tv Watching the Hawks RT February 27, 2019 2:30am-3:01am EST
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greetings and sal you take shims. all right our good friends at the book of face facebook once again found themselves in the headlines this week my hawk watchers yes it appears that all is not well in facebook land especially for those tasked with moderating the massive amounts of content shared between the more than one billion users living in zucker bergs empire according to a new report published by the burj the more than fifteen thousand souls working under third party contractors tasked with the exciting job of moderating with you what i post on facebook actually work under some of the most brutal conditions both physically and mentally in fact just last year a former facebook moderator in california sued the company alleging that the job left her was severe p.t.s.d. her complaint stated that quote she seeks to protect herself from the dangers of
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psychological trauma resulting from facebook's pale year to provide a safe workplace for the thousands of contractors who are entrusted to provide the safest possible environment for facebook users so just what are these facebook moderators subjected to you may ask well not only do they get to spend their workdays looking at the worst of the worst post by all of the facebook trolls races and bigots but they also get to pursue all of the graphically violent perusal of the graphically violent videos and pictures posted on a daily basis on the social media site and as a cherry on top of all of that. the impressive oversight of work rate and accuracy leaves workers feeling under pressure to spend no more than thirty seconds on each item and a moderate hundreds every day without getting more than one in twenty wrong. not to mention that the intense oversight can also drive some workers towards revenge one quality assurance worker told the birds that he resorted to carrying
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a gun to work out of fear for is safety from employee reprisals so today my friends let us pull back the veil on the brutal working conditions spaced by the arbiters of facebook's morality and start watching the whole. thing. with the. real thing it's what. they do. what they like you know that i got. this. welcome everyone the watcher the hawks i am i robot. that i don't work a face plant for a face or for any company that works for a face that's
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a subsidiary. i mean it it's kind of unsettling and they don't get paid very much for that no no i was going to say i mean you would think the being tasked with the job of going over all of the really horrible content that people could post on facebook or do post on facebook or the video or you know troll laying or races quotes or whatever it may be you would think that would be a big time job twenty eight thousand eight hundred a year is what the moderators words looked at this group of moderators in phoenix working for a third party company and you know subcontracted out they're making about twenty eight thousand maybe twenty nine thousand a year while the average base book employee living out like you know up on the hill up and up in the gods upon you know. let us know. what you call a facebook employee they make about two hundred forty thousand. dollars a year so they're making six figures meanwhile the people who are toiling in the muck. they make and i'm certainly enough employer employees
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can be fired if they make even a handful of mistakes in a week it's brutal what are the most staid i mean it seems to be all sort of arbitrary the big problem is the arbiters of it's arbitrary how do you sorry i'm just using words and. facts it just doesn't make any sense to me you literally are asking these people to make a decision that can't be wrong. you can't make a wrong decision. and yet they're paying him twenty thousand dollars here and saying if you messed up and let the wrong thing through that's it one breast feeding video and your rabbit hair. i don't get that doesn't make any sense so no trading it's of no use to roast george but yeah i mean they get like this like little league. in the works is do is they show them like these ridiculously horrible videos in the training of course and then they act out and tell that up
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right that's that's actually literally what someone one person so we show them these videos that when they get here they have like rules of setting rules and confusion about over what your point mode and one of the worst parts to do is like break time staff are allowed like maybe two nine to nine minute wellness breaks during the day to kind of not just their mind with everything that they're dealing with. but the. worst part about that is you're also given two fifteen minute breaks but this particular third party. contractor the bathrooms were so small that most people had to like wait in line for so long that they'd like miss about the break a little bit have to go on their wellness break and it's just a mess you know over and over again but all these things in fact that would explain the reports of what people do on their break. that's the other thing too is that people are going to like traumatic bonding because i'm dealing with this and everybody sitting there watching these horrible things over and over like drone operator. and you know people who just aren't anything where you're seeing the same
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images like that if you find them unsettling so apparently after having said back to subjected to all of this traumatic images and videos it's they're saying that the moderators are they have you know very dark humor is how they cope there's coping mechanisms and it's like dark humor smoking weed on their break and having sex with each other and closets and stairwells which i think is legal for a bowl group of things to do. at a job that's twenty eight thousand dollars a year and you have to look at the worst of humankind and the heavy amounts of p.t.s.d. i mean you know one woman like you said earlier you are suing them saying like look you didn't really prepare us for the post of p.t.s.d. if you didn't see all these things over and over again and what a facebook say yeah facebook's responses are just in facebook's vice president of global operations he actually said that the company encouraged workers employed by third party contractors to raise concerns with their employers h.r.
