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tv   News  RT  March 1, 2019 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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venezuela moves to protect its assets by ordering the state oil company over u.s. led attempts to destabilize the country. it is very clear what's going on seeking to armed terrorist groups in order to. undermine or create tensions in situations that might trigger the u.s. wants an explosion. to justify military interference. in indian pilot captured by pakistan is freed in what the pakistani prime minister called a gesture of peace after the escalating tension of recent weeks. and
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a split emerges in germany's ruling coalition over whether to restart arms sales to saudi arabia. or broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is r.t. international promise. by the president of crisis stricken venezuela has ordered the european headquarters of the country's state oil company to relocate to moscow the concern is over securing national assets after key figures in europe sided with the u.s. in backing self-proclaimed interim leader who they want to run a major oil exporter at a news briefing with of the russian foreign minister the venezuelan vice president said her country does not trust u.s. allies in europe. the relocation of p.d. from europe i'll say that it's been
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a part of our plans in terms of deepening relations with russian companies like gross math and gas prom europe has not given us enough for sure and says that he will respect our assets look at the bank of england which is we holding venezuelan gold there has been an armed robbery. and we want to ensure our relationship with russia. venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world u.s. sanctions have blocked seven billion dollars worth of the state owned companies assets russia says it shares venezuela's concerns over u.s. led attempts to destabilize the country here's our tease my financial with more. friday's visit as well as vice president to moscow has become yet another one in a series of meetings between high ranking officials from russia and this like an american country here in the russian capital meetings to show solidarity and ensure support of course russia is among the countries totally and fully back in venezuela defending its sovereignty and protecting its future and maids as foreign minister
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lavrov has said today cynical complain aimed at overthrowing legitimate authorities of venezuela using open threats including one of a military intervention. knowing the approach of the current us administration i wouldn't be surprised if it takes action that violates any reasonable standards of international law especially when the u.s. special envoy in venezuela at the u.n. elliot abrams makes no secret that his functions don't include looking for a peaceful settlement he only creates tensions and situations that might trigger as the u.s. wants an explosion and bloodbath in venezuela to justify military interference needless to say a lot has been said about the possibility of military intervention of course that's as passionately after america's president trumps claiming that all the options are on the table meaning including military operation armed operation in venice is well
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worth it when i'm on your ticket there is a concerted effort there is seeking to justify an international intervention in venezuela being headed by due west and their regime change doctrine this is nothing new we've seen these tactics in syria and other countries the person in charge of action against venice well is known for their subversive activities and attacked in foreign states and i asked mr abrams it is very clear was going on u.s. is seeking to arm terrorist groups and rebels in order to destabilize in undermine our peace. which it's no coincidence that we heard venezuela is not. the only goals cuba nicaragua roma rise and and if the us doesn't like someone else tomorrow if they say the election results in any country don't meet democratic standards and answering our t. question that as well as vice president of the biggest has added also that she believes venezuela will not become second syria because the people of venezuela and
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the country's army are as united as never before in fighting for their future and peace. u.s. special envoy for venezuela was asked about the russian foreign minister's warning that washington is planning military intervention. for mr lavrov for. fifteen years. known him for quite a while i don't. think he actually believes that we're attempting to to do that and i think is you know you're not it to you that we continue to say and we always will that all options are on the table because they always are but i think anyone who actually looks at american policy in venezuela would not reach that conclusion. or abrams announced a new u.s. sanctions on six individuals from venezuelan security forces for not allowing u.s. aid convoys into the country last week president maduro is concerned as to
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nicaraguan rebels disguised as aide when he was assistant secretary of state after announcing the new restrictions abrams was pressed by an associated press reporter about whether why go is running out of steam and the effect of american officials threatening language towards me. i'm wondering are you meaning the administration at all concerned that the initial. it was losing some momentum and in giving given the majority of the seem to be going anywhere he certainly not taking the national security adviser's advice to those on the beach outside of it as well i wish him a long quiet retirement on a pretty beach far from venezuela and the sooner he takes advantage of that the center is likely to have a nice quiet retirement on a pretty beach rather than being in some other beach area like guantanamo so are you concerned that you're losing momentum and then such and relieve that. there is one member of congress a particular set
