tv Cross Talk RT February 22, 2019 4:30pm-5:00pm EST
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it was completely disconnected from reality disconnected from the region i think most people in the region didn't know what he was talking about because they don't understand rapture politics of america evangelical movement and it was really more about the civil war that is taking place in america or not as new civil war perhaps but actually a resurgence of the olson will war where now the deplorable zz of the confederates and you have if you like the leaves in new york and the other countries saying to the them you know we have a moral position and you as they told the confederates about the slaves don't have a more moral position. if you like blue virtue against red bush both believe they're right most believe they have every truth on their side and this is i think what pump it was speaking to the coming conflict in the united
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states more than anything else so i mean where we go you know you're very right because it's the same in europe in a sense the europeans have only one thing they have the foot on the brake a try and stop popular is populism as they call it or these new parties that are emerging the threats of the european election they have the foot on the brake if they took it off they would know which direction to drive they have no vision except keep on with what we've been doing for that even though it doesn't do any kind of positive for wishing here yeah well i think not about us or that it's not about john bolton because you mention like pale that is i like that rapture perspective here john bolton isn't of that ilk he's very different to me while you know with the force regime change in going on in venezuela he was quite open what it's all about it's a. in trade and money it's about peer gemini without all the the trappings of
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democracy promotion it's a very important point which you're making and you're right i mean what we've seen is the split within the neo conservative movement which had been quite unified and you've got one wing of them which are led by people like david frum another which have always been and t. . and t. autocrats. particularly middle east and autocrats and in favor of democracy is a way of reshaping society cleansing it of the old model and preparing it for installing if you like a different model of society and they have shifted and they've moved over to the democrats and been embraced by american democrats as as a moral vision for the future and bolton and the others cling to old
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american thinking the so is he to call schmidt which is our what your kate is and it's very clear it was very tense said look this isn't about morality or about values that's for the fia logisticians or we keep and any state that is once tooth of vive has to destroy any rivals that appear in its way so that is really the sort of more the bolton view is not a grand vision grand sort of structure it's about using power in a way to make sure america is focused america but i want to say if i have a second what i think is most striking at the moment has because europe is so obsessed by proving that difference from trump the they have actually no more bracing. that other film. with the democrats along with the democrats
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so you get these amazing things where europe supports. regime change. after all they should have learnt from libya they still think that you know this is a good idea you see your pm saying oh well i mean you know be punished for rule that's gone before we could love the syrians to go back to a normal go to allow them to rebuild as we call and have their houses back or anything because he did things that malign. in the past so we have the sort of if you like more on the grounds that by europe. the minds of the few like the neo conservative wing the move to the democrat doesn't if we if we look at the two different strains and i think you're absolutely right we can look at the pump ale strain we can look at the john bolton strain but empirically neither one really works i mean if you look at it i mean force regime
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change since the end of the cold war doesn't have a very good track record ok and so i think you see these competing narratives here but i if you look at the level of success a success it's not really there so there's that tension there but it seems to me these are retreads. supporting the same policy that doesn't create or create positive outcomes countries do not become more democratic. they. they lose their their sovereignty and they don't tend to be pro-american at the end ok i mean we can look at the the situation of crane for example forced regime change there what is it gotten ok it's like getting into the european union it's not getting into nato and it was certainly a punishment towards russia but i don't see forced regime change of either variant being successful. you know. really the model that underlie underlies it we
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look back in a few years and say you know how could we possibly have believed how could we believe the just endless debt was going to make us all richer in a real way the whole people and the planet the whole of the liberal vision was based on replacing moral values by prosperity for all we'd all be wealthy better all for europe would be prosperous and it hasn't happened and it hasn't happened for obvious reasons because it was thought that if you create money and you create credit and debt but if you go on doing that with no boundaries with no limits to how much and you just do more and more and more you don't get real wealth you get asset classes and stock markets at a sky high but you get the wealth it is of course that type of credit
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creation a direct transfer of wealth from us the general public to the minority because every time they print new money the money tip we have in in our pocket in the cent and then it's into mediated through the banks into the financial markets and then bit you get as a result of all of that even that doesn't work because we have the yellow vest movement in france and there which is a demonstration effect for many other parts of europe we have the the rise of the trump electorate as a revolt against the system against the status i was once in. two thousand and eight when instead of changing they went on and created a whole pile of new debt and we all know that beyond a certain point new debt sends your economies to sleep it did that to japan and elsewhere and so we've had a huge draw us. in in new debt and. kona means that become zombie
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economies with no growth but particularly this way of just creating debt and more debt to try and produce growth is having the opposite the. breakthrough all of this is because in sixty percent cotton money there is no savings people can't afford to live in a ditch in a decent it's not that they don't have prosperity they don't even have enough to survive sixty percent or more of americans calm put their hand on four hundred dollars in an emergency but they. the popular term the one percent the ones that have real power we leak economic power access to media access to politics. they're not they're quite satisfied with this and they've been able to been they've been insulated from it i mean this whole argument about walls in the united states well liberals don't like walls but they have walls around their
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palatial apartments and homes the that is that separation is of. because you know the system was designed by a few to benefit the few and it was deliberately designed the structure of this economy it goes back to the nineteenth century but this was a structure that was intended to put i mean dostoevsky actually refers to it in his . in in one of his stories about seville in the grand inquisitor but it was it was a scheme which was intended to as a fantasy that would give people if you like the impression of post parity and wealth whereas actually it was about sending them to sleep and if you like controlling the population democracy never came into this this was about a small thing in a circle of people who deliberately have. to dismiss this is not any sort of
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conspiracy theory this is quite clearly visible in history that this is what it was it started in the nineteenth century. was part of this this these type of thinking and the structure that was held at that we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the end of the unocal moment stay with r.t. . after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to go from fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to surprising. or not if you think. i'm going to talk about football not the or else i just think i was going to do.
