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tv   News  RT  March 5, 2019 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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it seems. to me. that is the end of it for the city but for now the mountains of moist only grow higher. but they're not the long awaited will approach to trump russia collusion will deliver a smoking gun us democrats look set to launch their own investigation intent it seems constantly changing one thing. for you peach somebody you have to persuade the american public or to to happen in peach print is a long way down the road we don't we don't have the facts yet. continue to rush to talk of regime change in caracas the self-proclaimed interim president returns home from a latin american tour without upset or. poll finds that over half of france is against the children of french how does returning home
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the relatives of some kids held in syria appeal to the u.n. to help getting them back. to the u.k. prime and school reportedly caves into pressure and suspends its lessons on homosexuality after hundreds of angry parents keep their children in protest. as for joining us this hour this is r.t. and. we will start this hour in the united states where senior u.s. democrats are demanding access to all communications between donald trump. that's amid claims that the u.s. president can seal details of what he spoke about with his russian counterpart the following request has been sent to the white house. the committee's requests the by march the fifteenth twenty nineteen the department produce all documents
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communications were godless the foreman classification the refer all relate to any communications between president trump and president putin and us democrats are doubling down on efforts to catch trump on alleged collusion with russia and it could be perhaps because there's talk the current miller probe into the issue will prove to be a disappointment skill of modern experience. there's an old saying among cops and prosecutors if you throw enough at a wall eventually something will stick and this old saying usually expressed with less polite terminology seems to now be the montra of the democrats in congress gerry navl or has been selected to lead the charge impeachment is a long way down the road we don't we don't have the facts yet but we're going to initiate. a proper investigation so you have peach somebody you have to persuade the american public or to to happen to remember the bob muller investigation that highly expensive two year long probe into allegations that donald trump had
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colluded with russia not too long ago democrats had many people convinced that it would be a huge game changer. well the final report is imminent and some are worried that it won't contain a bombshell or smoking gun revelation but some democrats seem to have the same overall goal because we're going to go in there really. i eighty one people have received a letter from the house judiciary committee they plan on following up on every last lead from the testimony of trump's former warrior michael's family the firing of james komi foreign trade deals and much much more and it won't just be the judiciary committee that is looking into donald trump you have to do is follow the transcripts if there were names that were mentioned records that were mentioned
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during the hearing we're going to take a look at all of that the u.s. constitution lays out procedures for trying and removing a president who is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors the idea is to put a check and balance on the executive branch so that it is not above the law however it seems that as of late investigations in impeachment have turned into just another play in the never ending political foot. dog he looked up at r t a new york . don't trump has branded the new efforts to impeach him harassment of innocent people you also pointed out there's no evidence of collusion ties to russia for us republican congressman michael patrick flanagan believes a democrat controlled inquiry will backfire. the democrats knowing that it's not going to be much of a report are now trying to build their own campaigning continue the activity of them all or in their own clumsy imperfect way and their goal is to take this president down and make sure that he is in no way possibly real active next year
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and so they will do their best to keep this alive if more was keeping his or his his his investigation somehow alive they would be doing this because the need for this investigation would be would be vitiated by above all are doing here this but now motors done and he's apparently not going to report much of anything says the democrats furious so they're going to build an investigation that they control that they run that they can control the outcome of a surprise a price that will have the outcome that they wanted to have and no one will believe it. but it's of the children of french jihad these of appeal to the u.n. for the youngsters to be allowed back to france currently being held in camps in syrian kurdistan on the lawyers help lodge the complaint claims the children would be able to adapt to normal life in france. when the french people every day for three years in a row are being told that these children are time bombs they want to prove they're
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a petrie but in fact they're being deceived the eighty four children have already returned to france they have adapted they're being socialized they're ok. according to the save the children charity there are now more than two and a half thousand children in camps in northern syria from around thirty countries already does that the lawyer we just heard from thinks that around one hundred of them are french france is dealing with the issue on a case by case basis the majority of french people they seem to be against the children's return though a new poll found sixty seven percent of respondents didn't want them in france we spoke to patrick sharp down the father of one of the victims of the battle plan concert attack in paris carried out by our so he thinks children of generalities have to suffer consequences of their parents' actions. parents are bearing responsibility for the future of their children they've left france voluntarily nobody forced them out they've decided to fight against france they've crossed themselves out of frauds and unfortunately their children should account for the
