tv News RT February 28, 2019 3:00am-3:31am EST
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the room sick. of the morning in the big news this donald trump just given a press conference to the media. in vietnam unexpectedly short of saying they could not agree to north korea's conditions more out of the coming out . of the news this morning as well from also donald trump's former lawyer admits he has no evidence of russian collusion after being grilled in congress with members accusing him of being a liar. how on earth is this witness credit he's a fake witness this presence here is a travesty and you have a history of lying over and over and over again i don't believe that. telling
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the truth. that wiki leaks said is that you met with donald trump's former campaign chairman full mana for this. new information from the police in london. and other stories sporting goods. to drop plans to sell a sports version of the france even before it reached the show. by very good morning big news story in the red to commit money by the way but that's by the by the big news is that donald trump addressed the major after unsuccessful talks with kim jong il and that's just happened we brought you in he says the deal wasn't reached because of disagreements over sanctions let's bring in . the sip says he's down there in the noise been listening. yeah i mean this media
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conference eventually wasn't supposed to for a couple of hours we've heard all the way along the line the buildup to this and yesterday earlier on today well they were getting on how productive it was that end of the day being go everything to be called off and end of the day there is no agreement at the moment that's the case yes. indeed yes and as we mentioned earlier that the cuts the talks were cut short because of no agreement and it was confirmed from donald trump that there was no agreement between the two because the leader of north korea actually wanted the u.n. sanctions entirely left it on pyongyang. and there was about a sanctions when the various third summit was to present basically they wanted these sanctions lifted. in their entirety and we couldn't do that. they were willing to do new go large portion of the areas that we wanted but we couldn't give up all of the sanctions for that. so yeah
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we mentioned earlier that the that he didn't agree on the un sanctions to be lifted on pyongyang president also mentioned that sometimes this what happens and meetings that sometimes you don't have to sign and you can just walk away and you know what it can actually be much better if sometimes you do it because at the end a better groom might come he also mentioned in talks in that he had a productive time here and finally with the leader also might bump it was on the stage with some with him addressing the journalists in the press conference saying he wished that these talks would actually want to put on went further but they didn't but they are very optimistic that eventually in the future they will come to . some sort of an agreement to perhaps the nuclear eyes the korean peninsula and help the appealing to lift the sanctions to come in some sort of economic agreement also the president also repeated talking when he was asked the reason why these
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talks were cut short he just said the sanctions the sanctions he didn't mention any it was more about the denuclearization part he they didn't mention anything about dismantling the nuclear facilities especially one young buying or the other facility the north korea has been using conducting tests with the nuclear weapons also what they said that there is a big gap between the two countries and it's quite wide but with a lot of work the two countries would come to narrow that gap and make things happen as they said. they didn't say whose decision was it was to walk away from these talks but it seems clear that the one who said that would we have to walk away and sometimes we cannot always just sign a treaty because it's not good was the one who was on the podium president trump it is also interesting to point out here that. the two countries were potentially discussing about a third. but they're not committed to anything anything at. that nature also president trump was saying that it's rather better to take it slow and proper than
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actually going into signing a deal really fast. now what is also interesting in this in this meeting is to see what is going to happen to those regional neighbors japan and korea he didn't really mention anything about them to what he did say was that once he leaves and he goes on the presidential plane that he would call the president of of korea and the prime minister of japan and discuss about the outcome of these talks now it's very interesting to see what is going to happen yeah absolutely the end of the day you know no matter what spin you put on it as you say nothing's been side nothing on the face of it practically has been agreed and there is no day evangelos for a future summit at the moment because that could all change as we've seen so many times when it comes to dealing with north korea and especially with donald trump these can change in a day count day for now thanks very much for that eventually. down the line from vietnam appreciate it. ok let's now talk i believe to brian becker from the anti
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war on soko elation brian i've got a chance this morning here there yes you are yeah what do you think about we asked than it was it just glossing over a job here or be on the scene as progress been made over the last thirty six hours as might prompt a i've said. well i'm here and the noise at the international media center i think that what we witnessed with donald trump's press conference was a clear indication that this meeting while it didn't come to a final conclusion did not break up in rancor it did not break up in extreme hostility. trump spoke very favorably about kim jong il and he talked about the prospects for peace is still there he said he wouldn't talk about new economic sanctions he said we just didn't get a chance to cross the finish line he made other indications that perhaps they had their intelligence about their new. are facilities beyond young beyond that they sort of. brought up with the north koreans in the north koreans while perhaps ready