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inherited he will be judged by what we give to our children we must accept responsibility to fix our nations and make sure that we fix them for the sake of the future let's stop looking behind us and believe in the cool no rule is gone we have a need we must have a new generation of people who will fix our countries for the rest of the future and that's basically what it is the wheels off in nigeria. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sport business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. i didn't think the numbers mean something they've mattered us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime families. eighty five percent of
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global wealth he longs to be old rich eight point six percent world market rose thirty percent some with four hundred to five hundred three first circuit per second and when he rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a. but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember one one business show you know bored to miss the one and only boom but. we came here where did you work before you came here when you live. in many us states capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend he is waiting for execution but most of the time the victims' families they are very much in favor the death penalty there are some people because of what they did they have
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given up the right to live among us some even proven innocent after years on death row and how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about. it. welcome back to our discussion on the end of the unocal a moment with. before we went to the break here you were talking about. the very. disastrous situation for the middle class and we have neo liberalism it was it was basically constructed for the middle class it was sold to the middle class to strengthen it and to continue it but has actually done just the opposite here and this is. i mean why do we have bricks it in the yellow jackets and one of the
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main reasons only one but the principle crease and was in the wake of two thousand and eight the government's financial system it's a huge cost and took it on to the government balance sheet then they had to bail out their balance the government balance sheet and they did that by visitor eating well the welfare systems the social systems the medical systems that were in place and that has left people feeling very unsafe and very vulnerable because they wonder you know what happens if grandmother gets ill how am i going to ford what will happen. if she can't pay the rents it's left people if you like alone in the struggle that the promise was security and prosperity that is always been the promise and they as i wrote in both write i want to conquer about going back to the inner polar moment here when we have this great historical challenge ahead we have
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well the united states and maybe elements of the neo conservative class in europe look at russia as the greatest threat the real challenge on the global stage is the united states china and we have a trap being played out here how do you see that it is because we look at these trade agreements that trump is pushing i think they were some of were very very appropriate in some cases here but a lot of people will say historically that trade conflicts trade wars lead to real wars i think there's a very clear parallel with us goes back to the end of the nineteenth century when it was actually at the time britain which was the you knew pono par and had a globalized if you late trading system and then saw germany rising and so in quickly quickly and rapidly threatening britain's. and britain in this room
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responded to that first of all by trying to isolate germany diplomatically bringing russia and france into alliance as a sort of vise to squeeze germany as hard as it could and then they tried trade sanctions they blockaded the north sea with warships food would not get it to germany and it ended up as you say with war in it but that is not really i'm not trying to sort of project that from that experience war between america and china is inevitable but what is inevitable is also what happened at that time was it ripped apart if you like the root structure of the economic world so technology is in a few chinese technology goes there but it's more than just technology is going to be all sorts of supply routes and. supply lines for all going to be
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pulled apart and separated is going to make disruption and more expense but the main thing was that after the armistice the poles in the first world war and this long struggle germany rearmed to fight the second will and in rearming printed money going all and we had inflation depression in the thirty's that only ended really with with the second and what is america doing no it's rearming massive it wants to re on the whole spectrum of its weapons from space down to the soldier in the field with artificial intelligence across the board huge bat this whole concept of where. america first fuses into the conventional sense of american exceptionally if we look at this is that it is trapped is that there are three things you can do you can a comet. eight you know first of all this allow it to rise accommodate and go to
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war but because of america first donald trump and american exceptionalism it takes accommodation off the table because you you're ideologically possessed not to do that and that's why i think confrontation is actually more of a reality because historically you have options there are options that's why we call it the city's trap. you will exactly right i mean they are taking you know what they are trying to do both to russia and china is to push it further and further into a corner and into a place where it never wanted to be russia did not want the relationship with europe and america at all it's tried all the time it's been saying let's open let's talk let's talk about missiles let's talk about strategic security wall but the whole idea of the structure as i say bolton has is that you don't allow the
