tv GONZO RT March 3, 2019 1:30am-2:01am EST
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that won the winner she won in that region where they're winning and the areas that voted for trump are the losers and i always think about her basket of deplorable comment because the fact is donald trump energized openly a part of the republican base that has always been there that is deplorable and this is you know the deplorable who shot up a synagogue and pittsburgh the other day the deplorable mailed out package bombs these are people who are energized and excited by the energy that trump on locked because he basically stands at the bully pulpit as the president legitimizes their resentment the republican party you know they've always done this but their dog whistles trump doesn't openly and you know it was a successful strategy what hillary clinton was talking about was something that when she talks about winners and losers trump said that from another alternately oppose that angle but he said the same thing that he's going to make america great again he's speaking to the people whose jobs were basically handed over to mexico
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and china with nafta and so many free trade agreements people who outsource the same people that michael moore was you know documenting in roger and me in flint michigan that's why trump won michigan and hillary clinton didn't even campaign there and she's saying she she represents the winners of globalization because she represents the legacy of globalization because who signed off on nafta but her husband so she can't just turn on legacy and the fact is that a lot of the people that are really running. the controlling the anti trump narrative the so-called resistance who are so out of touch with i think what's going on in the country and who hate bernie sanders and see him as a threat those people are the winners of globalization they are the coastal elites to be a seller corridor of a lot of skin in the game when it comes to defending the national security state defending globalization in deals like t.p. they stand to benefit in so many ways as you mentioned there. lot of extreme
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violence from the right we have these mass killings but what you're talking about the elite they do seem afraid that the hysteria coming out on cable news is a hive mind where all the people who oppose trump has been really. subsumed they're consumed with a very hysterical narrative and then it's periodically confirmed when with these violent incidents the first one is peace again this was common ping-pong war a restaurant in upper northwest d.c. on connecticut out really like john podesta would go hang out there this rich lobbyist he's like the cartoon character of a lobbyist hovercraft and leader goes between davos in lake tahoe and like a few other resorts never touches his feet and fly over country and a guy goes in there who's like hepped up on these pizza gate conspiracies he drives up from north carolina he goes up there with a k forty seven or a ar fifteen and walks in there and fires
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a shot into the floor and the worst nightmare right after donald trump selection of . elite liberals is fulfilled so it's kind of easy to understand their hysteria when actually people are acting out the conspiracists but why does that happen because studies have shown that americans are uniquely conspiracy theories they believe in conspiracies we've seen that crossing the country we have any ghosts and we encounter there are ghosts in every town is haunted are we just the haunted by our past like what is you know the common people of america are some of the most conspired against people in the world and they are conspired against by elites the black population of new orleans lower ninth ward was conspired against when there was a flood and the dams were actually deliberately destroyed in order to destroy the black population of new orleans and so when hurricane katrina happened and the lower ninth was flooded again well was it any sum i mean can you forgive louis farrakhan for so. the dam was blown up it happened before yes people were conspired
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against so why are americans so conspiratorial they are testing on them and simplest test thing they think you can also use that and the test experiments they are live this is live human experimentation m.k. ultra which the rockefeller foundation funded was the experiment of mind control by the cia on americans including military veterans so this stuff has happened before and now you hear the right talking about the deep state because of the right you know russia gate which is another conspiracy that donald trump colluded with russia to get elected and nobody has produced any evidence of it so right wingers are like the deep state is conspiring against trump you know we on the left who are against american empire and permanent war we've been talking about the deep state for years the deep state was ginned up the whole fake a narrative of iraqi w m d's so is it any surprise that americans are so conspiratorial the quo which is really fantastic in terms of the past is not even
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the past and we haven't moved past that then there is this idea of original sin in america and how much is ok and kalman is there any ability to move past that politically because they are at. a junction where this both sides of heart and calcified and they are not even trying to cooperate at all but it seems like we're on the verge of some serious confrontation between these two ossified portions of the political debate in the original sin as well i would say native genocide but also the original sin is slavery and you know of course is a way to get past it the way that you know what is a long momentarily got past that huey long did a black folks he long brought people together around economic populism he gave them stuff he said i'm going to soak the fat cats spread the wealth you know he's portrayed as a dictator and he's heavily demonized he was assassinated but you know bernie sanders really. i took from that tradition the tradition of eugene debs of