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consequences for me these children coming back is out of the question i don't consider them french nationals sister channel r.t. france spoke to prisons to see what they think about the children's fate. is often children should be protected and their own circumstances. it creates a real threat this children back they have to be hollerin decayed it's risky it is often these are children since when the children danger over need is good environment they will flourish political journalist elizabeth says that the issue to how this children is a difficult one for french government. there have been lots of attempts and directed radicalization very sophisticated ones there have been attempts to another country and all the help of a social media with facebook with google and at the end of the day the results are small so the government is well aware that there's a lot majority of the french you do not want these children to come back to not see
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them as being french see them as being out the children of jihadi far those whom they might be more named so the government has got a hot potato on this it's a difficult decision to teach it's not popular earned earth there's also the understanding in france that many of the terrorist acts that have been committed in france were by people who were actually watched by the police and at the end of the day the police could not determine at what time they would. take action and so these people were well known and still they managed to go out and kill french people that doesn't make you popular to bring potential more of those. primary school in britain second city birmingham has reportedly caved into pressure and temporarily pulled the plug on itself g.b.t. lessons after hundreds of parents reportedly kept their children at home in protest of these polyploid has the details. well the cause of this route is a educational diversity program called no outside isn't it
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a means to teach kids about the different types of families that they might encounter and talking to them about things like the idea of having two moms or two dads and reading books to kids as young as four about the concept of same sex families a program was devised by the deputy head of the school at the center of this route his name's andrew marr fattened actually he's been nominated for the world's best teacher award take a look at him talking about the program. another was sick on both of them most got some tissues on them but. this is about teaching to you are different you can solutions if anybody does a huge going to. school we have to find ways to teach children to come to them. but the majority of the parents at this school are on happy with andrew marr fats
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teaching methods it's a predominantly muslim school and parents fundamentally disagree with the idea of teaching kids about homosexuality in l g b t issues some of our viewers might know that. in islam homosexuality is forbidden so up until now the school had really held and said that they would continue this what they see as a very necessary diversity program but now a number of media outlets saying that the school has sent a letter to parents saying that the lessons are going to be stopped take a lesson up to the end of this term we will not be delivering any outsiders lessons in our long term you curriculum please will continue as normal and welcoming. will be the rule this comes after protests last friday some say. six hundred parents said that they hadn't taken their kids to school that's eighty percent of the
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school's attendance of the school's pupils the school wouldn't confirm that number but these protests have been taking place for a while now ever since this rouse started and some of them have been pretty sizeable take a look. at. that . i'm prior to the protests taking place there had been a big school petition that some four hundred predominantly muslim parents had signed calling on the school to stop these lessons so this is clearly an issue that is really riled up the parents in this school in the community i reported on the storing from birmingham a couple of weeks ago and this is what the parents had to say to me it's not for the reappeared for the reception kids. want to homosexuals you should learn about
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your to old age not right now because you can easily get your parents did teach you kids no need to stay with boys and boys who doesn't a good thing this was a two hour live with a like it's equality act obviously clearly says you can't discriminate against religion and whatnot that's what they're doing it's ninety nine percent muslim it's not about being muslim the the jewish community the other communities the christian communities they're all have issues around the way things are being done now i've been in touch with some of those parents from the school and so far what i've heard is that this diversity program hasn't exactly been stopped it's more that it's been posed for this task and some of the headlines would suggest that it says sort of a big final ending to it that doesn't seem to be the. case we've requested clarification from the school and we all still waiting for it but if the moment it
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looks that if the school sticks with this program and returns to it next or next year well it may well face the same protests all over again. counter-terrorism investigation has been launched in london after three improvised explosive devices were found early on tuesday the letter bombs were discovered at heathrow and london city bought on that waterloo train station experts say the devices were small and with the. french president among them are chronos presented his vision. seemed wrong. but. just don't call. me. yet to seep out the active. and engaged with equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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life expectancy in america is plummeting if you look at the chart it's shocking to look at almost every other country it's kind of inching up on one side of the chart and that as an outlier is the united states it's way over here it's all crashing down from the drop from the having junk food having junk culture having it's junk politics and fake news it's all fake and fake doesn't sustain life and you see it in the numbers it's clear. welcome back and as well as opposition leader is back home rallying support after
