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tv   News  RT  February 25, 2019 8:00am-8:30am EST

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we're going to do the things that need to be done to make sure that the ballots where the people's voice that democracy reigns and that there's a brighter future for the people of that as well washington says it will take any action necessary to ensure what it calls a transition to democracy in venezuela that is bloody violence between pro and anti-government protesters shows no sign of abating. a referendum sees that people can now or reject plans to relocate a u.s. military base from one part of the japanese island to another the locals fear it will happen anyway. devaney's government is pushing through that construction by force there are many people protesting in every day and is told from his second
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meeting with the north korean leader kim jong il when we look at how the host nation of vietnam is getting ready for the some. of those four pm here in moscow you're watching r.t. international now as tensions in venezuela around paying up the u.s. says it will come to the aid of those wanting to act as president by any means necessary secretary of state might pose words come as the self-proclaimed interim president prepares to meet u.s. officials in colombia today. the water standard that the venezuelan people have made its days numbered continue to build up a global coalition to put to put force behind the voice which said every options on the table we're going to do the things that need to be done. well the recent turmoil in venezuela has been heightened by the debate over whether to allow u.s.
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aid into the country trucks of supplies have amassed on the borders with colombia and brazil and this has led to clashes at checkpoints between opposition supporters and also those loyal to the president phase the lorries could be carrying weapons at least four people have died with hundreds injured. i. now recent photographs of a nato aid truck which had been torched led to
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a wife accusations against forces loyal to majority pictures which emerge later advance me to our forces trying to save the aid from the fire have been used against the police however the videos do suggest a fire bomb from the opposition forces may have hit the truck. i. was a little bit was. what is the violence intensifies in the us. rhetoric there are concerns that a direct intervention in venezuela is now on the cards and has this report. while aids is usually the case who alleviating suffering this weekend's events may be doing the exact opposite the determination to get washington's aid across the border in the face of president has refused or was it turns out the catalyst to
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push the delicate situation in venezuela into bloody clashes tons of u.s. aid had piled up at the venezuela border in what madeira had called a u.s. orchestrated show designed to induce international condemnation from the dozens of nations siding with opposition leader. concerns that the aid deliveries could contain weapons were not completely unfounded given previous u.s. and devers the bolivian president. evo morales concurred calling the cargo a trojan horse to provoke war so just how pointers thought things unfolding when he issued an ultimatum is unclear rallying his supporters on mass to bring the u.s. trucks across the border is undoubtedly a for carious position to put people in especially when the military remains loyal to the president naturally it was altered in this.
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with the outlook for me looking increasingly bleak attention has now turned to those who continue to support him the venezuelan military are being urged to abandon their loyalties then choose the side of washington venezuela's military has a choice embrace democracy protect civilians and irene humanitarian aid also receive more sanctions and isolation round of applause from the new commander in chief or anyone choosing to be on the right side of history because causing unnecessary pain and suffering is nowhere near as nor the ating as the sight of u.s. trucks going up in flames it seems. we denounce more duros refusal to let humanitarian assistance reach venezuela what kind of a sick tyrant stops food from getting to hungry people the images of burning trucks filled with aid are sickening their misgivings and finger pointing over who might
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be to blame for the burning trucks was quickly picked up on by venezuela's foreign minister who issued a stark reminder of his u.s. counterparts past as head of the cia. secretary powell specialist in false flag operations believes he fools the world with a truck burned in colombia by his own agents with tensions in venezuela rumbling for months quite as deadline was an opportunity to vent the result was all out chaos and confusion even forcing the red cross to call on unknown members of the crowd to stop wearing their insignia or wearing red cross emblems at colombia venezuela and brazil venezuela border urge them to stop doing this they might mean well but the risk jeopardizing the neutrality impartiality and independence is the situation intensified on the border president maduro called on his the porters to amass on the streets of caracas where he vowed to defend but as well and to
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alleviate him on the border while cutting all political and diplomatic ties with its neighbor to halt the border chaos. can continue supporting aggression from colombian territory so i've decided to cut political and diplomatic ties with the fascists colombian government talks a truce. is calling on his vast international support system to up the ante all options are on the table a military conflict is increasingly becoming a real possibility for his way is a country hanging by a thread a third son perilously delicate it could snap at any moment and when it does the outcome will be war no matter whether those u.s. trucks contained aid weapons or whatever else there's little doubt that this special delivery from america has been instrumental tipping point for a country in crisis. and there were at the weekend benefit concert venezuela was held in colombia near the border organized by the billionaire richard branson it
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was initially billed as a huge event in fact an article by the washington post here when first published said that two hundred thousand people that actually attended an updated version of the article gave no attendance figures but said simply the concept was massive and then a third version removed all reference to the concert all together where some people have analyzed satellite images with one blog suggesting that no more than twenty thousand people were actually there but we spoke to him and he's an editor of the news website opera monday and he says that washington has underestimated madore and also support for him. i feel you know this days go too far clearly the white house fault downfall would be a fast track operation move forces. people off for him and his support is going as we could see thousands of people market food.
