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tv   News  RT  March 4, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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i see people who are afraid see these young women in these ways purposes and see the. movie. all the other all that is the color of their skin or for themselves their white skin. british prime minister visits the city of soulsby on the first anniversary of the poisoning of a former russian double agent and his daughter moscow claims london is withholding the full truth of what happened twelve months ago. that israel is self-proclaimed interim president is back on home soil but risks arrest for defying a travel ban although washington has threatened a significant response if anything should happen to one. another news an offshoot of the al qaida terrorists stages a deadly surprise attack in syria as the u.s.
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offers a million dollar reward for information on the some of the. british rapper has broken women's weightlifting records while identifying as a female comes as transgender people are allowed to compete with women in sports musician told us why he feels that some found. strength and speed. good evening thanks for joining us this is r.t. . britain's prime minister's visited solsbury one year after the poisoning there or former russian double agents. daughter yulia reason may says that the city is recovering from the incident that has been a tremendous effort here in the deacon in order to move on and recover from what took place last year. but even twelve months some questions continue to circulate
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around the events of march two thousand and eight russia refutes the u.k.'s continued insistence that moscow is to blame for the poisoning with the kremlin noting that the most basic questions on the incident remain. from salisbury reports i've been talking to some of the people here and many of them say they're still processing what happened take a lesson so. you know it's not the truth. to ciccio. you to the great war i mean you really get it it's part of you made people see so. i put my bike from there the every day of what's a mobile supporter with me so i just went straight back in for a way so i wouldn't pick anything up any more. or less than i'm sure the contamination is complete so. i don't think me saying well one year ago you'd be
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hard pressed to find many people outside the u.k. that knew much about the town of souls very or perhaps the height of the spier of the famous cathedral here but the attack against the script files that took place have put this place on the map in the international scandal that ensued has really ensured that souls barry has stayed rather famous it was here it was actually on a park bench on this green that on the fourth of march last year so gay and his daughter yulia scrip are were discovered slumped unconscious they were taken to hospital and pretty soon afterwards it became clear that this wasn't an ordinary medical incision that they were dealing with the script had been poisoned with military grade nerve agent a substance known as novacek that had been produced in the soviet union and pretty soon after that the prime minister to resign made penned the finger of blame squarely on. moscow over what really had taken place here london says the kremlin
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dispatched a hit squad to come here russian military agents arrived in solsbury they say shortly before the poisoning took place they were armed with a toxic no information and access to the investigation saying that actually two russian nationals are involved here and we know nothing about what's happened to them take a listen to the russian foreign ministry spokesperson if people in the west in the u.k. and washington and brussels think russia will just let the slide they are mistaken sergey script files nice victoria's secret powell has also been talking at a press conference in moscow and she says that she still can't get a hold of her relatives and she's being denied any information about how they're doing or their whereabouts take a listen. to the british embassy have been telling me since day one that it cannot
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help me there have to call the russian embassy in the u.k. under pressure from the media reasons and they even didn't return my passport to me personally they sent it fire mail i'm prohibited to even stay here the border of britain so diplomatic relations between london and moscow are still pretty much at rock bottom and this candle is the cause of much of the animosity between london and moscow. the russian ambassador to the u.k. alexander told us the questions that remain unanswered in the case. almost the next day russia was bullied. argument that time was that russia is the only country called movie chalk could be produced but later on in the few weeks later we understood that something like twenty countries including europe most of the european countries they could produce new york. we offered the the
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u.k. government the let's see some kind of a joint investigation that was a real proposal from the russian side because we wanted to help certain issues to investigate because this is the russian citizens but so far as. the british ambassador in moscow said a few weeks ago that britain is not ready for this kind of corporation. from the legal point of view of this is the clear of the international law in the vienna but actual yannick biological convention and the vienna convention from the one hundred sixty five where the embassy has a right under their convention to see russian citizens so britain is violating international law. we don't know their destiny you know what happened to them what is their health condition will they live with her the you know with the secrecy. if you look at the now let's see media in the u.k.