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to close one of the reactors was not aware that the u.s. knew perhaps about other facilities i don't think this means the process is ended he did trump did not agree to another or second summit he certainly didn't rule it out either and again the tone was all important here he spoke very favorably about him jugnu know about the leadership in russia in china has been facilitating towards a possible outcome he still said for instance the d.p. r. k. could become an economic powerhouse or a citizen i say always your friends isn't it i'm sort of but it is easier to sell these things but as we see time and time again even with the best spin in the world if very hard to get the actual tangible results sometimes as this has been a bad day at the office of president trump or has it been a disaster for president traumas he gets back on the plane and leaves the noise. now i don't agree with your premise actually i don't think that it's necessarily a catastrophe at all i mean you know when you think about what's what's on the table here an arms deals between the u.s.
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and the soviet union took literally years and years before the first agreements were made the idea that because it didn't happen instantaneously shows that this is a debacle i just don't disagree i don't agree with the premise so that so many dump was blaming it was blaming previous administrations is saying hey don't you pick on me and now i've actually got mr came down from negotiating table well i think the yellow sun in the past should we look at trump of some so they hear oh here. now i'm i'm you know i'm a political opponent of donald trump that's not my point but i don't think that's what he was saying about barack obama he was making the correct point that morocco obama's policy of strategic patience which meant to ignore the d.p. r. k. well imposing sanctions allowed them to acquire a nuclear power they have multiple nuclear weapons and ballistic missile technology such that it can reach the united states what did that help the united states by ignoring and treating d.p. r. k. is a pariah trump is taking a different different poll here where i don't think he's wrong about his
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characterization and it wasn't just about obama he said it wasn't that or simply obama it was all past that ministrations remember in two thousand clinton was almost where donald trump is now with normalizing relations with the d.p. r. k. george w. bush sabotage and torpedoed that then north korea started building was there west of the dead is done under the obama administration and i in the time of silence if you like of inaction was the time when the d.p. r. k. built up built itself up to be a nuclear power that's when the domino it's you know it's obama and george w. bush right when george w. bush declared north korea to be part of the axis of the. axis of evil along with iran and iraq and then proceeded to invade iraq built nuclear weapons then obama said well that they won't really succeed in creating the kind of missile technology or nuclear technology that threatening there was a miscalculation on the part of the obama administration so both bush and both and
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obama share equally or here in what really is a failed us policy why is trouble with this so strongly is it his pet project is it because he wants that nobel peace prizes it generally believe that the north korea is a huge issue and huge danger had to walk away well i can't function inside donald trump's brain so i don't know exactly what his motivation is but i can tell you this regardless of the motivation korean needs peace this war has gone on for almost sixty nine years it's been a cruelly. bided nation if korea could have peace and you can see the north in so both want it that would be a wonderful thing regardless of who did it and regardless of the motivation so i'm all for this process just a quick ten seconds you disappointed at the moment there's been no future date for the future summit trump said it could be a long way off he just didn't know you surprised by that could he pulls another back ten seconds. i'm not surprised i don't think we know exactly where it's going i think we're ahead of where we were two years ago the possibility for peace is
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still there both sides both sides want to get this will and determination it certainly can happen help us make some sense of brian becker on the line for the answer and to all coalition thank you thank you sir of being with us today pre my pleasure sure. surprise surprise next don't trump well we're not actually don't try to discreate former lawyer michael cohen testified before congress wednesday failing to provide any evidence of the trump russia alleged collusion that mr drum just touched on in the media conference in hanoi and the way he didn't get a warm welcome at the hearing work where congressmen accused him of being a liar cohen himself pulled no punches either when he talked about his ex boss. today i am here to tell the truth about. he is a racist. is a con man. and he is a cheat mr trump knew of and directed the trump moscow negotiations throughout the