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a senator who has suggested the might meet the same fate as good off the libya and i just that help or hurt you or your cause or your efforts to build momentum. i'm not actually going to get into that commenting on what particular senators are saying forget it. forget it forget the line about any senator to do comparisons between with duro and and suggesting that he might meet the fate of that office that does that help your. i'm not going to get into that other than to say that i think that. dictatorships come to an end some last for a very long time. others a much shorter time this one in venezuela will also come to an end we hope that it comes to an end quickly and peacefully these somethings said about it said but not only by the united states and they should remain to see meetings need to win as it
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is and it's stated what it was that it's to try and get a these are guys this is the red lines why don't you think and then later the man in the united nations security council clients and being defeated on that caucasians and then didn't push on it pointed at the for the great divide and push to try to reign to maintain his form one. cause you really didn't need to call us also failed miserably one way though it sounds like the country and many of the people here some. of the socially are not because they have been not to live in a sort of completely conventional. the us has also canceled the visas of forty nine venezuelan representatives aligned with venezuelan president nicolas maduro according to the department of state people steal from the venezuelan people or undermine venezuela's democracy are not welcome in the united states as national
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envoy abrams said that the restrictions are intended to punish people who have prospered that made the south american countries dire economic crisis head of latin american studies at london's middlesex university francisco believes u.s. efforts have been mostly ineffective. believe it is one of the early the million. dollars that crashes from the united states in particular almost exclusively on the military literally. three years again and again through those who are shown. that may you name it got those words what is it going on behind the scenes and so far they got almost nothing and mr grant's exactly. right so this is just concern therefore that confirms not only the way it always hit it but the united states is going to score something much more dramatic. and indian fighter
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pilot who was captured by pakistan after his jet was shot down has been returned to his own country transfer held at the border between the two countries was televised live pakistan's prime minister and described pilots released as a peace gesture between the two nuclear countries has escalated in recent weeks i can stand also released a video recording made of the pilot while he was the america that it wouldn't be a me it was your which morning i was trying to look for the target when i was shot down by the pakistani air force as soon as i rejected my parachute opened and i came down i had a pistol with me if i tried to run and people chased me their emotions were running high and then two pakistani army officials came in save me in pakistani army captain save me from the people and did not let any harm come to me but they took me to their unit where i was given first aid. reporting from pakistan here as local journalists jarhead around. that club to some decided to hand them over to india because of the process of law to let the people in india and elsewhere in the world
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know that the pockets on the believe in showing them again a meeting at a time when in the upper mid incursion the bulk of underdog oddballs going to actually caused a rift at the met office that allows north that first look which was good doesn't look everybody else seen in the fore but then focus on of the job you have to admit in such an incident inside and just short of this can unify to put the whole of fire service in the undecided to hand over to the number of men the signallers and the wives told him from the up that up to sophie is not so bleak was a favor i wish to assure the nation that we are fully prepared and in a high incidence do they do this to this pond to any relegation my focus on could you envision all out war between india and pakistan. i hope not. that would be mutual suicide meanwhile it appears that the clashes between india and pakistan
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are not over media reports say at least seven were killed by an exchange of fire in india controlled kashmir on friday civilians were among the casualties security forces have launched search operations as there are reports of a rebel presence in the area locals shared their fears over the growing conflict. i'm here to tell you the only victim limiting. the would be assuming when did he little did we do you just don't know where you live and even then it's only just not even under the sun and yet it was one of those and. not the bank good. one monday it was you know ninety one tensions have been escalating since february fourteenth when a vehicle filled with explosive explosives rushed into indian police convoy killing
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more than forty people a pakistani base a terrorist group took responsibility for the attack in disputed kashmir the status of the region has been an insurmountable obstacle between india and pakistan for decades. this is a very dangerous situation because both these countries have nuclear weapons right
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up against each other over all the bristles with troops and suspicion and so if we think back safe of the cuban missile crisis in one nine hundred sixty two whatever with tensions between moscow and washington american and soviet soldiers didn't shoot at each other in more recent times in korea huge tension between north korea and the americans but there's been no shooting here we've actually had casualties and so the risk of things spiralling out of control because somebody is trigger happy or somebody makes a miscalculation is really a very serious one and that's why of course china russia and america and other countries around the world are very worried because of imran khan said would be college and a test for the people in the huge numbers of people who live within range of these missiles. there's a split in germany's a governing coalition or with of the two main parties at odds over whether to prolong the freeze of arms sales to saudi arabia they were initially halted in response to the brutal killing of saudi journalist jamal khashoggi for which several saudi officials were blocked of the freeze was initially introduced as
