tv News RT March 7, 2019 6:00am-6:30am EST
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in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow and issue in waves and save as you're walking out of this. president donald trump issues an order overturning the replier myth that the cia reveals how many civilians are killed and its drone strike operations. also this hour the pentagon announces plans to change its arctic strategy to counter a perceived russian and chinese threat. i mean. me. and fans of pop legend michael jackson vent their theory over a new documentary alleging the star committed child abuse. should not be talking about michael jackson's music michael jackson's music was created through decades of also a lot of suffering every time a michael jackson song comes on i know for myself i'm going to think differently
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about. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our th here in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. president donald trump has issued an executive order giving u.s. intelligence agencies the right to withhold information on civilian deaths from the public the order resends and obama era mandate that obliges them to report annually on noncombatant deaths incurred during drone strike operations and has more on the story. a new executive order from the white house is reducing the amount of transparency when it comes to u.s. drone strikes the pentagon will still have an obligation to report on civilian casualties in compliance with the national defense authorization act of twenty eighteen and twenty nineteen that was very clear in trump's executive order now
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this is certainly not the first time that donald trump has indicated frustration with the level of information related to military activities that has been made public with fighting wars and they're doing reports and releasing it to the public so the public believes the enemy the enemy returns reports a study every line of those reports should be part of the reports let him do a report. but they should be private reports it's also important to note that that we have a statement that is reportedly coming from a spokesperson for the white house security council now it was given on the condition of anonymity it's being widely reported we cannot confirm it what it is saying is that apparently this was the activity of the intent of this executive order is minimizing to the greatest extent possible civilian casualties and acknowledging the responsibility when they unfortunately occur during the military actions but the same time getting rid of what they're calling supreme flew us reporting and requirements that don't actually improve government transparency but
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rather distract intelligence professionals from their primary mission the history of drone strikes is quite shocking there have been a number of rather tragic incidents that have taken place over the years. so what we're basically doing is telling the american people these wars are so and who are the other nestle important that we actually have to tell you about them is . important but we can't carry that lot with claire destined to be under the cover of darkness i think what it really means as a drug was to be able to have the pentagon commit work rhymes and crimes against humanity in do so with complete immunity and impunity i think that they want to make sure that lockheed martin raytheon and bellingen other major defense
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contractors can can continue to sell the germans and to sell their weapons this is a very very foolish way but it is pushing is dangerous in his erratic and sent predictable and all of those things don't contribute toward defense. so called collateral damage from drones has long made their use contentious r.t. documentary spoke for one of its films to those whose lives have been forever altered by unmanned strikes the full version of which is on our website. but it is . these days that matter where you are in the world the chances are you watched. in the deaths of innocent people you can strike any anywhere over ten thousand and you probably won't have the slightest idea. and if you won't see it coming. what.
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would you have seen in the post nine eleven scenario there. had been given a license to kill. villages villages that sometimes the terrorists on the new cd is alive so who have to kill. children for a country for profit. how can you smile. the pentagon has announced it's revising its arctic strategy and light of a perceived threat coming from russia and china. picks apart the geo political rivalry around the north pole. the arctic what comes to mind when you hear that word sea fish ice it's always russia isn't it russia
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because that is one that follows most closely to their to their borders they've begun to move on periodic times to the different weapons systems of control of the area dated our plans as a response as a result of that we've had to change the posture of some of our forces so that we in fact deter and we send a signal of the importance of the arctic to us but there is a new gold rush brewing thanks to global warming it is opening the arctic up around fifteen percent of the world's undiscovered oil thirty percent of natural gas may be there perhaps more important though is the northern sea route by two thousand and forty they should be suitable i say that ships will be able to pass year round terrible for the environment rate for shipping it would have the journey time for
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ships travelling from east asia to europe a journey that usually takes them through the suez canal it would save billions upon billions for consumers companies governments ergo the gold rush contenders have been quick to make and file their claims and oil their gardens the united states is going at it intensely with military war games reportedly to train military forces to fight and win in the arctic speaking of russia it hasn't been idle either during the recent exercise that successfully tested a new hypersonic antiship cruise missile thats it. because there's also the flag which russia planted exactly at the north pole she bed a decade ago still annoys other contenders that norway another big claimant
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they're spending hundreds of millions rebuilding old the cold war facilities in the north perhaps symbolically norway also moved its military headquarters within the arctic circle in fact norway was so involved and enthusiastic about recent nato war games that one of its brand new warships ended up colliding with an oil tanker which is neither very covertly nor very fast people are still wondering how that happened then there are the spoilers great britain for example nations with no arctic claims but rather an each to get involved we need to protect our national interests we will be launching our new defense arctic strategy in the u.k. has unveiled a new arctic strategy where they plan to defend the arctic which may be
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difficult to do with britain's couple of ice breakers but they go to make up they've even sent a royalty to the arctic great for the cab or is. also china it has potentially hundreds of billions at stake just in trade ship transport costs it recently launched the snow dragon to an ice breaker that doubles as a research vessel the least goes on and on. and frankly the degree of militarize ation is alarming but what choice is that russia for one filed its claims that the un will back by geographic data year is years ago and nothing