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you will never find any decent story about russia most of the stories are very negative quite provoking and as the american sate fake. i believe that that kind of statement in the newspaper was part of the very serious anti russian complain where most of the diplomats which are working in the embassy they are spies so this is some kind of a witch hunt or the office of ten downing street took to twitter to publish the pm statement on salisbury unfortunately there was a slight problem. so show. us. the
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so. at least a. few. thanks. thanks. thanks feel. much. thanks few. feet. thank you. thanks few. feet. thank you. yes. thank you. thank you thank you. for an. outlet.
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but as well as a self proclaimed interim president won by dos touched down back in the country he left in late february in defiance of a travel ban that been imposed by the country's supreme court hear latest pictures from the airport where he landed in caracas quite has been tore in latin america looking to rattle support is returned i now opens up the possibility that venezuela north or teams could try to arrest him later on he addressed his supporters urging them to continue with their protests i think that's all it is your own saturday will continue in the streets all of venezuela will return to the streets determined to mobilize in search of freedom we. rist one second on to freedom is achieved the man who was there in thirty and president of venezuela is back behind the address in their paid well enough member said that this started out those some very small gathering number in the hundreds but now there are thousands of peoples
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a year so far to go a month off motherhood was not impeded by the presence of white or here why don't house arrest warrants against him i'm a little just said they rate the rate that is or should be arrested inside and yet here he is in us vs address in their millions of the opposition deferred beyond the boy. the russian ambassador to venezuela claims the threat of u.s. intervention in the country remains according to him washington and its allies have been strengthening the military presence near venezuela political analyst lucas cannibalise quite those decision to defy the travel ban was deliberately states. i think that if we were not there. to you know further legitimize a democratically elected government a myth of mother i invite your viewer to think of a thought experiment if people bigger than i thought they were to have declared her income president of the united states and with a middling recognized by the kremlin and then they're going to left the country
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despite a travel ban and proceeded to go on an international or a company by a top russian diplomat and then return to the country without a rat and then go to not a government route and it would she would she be allowed to do this or would she be in jail i think you know the answer is rather and if they do it yet but we have very. few ground with regard to what you know and the up and says i'm doing here is by the open at thirty two can book a new coalition of the willing to support regime change in the. u.s. national security adviser john bolton has warned against any attempts to prevent squad those written on twitter he said to be a significant response from washington should safety be threatened. in a recent interview bolton as the international community to round on venezuela's elected leader i'd like to see as broad a coalition as we can put together to replacement to replace the whole corrupt
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regime look in this administration we're not afraid to use the phrase monroe doctrine this is a country in our hemisphere it's been the objective of american presidents going back to ronald reagan to have a completely democratic hemisphere. the monroe doctrine mentioned bolton was formulated by presidents james monroe in the nineteenth century it's purpose to stop any european interference in the affairs of nations in the americas many interpret the doctrine no just to justify america's own interventions in the region russia's chief diplomat has been blunt about his issues with it. since the creation of the united nations in one thousand nine hundred five international law has been regulated under the auspices of this universal legitimate organization the theory and practice of backyards is insulting well according to the russian foreign minister the use of the doctrine is insulting to the regional powers to the countries in latin america and you said that this whole thing should also be concerning to other nations because right now the united states have an ambition
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change the venezuelan government to our sma doro but have already teased that they have a similar ambition for other countries in the region like cuba or nicaragua now the russian foreign minister also talks about john bolton's statements regarding russia's aid now john bolton in a recent lied the venezuelan nation with humanitarian aid sergey lavrov pointed out that russia did supply seven and a half tons of medicine through international organizations to sort all of that is easily tracked and monitored. so they were putin has officially suspended russia's participation in the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty which is a key cold war era nuclear agreement. discussed this earlier with my colleague jacqueline. well the i.n.f. treaty which has been banning land based missiles with ranges up to five thousand five hundred kilometers since nine hundred eighty eight is falling apart completely
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the u.s. and russia have been doing it step by step and president putin has just made another formal one he actually signed a document which suspends it on the russian side but everyone realized it was the beginning of the end of this agreement back in october last year when donald trump started bashing that treaty and it is the only problem for the treaty russia has a legit violations then while on the one hand the donald trump administration has really been trying to make it seem that moscow's behavior is the number one reason of the other hand the fact is that the i.n.f. treaty was signed by the leaders of the us and the u.s.s.r. and that's why other countries weren't obliged to do anything under the agreement and in his latest statements donald trump isn't really hiding that he's also pulling out because the likes of china aren't involved in the old agreement decades
