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tv   Going Underground  RT  March 2, 2019 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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help me get out of here with a man on the line. us back fighters launched an assault on what is said to be the last stronghold in syria despite donald trump having already declared one hundred percent of the group's territory retaken. siberia becomes a winter sports hotspot and student athletes from around the world go for gold to add when you've got two thousand one thousand. chinese language and cultural centers are threatened with closure and teachers being forced to register as foreign agents across the united states. coming up in about an hour's time we take a look back at the week's top stories with our weekly program up next on
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international though it is going underground but in the u.k. and ireland what is next in the us. i'm not sure it has it we're going underground twenty four hours up to the u.k. government officially designated his political party fighting isis in the middle east as a terror organization governable to show. high commissioner to loved and speaks to going underground about china russia. and turning the kashmir crisis enjoyed a nuclear catastrophe and u.k. labor leader german called and tells m.p.'s to apologize before suspending them for perceived anti semitism but nothing from him and pm cues on wednesday's judgment on a muddled by those allied to the policy that made theresa may british prime minister the. murder of patrick pretty good in his home in north belfast on sunday
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the twelfth of february nine hundred eighty nine was an appalling crime he was shot fourteen times as he sat down for dinner with his wife and three children we speak to the widow and son of a murdered human rights wiped out for new can killed with collusion between every five and terrorists all the civil coming up in today's going underground but first while the e.u. looks away from democratically elected politicians in court in madrid and today's demonstrations in france where thousands have been injured while not an american nation accuse your human rights abuses will be equally lord no not venezuela but the largest country in latin america brazil here is the now jailed presidential candidate speaking on r.t. to former ecuadorian president rafael correa before he was banned from running for president again. my party wants me to run for president they support my candidacy and i'm greatly to win the election and it is possible to restore
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brazil's economy to make sure that we see economic growth again create new jobs and help the poor become less poor and they know that i can achieve those things if they don't want to but who are they because this is what lunas lawyer queens counsellor an internationally renowned human rights barrister geoffrey robertson q.c. said on monday's show there is a mentality in the jug juice. why determined matter what to keep him in prison so that. has a clear run would have beaten both so naro not according to the brazilian embassy in london they told going underground unfortunately the words of mr jeffrey robinson do not carefully observed the specific case of former president lula has already been analyzed by different judges in different levels of jurisdiction mr robinson suggestion the president lula's conviction could be pulling designer you tube channel website certainly brazil looms over the u.k.'s post rex it landscape
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with perceived threats that a deal with bolton or a government on beef tariffs could be used for leverage against the irish but britain is not only fighting a defacto self-imposed trade war with the e.u. it continues to fight in something reported by the state mandated b.b.c. back in twenty one so the military and humanitarian efforts were both ready the war aims clear the allies were already in contact with afghans who might eventually be placed to take over power simple or at least it sounded simple to nato nation journalists before fifteen thousand british service personnel were killed or wounded as for afghan dead wounded or displaced blair brown cameron may never counted them according to the un which belatedly did begin counting nine hundred two thousand afghans have been killed or wounded in the past ten years and the war goes on biggest raise a million or arguably accident prone defense secretary sending in more troops seeing the terrorist groups operating care in afghanistan evidence of their links back to the united kingdom but the whole of continental europe what we see is.
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a real threat. posed by these groups to the united that's u.k. defense secretary gavin williams in his attacks on china apparently made beijing recently counsel talks with the british government long gone are the days it seems when former colonial power britain had a diplomatic row. all over say the borders it drew between china india and pakistan that's where the u.k. legacy as well as other factors are threatening global peace after violence in kashmir with me here the pakistani high commission in london is high commissioner mamma duffy's acara commissioner thanks for letting us into that commission i've got to ask you what's on the minds of i suppose people all around the world right now will pakistan rule out the use of its fifty or one hundred nuclear weapons in this current conflict the tension was. you know caused by the actions of india there after the pre-war my tack the they immediately blamed pakistan they don't any
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investigations as they always do and. then after that they were actually they carried out twice the. you know of parker's son's sovereignty and territorial integrity by sending the aircraft to park sun. this is where we have actually been surprising and the briefing the international community that because of the their actions the situation over there is worsening and our prime minister was very candid in conveying a message that. the we want peace in the region and v and he offered twice cooperation in investigating the problem of turkey for which they were believing park sun and the us that if you have any credible evidence please share with us so that they could take action against those people who you allege that they are involved secondly he also offered dialogue so that the.