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is beat almost no progress on the diplomatic front be it jus to political pressure or incompetence the fact remains that when diplomats have paralyzed the military but pays every nation state wants to grab all they can grab and go some are much worse than others so we have the us putting all their military in there because allegedly. there are afraid of the russians doing to us of course is as good its its troops as everyplace and all over africa over asia all of a lot of america they're going to have i guess mr trump would like to have the more in latin america this is all terrible. the us military budget is far too big it's as much as all the other countries in the world put together and of course they keep needing more and more more more more more killing machines it's a sad thing to see this happening in what is actually the spectacular beauty of the
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arctic but of course the. military is never mind destroying destroying things. fans of american pop icon michael jackson gathered outside a u.k. t.v. channels london h.q. on wednesday. they've come to voice their anger over a new documentary featuring interviews with two men who claim they were abused by jackson as children since the movie premiered back in january a global reaction has followed with radio stations in canada and new zealand dropping jackson songs. you feel so alone. i want to be able to speak the truth. as loud as i had to speak a lie for so long leaving neverland is a joint production between channel four and h.b.o. both alleged victims featured in the movie we'd robson and james say chuck for
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years denied they had been abused they were even called as witnesses for the defense at jackson's trial in two thousand and five when he was accused of molesting a thirteen year old boy now the new revelations immediately sparked public outrage the film has been condemned by the jackson estate which earlier issued a statement saying the accusers have testified under oath that none of the allegations are true our guest debated whether an artist's work can be evaluated separately from the person. this is still pending and investigation and also the whole outrage is happening because of a documentary that is obviously one sided because we only have the version of the victims i really have a huge issue with access to art and to things that have been created in the past by somebody like i said who is dead and who cannot do anything about this at the moment if radio stations want to ban the music i think if the listeners of those
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particular radio stations are calling up and saying you know what this is criminal behavior that r. kelly and michael jackson have actually engaged in. and we're not ok with that i think that's perfectly fine it's a scary area if we all are judge him for ourselves with very limited facts with facts that we don't really quite cross-examine with actual evidence or the you know interviews and documentaries that are. those sergeant you mentioned this show a lot of evidence. well it's an evidence that it's not been again cross-examined in the court of law it's irrefutable we should not be talking about michael jackson's music michael jackson's music was created through decades of also a lot of suffering but actually i think maybe the real lesson in all of this is that you know every time a michael jackson song comes on i know for myself i'm going to think differently about it i mean i'm not going to say i'm never going to dance to a michael jackson song again because you know maybe it'll play at
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a wedding or vomits but i might start dancing but at the same token i said i am never going to think about michael jackson in the way i used to and maybe that's the real lesson so let me ask you this when you look at a picasso painting or you read a hemingway book or or you've been looking to start to that was created during the renaissance period where like you know the catholic church was you know torturing and killing people in the name of god are we not able to separate the our that was created the best moments of these artists from the actual person who was a human being. some of them admitted those fair just good argument but i think also i think we're entering. a new era where i think people that engage in criminal behavior and sexual abuse shouldn't be rewarded in this society and i don't think there's anything wrong with that and if their music doesn't get played so be it.
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it's been an exciting couple of days and football's champions league title holders madrid crushed on tuesday or wednesday i saw porto and man you go through to the quarterfinals all three teams have one thing in common they were all once managed by just a marine you know who's back on our team with a new show on the touchline which premieres later today before that though here's the special one with his son getting a bit of picture practice in. thank you. thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks. thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks. thank you thank you it looks like my that it's amazing i get experience rosaries to do it the whole building time of the speech anyway looks like if i write i thought i'd play
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with the innocent thank you will succeed thank you now i need more so if i have to say goodbye go to i can be with you i listen to the base will give me the thank you that i think you played better than i thought thank you for the good i mean thank you. thank you. thank you. still to come an anti depressant spray with an ingredient that's chemically similar to the party drug ketamine is given the all clear in the us that started more after this short break.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon sure and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see that. much he's gone into a nihilistic t.v. . i think i got hit the road and get out traveling across america to find what makes america the charlotte. put american hero this is a weak point. we always are on the courageous and the. culture is really important. we're starting west which is we're going to head east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the beast
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i think i want to leave now doesn't get any more gonzo and this may be completely different to the. welcome back wall why has filed a lawsuit against the united states claiming that a federal ban imposed on its products is unconstitutional the chinese telecom giant giant is hoping to get the ban lifted arguing that it affects its ability to compete fairly on the american market the u.s. authorities accuse wall way of trying to bypass international sanctions on iran and have requested the extradition of a c.f.o. from canada weiwei has also been accused of industrial espionage after allegedly trying to steal trade sick. it's from its competitor t. mobile washington also claims the tech giant has engaged in espionage on behalf of beijing a ban on the chinese telecon company was imposed last year barring federal agencies
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from purchasing or using weiwei products. joining me now live from beijing is evangelist abscessed a producer with our video agency roughly about how has this case unfolded. it seems pretty much that is now on the counterattack he recently filed a lawsuit against the united states government the claim that the bill which was passed last year in the united states is restricting the business in the united states the chinese firm calls this bill on calls the two tional it's the national defense authorization act also known as the n.b.a. which the claim that it's unconstitutional legislation now the united states government has long been targeting him accusing him of stealing trade secrets and spying for the chinese they would never they're asked if there's any evidence to prove that they simply cannot provide any. so yes.
