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tv   News  RT  March 6, 2019 7:00pm-7:30pm EST

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by the way what is the flying who. is in trump or is that with us isn't a bomb iran ruled which required official to officials to disclose the number of the three million deaths from drone strikes. washington councils the us visas of seventy seven officials links to venezuelan president in the latest round of sanctions against caracas. desperate families in war torn yemen are marrying off children as young as three in exchange for food that's according to a new report by the charity oh. this is the one in the family i mean. they can marry you know their daughters and they can bring some dowry and dad just can protect the whole family is
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a. very warm welcome you watching our international with meaning. now our top story president trump has revoked and a bamma era rule requiring u.s. intelligence to publicly reports the number of civilians killed in drone strikes more pain has the details a new executive order from the white house is reducing the amount of transparency when it comes to u.s. drone strikes now the executive order basically roof vokes regulations made by the obama administration in twenty sixteen essentially the director of national intelligence will no longer be required to release information regarding unclassified u.s. strikes and the non civilian deaths that are associated with them and that would be in areas outside. active hostility the pentagon will still have an obligation to
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report on civilian casualties in compliance with the national defense authorization act of twenty eighteen and twenty nineteen that was very clear in trump's executive order now this is certainly not the first time that donald trump has indicated frustration with the level of information related to military activities that has been made public with fighting words and they're doing reports and releasing it to the public so the public believes the enemy the enemy reach us reports are disturbing every line of those reports should be part of the reports live to report . but they should be private reports it's also important to note that that we have a statement that is reportedly coming from a spokesperson for the white house security council now it was given on the condition of anonymity it's being widely reported we cannot confirm it what it is saying is that apparently this was the activity of the intent of this executive order is minimizing to the greatest extent possible civilian casualties and
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acknowledging the responsibility when they unfortunately occur during the military actions but the same time getting rid of what they're calling supreme flew us reporting and requirements that don't actually improve government transparency but rather distract intelligence professionals from their primary mission the history of drone strikes is quite shocking there have been a number of rather tragic incidents that have taken place over the years. peace activists kathy can't believe the decision is a way of protecting the arms industry from scrutiny. i think it's an excuse i think that they want to make sure that lockheed martin raytheon and boeing you know their major defense contractors can can continue to sell the june soon to sell the
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weapons when u.s. people are under educated about the consequences of u.s. military strikes to kill civilians it doesn't enhance anybody security in fact when other people feel enraged or just completely confused and frightened this is something us people need to understand and if anything we need to understand a whole lot more i mean in maginot if the home in your neighborhood did you didn't know why where were the women where were the children killed so. is it proper to deny more information to the united states in a country where democracy is supposedly based on education. the u.s. is tightening the pressure on the venezuelan government u.s. vice president mike pence has announced that seventy seven officials linked to president maduro will have a u.s. visas revoked now thought to forty nine venezuelans were added to our thanks and
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blacklists back on friday r.t. correspondent dan cohen has more deal with the venezuelan government national security advisor john bolton issued a statement this morning saying quote the united states is putting foreign the financial institutions on notice that they will face sanctions for being involved in facilitating illegitimate transactions that benefit nicolas maduro and his corrupt network he also said the u.s. is quote pursuing several economic diplomatic and economic initiatives in support of that transition but he did not specify what they are and this comes a day after a special envoy for venezuela elliott abrams threatened what he called secondary sanctions that would target third party countries saying that would quote depend on the combat the conduct of the regime over time. the u.s. has also begun to increase pressure on cuba which it claims is controlling venezuelan president nicolas maduro bolton wrote in a tweet that the u.s.