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teams or to call facebook's dedicated whistleblower hotline but the company set up for this purpose so now they do have like a whistle blower a live look there already i'm going insane looking at all these videos and these horrible things what do i do. the trolls and send them letters. it's there's so many i really don't know this is you can't you can. sit there and try to like factor everybody's life together and figure out the perfect when we're all happy that's the problem most people think it's like life you can't fix stupid . essential to the controversy about us well right now begins with the question of humanitarian aid should we accept it who will they accept it from but whether it's russia or america and their governments it certainly doesn't come without strings and as the international community continues to argue amongst
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themselves over what should happen to venezuela and its people are to america's day and went to went down to colombia to see find out what the people who are fighting for trains really want as their voices are drowned out by billionaires and bureaucrats bureaucrats here stan cohen with the report. i'm at the t.n.t. just bridge crossing on the colombian side of the border with venezuela behind me you can see ten trucks carrying six hundred tons of what the u.s. government says is humanity. hereon aid to be delivered to venezuela and the venezuelan government is refusing it saying this is actually not humanitarian aid the red cross and other major international humanitarian organizations are refusing to participate in this saying also it is not humanitarian aid since national assembly leader one declared himself president of venezuela on january twenty third he had been in the capital city of caracas freely denouncing that he called them a drug dictatorship had said february twenty third is the date u.s.
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government supplied aid would enter venezuela in the days leading up why don't call for a human wave to accompany the aid. of the morning of the twenty third why don't himself appeared on the colombian side of the t. and did this bridge crossing urging his supporters to ensure they got across we don't know very soon this unity bridge will work to bring all of the venezuelan people together the humanitarian aid is definitely on its way to venezuela in a non threatening and peaceful way to save lives at this moment in venezuela. but after his public statement alongside the presidents of colombia chillin pair of why was nowhere to be found former venezuelan opposition lawmaker pouliot board case now why doe's representative to the lima group in a brief appearance to i asked him about the involvement of the u.s. special envoy to venezuela elliott abrams who in the one nine hundred eighty s.
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used to manage tarion age shipments to deliver weapons to contras in nicaragua at the mundanities i am not a historian we're talking about news i'm talking about my country i don't care about anything else but venezuelans and i want that as well as to feel support from russia i don't want russia to support a dictator like me that's what we want right now and we're calling for reason please support the people you do not support the dictator. hundreds of protesters outside the bridge crossing demanded the elected president of venezuela. you call us from a guru be overthrown and humanitarian aid pass through its borders well that's right oh yea my little foot down with my door down with my door nobody likes you i'm a door get up we're all marching to what the humanitarian aid and the duros not letting him into the country this is the closest point we can get to on the t. and d. just bridge crossing directly behind me or the shipping containers and tanker that are separating venezuela and colombia a colombian police here under orders to not let anyone through until they receive
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the order from colombian president iran do k. to allow these ten trucks of so-called humanitarian aid to pass through at which point they say protesters hundreds of protesters may accompany them it has all the ingredients for a potential clash venezuelan authorities and protesters are on the other side if you listen carefully you can hear the music coming from the other side. who venezuela venezuela venezuela that is interesting because what's interesting is when you hear the representative for quite a zero from the lima group he seems to be one of those people that sort of gets always gets caught up in the politics of and pageantry of these situations is that most of the people trying to bring in humanitarian aid really doing met you know what are people like him who are like i don't care about politics i don't care about the story i'm here to make sure that they actually get food that they actually get supplies the people i care about that might my people are taking care
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of and i wish more people had that attitude instead of we'll give it to you but only if you do something for us first run right you know that's a great point. all right as we go to break watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter and see our poll shows at our t.v. dot com coming up are to americans on scouting don't use bridges the latest from hanoi is from been coming to prepare for a second round. talks at length investigative journalist but this one joins us to find out. was state to the watchers before.
