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tv   News  RT  March 8, 2019 12:00am-12:29am EST

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islamic state fighters a. stronghold in syria yielding to advancing syrian democratic forces but a top u.s. general says the fight is far from over from for peta to play to the contrary. claims that the migrant crisis is past its worst dismissed by hungary which warns the could be on the brink of breaking up. condemning anti semitism and anti muslim discrimination. so we come together. it is a big evil evil is evil.
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good morning from moscow it's friday the eighth of march international women's day you're watching on t.v. to national with me. hundreds of islamic state fighters surrendering to u.s. backed forces in the syrian village of the last i still held area near the iraqi border in addition to the job is to surrender there also women and children at the scene some of them of the wives of fighters and they believe it's not the end of the caliphate. and the village of bikers has been a focal point for the syrian democratic forces for several weeks now despite donald trump repeatedly declaring victory over eisel the top u.s. general says the fight is far from over. as the details have a look at but who's right there near the border with iraq we didn't really hear about it in the course of syria's sin. a war misery now's the time it is really
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being called the last remaining eyelet of territory in syria about to be stormed by u.s. backed kurdish troops we expect a fierce battle later at the end of the civilian evacuation given the will remain in bag who's of the ones brimming with jihadi ideology and the ones who is not an option indeed we've seen crowds of escaping civilians and even jihad as who did choose to surrender the current say they want to make sure all innocent people make it out of booze before the guns go off but the main still be trapped in there either not able or not keen to escape just a short while ago though donald trump was bragging about his army and allies crushing islamic state completely we just took over you know you kept hearing it was ninety percent ninety two percent the caliphate in syria now it's one hundred
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percent we just took over ever since then however we've kept hearing absolutely different takes from those who are actually responsible for what's happening on the ground the head of u.s. central command is sure i still hasn't surrendered he's confident it's not been defeated instead the terrorists after some tactical thinking have chosen to lay low and wait for the right time to make a comeback reduction of the physical caliphate is a monumental military accomplishment but the fight against isis and violent extremism is far from over we have won against isis now we've won and at least for now president trumps proud announcement that the american soldiers were pulling out makes less and less sense the pullout would have definitely scored mr trump some valuable political points but nothing seems to be certain here especially with this big. moves thorn in the side you could in that vacuum see
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a resurgence of ice and see a resurgence you know where we're doing out we'll come back if we have to anyway whatever happens next depends on what ignites in this small but vital strip of land known as booze the middle east studies professor joshua landis believes the fight against islamic state is likely to suffer further setbacks as well as general votel testified in congress recently and just today he said that. yes this is the end of the territorial state which is very important but it's not by any means the end devices there are a lot of fighters that have gone to ground and that have formed we believe a farm's sleeper cells which are going to activate in the you know edge at some future date trying to later clarify that this is the territorial state and that's why he's reversed his opinion on u.s. troops remaining in syria you know there's a there's
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a hundred ways to count troops and that may not include a lot of the regular soldiers perhaps national forces you see advisers diplomats and an aid organization so there's likely to be a lot more americans there there's going to still be a lot of isis trouble and we're seeing bomb attacks being carried out in iraq on a weekly basis and there have been isis attacks in northern syria as well so isis is far from over and. whatever claims about this the president is making are misleading. e.u. officials are claiming the migration crisis on the continent has passed it's worse than is all but over but not all agree on the hungary and prime minister says the block could break up if it continues to impose a pro immigration policies more on that from control of. great news from the european commission this week the migrant crisis is over over the past four years
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the e.u. has made significant progress with tangible results in addressing the challenge of migration europe is no longer experiencing the migration crisis we lived through in twenty fifty structural problems remain it's a statement that's backed up by think is from the u.n. refugee agency that show that one hundred twenty thousand people tried to cross the mediterranean last year and that is down almost ninety percent from the high in twenty fifteen but that doesn't mean that everything is sorted though crime statistics across europe show migrants are overrepresented in many countries the italian interior ministry say that while foreigners in the country represent only eight percent of the population they make up over thirty percent of suspects in criminal case can be provided without supporting the smugglers and n.g.o.s that are accomplices to these criminals but by supporting those who actually checked the borders here in berlin three quarters of those in pretrial detention came from
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outside of germany while in norway a journalistic investigation revealed to out of three people convicted of a violent crime were migrants those that work closely with refugees and migrants say it's no surprise that they feature so prominently in some of them come from violent cultures and they take it with that among against the e.u. commission statement on garion prime minister viktor orban has been the most vocal mic that migration increases crimes especially criminal acts against women introduces the virus of terrorism in our midst but we cannot get story cross-road us his government has launched an information campaign criticizing what he sees as brussels plan to encourage immigration that everyone has the right to know the proposals that fundamentally being hung. security in his mind. claims are dismissed as pure politics by the e.u.
