tv News RT February 23, 2019 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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i. don't as well it breaks off diplomatic relations with colombia president maduro accuses the country of stoking riots on the border in a dispute over u.s. aid deliveries also to come this hour. more than eleven thousand yellow vest protesters that flooded the streets of france again for the fifteenth weekend of antigovernment and wrath. and we've spoken to a german pensioner being evicted from the flat that he's lived in for almost a quarter of a century but he'll now have to make room for refugees. but the u.
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i cannot believe that i seventy four year old pensioner just moved out and suffer all these troubles even the ones paying my rent while asylum seekers are getting it for free. welcome great to have you with us this is art. venezuela server diplomatic ties with colombia as bogota has already responded saying it will pull its diplomats out of venezuela as soon as possible after president maduro shut down most of the border to prevent usa deliveries from entering and he accused colombia of helping venezuelan opposition activists storm front here checkpoints. not pull them out so you stop we can't continue supporting aggression from colombian territory so i've decided to cut all political and diplomatic ties with the fascist
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colombian government and its ambassadors must leave in twenty four hours local reporters are saying seven people have been injured during clashes on the venezuela colombia border where usa deliveries are trying to cross and a group of writers set fire to a bus. was and is when soldiers have been using tear gas to push people back as the manure rose also close the border with brazil sopa claim leader won by doe and saturday is a deadline for the government to allow aid into the country. it was. going on right. thanks. to our have was.
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very you know i don't play well here at the d.t.s. bridge crossing right on the colombian venezuelan border i'm on the colombia side you can see venezuela behind me there was a lot of momentum here the small inning to get these so-called humanitarian aid trucks through but for now it seems to have largely fizzled out here now made an appearance this morning he climbed up on one of the trucks addressed the crowd and he made a statement standing alongside his allies and the president of chile and the president of paraguay and western correspondents were saying that it would be leading what they called the human wave across this bridge surrounded by protesters and himself had called for a humanitarian avalanche but is nowhere to be found at least here in route and what i've been told is that why don't he's actually left now the other bridge crossings
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in the area have seen violent clashes indeed now one humanitarian aid truck was reportedly even set on fire at one point protesters uprooted a tree trunk and used it actually is a battering ram against venezuelan police vehicle in another instance protesters from both sides were throwing rocks at one another. both nicolas maduro and one guy i don't know have called for protests from their respective supporters there was an opposition protest in near caracas where protests will have it said that the so-called humanitarian aid has. actually entered venezuela at some of the crossing points but that's certainly not the case here is the humanitarian you know these these trucks are still sitting on the colombian side of the border just a few hundred meters ahead of me and the bolivian president evo morales has
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denounced this and said it's a trojan horse that the u.s. he accused the us of attempting to smuggle weapons under the cover of humanitarian aid and considering the involvement of the state department special envoy to venezuela elliott abrams who did just exactly that back in the one nine hundred eighty s. under the reagan administration it seems to be a legitimate concern now the latest is that venezuela's president nicolas maduro has ordered the he's cut all ties with colombia so a total diplomatic rupture which is certainly a disturbing development but it's all quiet here it indeed does bridge but the other crossings there are clashes going on i had calls from the events with an opposition for the country's military to join their ranks three members of venezuela's national guard have deserted their posts and tried to flee to colombia who are about to show you the moment in the desert is trying to run the vehicle through a security cordon on the way into colombia i'm sworn you know in
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a funny video upsetting. for. good. meanwhile thousands of people have been showing their support for president maturer on saturday he called on his supporters to take to the streets and defend the country's independence speaking at a rally madeira denounced as an american puppet. also on saturday one guy don't address the venezuelan people in parts of his speech well they sounded somewhat familiar. with a call for the people of venezuela to side with the constitution today venezuela needs us all to be united and to defend our people. of the crisis venezuela has
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caused global shock waves and many people been expressing their alarm over the role that the us is playing according to the no war on venezuela movement there are now one hundred fifty campaigns around the world against us interference in the country and i speak now to sara flounders is the leader of the antiwar international action center and the coordinator of that know one of the protests was in new york where you are how did it go there. well both in new york on wall street in front of the trump building and around the world this was a day for the people another u.s. war a war that's for oil that's for internal is domination and has nothing to do with humanitarian aid as there is no war that the u.s. has ever fought it has been for humanitarian purposes and with venezuela it's certainly for the oil wealth and the great resources of venezuela that the u.s.