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the trumping ministrations attempts to impose regime change in venezuela appear to be faltering the self-proclaimed interim president. hasn't gained much traction this may explain the administration's escalating rhetoric after all we're told a military option is still on the table. seemed wrong. just don't call. me. yet to stamp out these days to come to advocate and engage equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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we came here where did you work before you came here when you live well death row and in many u.s. states capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution but most of the time the victims' families they are very much in favor the death penalty there are some people because of what they did have given up their right to live among us somebody even proven innocent years on death row and how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about it. for decades we've heard that every country that takes an adversarial view of
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america hates us for our freedom and yet and vietnam the people have an overwhelmingly positive view of the united states and our citizens which is in president obama's favor as he travels to hanoi vietnam for bilateral talks with the vietnamese and north korean officials for scotty now here's a news for you to use with the latest from hanoi. u.s. president donald j. trump in north korean leader kim jong un have both made their respective journeys to hanoi vietnam for their second meeting slated to take place on thursday president trump made the journey from andrews air force base and kim travel via train from pyongyang north korea through a china and finish the trip through vietnam by car there's video of i know i i've chosen for this time it first several reasons including the security that the location promises here and i know i was historic old quarter things are operating up much differently than a normal day but the streets are lined with banners featuring the flags of the united states and vietnam and north korea vietnam and korea share similar you. yet
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a very different histories with the united states following wars that waged on their nations to stop the spread of communism after the us ended involvement in the korean war the north and south remain divided vietnam are unified after the war in north korea there is still hostility towards the west and the idea of capitalism in one thousand nine hundred six of vietnam adopted a students of reforms that moved away from state run economy to a more market oriented approach vietnam is now seen as the world's fastest growing economy with the potential in order to keep the growth of roughly five percent a great their ability to talk to me and i mean people have embraced western culture this give me theme throughout annoy it is not uncommon to see american staples like burger king popeye's chicken and dunkin donuts. i read them here research poll even showed that eighty four percent have been amazed it isn't on a favorable opinion of the united states higher than any other foreign country
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surveyed now while the focus of a trip to hanoi is this time it with north korea president travelled bilateral talks the president when peter truong and the country's prime minister went. tabitha there are a lot of similarities between hanoi and any major urban city america however there is a one major difference in it to regard to the traffic but that they can all back to game of progress i kid you not there not really because walking if you avoid being hit by cars you have to worry about these a motorbike these motorbikes auto not just down the street as they see the sidewalk and paying their traffic light but you know that they hand over to the city which keeps you on your toes reporting far to america and i vietnam i am. in twenty eight in the federal bureau of investigation so abraded its hundred tenth anniversary most mainstream politicians from presidential contender democrat campbell harris to recently deceased republican god apparently on capitol hill john
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mccain they have what they have what leverage phrase on the f.b.i. over the. course of their careers with mccain even declaring at one point that undermining or criticizing the f.b.i. is not in the best interests of america no one would think that such a vaunted u.s. institution well over a century old would have had no trouble filling its job openings and packing its hallways with the best and brightest of law enforcement but apparently that is indeed the case they are having trouble with the wall street journal reporting this week that quote a slump in the number of special agent applicants has forced the nation's top law enforcement agency to overhaul its recruitment so today investigative journalist bunce one joins us to help us find out why the f.b.i. has wanted the why they want so many want ads but what's going on at the f.b.i. right now well it seems like the f.b.i. is much less popular than it has been with young people who are looking to consider a career in law enforcement and i think it's surprising to a quite
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a few people especially since you if you look at the trend since two thousand and nine pretty much every year it's been trending down there's a slight change in that in two thousand and twelve where recruitment goes up but since two thousand and fourteen it's been a steady decline of applicants actually wanting to start a career with the f.b.i. and i think it says a lot about the general public's view of these agencies how they operate the way that they conduct themselves and the fact that they have become kind of deep state political organizations more than they have law enforcement. that's pretty incredible then what are the official excuses are reasons for this mass rise and i mean you know i think maybe it's i mean as you said i think younger people grow up and came of age as an adult in a time when they realize they're being spied upon and all of that but what do they say the reason that. well they say the reason is it comes down to money and the f.b.i. claims that it's because so many young people today who are the really the the applicants they want right it's always the making it sound like there's no one out
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there to choose from the applicants they really want are just being offered more money to go other places which you know i think is a little bit difficult because remember the f.b.i. and the cia recruit directly out of college and so they're not necessarily competing with the high end jobs the f.b.i. has been running that a series of ads you know trying to recruit different types of people into the agency including trying to go after people who are studying nuclear science going after people who are studying to become c.e.o.'s at some point and they're saying you know why not consider a career in law enforcement that's the official reason they're giving is it is it comes down to money and so they say well we really need to focus on minorities and women as the new focus which i'm not sure if that's necessarily good than if you're a minority or a woman when they're saying we don't pay anything so we'll go after you instead yeah i really have terribly no women or minorities want to be c.e.o.'s are citing a player that i have zero say and i think we have figured out some of the issues
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that the f.b.i. is having very well let's think about that for a minute i mean it's not like the f.b.i. has have this illustrious history with minorities and women in the united states so but i have to ask you what do you know from what you've read and what you've researched what is the real actual reasons many believe you have to be i can fill these positions that they may be special agent positions so it isn't so much that they can't fill them consider the fact that the f.b.i. only fills about nine hundred slots per year but they say they need about sixteen thousand applicants in the pool to get the nine hundred that they really want but nine hundred best and so when you're only getting about eleven thousand which is what they had last year levon thousand eight hundred or so it's a significant. difficultly low number and they say well we're not necessarily getting the pool of applicants that that we're really looking for the problem is this i think if you go back again to two thousand and twelve two thousand and
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thirteen it's not just the f.b.i. the cia the n.s.a. a lot of these organizations that years ago were legacy organizations and law enforcement are being viewed very differently by the public and a lot of young people look at those organizations as not as noble careers but as being part of a deep state or an intrusive government atmosphere and situation they don't want to be a part of and so when you look at like you know the revelations of edward snowden coming out in what twenty two or twenty thirteen and you start to watch kind of that decline in f.b.i. numbers i think you could draw a pretty strong correlation to how much disregard a lot of people have for these agencies and the kind of work they do they don't see them as heroes as much as they used to they now see them much more entrenched in this and you know deep state apparatus and i think when you look at like we've talked about it when you look at like the past summer when you have people like you know komi like all of the politics and all of this i don't people look at that and
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say gosh this place looks like this political boys club you know where everyone is just trying to cash in on the next book or a job and if this thing there is to add to that point if i could just say guys to that point you know the f.b.i. has tried to use that as their excuse as to why this has nothing to do with what you've seen recently they say we've been declining for a year that's not because it's not because of these recent scandals but i think you're making a good point that because of the new scandals that have come along because of what's happened with comi and mccabe and the text messages and all the mess that russia russia russia collusion going on i think that there is now going to be an even steeper decline so i would agree with the f.b.i. that maybe it's not related to that it's there's a bigger story there but if you go back just four years in terms of the public view . people don't even talk about the way the f.b.i. has been you. know it's a couple of generations before us it was kind of a joke and our generation that was you know we watched x.