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ago the united states entered into a treaty with russia in which we agreed to limit and reduce our missile capability russia repeatedly violated it's. we really have no choice. perhaps we can negotiate a different agreement and adding china and others or perhaps we can't in which case we will outspend and out innovate all of theirs by far russia has been saying all along that washington is lying that moscow is not violating anything and at some point they were actually ready to invite experts from abroad to examine the weapons says. in russia that was of particular concern for the u.s. but that invitation was ignored a lot of has made it clear that no initial steps will be made by his country the
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only things that he's going to order to be done can only be in response to hostile actions by america and the allies in nato. will our u.s. partners have to be honest and straightforward with they should not have used trumped up accusations and allegations to unilaterally withdraw from it like they did in two thousand and two which they did in an honest way when they pulled out of the i.b.m. treaty i felt it was done the wrong way but at least they did it in a straightforward manner but how do they act in fact they violate everything and find excuses to put the blame on someone russia does not pose a threat to anyone and the actions we take are retaliate that is to say in defense we never seek confrontation we do not want specially with a global power like the u.s. so again this signature by vladimir putin isn't a surprise at all it is just a formal move what we have to watch out for is who deploys or develops
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what next. because nick professor of history and director of the nuclear studies institute at american university thinks the u.s. doesn't want to be constrained by any treaty. you look at these people they don't want to have any treaty that's good in any way constrain the united states as trump says we're going to outspend everybody we're going to out innovate everybody there is no reason why this cannot be renegotiated and why we should abrogate the entire treaty but that what washington does not want to be constrained by any treaties now there are legitimate concerns yes it's a legitimate concern about the fact that other countries are not included in this treaty but that was not the point of it in the one nine hundred eighty s. what we need is a much broader structure of international arms control negotiations that can
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bring other countries perhaps into compliance. the syrian army suffered heavy losses this weekend in the country's north eight hundred soldiers were killed during a surprise attack by. a syrian offshoot of al qaida the ambush and the number of casualties were confirmed the arabic by the army with washington recently putting up a million dollar reward for information on a solid bin laden sun it does look like the war on terror has been given fresh impetus because the explains the war on terror. begins with. but it does not in there the war on terror is almost a tradition now a part of the american way of life no end in sight either so traumatic it was nine eleven that it set america all of a seemingly endless crusade there's an old poster out west i recall that said wanted dead or alive and it does seem endless no matter how many battles they win
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how many islamists. they destroy how many bin ladens they kill as always someone else we deliver devastating blows to the al-qaeda leaders that attacked us on nine eleven. deliver justice to osama bin laden we have won against isis we've beaten them and we've beaten him badly now it's the sama bin laden's son hamza bin laden and washington is afraid that he's becoming a new terror i call. bin ladin is the son of the deceased a.q. leader osama bin laden and as emerging as a leader in the a.q. french us has been has released audio and video messages on the internet calling on his followers to launch attacks against the united states and its western allies eased thirty also recently praised by the leader of al qaida blacklisted by the
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un married allegedly to the daughter of a nine eleven plane hijacker favored by his late father sama as his successor he's calling for attacks on the u.s. to avenge the killing of his father same crazy ideology what's unclear his whereabouts the u.s. seems to believe you could be anywhere in south central asia it all leads to one conclusion apparently al qaida is coming back showing signs of confidence what will threaten ocurred of the threat from radical islamic terrorism a continuing threat posed by al qaeda there are according to various estimates more than thirty thousand active fighters across a number of countries loyal to al qaida ironically the u.s. stands accused of arming them though unintentionally in syria with weapons intended
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for moderate groups being seized by islamists in yemen c.n.n. reported. with the saudis and their coalition partners handing american made weapons to oil qaeda linked fighters history it seems repeats itself in the nineteen eighties during the soviet war in afghanistan the u.s. funded and armed the mujahideen including asama bin laden. they called them freedom fighters the mujahideen the islamists when they were fighting the u.s.s.r. but it didn't take long for those freedom fighters to morph into terrorists and the taliban into al qaida and they just won't go away no matter how many times you beat them it seems they just keep rising from the dead it won't get put back in the bottle if the us does not want to put it back in the bottle the us final final.