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will continue to tighten financial restrictions on cuba's military and intelligence services venezuelan authorities in turn have declared the german ambassador daniel kremer persona non grata after what it called interference into its internal affairs he became the first european diplomat to be expelled from the latin american state however during his tuesday address to the national assembly one goh i doat says it's not the german ambassador who is the real persona non-grata. everyone in venezuela knows who the persona non-grata is and he's the only one who is known in the region in the world because in the old accounts with the two they recognize the venezuelan fight for democracy as a constitutional right now with duro responded by saying neither the opposition nor the united states wants to help venezuela and have their own interests like venezuela's natural resources russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov also condemn
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us sanctions against those who support saying quote it is another evidence that the american diplomacy is quickly losing its sense and its ability to use diplomatic instrument and their fears over military intervention the trumpet ministration continues to say all options are on the table but elliott abrams says the u.s. will use other ways to push for what he called democratic transition in venezuela nobody is talking about american military steps except the regime and the russians actually. i made it clear repeatedly our policy is as i just stated diplomatic political economic financial pressure. moving. toward a peaceful democratic transition in venezuela that's what we want now we've just learned that the attempted delivery of so-called humanitarian aid on the bridge
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crossing at the border of colombia and venezuela nearly turned into a bloodbath according to a report in bloomberg news two hundred exiled soldiers were preparing to clear the way for the aid trucks but the current plan was actually scrapped by the colombian government why do we also learned was planning to tour european capitals after finishing his tour of latin america but the united states told him to return to venezuela for fears that. his movement was losing momentum so this suggests that it is not go i don't know who's calling the shots so much but it's actually the white house by simply recognize an opposition leader but as well as interim president the u.s. seems to think it has already succeeded in effecting regime change with the state department going so far as to boot great journalists who think otherwise. we have
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noticed in news coverage that some outlets are incorrectly referring to one guy joe as the opposition leader or the self-proclaimed president. neither is correct relying on venezuela's constitution one guy joe became interim president of venezuela on january twenty third millions of americans and more than fifty countries recognize one by doe as interim president of venezuela you get this for your complaining because there is a you don't think he made a complaint pointing out just trying to correct well that's all it's like a completely innocent week he's he's the is the interim president well and we don't want to consider him to be the interim president as you say other countries. working. as you know the president it all more than a hundred members of the. fifty countries is not even.
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the time to act in support of democracy and that news coverage of all of them the legitimate leader the president is going to encourage more functions to work we don't want to feed into rhetoric of of the courage to try to get us senator marco rubio made a similar point criticizing c.n.n. for using the term self-proclaimed when referring to i don't suppose that interim presidency he said the phrase was used by russia to undermine the legitimacy of quiet as claim rubio even jokingly hinted at possible colu jand between c.n.n. moscow let's gauge the state of world opinion on the matter of quite as legitimacy fifty four countries recognized him as venezuela's leader the rest of the world either supports nicolas maduro is neutral or backs the opposition run national assembly but without recognizing quiet dough on cheers dame a juror took part in
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a ceremony commemorating the sixth anniversary of the death of his predecessor hugo chavez but you are his rival guy de meanwhile met with public sector unions urging them to take strike action to help bring down the government journalist max blumenthal told us his views on the latest u.s. measures against caracas. seventy seven new officials having their visas revoked is not necessarily going to change the situation in venezuela however there is a concern within the venezuelan foreign ministry that this could affect their ability to represent and this whale at the u.n. which is supposed to be a neutral body i don't know if that would be the case but it would be an unprecedented escalation from the u.s. and in an attempt to completely disrupt diplomacy. after four years of devastating conflict in yemen much of the population is on the brink of starvation and some desperate families have resorted to marrying off their daughters some of them as
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young as three years old just to get my mother in law keeps beating me and when i run away back to my father's house my father beats me again for a new way i don't want to marry i just want to go back to school son family as they did. i mean this is no one really where they can marry their daughters and they can bring some dowry and that just can't protect the whole families and also their extended members so it is really unfortunate that this is going on some of them that they have received an emergency support but you know you don't support are also even limited so they wouldn't and trying to. what are their immediate what i mean so this is one leaving the family i mean. it is very difficult to call family with these smaller little support and often the humidity
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is it isn't says that phrase the safety or security concerns. there so aid also we are not able to deliver aid on timely. according to the oxfam report girls in yemen are usually expected to consummate their marriages at their around the age of eleven and still there and they live with their. husbands and typically do the housework but being forced into relationships is a very early age is only one of the traumas faced by children in yemen according to humanitarian organizations yemen is one of the was countries for children to live in more than eleven million are in need of eight and almost half a million suffer from malnutrition the director of oxfam's yemen office says the current situation in the country is catastrophic. what is really really. deteriorating and even alarmed me that almost one third of the total population which is basically ten million is just at the brink of crimean and children
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are malnourished and we are all there word to do this all yourself war and conflict and also. look to as an eighteen color a crisis that was the worst cholera purses in the century. called anyone assistance are not provided trying really and even the faults even the man's lips and nonfunctional even for a day i mean including the food will end the humanitarian more reduced there will be much more protest of the situation. russia and syria the u.s. military to stop blocking the evacuation of a refugee camp we'll see what's going on there after the break.