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files you know how things were we you know it is really is the f.b.i. doing anything to recover and is it even realistic trying to convince the millennial generation that appears to be very fed up of the status quo both sides of total political spectrum that the instr. are they doing anything and can they do anything to make those institutions that protected status quo seem cool to people who don't want to protect the crow. i don't know how you do it how do you convince a generation of people who believe more so in freedom than maybe their their parents' generation of their parents parents because they're watching it disappear convince them to be part of the system that cracks down on them. it's a hard i don't know how you do that i don't know how you know how you go about this p.r. move that the f.b.i. is trying to do beyond just i mean what do you think beyond just what like sweeping out the old guard of the f.b.i. are and saying hey we're starting over from scratch well i think you know i think
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the thing to do major problems with this is two major problems are. two heads of the f.b.i. going out and having press tours and speak in secret and i think that's what we've seen from military personnel of the f.b.i. it's everyone we talked to real like hard core old timers who really believe in what they're doing this that's not the old days you didn't talk about those things you didn't do that you were always your voice when something was wrong and i wonder if there's a lack of morality and i don't know that they can fake that you know. that's a hard. job but i got to say thank you so much for coming. in on this issue and it's definitely one the wife to kind of follow and see you. want to use. one burns one that our guys thanks so much. around the globe coral reefs are suffering at a massive rate in fact due to global warming it's believed some more than ninety
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percent of the world's coral reefs will be dead by two thousand and fifty however the coral reefs in the gulf of aqaba region of the red sea are not only surviving but thriving according to scientists from the king of dili university of science and technology the university of access at essex and the all of our university they found that after the last ice age the coral in the red sea evolved to handle excessive heat and acidification which is what's killing coral elsewhere but this doesn't just mean that the red sea could have corals centuries from now it also means there is a real possibility to reseed other coral reefs with the red sea variety so here's to the red sea choro that can really take the heat that is really cool that's like the first little bit of good news that we're coming out of things i mean apart from like the ocean clean the road earlier this year it's like that's a really nice bit of good news about that hey there might be this coral but well
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there could be reasonably there there really as it's doing so much was so well and the red sea you have a lot of issues with environment knowledge that because of everything from desalinization as they're taking salt water putting the salt in there dumping it back in but this coral. good moves good moves are like giving a good news while everybody about it well we are not having a job might be good but some people wonder what everybody thought of his first over the very grim for everyone who lives world we are told that we are loved upside tell you all i love you i am to roll with and to have a father keep on watching those hawks out there another great day and my good buddy . this city creates its own kind of virtual reality it has the greatest number of skyscrapers in the world the highest population density. and is southeast
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asia's largest financial center. property prices are astronomic one square meter costs as much as two hundred fifty thousand u.s. dollars despite this two hundred fifty thousand people live in squalid conditions the u.n. describes as an affront to human dignity. obama in fact more emphatically not knowing but. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to sit in the home field where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective from i'm used to surprising people by salt or not if you think.
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i'm going to talk about football narvi or else you can think i was going to go. by the way ways of the flying here. in the war. for my dough from a sixteen level mother in a city to know. just far and up dollar off former isis fighters and no boarding a philippine naval ship. but not for me ned. laughs. just aren't up to
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those still don't know what's waiting for them. that is. the new family electrical . fire brigade out of. a man nobody. pakistan says it shot down two indian air force jets over disputed kashmir capturing one pilot. with rising tensions at the venezuela colombia border the crisis reaches the un security council now. and his cronies and some in this party claim that delivering humanitarian assistance is a political show.
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