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democratic socialism but socialism in general can really bring people together if they get some benefits but right now you see them as a nation place emily and a lot of these stories. sending the culture war ok this is the sixty's is the real source of our modern culture war and if we understand it from a southern perspective what happened in the sixty's desegregation white flight so the business community in cities like new orleans st louis atlanta they made a bargain they said will allow you to desegregation we will allow you to elect black politicians if those black politicians are basically business friendly corporate tools with all this signaling and all these images all this commercial all politics and image construction has morphed into something called me and means somehow hillary clinton started publicizing this me and the frog who was invented and her very deep web sting or chan but somehow a church tripped into the into the political debate and had an influence on the
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political debate you're talking about all right and hillary clinton is the first and donald trump were the first candidates to acknowledge the existence in importance of an alternative right i think that what they are is just the real right the real authentic politics of the right distilled into the internet era using means the same way that you know any. cia color revolution functions in the modern era in eastern europe they used facebook to activate the hive mind of political affinity groups and so basically what all right did they maybe number in the hundreds or thousands but they helped sharpen the language and the outreach of the donald trump campaign and of the right of right wing mobilization in general and in that way they were sort of a revolutionary force the same way that the neo cons were in the bush administration that the color evolution is a great idea that it is you're distilling it down this color and people are with that color and sensually. now you bring in that domestically i mean how do you
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generate these kind of swarm protests where you have a proud voice descend onto a city out of nowhere and then how does antifreeze show up and start confronting the proud voice one of these resistance protests we're seeing it's the same swarm tactics organized through the methods that you know the intelligence services have refined in the color revolution starting with poor the bulldozer revolution to remove milosevic in serbia you know we developed them here and now we're witnessing them blowing back into our own politics as he's organic or and they owe him in the politics organic but the methods and the way that they use facebook and whatsapp to get people out in the streets to confront each other and to figure out where the police are so they can avoid them and make it more possible to bring radicalism into the streets. that's a that's that's a relatively new phenomenon but it's something that people in eastern europe are familiar with because we've been meddling in their affairs for so long you know
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when we were out in flagstaff we went on a tour with it and those store and the guy the expert on goes i asked him you know why is it that only americans have ghost and when i'm in europe for twenty years and you never hear those there you go for it and he said well because we make money off it and that reminded me of what les moonves the head of c.b.s. news said about donald trump and why they kept putting the camera on him even an empty podium because they were making money he was good for their business is donald trump the equivalent of that ghost on the flag staff rahm would say oh yeah and i mean donald trump is like the classic american ghost i mean he brings all the dark ghosts of our past into one really colorful orange skin and dead fox head and character. has so much titanic energy he's like powered by fish delays and he just goes around the country ranting and you know the last time i was in new orleans. is
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the height of the trump campaign i was sitting in a hotel lobby here and trump was ranting about mexicans being rapists and c.n.n. aired that on expurgated for two hours and everybody gathered around the bar to watch it was like a college football bowl game and c.n.n. created this monster by airing it and giving him out airtime and they benefited with ratings and he haunts hillary clinton you can see that written all over her demeanor in the debates he was like behind hillary like and just like stalking or rattling old bones or something i just like freaked out what a lot of weird stuff happened during that campaign well a lot of weird stuff happens and you weren't walk around. after the previous digit my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the book different groups on one hand it is logical to sort of go from
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fields where everything is familiar with one bit of the i want to the new challenge and a fresh perspective i'm used to surprising. or not if you think. i'm going to talk about football not for you or else you think i was going to go. by the way what is it that sliding. globalization lost its moral compass and maybe if to put more values into the system my true snooping in this we have to string some multinational multilateral institutions living in the dark cruel to it's like a room lucille scream having always you know and come to action so we need to put spec to the system and we need stronger leadership. and better
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leadership. is do before you came here where did you work before you came here when you lived. in many us states capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution but most of the time the victims' families they are very much in favor of the death penalty there are some people because of what they did they have given up the right to live among us somebody even proven innocent his own death through and how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about. you know we're number one murder capital in united states we all slow number