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i think the numbers mean something they matter to us with over one trillion dollars of debt more than ten white collar crime. eighty five percent of global wealth you long to be rich if we pursue the world market thirty percent some would one hundred would prefer such a person in this way rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need remember one one you know for the one and only boom but. monsanto's around for cigarettes there are carcinogenic that money is the same thing as financially carcinogenic and you need to eradicate what's last by simply
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getting lighter fluid throwing it in a big pile and setting up. welcome back the case departure from the european union is proving to be full of unknowns the u.k. government doesn't seem to know the best way out on the bush people to know how europe's top brass giving even get that job is according to a leading brick says here i couldn't tell you who they are or what they do or how they came by their jobs or how they may be removed from office i have no idea how to kick those particular. while the e.u. is currently going through the process of choosing its new leaders for example the commission president is nominated by the e.u. council with the candidate then approved by members of the e.u. parliament we took to the streets of paris and berlin to find out whether europeans
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are any more aware than boris johnson. i think it will be in their pull something like that and yes i going to vote i never had a vote. when you could be done maybe due to the leaves done i see i don't have a clue about that. yet so i vote of course but. who really. i think i will go to very sort of course it's important for me to take part in for a federal europe this year what do you go to court or you go to yes i will i don't know i don't know what do you have to order but i don't know i don't know i am not sure for the date but i would go to vote the lections on the twenty sixth of may and i'm planning to vote. for police in london have investigated a suspicious package left as an entrance to the houses of parliament it's now being
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confirmed the object was not dangerous tensions are heightened at the moment after three letter bombs were sent to separate locations in the capital on tuesday r.t. these are he has more details. this is just really a pattern of incidents we've seen in the u.k. over the last few days that incident being deemed suspicious and a false alarm but just yesterday we've seen reports of three packages containing explosive devices found city airport heathrow airport and also waterloo train station now police have deemed that those packages weren't aiming to kill but were. explosives they were upon being opened by staff at those locations they caught fire and it's thought that they at least two of them had stamps or some kind of indication that they were sent from ireland but police are
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keeping an open mind and they're not concluding in any way that this is linked to any irish groups or anything to do with the while now finish conflict there but of course that remains one of the possibilities and also two universities the university of glasgow up in scotland the university of essex also having some of their buildings and faculties being evacuated as well as a result of suspicious items so all of these seemingly to come together we've heard from the mayor of london that car and he says that authorities are treating them as a linked series and although again the motive is unknown but it will only really heighten the sense of security here we saw two years ago a number of terrorist attacks in the u.k. and ever since then the terror alerts or the terror threat level has always remained at a very high level with authorities say that an imminent terrorist attack could be
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just around the corner at any point so this will do nothing to lessen those fears and also do nothing to ease the worries of tea towels or if he's here. the russian and syrian military is have issued a statement accusing american forces in syria of deregulating efforts to evacuate people from the infamous rock band camp artie's maria fanaa breaks down the story. dramatic humanitarian and security situation in a lot of the bun camp in southeastern syria has been constantly trigger numerous concerns from the russian side the blame america that is currently controlling this area along the militarized between syria and jordan for severe living conditions of the refugees inside the camp that were among other things reportedly openly threatened by jihad is that not only had managed to settle in that camp believes not without some help from the u.s. military on the ground but also to take control over some territories and also over
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human uteri in a traffic scene the area basically taking people inside the camp hostage both moscow and washington officials have repeatedly confirmed in fact that indeed some former or current islam is probably manage their way to one camp russia has constantly been calling on some kind of rescue vaccination operation to take people out of the zone supporting this idea with the polls show in that most of the people are willing to leave this area and has constantly been calling on america to join the effort by damascus to help improve rather than deteriorate the situation of syrians inside these zone according to different estimates that is right now around forty thousand people eighty percent of them women and children and earlier
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on wednesday we heard the statement from russia's defense ministry saying that america remains deaf america does not want to support any evacuation and rescue efforts the american stationed in the zone failed to take responsibility for ensuring a safe and unhindered passage of humanitarian convoys through the fifty five kilometers own they are controlling this is. essentially drake holds the implementation of a highly important humanitarian operation aimed at rescuing syrian citizens trapped in the rueben camp and while the sides are blaming each other for what's going on inside the ragavan camp in southeastern syria we have to admit that poor people trapped there continue to suffer and their fate remains quite unclear we've contacted the u.s. led operation inherent resolve for its response and will let you know what they say earlier washington insisted it is ready for coordinated efforts with the u.n.