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space for mediation it was very clear you have to make your enemies so black so devilish so daemonic the liberal even raise their hand and say why don't we talk with them because they how do you how do you deal with evil i mean. how do you talk to evil i mean this is that is the structure the is somewhere in the background i'm not saying follows all of it but it's back in the background that if we take accommodation off the table then what is what does a military victory mean i mean. with a major power like china i mean what would his submission complete destruction a mean china is the factory of the world i mean it seems to me that it's it's a glorified game of chicken but it's very very real because the chinese are. we can
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this baby's or the russians they're very acutely aware of their sovereignty most of the world has lost their sovereignty and the united states is demanding their people compromise its sovereignty for its a gemini i don't see the chinese doing. there is a very strong what you say is quite correct but there is a very strong perception in the united states that they have all the leverage that they have the power and ultimately people ultimately people that do lucia will that delusion this is why as i say i don't know i really i feel as a confrontational mood in washington. and in parts of europe. about russia or in parts of europe and i feel in a sense the i don't know what russia or china can do as they get pushed further and further into position they never want to be in but where where then the
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options for russia then are the options for china china will not back down the you know the technological this is written into the text of the chinese communist party. manifesto it's now the destiny of china is to rise and become a first great power technology logically it doesn't mean belligerence but it means they intend to and are going to it's not something that is really going to be possible to stop but all the tools that america is using energy dominance dominance in the financial system technology but the energy dominance is intended to be able to consider contain china economic to russia as well with good nor extreme in. their initiatives and you see therefore you see the blueprint iran is the blueprint thank you for bringing that up because it seems to me as this you. in
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a polar moment evaporates this is accounts for the belligerence the united states now. you know i think symbolizes the the rhetoric coming out of john bolton's mouth is that we see this threatening rhetoric against iran it's always been there but it's really been ratcheted up right now and we have this also seen china as a threat here as the polar moment evaporates to maintain that he gemini there is there will be. on the table as they always say the use of force yes and i think iran is an example it's quite clear that they expect to be able to crush the economy and drive people into such poverty. that they may rise up and overthrow your historical evidence of that happening why do they continue down a path where. the blueprints for those kinds of changes never come about pricing because. i mean one of the characteristics of this period has been particularly
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in the west a sense of certainty about their own mental constructions i mean those are the only who would agree with my ideological possession i would and what i'm saying is that you know for a long time ah peculiar way of thinking with unique causality with singleness demanding singleness of meaning iran is this it isn't you know several it is one meaning. obsession with causality and unique causality with inglenook of meaning and then seated in the western eco fees itself is the only meaning given the very structure then utilised very out of it yes then you know no i know it i've read it i saw it in the financial times in the economist iran is a downer sector so i mean if you telling me very wrong you can't you know they don't open you are you going to say we have. fifty percent of the world's defense
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forces in a in america iran are you going to tell me iran is going to survive against america don't be ridiculous this is the certainty that and this is why i'm saying both in europe in america where at the moment where the vision is collapsed they don't have a vision to test say to young people this is how you might like to live this is what we're trying to offer anymore is just crude the mosque is gone is just a crude exercise in restoring the empire. and you know it's not going to work and i think what i said about the german british example is that for warning that i'm not sure which will happen first whether we'll end up in a conflict or will end up in a financial crisis but the financial crisis is coming imminent very soon america has been able to ignore it for seventy years but now they're borrowing
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requirement is calculated by leading financial experts the borrowing requirement within five years will equate to twenty five percent of american g.d.p. water of the now those are debt levels that will never be paid off and that's and that's why in one way or another we face a doomsday a list of questions all the time with had it's been a wonderful to us here at r.t. thank you. on the plus lead why is the keep the slum view force new the focus on the so
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do you still. want. to see in the film was not the most good movie in. your. morning. it'll change. the one. as night follows day all paper money becomes worthless and that's the history of the last three hundred years and gold has survived is has properties that exceed those of gold well see that now starting to come up as this enormous black hole of the currency space all feel money will be converted into big quite the dollar the yes the shackle drachmas. they're all going to go to big court.
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and the list on. my side as it does is it. money and. so there are those who are. in the himalayan mission but. look them up on the do you know look i. don't want out of the modern i don't want. something to. mislead you. phone call from the. i have a full stomach here. on the wall and the other will win the war and you know what.
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