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campaign and lied about it and i have never asked for nor would i accept a pardon from president trump ladies and gentlemen how on earth is this witness credible he's a fake witness his presence here is a travesty and you have a history of lying over and over and over again he said we were in search of the truth i don't believe that michael coleman is capable of telling the truth he lied to congress through false statements and written statements he lied to congress through his testimony it is able to fight his false statements by releasing him refuting his lies to the public with. all this coming out now of course worth bearing in mind cohen was a trump confidant for more than a decade of his moment in the spotlight he's now going to begin a three year prison sentence in the spring for tax and bank fraud as well as lying to congress we discussed his testimony with former us republican congressman
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michael patrick flanagan. as we call it in the united states when election season comes near we call it the silly season and in the silly season silly things happen this is a little early. something that you'd see in the silly season colin is willing to use the word racist and a criminal one liar and anyone who's willing to speak in that absolute in that strongest terms in washington will always have an audience on one side or the other there is just an angry man who wanted to be chief of staff who didn't get to be chief of staff who was furious he couldn't make a ton of money off the trump name after trump was elected president has decided after all that he needs to get even in a vicious new york stupid sort of way and so he's going to come to congress and lie some more he's been disbarred for lying that the state of new york despite of the polls his law license because he's a liar a man who took their promise who took that oath and then took another oath in front of congress and has lied constantly can't be trusted ever to tell the truth even if
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he is telling the truth it will require cooperation substantiation and some backup and none of that was provided today yes it was no evidence of collusion has been provided by trump's closest ally the us media now open for another much anticipated report by special counsel robert mueller of course there's been a two year long investigation those results are due to be released in the coming weeks the media's really bracing itself just in case of a no collusion revelation at the end of it all. robert muller's work is nearly done justice department is preparing to announce its early as next week that attorney general bill barr has received a molar confidential report that's actually not going to the d.o.j. is telling reporters now those reports all will he or won't bob mahler's long anticipated report into trump's alleged collusion with russia is expected to be released later this week or maybe not media is covering every leak into the possible timing at this point even though we don't have the information the media
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and certain outlets seem to be doing damage control this is all building up to them all the reporters and love to speculate about this because it's certainly high drama online here again focused on robert moment there's at least a possibility of miller wrapping up without more indictments this report is almost certain to be anti-climactic a stark contrast to the media's previous wall to wall coverage of the collusion extravaganza the walls feel like they are closing in on the truth administration right now and i'm not sure that they can hold them off for much longer the walls are closing in and everyone is freaking out the walls are closing the wheels are coming off. the walls are closing in on president trump the walls are closing it with trump on the walls are closing in on the trump white house. all of the walls are closing in at this point the walls are closing in fast and. the collusion investigation is stretched out almost two years now and it's cost the taxpayers
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apparently twenty five million dollars and from the beginning donald trump has been adamant that there is nothing to find the politics of revenge resistance and retribution the entire thing is being a witch hunt the rush of hoaxes the hopes the which believe me there's no collusion dozens of people have been indicted on multiple charges but so far none of them have been related to any alleged collusion with russia you've got individuals like paul metaphor roger stone and michael flynn who've been in. cited for among other things making false statements to the investigators they haven't uncovered anything related to the crime that bob mueller was originally investigating however the investigation itself has led to new crimes being committed so despite the fact that not much has really been discovered over the course of the last two years there are some who are expecting that the final report will contain smoking gun revelations that will topple the administration or maybe not the investigation when completed could turn out to be quiet and comerica not draw
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a conclusion about that again i don't know so the final report will draw a line in the sand and everyone can just move on can't they if he finds that there was no direct collusion between the trump campaign and russia well we're going to have to do our own investigation and we are a short moeller report would mark the end of the beginning not the beginning of the end this saga for the president it's legal saga doesn't appear to be anywhere close to being over as the president hopes so we've got a rather costly report that has not yet been released the conclusions of which we have not yet seen but yet the media is already making excuses for it and we're hearing that congress may pick up the investigative baton why because as they say their show must go on welcome to american politics and twenty nineteen cable mopp and artsy new york you know we talk of the show going on this is our international good morning when we come back a controversy sparks amidst plans to sell a sports version of the hit job in france.