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washington warned the big trouble if he was arrested why and wedo had been touring latin america in violation of a travel ban imposed by correctness return respond to very different reactions on twitter from a cheering your state department to a defiant venezuelan president in the zoila has welcomed back who aren't quite though good to see them as well and security forces standing on the right side of history the world must unite push to end the brutal murder regime and peacefully restore democracy the world is watching as venezuela confronts imperial aggression and moves forward with dignity we will continue to hold high the flag of our free people who raise their voices against imperial interference all of venezuela will return to the streets determined to mobilize in search of freedom. the embassadors of france germany the netherlands and spain greeted by the at the airports along with a crowd of journalists our flag waving supporters welcome to the home at a rally in the capital by doe urge them to mobilize for yet another protest against
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president maduro on tuesday. the modern israel is becoming a problem for others in the region the u.s. a threat to tighten economic screws on cuba over havana as prometa road stands u.s. national security advisor said the new restrictions would target cuba's military john bolton also tweeted the region's nations should condemn caracas. russia's foreign minister has called bolton's statement crazy and american actions in the region are absolutely inappropriate artie's my guest if takes a look at why washington thinks it can dictate who side people should be on. the united states is exceptional literally that how and by different rules to you and me of the nations states groups you see they have the right to decide who rules where like in venezuela they decide who is a dictator and who isn't they decide which dictators rule and which don't
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now and state supports any number of dictators who are only human rights including the leaders of egypt saudi arabia the u.a.e. you don't see that the united states support for other brutal dictators around the world undermines the credibility of the argument you're making no i don't think it does make it separate and i think look in this administration we're not afraid to use the phrase monroe doctrine. it's an odd chaotic nineteenth century policy that basically says new nation in the americas may be colonized by europeans out of bounds for europeans and everyone not from the americas a little later teddy roosevelt twisted this policy turned it inside out instead of protecting american nations the us now toppled governments it didn't like there now they've twisted it again now they think they can do this everywhere
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all over the world and a zoo l.-a and a bill that legitimizes us meddling that terry quire threat assessment a strategy to counter russian influence in venezuela. in effect they're trying to justify meddling in venezuela pogany because it's too friendly with russia and saying no not that that is who asked for it not even america's champ there but you don't see broad support for i believe that there is respectful participation of russia in regards to watching the fate of our country but the same goes for other countries that are paying attention here and merica knows better in syria half the world away it's the same story in syria the united states where used to plumb us and work with our partners to expel every last iranian brute and work through the un a process to bring peace and stability to the long suffering syrian people for the
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life of me i don't remember syrians asking the united states to get rid of iranians but america knows better africa too many chinese there thinks washington up to no good and now is the time to boot them out china uses bribes opaque agreements and the strategic use of debt to hold states in africa captive to beijing's wishes and demands goes without saying it wasn't the africans who asked for this in fact according to the latest gallup poll most africans approve of chinese investment plans leadership in africa but the united states knows better you know why because it's special exceptional better than you or me officially our mission is
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to reassert our sovereignty reform the liberal international order this is a unique exceptional country. imagine mr monro would turn in his grave if he could see what his but nine policy protecting the weak from european. colonizers what that has been turned into a license to kill to meddle to topple governments and politically burn the continent oh you've got to be special all right we have all sorts of recent cases libya syria iraq where u.s. intervention has essentially up literally any possibility of democracy but this is true throughout the decades the united states has meddled in the after another whether in one nine hundred fifty four with our or the interventions that he carried out in the one nine hundred eighty s. supporting brutal military regimes in countries like el salvador although venezuela
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is in the fight the moment cuba nicaragua are also mentioned by figures like bolton in the same breath this is clearly a concerted effort to bring latin american countries once again under the iron control. briggs's just around the corner and euro skeptic parties gaining momentum in the e.u. french president among you walk around as outlined his grand vision of a reformed europe is open letter features a number of ambitious plans this shiela do basically explains. well this letter has been outlined to citizens of europe and it's been published in newspapers in the twenty eight member states of the european union this comes as many centrist politicians a fairing that they're not going to do as well in the forthcoming european elections as we've seen polls suggesting that nationalist and populist parties are likely to gain seats visionary may source and figure