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to organize it safe passage for refugees from the rock band camp russia's efforts the white house claims do not meet security standards u.n. coordinates of mohammed circle thing is there could be dangerous consequences if refugees aren't evacuated. we should divert from the political issue that the american have with the syrian government or with the syrian people and look at the human side aspect of the people living in the camps. they can't this is not you know this should not prevent any community assistance to the camps is not just the called it is the way they live in their homes you have a family all of the normal ten people living in one tent with their mother and cooks and children and one of the sad stories that also we came across where they came across two is the dead we don't have a place to bury them in any camps outside syria will see similar disaster they
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would see the flooding and the suffering of the children on both refugee camps we might expect disease and we all saw would be. would be harboring extremism because when you when you don't provide dignity this is when you have extremism and you see the issue would be increasing using you know the children. as a powerful weapon to take revenge well those are the headlines for you this hour and join us again in thirty minutes for all the latest. it's an. hour.
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yes well this is all that. the maturity to. go in and you may never get out of the most of.
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my teenage gang rules here. no one of you could move. the mind of those who were. but. maybe will. kill. you. minus a murderer. in for the. bell and when. you do one you know mccain. i see. this is a stick from a water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles
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of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad was there the litter bugs are throwing us away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. that's. their plastic. special projects funding. on the. t.v. but for now the mountains of waste only grow higher. than other financial survival john about money laundering first to visit this campus in the three to. oh good this is a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something overseas or the cayman islands or do we do all these banks are complicit in the progress that we just have to deal with both and say ok
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i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did well we've got got a national dream watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry and how about. luxury automobile again from that you know what money laundering is highly illegal here for a bunch of guys record. welcome welcome this is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance and the impact upon all of us i'm part children washington we could not be more excited that you're on board with us we've got a great show coming up loria specifically today there is a new government report saying the u.s. trade deficit is the highest ever and two additional reports both of which say the
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impact of the trumpet ministration trade care for hitting u.s. consumers the most the c.e.o.'s are all mark hillary for which you are the correspondent now it's my halo that you're standing by to dig into the data and the details and we look at a key energy commodity natural gas and a huge longest natural gas joint venture in the news today with energy historian doug elam bought plus a pin company's be invigorated by the resignation of the hard liner food and drug commissioner who just announced he's leaving and has kraft heinz been cooking their books we'll catch up sorry with adam asher of the administration group to look at those companies and more all that directly ahead but first let's get to a few headlines let's go to. a european endorsement for china's belton road initiative leads our globe report today as the italian government considers becoming the first g seven nation to join and risking angering the united states
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italy's deputy industry minister michel garage c confirmed on going to go for a tell you inclusion in the belgian road initiative or the b.r.r. as it's known the talks reported earlier at a point where it's feasible that initial framework could be signed when president xi jinping of china visits italy on the twenty second and twenty third of this month the caution that there is no commitment. to sign the draft memorandum of understanding a spokesman for the white house disparaged the b r i telling the financial times of london quote we view b r i as a made by china for china initiative it only is recession seems to be pushing the government to seek greater economic ties with china overriding any concerns about alienating the u.s. or its european allies. as we all know the trouble ministration isn't bart on a trade fight with china right as well.


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