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have aleutian right now around police all. those who want to all who. is a direct foreign intervention in all leave this and democratic strategy and begin real talking to normalize full show economic relationship with. now the u.s. and north korean leaders donald trump and kim jong un are meeting in vietnam this week commenting on the upcoming summit russia's foreign minister expressed cautious optimism saying he hopes for a breakthrough regarding denuclearization although sergey lavrov did warn that ultimatums would not work. some we're not sure we are u.s. ultimatums will lead. us to months that north korea completely eliminate everything related to nuclear weapons and only then we're going to discuss lifting sanctions.
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when it will be trumping kim second summit last summer they met in singapore in a speech on sunday night from said he had good relations with. that he would not lift sanctions in pyongyang doesn't arise coming summit is intended to tackle a wide range of security issues. from the host city and. perhaps it's still a bit too early to see a kim get together in washington or pyongyang so once again the organizers opted for somewhere neutral. just by looking at the flag of communist it's immediately clear why chairman kim would certainly feel at home here. the americans have their own special connection but the leaders got in trouble with the vietnamese authorities before they even
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arrived or rather they're almost famous. anyway with the hot i wrote spinning spruced up for the big event the real kim has already hit the road he chose to get. rain and his people looked thrilled to see him no wonder kim has given himself a nice long head start crossing all of china. when the leaders met for the first time just saying this. was enough to make the. summit a real bombshell but no written or signed agreements came out of it how's that for a preemptive social media trick too great to still me chairman kim realizes perhaps
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better than anyone else that without nuclear weapons his country could fast become one of the greatest economic power was anywhere in the world because of its location and people and him it has more potential for rapid growth than any other nation making the second summit work is a matter of pristiq for donald trump could that mean less pentagon involvement in south korea mr kim knows how to play on family guy trumps emotions too it's just been revealed he once said this to america's top diplomat mike compare i'm a father and husband and i have children and i don't want my children to care with a nuclear weapon on their back their whole life this week it's time for donald trump and kim john to do a bit more than just pose for the cameras or a macand personal correspondence magnificent very strong letter form incredible letters it's time to agree on and cement something real which makes the vietnam
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chapter of the camp trump relationship even more unpredictable than when they first met you can answer but we have got an update for you because the kim jong un lookalike that only a mention in his report there has since been deported from vietnam the impersonator said hanoi didn't have a sense of humor but while he was removed from the country ahead of the summit trump's doppelganger has been allowed to stay. well it's not only officials who are busy preparing for the summits a bar in hanoi has rolled out a new coat tail to think mix of american cream because and said to represent the fahri character of the two ladies that drink is called rocket man apparently a play on one of the u.s. state chairmen came in a not so distant past and also headdress the shop is offering customers who cuts mimicking those of trump and came junk probably her place to avoid site the service is being provided free of charge as a quote
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a way to promote peace kitten founder of lawyers for to me to try sation and peace in creating more serious told us the choice of host country for the talks is tell you. why i think it's really interesting that they're meeting in vietnam a country that we killed millions of people and had a horrific war after the korean war and a country in which we have formal diplomatic relations now a lot of trade and the u.s. president is comfortable going there for a summit vietnam i think was something very perhaps symbolic to the koreans it would provide a certain level to kim jong to travel there to your more comfortable there it's an odd choice if we're not going to make a deal because i mean it took hundreds of meetings to have a deal in the end the vietnam war and people bet they bet they met again in paris over and over and over again until the paris accords finally ended that war but you