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a temporary measure and is due to be evaluated in a few days the social democratic party has expressed its concern over saudi arabia's involvement in the war in yemen where there are numerous reports of civilian casualties while the conservatives argue that by halting saudi arms sales germany risks losing the trust of its international partners. if germany purchase a place in a european or supra national project then partner should find common rules otherwise such projects could take place without germany in the future or britain and france have already urged to germany to exempt big defense projects from the moratorium or to risk damaging its commercial credibility that is partially because top british defense firm be a e systems could suffer as the result of the german sales suspension a saudi arabia has been involved in yemen for around three full years now the country has become one of the largest arms importers in the world most of the
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weapons in saudi arabia purchases come from a britain and the united states german arms sales to the country had been steadily growing until they were frozen late last year all the while the saudi led it campaign in yemen has led it to being branded the worst humanitarian crisis since the second world war and saudi officials insist they investigate all reports of severe civilian casualties. and we heard from martin who is an m.p. and hamburg's state parliament he suspects elements of the coalition are inflating reasons just to secure weapons exports. drew this is the international cooperation crime carnival at the consular tips they want to go around the
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restraint to if germany exploit regulations in this novel because we have some kind of restrictive regulations which do not forbid it salience a weapon exports but if it's regulations which at least limit and now the document that international cooperation should be saved through no more limiting the next polls or arms sales to saudi arabia is just some kind of a or a trick of course there will be consequences for example of weapon exports which are literally true literal will are not to be conducted that easy like before with the restrictions from germany but i think it will out the corporations and between the. companies in a weapon industry because they have common interests as well so it will effect a little bit but not that much. global chemical weapons watchdog has finally
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issued its report on an alleged chemical attack in syria last year i will tell you about their conclusion when we return stay with us for watching a contraction. much was expected from the noise summit there may have been goodwill on both sides but in the end neither the united states nor north korea could agree on the path forward the two sides failed to reach a common understanding of what their desired endgame for denuclearization actually ends. lost its moral compass and maybe if to put more values into the system my true snooping in this we have to string some multinational multilateral institutions living in the dark ruled it's like room lucille skiing having always.
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action and come to action we need to put back to the system and we need stronger leadership and better leadership. and welcome back this is international so the canadian government has confirmed that the us has provided enough evidence to begin the extradition process of while way executive. today department of justice canada fishel issued an authority to proceed formally commencing an extradition process in the
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case of miss maine one jo the decision follows a thorough a diligent review of the evidence in this case the next step in the case is as follows the british columbia supreme court has scheduled an appearance date for march sixth twenty nineteen at ten am to confirm that an authority to proceed has been issued and to schedule the date for the extradition hearing when long joe is arrested in canada in december at the request of the united states washington accuses the businesswoman of violating american sanctions against iran later she was released on bail but had to stand vancouver awaiting a final decision china considers the us and canadian actions against manning to be diligent. anyone with normal judgment can see that canada has made a serious mistake on this issue from the very beginning we edged the canadian side to me to leave release man one shot and protect him it just meant writes will so
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strong the edge the u.s. to immediately cracks the mistake was draw the arrest warrant against man one show and not make a formal extradition request to canada and. now we are joined by jeffrey albert tucker who's a member of the editorial or the editorial director of the american institute for economic research thanks for being with us here on r.t. international. so the canadians they say that they have sufficient evidence for a judge to rule on the extradition do you think men will ultimately be sent to the u.s. . the way things are going right now and it appears to be so as remarkable as it is that seems i mean this is just obviously an act of political violence at some level and deeply embarrassing to a country that believes in human rights and free enterprise while way as an international company with very complicated deal ins all over the world and of