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contentious issues could be addressed and the tension between the two countries could be lessened indeed did not respond to any of our offers the promise of would it be true to say that the i.s.i. the secret service bugs and currently support the change a moment theoretically banned in your country since twenty two. in fact this is what we had been asking them that they keep blaming pakistan for any act of terrorism against india and they never provide us with any evidence and i have actually mention time and again that. on the contrary we have credible evidence of indian state involvement in pakistan in perpetrating terrorism in pakistan and terror financing park some i would give it examined years supporting al qaeda and taliban linked groups in biggest fans would not me you saying that we
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have captured one of the commanders serving commanders could wish any other. from what i've just done who confessed indian involvement in preparing terrorism and park the son in terror financing part. because i mean in fairness to india the. had to promise iran i understand you're now in talks with the iranians now about about a fence or a book or a wall it does seem to be always coming from the pakistani side these. groups these are clearance there is a difference between claims and evidence and that's what we have been seeking if they have the evidence they should share with us so that we are able to take action because i mean so you're saying that the february attack killing forty had to the poor and the german surely paschal highway the i as i would definitely not involved in actually you know i would retreat what our promises said that we would not allow
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anyone to use our soil against any country that's our detention and now i want to talk about the torah but i suppose i should say because we're going to be speaking to an m.p. for two hundred million people who took british subramanian swamy. the level of rhetoric coming from the area and say these are the pakistanis in a suicide mood we should graciously assist them to go to their help. the diplomats of the pakistani foreign service used to what's coming out of. certainly elected members of parliament that's really that's what i am referring to that's what our leadership has effort to that these statements coming from their leadership from indian leadership is what is actually threatening the very security of the entire region and this is what we had when we had been emphasizing that the international community as to what are the potential of danger lies and this is what our foreign minister in his letters to the. un has written i'm sure the came across what the
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great british journalist robert fisk is now claiming that israel as a close involvement with the indian government and the british backed government of israel is making closer and closer ties with the mahdi administration anything in that yes you know we had a very of the growing relationship between india and israel and. this is a matter between the two of them we don't as a matter of policy interfere in the really ship between two sovereign countries or two to any sort entities. as far as israel concerned of a i have nothing else to say but we don't recognize them when i remember interviewing you the prime minister before he became prime minister and he will often focused on the idea of the news interests conflict often occurred that learn israel's export of to india britain has supplied more than half
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a trillion pounds worth of weapons to the indian government it's sold around forty two billion pounds understand of weapons to pakistan you can see that it's certainly a conflict is good for the british balance of trade in your area i'm sure the british government would deny that they're encouraging it there will be a look at indian military build up from mining that how that actually they have become i think the second largest or largest importer of arms and equipment. and that is basically the quality arms race that in the region. that has also you know given them this sense that they are because they have become very belligerent they don't really care the united states is also improving ties with the modi administration i mean some believe that previous pakistani administrations have been able to leverage afghanistan and the issue of afghanistan
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with the americans there's no sign at all that it is the youth fullness of this is ministration this cause this flare up is one of the worst flare ups for many years in kashmir we are not we don't have a policy of leveraging. you know using the other relationship with other countries or the complications of any of the country or the situation there. as far as of one islam is concerned i'm one is a neighbor visionaire the longest border with one a son we have historical ties with the one the son we have we are hosting more than we starting from six point two million afghan refugees to today we have more than three million one half which is still in pakistan for the last forty years beason of one stan is in pakistan's interest there's been historic suspicions of i.s.i. involvement in islam is groups of course across the border where you are still stuck with the suspicion and the blame game have we are we have demonstrated
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over determination what intention with all sincerity to work towards bringing peace and stability in afghanistan. will china and russia saying. you know they want it to calm down how long you think china what are you hearing about what is coming out from beijing as to how to calm down the situation so it doesn't a skill we are completely stuck with the fourteenth february incident ok we are completely forgetting the past the ongoing atrocities constantly in perpetrated by the indian security forces or indian occupation forces in an awkward kashmir one kashmir for for many decades whatever is happening over there it's not hearsay that has all been documented the atrocities the mosque raids the gang rapes of muslim women women and the you know.
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arbitrary detention of kashmiris never to return to their homes again or letting up in the mosque then we have seen koran push were incident that they had been more than thirty must seculars in ninety four seven. or more than half a million kashmiris were slaughtered so i think we need to see the entire perspective of the main issue. is the issue of kashmir i'm sure have been denied really million really know what to do with with that one in forty seven obviously we don't to go back there right now i would say though that britain is not officially backing the built in road. trade initiative of the chinese government all the governments would deny that this kind of flare up of conflict would benefit them but could escalate of any kind threaten the chinese pakistan economic corridor which is clearly in that region one of the most important infrastructure projects and there is
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a stance on this is that in that part of the region. and particularly in south asia there's huge potential economic potential to be exploited to be explored to the advantage of the people of that region. and definitely any conflict situation would be an impediment in the v.a. of attaining the economic prosperity in that region. overnight commissioner after the break who is really in power in britain we talk to the widow and son of human rights watch that friend who can shot fourteen times with collusion between m i five and paramilitaries linked to the party that made dres i'm a prime minister of the united kingdom all this and more coming up with a bunch of going underground.