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warren buffett you know these doing the stock buybacks which is you know used to be illegal so recently that's completely fraudulent and yes no governance or oversight whatsoever you know he's a more than one of the biggest of the big. shareholder wells fargo for example during that period when they were engaged in serial criminality when they were engaged in absolute fraud and he's a party to that so here's a guy who given unlimited credit at zero percent and is exempt from the rule of law still can't seem to make money for shareholders which is that. the world can't afford to return to the unrestrained competition of the cold war
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was the plea made by the u.n. secretary general earlier this week with the u.s. pulling out of the i.n.f. treaty and russia rolling out new nuclear weaponry should we be more worried about the weapons themselves or the people who have the codes. sporting goods retailer to kathlyn dropped plans to sell a sports version of the job in france the company said it hoped to build on the success it previously had morocco with it surely do bensky next explains why it sparked controversy even before it made of the shelves. it's incredible how such a small piece of material can cause such a commotion but here in france that's exactly what's happened over plans by the retailer to cast on just stop a sports version of a hit job
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a muslim headscarf. as well as an outpouring of twitter outrage several politicians have called for a boycott of to cast all. sport emancipates it does not submit my choice as a woman and a citizen would be to no longer trust a brand that breaks with our values the french health minister has also waded into the debate to the gods. it's legal but it's a vision of women that i do not share i think it does not fit well with the values of our country. fox is a secular country with a hit job as well as the christian cross have been banished from state classrooms and also from government offices no religious symbols outlawed and in fact there were a common sight on the streets of france but many argue that face and body covering garments such as those worn by loosely women are seen as being
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a method to subjugate them but others including castle say such items make it easier for muslim women to take part in activities such as sports interest emotional screwed if i may play women women should be able to wear what to the night from beating the sunni's clothes and each has to d.q. miss bascom a shocked me and that they have to cancel the sales it's not an act of securities and it's rather mags i would go she's part of something whole big but it's more and islamic. people should dress according to their own tastes i don't think there's much controversy about this issue play pool with rick if women choose to merit a masters practiced so if she wants to wear it you know it's her choice but the backlash has been. so big that even to capital staff say they have been threatening . our customer service team has received over five hundred calls and emails since this morning our teams in our stores have been in solid unfriend and sometimes
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physically before the product even caught out of the starting blocks the force of the opposition soared to capital back down it would no longer sell the sports teacher up here but it's a no win situation for the retailer which is also being criticized for pandering to collectively styria that reveals the level of islamophobia here in france show that people ski party paris know the story from europe nine arrested in a joint austrian german operation against a doping network at the nordic world ski championships here's our europe correspondent peter oliver. on wednesday police carried out raids on sixteen properties across austria and germany in connection with a major doping probe nineteen arrests were made we understand that five of those arrested are elite athletes involved in nordic and cross-country skiing
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incidentally two others arrested are being said to a said to be cadets in the austrian police force who are also members of the austrian nordic skiing team what we know about the five elite athletes two of the said to be austrians two is said to be a stone ians and one is from kazakhstan reportedly now these arrests may well be connected to revelations made by another austrian who is already admitted to blood doping nazi hunters during he took part in a german documentary that aired on t.v. here back in january and which he admitted his guilt in using e.p.o. in taking part in blood doping he also went on to say the sport of nordic skiing does not work without doping that's a direct quote from him with the austrian police say that these arrests a part of a much wider probe and may of uncovered a conspiracy to cheat in sport over many years. after the debased criminal group is