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course if you've got a political enemy out of there out there somewhere that anybody can drum up any kind of charges against you i'm sorry that canada is going along with this but it's seems like it's a latch last ditch effort of american imperialism and really quite appalling i think it's it's deeply embarrassing for america if any americans actually cared about it so how tied in this. trade dispute with is this site let me or is this just a negotiating tactic for the us. and certainly has but it's mitts a very aggressive one because it involves actual human beings these are human lives and great entrepreneurs who are building no great businesses an advance in the world through it's a next stage of prosperity so to use human beings as kind of fodder and edge in a trade war is appalling and let me be clear about this when i say trade war i don't mean just to fight sides fighting this is an aggressive and pointless
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american attack on china on a previously mutually beneficial relationship completely a reflection of a new ideology in washington and it's being stalked by fears about the next stage of geo political reality so it's a reactionary move if you see what i mean we yeah about that geo political reality . is accused of violating u.s. sanctions on iran. united states has withdrawn from the iran deal if you will what gives the u.s. jurisdiction to charge or i mean these are not international sanctions. ok this is the question of the day it's really this is just kind of i guess what they used to call a nineteenth century gunboat diplomacy there is no international law judge in this there's there's nothing that binds china and it's no us law binds china it's
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relationships with iran and iran is a modernizing country and my own view on this is that we need normal trade relations and it's ridiculous at this point in the twenty first century to cordon off one territory and say no one in the world must deal with with this. is just ridiculous it's really an and forcible except by this kind of egregious acts in a political violence and i. am deeply embarrassed as speaking as an american that this kind of thing is going on while way as is a is a company that's more advanced really than any american company and technologically speaking and then terms of market share even and i think that's really what's behind this it's a kind of a reactionary move. that really does nothing to advance world prosperity and i would love a shift in attitude on the part of washington and briefly because we're coming to the end of our half hour here how this other play out. well
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you know i think that world opinion is definitely against the u.s. actions at this point whether the u.s. actually has leadership that cares i don't know but time is not on the u.s. side the economy will be globalized even if this particular action is successful i think it really counts against the u.s. and world and in the long term china has been to the demand. you know what's interesting about this is i think something tells me and my contacts with the trumpet ministrations suggest to me that trump is very very anxious for a deal and i hope this is right i don't see that it really has in the alternative so i'm expecting for there to be some peaceful revolution resolution to this problem and if that doesn't happen i really dread the consequences for the world economic order are honestly all right jeffrey albert tucker editorial director of the american institute for economic research i'm sorry that we have to end it there
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because this is a fascinating topic but thanks for helping us rather mizer at it my pleasure. right watch march international more news from downstairs. banks geysers financial collapse you know they say money the bellatrix. lestrange it easy this is a central bank support diet plan is going to call them right now so you stop to. do before you came here where did you work before you came here when you live well death row in many us states capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution but most of the time the victims' families they are very much in favor of the death penalty there are some people
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because of what they did have given up the right to live among us some are even proven innocent off to years on death row and how many more tolerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to sort of go from fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to surprising us all or nothing if you think. i'm going to talk about football narvi or else if you think i was going to go.
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by the way ways of the flying here. hello and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle much was expected from the noise summit there may have been goodwill on both sides but in the end neither the united states nor north korea could agree on the path forward the two sides failed to reach a common understanding of what their desired endgame for denuclearization actually is. crosstalk in the noise summit i'm joined by my guest john merrill in washington he is the former chief of the north east asia division of the bureau of intelligence
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and research at the u.s. state department and who is now a visiting scholar at the institute for korean studies at george washington university also in washington we have michael maloof he is a former senior security policy analyst in the office of secretary of defense and in new york we crossed and lee she is the author of several books including the award winning book what the u.s. can learn from china and will china's economy collapse all right crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it let's go to michael maloof first in washington the future dean of trump's studies at some prestige this university and the future here michael i don't think any of us are really surprised that it ended up in failure and one of the things the optics of it all and listening to the president president trump during this trip he really kind of pushed you know prosperity a future of. north korea integrated being rich and reaching the living standards of its southern neighbor or even vietnam that was touted but
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the north koreans more than anything else want security and that was one of the huge disconnects watching this failed summit go ahead michael. yeah i think that i think you're absolutely right security is uppermost in their mind. kim jong un actually was invited vietnam to view some fact.


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