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we came here where did you work before you came here when you live. in many us states capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution but most of the time the victims' families they are very much in favor the death penalty there are some people because of what they did have given up the right to live among us some even proven innocent is on death row and how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about. welcome back i'm still with the high commissioner of pakistan to the united kingdom
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saudi arabia and to factor a leader i would sell when do you make of i mean he went to china but before then he went to pakistan to feel the need to fly back to saudi arabia and then to fly to india. what do you think. the. position of saudi arabia is visibly this escalation so there is a. long standing friend parks we have absolutely excellent relationship we have you have heard the sentiment expressed by. the conference during his visit to participants broker given that there are increasing their ties to the modi administration well at this is what i'm saying that first i'll bring your attention to the sentiment expressed by you know the conference the kind of investment there portend actually and made a commitment over there and then of course as a friend as a friend who wants to who want to see peace and stability in the region so that you know that if they had it they want to invest twenty one billion dollars in pakistan
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that means they have economic interests there so they would like to see peace and if in that spirit as a responsible country a member of the u.n. they want to contribute to the peace efforts to reduce the tension between n.p.r. said we have what was vulcan that i should actually just since it is the world's worst humanitarian crisis yemen where britain is exporting arms to what is pakistan's position on. the crisis at him and these are the saudi arabia where i think the reviewer very clear on this that there's no muslim country so there is we want to see muslim united we want to see peace and harmony among in the muslim world whatever the differences are there among the muslim countries and we have always advocated that these differences should be resolved to the advantage of the muslim now obviously before this crisis put pakistan on the
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front pages taking out breck's it even for off world pages it was brags that has been the main story in this country has britain signed any trade deal with pakistan that would kick in on march the twenty nine. or whatever data around then emerges as britain's withdrawal from the european union in excess of any previous deal ok in fact actually we have institutional arrangements mechanism between pakistan and britain and this supervise the relationship between the two countries where the economic relations the political relations so we have a strategic dialogue also that them headed by the two foreign ministers. we are very closely watching the development in the context of drugs that according to people. from various walks of life situation for the. for britain but we all believe firmly believe that there are always opportunities in every challenge but
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we are looking at all opportunities and signed over a new kind of dealing with talks that really nothing with pakistan even though there's a huge pakistan and community here in britain now yeah but yet in talks with them and britain has you know expressed interest that they would like to engage part of sun to explore the opportunities and to lead me to devote to the countries and i think on this we are working on that. most sites thank you michel thank you thank you for that was pakistan's high commissioner to the u.k. it meeting there's been no prospects of breakthrough deal with his country of two hundred twelve million people but like kashmir another story pushed bricks it off the front pages here in britain one of the country's most famous m.p.'s chris williamson was on going underground last saturday talking about alleged anti-semitism in the british labor party we stood with the jewish community in the one nine hundred thirty s. on cable street resisting most of these fascists i and jeremy and many many others
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of my generation were very active in the anti nazi league fighting the literally actually in some circumstances fighting the national front and you know we have no truck with racists with bigots of any form of the labor party got a proud tradition that's not to say there are isolated examples but anybody get any racist any on c.c. by there's no place obviously has no place in the labor party ninety six hours after that ally of jeremy corbyn said those words on this show u.k. prime minister theresa may said the m.p. for darby north in the east midlands should be suspended if the labor leader actually wants to take action against racism he would suspend the honorable member for darby nor. williamson and said labor done too much apologizing for alleged anti-semitism but it was williams and the m.p. whose policies are closest to pre leadership jeremy corbyn who did the apologizing call the leadership voters now ask what happened to the empty fascist and designers who supported un resolutions on palestine and what happened to the fight over justice in ireland because corbin made no mention of wednesday's supremes court
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decision on the assassination of irish human rights lawyer pat finucane had to prime minister's questions for a new can was killed amid shocking collusion between m i five and terrorists linked to the party that put to raise a may in power that's according to a u.n. war crimes prosecutor patrick is widow geraldine also short and his son john who witnessed the assassination join me now thanks both of you for coming on going underground first of all what has the supreme court ruled on this week because if you jerald inversed what did you think because it was reported here that you failed in trying to get a public inquiry into what happened to your husband. well i think the media didn't appreciate what the supreme court was taking into consideration what they were considering was was the government correct to hold a review and to my husband scarce as opposed to an inquiry and they the judgment
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overwhelmingly said that that decision made by the government was wrong it did not meet article ten it was ineffective and and substantial. i mean the wing ocean famed political what it says though that it's a political decision as to whether there should be an inquiry could the supreme court not have ordered the prime minister they have an inquiry well they were dolls to the argument that we put before the supreme court which told me was agreed with today is that every investigation and review that the government have imposed upon also over the past thirty years hasn't met the international standard and the obligations that must be complied with under him in rights legislation the silver review was sold to you also in the war and as the food stop the final lines of desmond a silver said collusion between i five the british army and police was rocking yes