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this is. serious and this. is. these families see us on. the line you. see. the joses said this. weekend there is no. charge. but it's not only that it is on the counter talk but the company's c.e.o. falls through which was she was arrested last december in vancouver canada know the british columbia court announced that she will be extradited to the united states she filed a lawsuit against. canadian authorities claiming that are constitutional rights were being violated the one she claims that she was being questioned without her constitutional rights being advice to her and another that her suitcase and luggage
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and electronic devices that she had with her were actually being searched without her knowing that she was under arrest and all this reaction of the united states to go towards the united states come after the american government has been targeting employees and the company old over the world if we go back in january we see that official has been arrested and pulled in for allegedly spying for the chinese state in the same month two criminal charges have been filed from the united states government against squawk one for charlie stealing trade secrets and the other for trying to bypass sanctions on iran conspiracy and fraud and what what this interesting here to point out is that of the two countries and officials from two countries saying that the issue as it has nothing to do with politics but critics all over the world are saying that this probably much more related than what we think and endless the south thank you for bringing us that report. a new antidepressant spray that's chemically similar to the highly addictive drug
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ketamine has been approved in the us s. ketamine as it's known comes with a strong government drug agency warning about the risks associated with misuse and abuse early trials show positive result among patients with severe depression it's really interesting to come from a place of being depressed for so long and so many years not being depressed at all and to not feeling that feels really great. ketamine also known as special k. or vitamin k. is a popular club drug causing dreamlike states and hallucinations it can also lead to amnesia and delirium as mentioned ketamine is also extremely addictive much like cocaine and in fed to mean base products it was initially developed as a horse tranquilizer but nowadays is most commonly used in hospitals as a powerful anesthetic it's hoped this new ketamine based medicine will help address widespread depression in the u.s. where over three million adults have been diagnosed with persistent depression
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psychiatrists and a limb becky is concerned agencies decision will lead to addictive drugs being more readily available. obviously we need to find better treatments for depression especially for people who have what we call refractory treatment depression meaning that all of our available remedies are not working for them having said that i am very concerned about the use of ketamine to treat depression particularly in this easily deliverable nasal spray and i am very concerned that the f.d.a. approval of these highly addictive drugs to treat these prevalent disorders can lead to more people being exposed to addictive drugs and therefore becoming addicted to these addictive drugs. the russian ministry of defense has released a video showing a russian fighter jet intercepting what it says was a u.s.
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aircraft the u.s. plane was identified as a boeing r c one three five reconnaissance aircraft that was heading towards russian airspace airspace over the baltic sea after being trailed by the russian su twenty seven the american plane changed direction and left the area. with terror group islamic state making its last desperate stand in syria those who fled eisel final stronghold are now facing new dangerous hunger and illness cooped up inside a refugee camp. i didn't leave to join i sell my last second jihad for god because we are all muslim and we have very serious about jihad in the qur'an. what about the killings let's
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return to ultra let someone experience he an out of the religion they left these clerics tanks but especially in the beginning it had divisive. the conditions are definitely dying in the camp the problem is nobody was expecting these kinds of numbers so it has been overwhelming and it hasn't stopped. that's the news wrap up for this hour for the details on all those stories and many more head to our website r.t. dot com.
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us on the war consider and the most to be against india it got aging on the mostly among to its national against any one of its neighbors as a skateboard this is great this is where pakistan is very different then. then india right now if they go on this trajectory unfortunately they've been not been able to get a sponsor or players in the stage and the speed in this awful thought to go on because of this ongoing conflict between these two giants in the region. oh it's all be all. so all this is all the books.
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the a. was. by the way bankrupt pres but we bother to think of what all that is there is about them save us see them was us the truth was completely divorced from human so. the justice department said today the inmate population of federal and state prisons in this country is at an all time high. the public sees a need for more prisons because crime is the number one concern of the people in this thing. too many inmates and not enough space. in their crime another. one hundred already have met up with the stuff to. come your way sneak in america with all of this going to prison time going or just
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want to. die. right or is it are going to die. a shocking new number was released today and it deserves our undivided attention one out of every one hundred americans is now behind bars walked up in prison or in jail. the most important thing. is to talk from your heart if you have more than one child given like an overall message but then do an individual one to each child throw them a kiss talk to them about what you do daily the rest should be just you if you've
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written a poor we've had people pray we've had people saying one guy showed his little boy how to shoot a basket the creative. these are gifts to your children. the families are punished right along with. the people don't think so but the collateral consequences of somebodies incarceration affects not just the whole family but it affects the whole community and affects you as an individual or the you know whether or not and whether you know that person or not that's incarcerated. get to inform. you should care. i have a background in film and video as a producer and i thought there's got to be something i can do so why not combine my career and my experience with the present.
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