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is attempting to seize and using a are a flimsy puppet in an attempt to do it so the people of the world are saying they stand with venezuela and they stand against another war and it has been an incredible effort really just in the past couple of weeks with translations into sixteen languages. that in itself quite an accomplishment people talking to each other through every social media app was streams with photos this is really the first step of a global movement of people making their voices heard against this great crime being committed against venezuela and against the people of the whole world is the much appetite in the u.s. to oppose the actions of the government of the many people coming to the cause that you support and. well among the average working people who are and working people
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there is zero support for another war or for any war us militarism is the greatest cause of poverty inequality. disenfranchisement right here in the us and it will raise a firestorm within latin america that is absolutely clear and the people of venezuela are mobilizing in the millions as we have seen in so many images and photos here but what the media in the us is completely the corporate media wind up with the politicians of both political parties who are trying to get that his way i want to simply collapse resign in the face of their demands and it's an outrageous and arrogant assumption and the people of venezuela. and president lee who are showing great great determination and resistance and that is what is inspiring people to act on their own regardless of what their governments are
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saying that across the us is sheer number of activities today in the united states . and so very impressive. but then hearing it resonate around the world as i say in so many languages in so many forms of communication that we have in terms of being able to speak to each other today and being able to with one voice denounce another u.s. war and to to even demand an end to the sanctions on that as well and to demand an end to the destruction of the economy of venezuela this is a crime that the u.s. is committing there and saying that there's. great chaos and the u.s. intervention is needed but who is causing the economic destabilization in venezuela
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it's a seizing of venezuela's own funds and the imposition of sanctions and the blocking of trade that the u.s. is orchestrating and we can certainly see that with elliott abrams guilty first at norma's crimes in central america actually convicted in the u.s. for his crimes there were in genocides and wanted in el salvador and guatemala and this is what elliott abrams wants to again or going on under the cover of a humanitarian intervention so he said you don't to see u.s. sanctions removed it looks like the opposite could be happening your security advisor john bolton the threatening new sanctions against venezuela so it looks like the u.s. could be doubling down on this what do you anticipate the u.s. will do next. well there are certainly attempting with threats and arrogant intimidation to get the venezuelan government to collapse and venezuelan government and many countries around the world who are coming to their assistance.
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i do think that there's going to be real resistance to those but of course u.s. economic power is capable of exerting a normal pressure and great hardship on the people of venezuela we should take note that in venezuela today there's more than six million families who are provided every single week abate basic basket of essential supplies it far exceeds any kind of food distribution program in the united states or we could look at the humanitarian aid that never came in puerto rico after the hurricane rita where people were a year without electricity without medical care when the schools closed so for any mention of humanitarian aid to venezuela we know that this government is not
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providing humanitarian assistance to the people right here or to the people of puerto rico who are a colony of the u.s. so it's really standing up to the lies and more provocations the war propaganda that the movement in the united states is just beginning to rouse the sheer number of activities small towns big cities there's hardly a major city where there is not a demonstration or not to many a rally today. and. that is going to wrap it up at that point just running out of time the ok it's been great to speak to good to get your take on the surf land as leader of the international actions and to thank you. thank you. in the meantime the u.s. is keeping up pressure on venezuela's economy and just been talking about the sanctions against the country's state oil company but venezuelan oil is still finding its way into the market in the u.s. according to the international energy agency traders nearly return to the level
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before washington imposed sanctions bolton announced the restrictions in late january we're going to announce sanctions against the troll is to venezuela associate. were paid a vase as it's known by its spanish acronym the state will monopoly we have continued to expose the corruption of maturer own distro knees and today's action ensures they can no longer loot the asset of the venezuelan people both made that announcement after washington recognize venezuela's opposition leader one is the interim president under sanctions american firms can continue to purchase venezuelan oil but payments have to be made to accounts not tied to the material government economist and founder of the center of american strategic studies wasnik outline why sanctions haven't hurt all deliveries to the us much. i own the bones and it's oil that has the largest reserves in the world and i think
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they wanted the oil and they want it to. government loyal to them and they think that ever they give. over the friends will lead to their site and will and the regime in and in iraq those are sovereign state and it seemed that the united states trying to. change this is the really a violation of international international norm and this is a. stability a global but always america look at their economic interests whether whether the bones were low what it whether it is in iraq we hear that all the time. with the venezuelan opposition blaming the government for severe food shortages one investigative journalist in caracas says that not everything is as it seems like spoon involvement to a local market this is what he found. yes there was no toothpaste or toothbrushes
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and that is where. this is so. made women's collective it's been made so it's really it's better than. i can see i i. i. i think the syrian rebels and me there's a lot of for taking my to. the completely. u.s. media i miss your train. more than eleven thousand protesters once again marching through the streets of paris and other french cities it's the fifteenth weekend in a row such demonstrations have been held today's events are seen an appeal for calm following the violence that was witnessed over the last few months.