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commission he says he's trying to create a baseless narrative of a shadowy constant received the commission has. been of the guardian government complains that distort the truth and six and seek to paint a dark picture of a secret. to drive more migration to europe allegedly so what the europeans think about claims the migrant crisis is over totally disagree i don't think it's over now that other people are still coming just like i said when i mean you can pretend it's really all over with what's on the line of the thing isn't the policy of the country. it has been worse for it but. it isn't fixed that's not i don't think it's over and i don't think it will be over for a while because we took a lot of people in only if you have would only try and training or education and i
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think they should be integrated into society better while european chiefs may be claiming the refugee crisis is no longer a problem at the border others plea believe because the problems are already here peter all of. a split in the us democratic party deepens the u.s. house of representatives has passed a resolution condemning hate and intolerance including anti-semitism and anti muslim discrimination was drafted and put to the vote after the democratic representative was accused of being anti-semitic for quitting the israeli government. we must reject all forms of bigotry and prejudice directed at any. of our fellow human beings so we come together today hopefully asshole is the hand to condemn. bigotry racism every time that anti-semitism rears its ugly head we need to stop it justice cries out against one. how
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long does it take to figure out just don't know. how many times how many how many pages does it take to cite email in the evil evil is evil a low that resolution was passed the process of drafting the text was fraught with disagreements between party members trying to find out why. top democrats in congress have spent the last week drafting a resolution condemning what they consider to be bigotry and offensive speech and it's not from trump or republicans it's from fellow democrat ilana omar the freshman congresswoman she talked about the israel lobby and they say that is offensive to jews i want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is ok for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country some democrats are demanding an apology for a clever mari continues to mischaracterize to purge for israel i urge you to retract the statement and engage in fruity dialogue with community on why these
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comments are so hurtful edition only questioning support for the us israel relation they were ready to put it to a vote but then they had a big problem because people from their own party came out swinging against it i'm curious if representative vargas will further explain his stance here that is unacceptable to even question u.s. foreign policy some democrats through willing to compromise and added language to the resolution condemning islamophobia as well as anti semitism what congresswoman omar said i thought was wrong and hurtful but i also want to say that what happened linking all muslims to the terrorist attack was wrong and hurtful if you look through everything that she has said it makes no references to jews or jewish individuals to the jewish people namely because there are jewish she refers to israel to the netanyahu government which is essentially saying is that the interest
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of israel should not trump the interest of the united states the fact that the the past all the work of the wanted down version of it has passed. is an indication that indeed deep state if you will this traditional democratic party structure is still in place is still strong enough and the. vite is getting deeper at this point the hard left democrats are rallying around the green new deal this is a resolution that would completely revamp america's transportation system reorient the energy markets and build lots of infrastructure at first nancy pelosi had quite a few questions about it. the green dream or whatever they call it nobody knows what it is but therefore it's right it will be one of several many many suggestions that we received that republicans were ready to put the green new deal up for a vote but then democrats got fired up they're bringing a resolution forward so they can vote against it this cheap cynical ploy
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evidently represents the sum total of senate what impeachment the democratic socialists want trump ousted right away when your socialist excuse is home alone if you want bullies don't play and baby things also because we're going to go in there really some of them. but the tops way the american public that ought to happen you have to persuade enough of the opposite of the opposition party voters sort of trump voters this fight didn't begin in twenty nine team back during the twenty sixteen democratic primary rank and file leftists felt as if the nomination had been robbed from them and later wiki leaks confirmed that it was indeed. the video from last night really shows the passion that these bernie sanders supporters have any anger that they have they feel like they are being shut out.