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thousands of tons of weapons into syria to our forces that it knew very well were. allied with. and allied with the muslim brotherhood and so when it suits the us purposes it will work with al-qaeda and other terrorists and when they become a problem after september the eleventh or after they morphed into islamic state in syria and iraq then of course it will it will attack them. with more attention being paid to al-qaeda recently opposition forces are the seizure in the last pocket device the resistance in syria the town of. the u.s. backed forces are releasing heavy artillery shelling and i saw militants there they claim if i could be over within five days around hundred fifty terrorists surrendered monday according to kurdish media reports for the fighting resumed over
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the weekend civilians as well as the wives and children of the militants were allowed safe passage. from the besieged town hall to arabic crew at the site has been talking to those who've left by groups. how many kids you have killed trey but one one day where is your who's been killed. let me let me just say that we set up. so low the city for the holiday that any.
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of them was ever did marco de vionnet. get bumpus they didn't know but they did and you are listening to him at the moment genocide is my bed at eight. in the last year. and last but. i didn't want to. see the welcome to the you have been the zulu burgos. little daughter eva not as well no not a as you have you know that impulse in the book was. on sunday a spokesman for the opposition forces said he expected the battle to be over soon though donald trump has already claimed victory over the self-styled caliphate no more than one occasion we have won against isis now we've won some time probably next week we will have. one hundred percent of the caliphate as usual
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president trump is playing fast and loose with the truth and he's turned things the problem is even if it is defeated as a force controlling natural territory it has its origins as a terrorist group or training suicide bombers having small so actions and we've seen that continue in iraq for example where there were some horrible bombings of civilians so the danger is. go back to what they were originally doing and care of these kinds of terrorist attacks which are very difficult to start. a british rapper has broken women's weightlifting records while identifying as female to highlight what he calls the absurdity of claims there is no biological strength difference between men and women. i keep hearing about how biological men don't have any physical strength advantage of women in two thousand and nineteen so watch
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me destroy the british women's deadlift record without trying p.s. i identified as a woman whilst lifting the weight don't be a bigot. viral tweet got more than a million views and comes amid a backlash against the growing number of athletes identifying is female in women's events british olympic swimmer sharon davies tweeted that women sport must be protected from people born this man but the world's first transgender world champion cyclist rachel mackinnon hit back insisting trans women athletes have no unfair advantage lympics rules state that men can participate as women without surgery as long as they undergo hormone therapy to bring down to stop levels we spoke to the rapper behind that video he told us why even more strictures may not be enough to ensure fair competition for women. so i think the video went viral because it touched on a timely issue and it was somewhat amusing and comical people did find it funny
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but underneath all that i think it did bring light to important conversation that's a lot of that's happening all over the world right now testosterone is not the only difference that gives men physical advantage over women especially in strength and speed there are other factors as well if someone's gone through puberty as a male you you're likely to be considerably taller especially at the extreme ends you're going to have a different bone structure you're going to have bigger hands bigger your entire muscular skeletal system will still remain that of a man so if i were to take some hormone blockers and suppress my testosterone levels for twelve months i still would be i'd still have considerable physical advantages over someone who's been a woman for their entire life so it's not just as simple as the testosterone levels i have no nothing against i don't think anybody in this debate has anything against any individuals or groups it's merely about maintaining fairness and not distorting
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reality in a way that could actually be very harmful and perhaps even you know could actually ruin women's sport if it's let to go to its full conclusion really. thanks for keeping it all back with updates for you in half an hour.
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banks guys are financial survival they say money the girl i'm. going to take it easy this is the central plank support diagramming i'm going to call them right now so you stop to. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. pretty.
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much all of the town in congo the only zones a neighborhood is a slum. hundreds of teenage gangs operate here then cools a clue.


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