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know so it is an example of a long. durance race that we're facing that. represents or is it really the idea that you can have economic success and be able to make peace with people who've been enemies for so long it's a very powerful symbol. now the people of iraq in our in a referendum have rejected moving a u.s. military base from one part of the japanese island to another it's one of thirty two american sites on the island construction work at the planned new location for the base in question though has actually already begun and despite the referendum result prime minister shinzo our looks set to push ahead with a move we cannot avoid the necessity of moving through to him are said to be the most dangerous but least in the world we cannot put this off any longer the basic
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question is in the city of you know when and surrounded by schools hospitals and shops under a deal with the us it's being moved to a less populated part of iraq in our in the north called oqo residents there though are not happy they say the old should simply be shut down and not replace. this or if you like the i've heard that this referendum has no legal basis but there are many people protesting in every day i hope this referendum will be a show of support. but i recon mission has already begun the japanese government is pushing through that construction by forces oil i'm against the construction of a new base because the base is meant for war so that's why i'm against the. war u.s. service personnel stationed in japan were reportedly involved in almost ten thousand crimes and accidents in a decade up to twenty thirteen around half of the incidents were on orcon our one of the most notorious cases happened back in one thousand nine hundred five when three usa this kidnapped and raped
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a twelve year old girl we spoke to katherine jane fisher she's a rights activist who says that she was raped in two thousand and two near a u.s. base near tokyo she thinks that relocating this organ our base is not the solution . most of the american bases are situated on a you know island seventy percent of the bases on okinawa and the island is so small so you can imagine we have a lot of united states military servicemen there when they drink too much a local whole or if they commit crimes they can easily escape justice as in my case you know the man who raped me i had to look for him myself in ten years because the japanese government and the american military would not help so the more bases that are going to be in okinawa we need to work out ways that they can read it kate these crimes so it's now time for the voices to be heard about how they do not want any more rates in crimes you know murder is against their people we have had to
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seven over seventy eight years seven decades of these crimes happening and what is being done to stop that you know we just had another woman who was murdered over a year or so ago doesn't matter where they're going to put the base there's always going to be some kind of crime that they'll need to tackle and how are they going to do when someone else is murdered when someone else is killed you're watching r t international we'll have more news from just after the break. with no make this manufacture consent to instant of public wealth. when the ruling class is some project themselves. in the final
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merry go round listen to the one percent. we can all middle of the room six. million real news is. my thought of who is the liar who will accept the idea of course this will be ocean without by listening as they're going to war that is over six to seven with your was about is it's got to go or we are going to be slipping i underline the slipping and go one step fearless she's i underline reality which means that we will be living living in it do you find one this did situation therefore to slide or will find itself neither jewish as they claim nor their welcome because their clear.