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one her way to addiction here. how many of the mug shot before. passes for most. evil you so incredibly wrong or you got a wicked jump shot in order to exclaim. it's a joke you gotta act like a lion amongst all the one. piece of the beast so this is the bible that is at the root for. professor i want your mailman great to see you well you know and to be in new orleans and that we're doing this travel across america and you know we want to talk to you about the representation of the black community blacks in culture you know the stain of slavery this. racism. defines our
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politics even today you know we as we move across the country and we talk to folks in new orleans were talking about great writers of the past and people who have recognized the fact that you know the past is not really past it's still very much present was a quote by william faulkner and i paraphrase a bit it seems so obvious to me that in los america gets over its racism problem that we're not going to we're going to fail because we went from slavery jim crow to the prison industrial complex is the modern slave. system right and the constitution actually allows for the abuse and manipulation of the human body while in penitentiaries if you read the thirteenth amendment which a biologist label it abolishes slavery say for those persons who are in costa rated soon after the civil war ended and the thirteenth amendment was issued
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black men and women were arrested in november's large numbers throughout the south for vagrancy and they were put into a prison industrial complex or prison complex which actually mimicked the plantation society yes amazing that the. this land that we live there is a well of culture both in the native population the black population the african population and now when we visit countries like mexico and mexico city the ancient cultures are still very much part of the present they don't they don't try to whitewash everything they don't destroy everything there's this emphasis on the now the future you know it's everything's got to be new everything in the past got to be torn down up and you don't have any reference at all curious when you think about this that we're at an end game where we can no longer depend on being that manifest destiny that we're just going to reinvent the future and forget the problems and that the past is now really starting to catch up to the present for
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african-american people the past has never been that for in the past the civil rights era because to me it was not a movement it was an era in which there were several movements. for example the in the city of new orleans we had a very strong nationalist movement here. right not far from us and the desire housing development the desire housing project the black panther as well. and in one nine hundred seventy the police were dispatched. and an anti-personnel vehicle was used a tank to go in and around the black panthers who were feeding the children providing reading materials for the children and providing afterschool academic resources for the children we assumed that after the voting rights bill
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the civil rights bill initially and then the voter rights build everything was going to be ok and everything that was done prior to that point was no longer necessary we heard that same sentiment right after barack obama was elected the first time this is a post racial society well for me that is has never been the case because even with my world travels and my degrees and all that i've done i am still in certain neighborhoods in this city not far from this one a target. i think what is surprising younger people in this country not folks like you and i because we've seen this before is that there are large segments of this country who are hell bent on maintaining a status quo which keeps a large percentage of people in this country down and not just african-american people. native americans latinos and poor whites poor the poor you know what i'm
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all in there is one of the having called the poor the poor and the poor are being victimized who are being blamed and then increasingly there's no place to put the poor they're being scapegoated and we've seen that movie before in the one nine hundred thirty s. you know ended quite horrific lee you know you brought you mention barack obama let's let's focus on that a little bit you know here it is the first black president of the united states and i think the black community when i was also and was not all that satisfied with how that went down i don't speak on it. many of us i'm not satisfied with what we got out of his presidency what were you expecting i was expecting him to help level the playing field he could have assisted african-american communities by encouraging more financial growth but it was a problem why didn't you go down that path he became the president of all people why does this new president of all people in other words because his contribution residents are going to say he's not the president of no one is he this is kowtow to
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special interests many people will say that ok so how is that president for all people and how is it maintained that it's quotes that was in quotes president of ok you came the president of all people and in the process. we did not as a community grow to the extent to which we would have liked. but he's not alone maybe you know why did he do when you got to like i said and you know i said you know he could have been less gordon brown and more james brown you know james brown is a guy who for other civil rights well usually say it out loud i'm black and i'm proud you don't have to get me nothing open up the door i'll get it myself right ok now let's study only things i want a man from a fine man like you know we understand making a strong position i can walk on barack obama and i think i think he could have done a great deal more for us than he did generally what happens is when we have black mayors for example many times you will find a mayor to addressed everybody's issue and of course they were elected by