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five separate demonstrations were organized in paris alone six protesters are reported to have been detained the other verse movement began last november as a stand against plan to increase the fuel taxes which involved protests against government policy seen as favoring the rich online announcements for saturday's marches the people for peaceful action the support for the movement has dipped in recent weeks and they continued outbreaks of violence that are out of the french economic observatory. in yank plays that even after all these weeks the movements that are likely to have any influence on my policies. france's resisting will always skeptical towards neoliberal innovations and from this perspective it contributed to. this. representatives at the time in the french
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economy came into power to exercise definite policies to lower taxes for the rich and businesses to keep wages low to cut back social spending and so on it's obvious that he won't give up on the stances due to the yellow vests this week during discussions on unemployment benefits we see that macro aligns with his strategy he condemns social services pon this he intrudes into their talks in a very disrespectful manner preserves his line of the contemptuous the refugees thought story more after the break. you know world's big partners. and conspiracy it's time to wake up
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to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. taxed as a financial survival guide stacey let's learn a salad fill out let's say i'm a strike at any earthly greece some banks have to fight. thank you for helping. destroy that's right. debt slavery.
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german pensioners been told to move out of the house that he's lived in for almost a quarter of a century to make room for migrants. but. i cannot believe that i seventy four year old pensioner must move out and suffer all these troubles even though i'm paying my rent while asylum seekers are getting it for free it's wrong. class warfare was given a nine month eviction notice the authorities a promise to find a way smaller flat its previous one hundred fifty square meter apartment in a small town is that dark that will go to six by grants the town with a population of four thousand is home to fifty five migrants roth says that he used to work with refugees helping them to integrate. i was involved in refugee work myself but for three years i attended meetings with asylum seekers at the caffeine international to help them integrate into our society i was actively involved and nobody told me back then that they needed my
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apartment. maria buton or may be deported to russia as early as next month according to her lawyer she was detained and accused of being a russian agent by the u.s. department of justice in july of a disco says he's over she'll be released in two to six weeks he joined me earlier to discuss the case. the hang up is really going to be the timing of the sentencing hearing we have a status conference for the judge on tuesday and will inform the judge kind of where we're at in terms of cooperation i will make a presentation as will the government prosecutors and hopefully that point will set a date maybe in a few weeks or a month to hopefully have a sentencing. you know fairly soon or matter of weeks and then at that sentencing. if it's time served sentence she would be deported fairly soon thereafter always wanted to return to russia that's been her goal from the beginning and so given
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that that's her position you know i'm working with the government officials to make that happen as quickly as possible so as the sentence is done do you feel as though you you know fully informed exactly what's going on you have a pretty good idea of where this is heading could there be surprises that any of the cases that the u.s. authorities might hold for example there's always a risk i mean obviously under cooperation agreement she has to agree to if she's agreed to cooperate with the government and if the government has more things for her to cooperate with her more questions they have they could conceivably keep her a bit longer for people who maybe aren't familiar with this case they want click on their knees and they hear this story. you know something about chauncey's failure and to register as a. foreign agent in another country they had mentioned ivana chapman people will immediately the thought thinking so she is spying yeah i mean i think that's very important is that the government is not even alleging she's a spy the government did not charge her with espionage the government in charge her
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with having classified information what this case is about where the government charged her with was acting as an agent of a foreign official in particular and the torsion who she had known through the gun rights movement was a mentor to her so it's very different then a typical case you know as is has no similarities with anna chapman who it least was alleged to have been involved in passing of cash and drops and had secret communication devices and things like that. those joining us this hour here on r.t. do stick around michael dunn hawkins of bring up to date at the top of the hour.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. as far right parties obsess about the danger to the western lifestyle some islamic scholars are concerned about the opposite of our no advantage on the dead muslims don't step up their game within the next twenty to forty years islam may vanish from europe are those fears really justified.