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strongly suspected of having carried out blood doping on elite athletes for years to increase their performance in national and international competitions and thereby to gain illegal income one of those athletes arrested in austria appears to have been caught well almost literally red handed your work record an athlete in action who was undergone a blood transfusion in his arm when the police arrived of the arrests in germany we know that a forty year old man he's been described as a sports doctor was taken into custody the austrians have been far more forthcoming when it comes to information than their german counterparts we usually find that the austrian prosecutors saying that this my. maybe at the heart of a doping conspiracy that goes well beyond the realms of nordic and cross-country skiing and may well take in other sports as well the world doping agency wada they've said that they're paying very close attention to this news coming out of
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austria and germany and say that they'll be cooperating with the place well online as you'd imagine the reaction to this has been pretty intense how do you think the federal broadcasters are reacting now it was russia that and said d.f. was continuously discredited by in terms of doping have they finally learned that doping is not only part of cycling still i would like to see equal limits and rules among all sports. doping is rampant in sports but our biased media is still obsessed with a cold we're see that it's only russian athletes as they've been forced to never start in the program i feel about doping in cycling most of the standards are well cost sports are supported by dope of one kind or another i think it would be claimed again for the past two or three years a blame game that has been pointing the finger at russia and say that this is the source of all evils when it comes to doping in sport it all starts in russia and ends in russia no ass in the world is really involved on the kind of scale there
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russia's been involved and now we have new evidence that hate going on it is not just in russia this is happening elsewhere in europe and probably beyond europe the truth is that it's going on everywhere and i don't think anybody's going to start accusations that austria or germany are involved in state sponsored doping but we could say that the something rather more sinister force here because if there are the so-called international global criminal gangs who are at work then they could be supplying potentially anybody in the world illegally now in some countries because we don't that's use for bitterly by athletes is not illegal what is illegal is to deal in and maybe that's what they're going to pin on this particular gang we'll continue to follow that story don't forget follow the fallout from the aborted big trump kim jong un summit in vietnamese on the red ticker there the big
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news story this hour the senate in no deal an end it quicker than expected follow on our site r.t. the comment about our africa straight to mobile device here in moscow is kevin i would say thanks for watching us politic more for me in thirty minutes more great program for you and your part of the world after the break. yeah. nothing. nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing but i got up. on the not anybody or no not got. shot. opens one of the shoot me a little. so
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. very dramatic development only closely i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. my seven years doing drugs my nephew was still in drugs my system just with doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united states is drug abuse he started going after the users in the prison population sewer we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals there are countless numbers of people who are in prison for. certain since for. minor offenders in the drug trade it's
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a lot watching your children grow up and miss you in waves and say by daddy as you're walking out of a business it's just it doesn't get easier. to . predict. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance and the impact upon all of us i'm bart chilton washington d.c. and we could not be more happy you are with us there's lots to get to today coming up there are lots of geo political news and in addition to company news today and we hit it all hard at a mash of the atom as trading group will help us take a look at some key companies and from moscow our to correspondent only a shop with a low but helps us look at the particulars of a team's pipeline from russia to china plus with only thirty days until breakfast
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what happens with u.k. training agreements if there is no deal or delay the c.e.o. strome are still record which joins us to discuss and later do you want to leave the c.e.o. of the next change group joins us to talk about the upcoming twenty nineteen hong kong walking copper and why hong kong is a walk chain hub all that directly ahead but first we had some headlines let's go. to conflict in south asia leads our globe report today as the indian air force attacks targets in pakistan two weeks after a suicide bomber hit an indian military convoy and that is two disputed territory of kashmir a longstanding flashpoint between the two nuclear armed nations earlier today pakistani officials said their defense forces had shot down two indian planes in kashmir and captured both pilot pakistan civil aviation authority and their counterparts at the airport authority of india have now halted all flights between the two countries in place to morrow.
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