult thing could you imagine if we put a labor party and power the instability i mean there there are people are jumping over ship in the wrong part of the moment because of all sorts of allegations and turning late in the day we're trying to get a stable government for the whole of the people and i can because we are unions people even the benefits of all of every constituent part of the united kingdom and you already said you think that dublin won't make the running for much longer you really think berlin and paris are going to tell that will of. looking at what's been happening with the way the japanese have acted on the other investors have said look europe is not the place to invest we're pulling plants are deval over europe even pulling out of norm european countries like turkey they're moving their . back to the east and the far east i see a lot of industrialists in the middle of europe are saying listen we need to treat them with the fourth largest tree. trading partner in the world of the fourth largest economy in the world we need to get out sooner rather than later where is
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our treaty and they're looking at this bracks arrangements and louis thing we seem to have been arguing the part is a small tiny partner the irish are pushing europe on a political point scoring exercise that's what this backstop has been about right that's what they are and there's been a bite in the midst of iraq are and i understand is possible but most of rocker has to see off the far right of fee and on to do that he has to on the question as we call it the border question let's get straight to the irish question the irish times article a few weeks ago sixty percent think a united ireland is more likely cause breaks it is in effect the g.o.p.'s policy of supporting breaks quite apart from the you know make a mess and rights and wrongs of it it's going to make a united ireland more probable nonsense. i mean that this reminds me of a few years ago whenever we were going through the millennium bug the whole world was going to come to an end will be vast crises there were special television or sports special pools not one of them controlled and i don't believe up pull in the ice times will come true the vast majority people in northern ireland whether
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they're room catholic or protestant national strike unions or the center want to say north and as a stable good place they were very much centric northern irish are down today and they know that the best way for their country to flourish is to stay part of the fifth largest economy in the world if you enter millennium bug that's what boris johnson said about the problems people are conceiving of michael gove said the peace process was could be too late into the ira nazi appeasement he compared it. breaks it border inspections maybe the way forward karen bradley did to be able to understand there was some voting done on sectarian lines in the pretty but threatening area which would shortages what do you think of the conservative party . and that was a goldman's understanding of. what well i think a lot of them are really perplexed never they see that the republic of ireland has benefit greatly from being a good neighbor of the united kingdom and yet when it comes to the been a very bad neighbor in this practice of negotiation they have given them huge
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support. essentially multi-billion pine tax free they sure are not as good neighbors we allow them to fish in our waters we're not allowed to fish in our borders they stop our milk from going over their border and yet we have to take their moat in our country and here we have an opportunity to go why does a nation not to treat and create more wealth for own people and they are actually trying to stop it ok we'll just go to the irish have been mapping out to crossing points a little three hundred ten well board a hundred more than expected apparently checkpoints we had the former intel boss of the ira on the show he told us checkpoints will be shot at in a new deal breakers whether it's the europeans or the british government to build the wall do you foresee checkpoints being sure he's going to put these checkpoints on the bridge will be the europeans who put them up. and say they don't see how big enough are made to police the border so this is the only evergreen they're not going to put up they're not armed armies well they say well we're going to have
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needle helmets come into play supporter of something to help them with a member of nato. so who's this a muslim a force that's going to come in the e.u. doesn't have the authority opar to come in and as people need to dial down the rhetoric and recognise this is about economic opportunity for the united kingdom whenever we flourish as a nation our neighbors are southern our neighbors will flourish and we believe that the european union will also flourish with us let us get on with bricks in busy junot thank you that's it for the show well we don't leave those apparently highly compromised hollywood awards the oscars until then keep in touch by social media. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution here to the demonstrations going from
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being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it your style or here i mean your list put me in the. school and you go to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. if. you.
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look. at his annual state of the nation address president putin reveals russia has successfully tested a new nuclear powered underwater drone also in the president's speech. next week when the u.s. partners have to be honest and straightforward with russia does not pose a threat to anyone and the actions we take or retaliate sharee that is to say in defense. of those in stresses that russia doesn't pose a threat but can defend itself if necessary he also reiterated that washington must be honest with moscow and not use trumped up like use ations. also in the headlines a former acting director of the f.b.i. who has claimed as a lied under oath in the past is used in the media as a credible source alleging a slew of insanity reclaims against donald trump.


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