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again you with us they now form a senior correspondent in the us t.v. network c.b.s. has claimed that the vast majority of american media is biased but lara logan now says she's behind it for expressing such a view. i know they're going to come after me again and i'm not the only one if there are any journalists who are not beating the same drum and giving the same talking points then we pay the price in a podcast and if you she claimed that the main problem with the us media is that it leans too heavily to the left leading to sacrifices in objectivity and also a lack of representation of the viewers. been part of this for all my life i'm forty seven now and i've been a journalist since i was seventeen and in the media everywhere is mostly liberal mark just in the us but in this country eighty five percent of journalists are registered democrats so that's just a fact most journalists are are left or liberal or democrat or whatever word you
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want to give it how do you know you're being lied to how do you know you're being manipulated how do you know there's something not right with the coverage when they simplify it all. and there is no gray is no gray told one way or logan's interview was marked by some who took to twitter to claim that she can't be trusted because of her involvement in a dubious report in benghazi back in twenty thirty others have alleged that her opinions are motivated by failure to be hired by any of the outlets logan left her post last year is chief foreign affairs correspondent and c.b.s. if you tell that position for sixteen years she's also hosted the popular sixty minutes program which aired the floor twenty thirty in benghazi reporters mentioned kerry sheffield from accuracy in media inquiries though with logan. they're very reflective of reality i'm glad that someone working very mainstream organization has finally willing to be open and honest so i think that many conservatives such
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as myself we've been really looking for honest truth tellers like laura logan to just bring some reality into the conversation a lot of conservatives huge and a study that showed that the vast majority of republicans believe that they should be able to not understand people like we see over and over again should journalists having to retract their stories or to correct their stories so if the mainstream media really wants to improve our country they need to be more alanson the reporting well among the outlets alleged to have a liberal bias of the new york times the huffington post and also c.b.s. gary sheffield again believes the media has long been left leaning. around seventy five seventy seven percent of americans believe that the mainstream media creates some form of news and a big part of what they said was was what they were failing to report about lara logan pointed out that the problem of the balance is so skewed to the left my take
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is that if you have a bias then you should be willing to accept it and don't pretend that you don't have a bias. so a new report from the u.n. says the twenty eighteen was the deadliest year in a day. for civilians in afghanistan some four thousand people were killed the report says to increase terrorist activity as well as afghan and u.s. military operations to blame for the spike in civilian fatalities meanwhile a fifth round of peace talks between the taliban and the u.s. is being held in cata on monday artist has more. after almost two decades of war war stops being special it becomes normal like a habit and you know how hard it is to kick a habit same thing here fifth round of talks between the taliban and the us lots of hope and lots of pessimism there may be peace but the peace will not hold
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for long if the taliban bypasses local commanders and fighters ideas and views it would be much better that the taliban include some important and effective local taliban commanders in the negotiating team there is history to these talks when the doha meet she couldn't hush hush all the united states and the taliban they had gold and they bartered and apparently agreed on a u.s. troop withdrawal and then it all collapsed when the united states demanded that the afghan government which the taliban despises also participate there's a discussion but this discussion needs to be shared back to discussion that does not involve the region we will not trust if we don't get all the pieces right one piece alone doesn't suffice russia which has a huge stake in ending this war also tried to help in early february the then head of the taliban's political faction came here to moscow to take part in another
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round table but one of them you really heard it after the foreign forces leave our country the afghans one have any reason to fight each other because we are a united fraternal people it was big eleven countries participated in these talks even the afghan opposition came taliban was there the u.s. remained aloof and surprisingly with observer status watching in paranoid suspicion russia is again trying to model the u.s. backed peace process and the political situation. and in that gun is done so here we are round five new talks the taliban's new political head freshly released from a pakistani jail is going to attend the same topics really potential cease fire a u.s. troop withdrawal and again washington will try to get the afghan government involved
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just as problematic is see the taliban is fractured it has its own factions and centrists and extremists and they all want something different the peace or religious law for the crazies death to america and if they don't get what they want talks and negotiations be damned if we're not respected by our leadership and political leaders of the taliban maybe the footy will continue under a different name or by joining islamic state or gas there with that report that is just coming up to half past for him moscow we're back again with the headlines and more stories at the top of the.
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after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to still an open field where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and a fresh perspective i'm used to surprising people and i saw why not if you think. i'm going to talk about football not the or else if you think i was going to go. by the way ways of the slide here. in a world of big partisan lott and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made history media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle
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for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. in the. home i don't own a sixteen level five month old i simply do not want to. just foreign. isis fighters and no boarding a philippine naval ship. not for me now.
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if you will. with the man on the right. it was the lead. and he's. just there. in the wrong.
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we're learning new details about the killing of a. it was murder.


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