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thank you. for the change that is happening in the democratic party is something that started with the recent elections that proves a moderate and brute others young progressive are pushing for new ideas i think that is a sign to who that perhaps more popular involvement in the project could shift within the party and increasingly challenge the traditional elites of the democrats and twenty sixteen trump swept in and took the republican party in a new populist direction and it's pretty clear that the democratic socialist wing wants to take the democratic party in a new direction as well but there are some pretty solid and entrenched leaders who are determined to stop the. caleb maupin there will be internal conflict is not the only control the city connected with the party the democrats are also refusing to
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allow the conservative fox news channel to host any of its debate during the twenty twenty presidential election campaign donald trump threatening to do the same with pro-democratic channels although he hasn't specified which ones recent reporting in the new york only inappropriate relationship between present from his administration and fox news has led me to conclude that the network is not in a position to host a fair and neutral debate for our candidates for fox news will not serve as a media partner for the twenty twenty democratic primary debates democrats just block fox news from holding a debate good then i think we'll do the same thing with the freak news networks and the radical left democrats in the general election debates while announcing their decision to boycott fox news the democrats cited a report in the new yorker magazine describing the close relationship between the channel and the trump of ministration it says that the network has turned into trump's propaganda machine how the article points out the various fox news pundits
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are now working in the trump administration and they include the former fox co president bill shine who's now the white house communications director and also claim citing sources that trump was given advance notice of a primary debate question with the help of the now deceased former head of fox news roger ailes now the leak of a debate question on the other side of the political spectrum in twenty sixteen was actually confirmed former c.n.n. commentator donna brazil admitted that she had used her position to give a heads up to hillary clinton on the questions of the c.n.n. host a debate in twenty sixteen as she was working as a party chairwoman at that time political commentator steve malzberg sees the democrats' response as hypocritical. you know how many members of the obama administration are now staffing positions at c.n.n. and m.s.n. b c n n b c and c.b.s. and a.b.c. the whole thing is just of seen and ridiculous in the tank they all are the
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opposition to donald trump they're not fair and balanced this is just more dementia if you will or trump the arrangement syndrome whatever you want to call it they hate trump so much so you know we're going to take it from fox news fox news is the epitome and the body image of all that's evil in the world i think one way or another see it motivates their base and they were just looking for some excuse to poll off of fox and they came up with an excuse. for young people in the u.k. taking a trip across the pond is becoming less of an attraction with many blaming donald trump for making the united states reporting from london his party boy. the transatlantic road trip they used to be most students dream on holiday things like route sixty six or recreating the journeys of the beatniks from only a road or feminist fugitives like elma and we but according to the u.k.'s biggest youth travel operator the kids of today no longer consider the us a crew
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destination backpacking trips and holidays over to america are down twenty three percent from the start of the year and the travel operators are blaming it on something called the trump slump they say that socially conscious millennial isn't generation z. is a shining america because their perch off by none other than the president himself would you shun would you shun a trip to the u.s. because trump yeah i can understand why people think and that makes them would you very sure merican holiday would it be kind of top of your list of where you want to go not the top from a line on. i don't know it's just never really appealed to me and especially with all the posters going on as well it's not like i don't know you prefer to go somewhere a bit more. culturally appropriate. would you want to go to america or just donald trump but you know personally so you know all the i'll go america which you.