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the up was sold that that was the end of the pot from a kiss that there was nothing more to see and that was the definitive truth behind the myth was ripped to pieces and the judgment of the supreme court the supreme court have effectively described. this review with one hand tied behind his back he didn't have the party compel witnesses he didn't have the power to see documents he relied on the goodwill of those relevant government departments and to meet the obligations of what we have asked for for a number of years is that there must be a transparent and fully a kind of the process which is what happened and it was incapable of reaching the silly in fact the judgment of the supreme court it's hugely significant were that a political decision comes in as. that this night would bark very firmly on the desk of dining st they have failed to live up to their obligations for thirty years a police or if you didn't cut up a review by children review by a barrister didn't meet the obligations what is left we say the only thing that is left is what they should have done many years ago and that's how the fully public independent inquiry is going to get on to downing street today and juries i'm
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a bit geraldine david cameron invited you to downing street to david cameron appear scared when he was talking to you as to why he was denying an inquiry into them i got the impression that. other people were putting a lot of pressure on to david cameron to prevent what needs to come out from coming out i think they titus hounds who's they. the part of the brain had really run the country perhaps. the snowy i think john might have mentioned it yeah he gestured teacher esther to the buildings whenever he got quite frustrated i think at our reaction and he gestured to the windows in the room and said our people in the buildings around here he don't even want me to do this to meet with the family to give to silva to give a review that the three people who would meet him on top level don't go further and
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give the inquiry that we've campian for resumes now prime minister only only because she is allied to the people which was formerly linked to those accused by just silva and others of carrying out the assassination of your father and your husband you can understand why the prime minister now specifically she wouldn't have an inquiry now well he wouldn't well we understand that there are press and political realities for trees a man or government a day with and the build up and the lead up to that and they may do their best to ignore us they come back northern supreme court they can't ignore the daiquiri of that has been made at the british government no matter who is in par house to deal with his children and they often provides ignored the un special riveter or in extreme poverty as the gay has argued against the highland decision continually as . he will sort of the d.p. was below zero said that. i'm not sure whether being accused both of you having
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achieved give us even money for an inquiry into something given that there weren't inquiries into soldiers that had been killed during the troubles well i think that's a little bit of a red herring argument by sammy and i think his views with respect are a degree that there's a degree of a relevance or. the decision of the supreme court to significant the decorous and that has been made significant the fact that the government being fined not to have held an article to comply the investigation over thirty years. as my father's murder is also very significant there needs to be a resolution to this and this is not on the desk of ten downing street and once they may consider the judgment i would guess that the next steps will be that our family willing he is with both the british and the army's government we welcome the reaction of the three soak in the holy spirit simon called me to the judgment and get a reason of their support that there should be a public inquiry and i think we will engage with the british government and we will
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see what they propose to do much as you'd say the leader of the opposition jericho been is for a public inquiry geraldine do you see then this week's decision as a culmination of the thirty is of your fight for justice it's certainly a very significant step it's it sort of puts together the last period of time when we were saying what you're doing is wrong and they are continuing to do that and i think that must stand because the supreme court has said government you are doing it wrong over all these years the finnegans told you you didn't listen to them but we're telling you you didn't get it right so now i. they have to move forward and get it right there are things in life that you don't want to do no matter how small or high big and the longer you leave it the worse it is but when you've done it all you have to do is take the first step and then when
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you've done that. it's fine but are you frightened that some of the people that may have been involved you no longer be alive and. an effects of have got off scot free for their involvement in the killing i think there are enough people still alive who are accountable who will be held accountable do you think that even a european court of human rights action would mean the british government having to give up papers that showed u.k. government involvement in the assassination well will certainly push through to get them when stevens carried out his investigations he said he'd seen everything corey came along and pushed a little bit harder and amazingly more stuff turned up but he said he'd seen it all and then when de silva came along he saw even more so if you keep pushing you never know what you might turn up there are many many people at home who have lost
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someone through collusion and i think they'll take heart from this while but if you keep fighting we'll get to the truth geraldine john thank you and that's of the show will be back on monday to discuss potential rewards for oil with the village chief of staff for the us i just i told you that. what i see and hear things with your door. i see people who are afraid might see these young men and some women in these white supremacist groups and i see that it's really scary.


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