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a pass it calls it but he also outlined that there are threats to europe never since the second world war has europe been so necessary and yet never has europe been in such a danger he sees that danger is being. twofold one it's the euro skeptic m.p.'s euro skeptic politicians people who he's described as exploiting public anger but it's not just euro skeptic politicians these pointing the fingers that he's also pointing the fingers towards those who don't want to do anything he want the status quo to remain as it is he says in his letter this is about people who would be sleepwalking towards a diminished europe he also talks about migration a very sticky issue for many centrists and something that europe has been battling now with for the last fifty years and he describes the need to set out new rules for the borders of the schengen area and also a border force of police that all of europe works towards new community can create
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a sense of belonging if it does not have protected territory limits with a full need to rethink the shingle area all those who want to be part of it should comply with obligations of responsibility stringent border controls and solidarity a single assignment policy with common acceptance and refusal rules one of the other things he talked about was interference and meddling suggesting that foreign powers shouldn't be able to finance parties in europe i propose the creation of a european agency for the protection of democracies to provide each e.u. member states with european experts to protect the election process against cyberattacks a manipulation so what's the reaction been well across europe many politicians have slapped knock on the back for outlining his vision but here in france there's been a lot of criticism from opposition politicians some describe him as being like the character dr jekyll and mr hyde flip flopping on his policies being all about the
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words and not being about the substance this is of course not the first time who have heard some of these ideas from since he took office back in two thousand and seventeen and there's been criticism of search. media of the fact that president michel while outlining this grand vision this renascence of europe is really struggling to control many of the things that are happening here in france take the yellow vest protest this is an anti-government movement that's been going on now for more than three months sixteen consecutive saturdays of processed people have described times as being some of the worst in the last fifty years here in france and it's not just the best protests we're seeing protests by students protests by teachers protests by workers from the medical fields all unhappy with the reforms that mark kong has been trying to push through since his election and many people say you know if you can't sort out things in your own country how can you then
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decide to outline what you think europe should be doing in future some suggesting that the president is trying to bite off more than he can chew. for firefighters and several riot police have been injured as french rioters fired petrol bombs torched scores of cars and all the words kill or police on shops vowing to avenge the deaths of two teens in a police chase. president was rushed to hospital after officers responded with tear gas. you've set up barricades for a third night in the district of the southern city of grenoble where authorities insist the seventeen and nineteen year olds were crushed between a bus and a world during the chase of a local media report writers claims that police deliberately called the youngsters deaths of fishel zahar investigating that. ok this is our teacher national
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appreciate you company this evening stick around if you can update in half an hour . after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next. ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to say i know from fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to suppressing. or not if you think. i'm going to talk about football not for you or else you can think i was going to go. by the way ways of the flying here. we'll.
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get to all this is all the good. the bad. the sun. just manufacture consent to step into the public well. when the ruling
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classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round be the one percent. we can. the room sick. room the real news room. it's a big a weekend this is us broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance and the impact upon all of us i'm burchill in the belly of the beast washington d.c. we're so glad and honored that you're on board we're going to make it worth your
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while coming up today is another big day of super interesting huawei news and this time u.s. actions on wall way could make it hard to rural and lower income americans could figure and u.s. china trade continues to percolate some say it has been brought to a boil over a wild way but new reports suggest that a deal on trade would calm some peter schiff the c.e.o. of your pacific capital and conservative commentator steve walford join us to discuss and later i told you about that twenty nine thousand hong kong block change conference i did make the trip but boom bust is on the scene friendship for reports on the number thirteen chinese economy that will surprise most of you plus i'm told i'm told he has a drone i love drone stories all of that directly ahead but first let's hit that headline let's go. and international legal shootout over the future of the internet leads our global report today as chinese tech firms walk away as i mentioned and
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the chinese state prepared to push back on united states and canada in court this time leading the sudden legal pile up while way is reportedly planning to file suit against united states over a ban on use of weiwei technology by the federal government according to report in the new york times u.s. officials an act of the policy over stated concerns about the security of wall way components and the company's ties to the chinese guy.


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