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a multiplicity of people however that is done to the detriment of the projects and the impoverished communities that have existed for a long time and so what you find happening for example after hurricane katrina yes lakeview brought more the by water all communities that were lifted up. gentilly new walliams east have been ignored have been virtually locked out of all of the progress that you see happening in this in the city my neighborhood in new orleans east. not only don't we have. adequate numbers of shopping centers and grocery stores and the like but where those things once existed they've been knocked down and what you will find will be slabs. while lakeview the lakefront brought more in these
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other areas that were impacted upon by the storm have come back in. just and a whole resurrect they've been resurrected from what i understand public schools and i've been privatized and you know new orleans is going to be built up as a huge disneyland location and the black community has been here for hundreds of years and basically is being decimated destroyed i'm actually a victim of that the privatization of the public school system prior to two thousand and five eleven years prior to that i was a director an administrator in the new orleans public school system prior to hurricane katrina the state of louisiana attempted to wrist. the school system away from the citizens of the city by way of controlling the school board this was circa two thousand and four two thousand and five with
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katrina the school school you had just begun the state then immediately. took control of the school system two weeks after the storm we were evacuated in georgia and i received a call alerting us that we were going to be put on relief by march of two thousand and six we were effectively fired the state taken control of the school system no other school system in this area had that experience and essence the state worked with their school boards. to continue their efforts but in orleans parish that was not the case and why because you're. teaching while black well and essence yes because this was is not in my opinion it has nothing to do with
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education it has everything to do with controlling what was essentially a five hundred million dollars budget and also controlling the population of new orleans did not half but maybe one to two fortune five hundred companies our enroll to the middle class for black people was through the public school system most of us accessed the middle class through this system generationally. now out of this middle class community came politicians many of the politicians who became city council person state representative state senators were school teachers. we. confronted. the power structure. almost at every turn. that community to be in my estimation had to be dissolved.
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it's mine they renamed the site this is real rain well we're heading into a very dark. place which is us while. we're heading to alabama which is the location of some dark history of america of experimentation that continues to this day experimentation on african-americans they have experimentation in the form of the tuskegee syphilis experiments whereby they basically scientists then these doctors said intensity. studies these african-americans. who had syphilis some of them and they did not treat them in the one nine hundred thirty two until one nine hundred seventy two when the program was uncovered and had to stop so they followed this family allowed their children to be born with syphilis even though there was
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a hot it's going to treat syphilis so that experiment. that experiment those experiments continued until ninety eight seventy two we also had the. we also had j.p. morgan experiment in the future with jefferson county a majority black county whereby they loaded them up with yet in the full find to fight to a system that they didn't know what they didn't realize that they became attached swaps. which meant that the cost of servicing the debt for this to reach just grows exponentially when interest rates were coming down so the gods hammered big time. with this hugely expensive system that it was to begin the
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largest. municipal bankruptcy at the time. of two thousand two thousand. and. one. holding one of the. white people with fifty entries what exactly is. this. without claims about how often including the reporter is part of the story the first person narrative is the word. first using measuring something to describe an article by hundreds of years of sarcasm. coming from the crowd of power from a combination of social critics of. the some of the others in the market people.
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pick it up. man i'm nobody. what i see and hear things with your door. i see people who are afraid must see these young women in these white supremacist groups and i see those are really scared. scared of the movie. all they have the whole or that is the color of their skin that's all they have going for themselves their white skin. the maternity town the slums go in and you may never get out some sort of the most of. my teenage gang rules here because no one of you to move then none of the mind of
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those who were. but. maybe will be. told will come out. minus a murderer. and now it's looking for the yeah when on the news that has to be done by melanie when nobody knew who. you know the monkey. communes all i see. life expectancy in america is plummeting if you look at the chart it's shocking to look at almost every other country it's kind of inching op on one side of the chart and that. i'll wire is the united states it's way over here and it's all crashing down from the drugs from having junk food having junk culture having it's junk
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politics and fake news it's all fake and fake doesn't sustain life and you see it in the numbers it's clear. another turbulent week for venezuela both russian and american resolutions to resolve the country's crisis fail at the un security council while washington's economic pressure of promise caracas to transfer you have all of its main to moscow . wrong sees a sixteenth weekend straight of yellow vast unrest with police resorting to take gas and water cannon. and u.s. president donald trump and north korean leader kim jong un hold their second summit but failed to reach a deal on.
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