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countries gone into a nihilistic theme. and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america the scholl of the. place especially american hero this is it we've come to a point from which element is gone so we always are on the margins something. called the culture. pot. where starting last with the movie going to headed east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the bee i think i want to leave now. doesn't get any more ground on that we may be completely different in the.
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not after times are we going underground is africa's biggest oil producing nation nigeria attempts a presidential election for the second time in a fortnight coming up on the show we investigate arguable the u.k. e.u. breaches of international law from the middle east to lobby america was one of the world's greatest human rights lawyers jeffrey robinson hands did jeremy corwin's in a blind eye to his own m.p.'s now revealed as those who would jump into bed with extorting to voted for welfare cuts that have led to one hundred twenty thousand deaths plus be quiet now on for the rest of the session you used to practice a barrister you didn't make the rules of the room for noises in the courts or if you did they want to you know go back to slap u.k. parliamentary chaos as elected officials abandon the policies that got them into power all the civil coming up in today's going on the ground the first even before the broadcast of wednesday's episode we were inundated with tweets over a clip featuring journalist but disobedient allegations that the white helmets have been involved in the trustees including human trafficking and organ harvesting in syria in fact the allegations had originally streamed on the united nations t.v.
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channel as part of a un discussion on the british backed white helmets organization in syria the clip being called mounted on was actually part of a whole going on the ground episode i think challenges against unverified claims and invitations to the u.k. government the white helmets and others that did not stop at the opinions of the belling categorize ation infamous for exposing alleged chemical attacks in seoul's re tweeting i wish i could say i was surprised russia today would rule because this does gusting insane propaganda about the white helmets but it's actually just very own brand for them another staff member of belling cat. nick waters tweeted at the twitter organization against going underground complaining that the clip we posted was against their rules he wrote her a twitter and at twitter support this tweet is a flagrant violation of your rules is tweet is a perfect example of a state sponsored act using your platform to spread this information putting lives of first responders at risk this has real world lethal consequences twitter responded to complaints against going underground saying we have received
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a complaint regarding your account underground underscore r.t. we have investigated the reported content and could not identify any violations of the twitter rules so accordingly we have not taken any action at this time for betting cat which has received grants from google and george soros we invited both elliott taken to nick waters to appear on the show both declined and hagen's did they respond with this tweet russia today has just asked me to go on going underground because of this tweet probably defeat the impartiality for the inevitable off common complaint by appearing on some show no serious person watches of our interview with journalists and hasn't really a birmingham university professor scott lucas also reference u.k. regulator ofcom he said liar shameless liar being used by hashtag russia's state and its outlets like. underscore komati dot com has take syria hash tag propaganda when i ask birmingham university about awareness of u.k.
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defamation law professor lucas tweeted sorry i can't chat i'm with some folks from off gone right now they say hello to you and your buddies hashtag russia has tracked propaganda hash tag syria so far we've not heard from the u.k. media regulator ofcom about wednesday's programme but scrutiny of a different kind was levelled at british t.v. interviews this week of a so-called isis bride trapped unarguably rented stay close by to resume home secretary such a java joining me now is one of the world's greatest human rights lawyers geoffrey robinson q.c. jeffrey welcome back to going underground just before we get on to other things what you make of the church. summit it's the top and the there is now so much evidence out there that child abuse was in day make tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of children have been abused by catholic priests and even catholic bishops and so i think the first thing the church has to do if it really wants to be serious about this epidemic is to end the
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