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do you go to trip you have the opportunity to go to america you still go yeah yeah like i wouldn't care about don i mean i i don't like what he does but like i like to go but it's probably not to my let's just say we moneywise maybe i'd like to have me and but i think i think going for a holiday that is very different going to that live a life of migration and everything so i don't think i would choose to live i think everything going on is quite intense and i think i want to but then again you know with the whole thing like price and stuff so yeah it's already great very very basti and if anything here the same people are not coming to the u.k. because of political situations so i don't think that's a really should have an impact on people choosing the whole day this nation so it's still still travel. america's great i don't know about in denver colorado where we're from but i can tell you i don't like don't try very much if you aren't from
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the u.s. would you go to the u.s. on a holiday probably not really why don't. i probably just want to stay here where where i know what's going on where there's no chaos whatsoever and it's still very very calm on advertising if. you don't come to america. china has defended its growing partnership with italy after criticism from the united states it's also the white house said to rome and not to join beijing's belton road infrastructure project. we've you built and road initiative is a made by china for china and initiative we skipped school the italian government's indorsement will bring any sustained economic benefits to the italian people. and it may end up harming italy's global reputation in the long run this position taken by the u.s. side is lawful as a major country italy knows exactly what policies serve its own interests and it can make its decisions independently is expected to sign up to the initiative when
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chinese president xi jinping visit at the end of the month italy's coalition governments talking up the benefits. one way for us to increase trade values is to first increase investment this is done by these memorandums one belt one road it is a very fertile area for investment. china's belton road initiative is a global trade and infrastructure project proposed five years ago it would link china to europe asia and africa with roads railways and ports but the u.s. and some other western powers have expressed security concerns over the project and questioned china's motives sociologist paolo bernadine a believes it's and he's got much to gain from the initiative. and it's. not as if they are you know that. we have to do it only acting for the poor the benefit also for the benefit of the environment i'm an american i think would be a great the. point that you would be living their lives in the mideast they were
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adamant. between. the both of. us. see and they are always. you there will be a new link between the same great continent. and i don't see any potential damage. on this and. thousands of palestinians are now at risk of losing access to vital cancer treatment services and comes after the us for move to a third funded health services in the region. we have around eight thousand five hundred adult cancer patients and over six hundred patients most common cases breast cancer this is the most widespread issue
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among women we don't have national programs for depressed cancer and we thought this a project funded by the state would be applied not. the main message i think it's a political message message for the palestinian people and the arab countries he is trying to. manipulate maybe on the political live on. a humanitarian level. the lack of medicines affects me i feel tired most of the time and i can't get a transfer to outside hospitals easily.
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the palestinians are saying it is suffering from the thirty unemployment so these women there are players just not there have it she have five she could she would pay to buy a bit of food for her kids must meet muslim patients have died while waiting for medicine permit to travel abroad to study hard in the future to convince a child that he lost his mother because of breast cancer that the reason of this death is cutting the donation for custer. and i know i don't want any medicine from america and neither do i want any from israel even if i die it's not a problem i'm sure our doctors are doing their best i want no help from anyone. finally this hour it's been an exciting couple of days in football's champions league title holders rael madrid crashed out on tuesday while wednesday's hall porter and manchester united go through to the quarter finals all three things have one thing in common they were once managed by choice a marine who's back on r.t.
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with a new show on the touchline. they were not afraid to play at the bell the guys showed great. attitude and all the put the needle in the warmth when things go wrong. everybody goes into the direction of the guilty man those of. us are not the results of phenomenal results eventis. barcelona bind to take that last fall because i would go with the. job and everybody speculates about where you are going next can you give us any hints now i work in home. i hope to be working in the in the summer promised one day that is unsing to say i really don't know.
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but it's friday thanks for watching your next update from me in the news team here in moscow follows your latest worlds apart. can socialism bring about a radian future a growing number of voters seem to think so what do these voters and some members of congress mean by socialism free stuff for all controlling the means of production. why are so many falling out of love with samples.
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hello and welcome to worlds apart from the recent clashes on the indian pakistani border while sparking over a potential war between nuclear rivals provided a curious last in in political judo the pakistani leadership confronted to strikes on its territory not only managed to defuse tensions but also turned it into
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a minor p.r. victory can it make it last while to discuss that i'm now joined by in the road by a hard pakistan's former foreign minister and currently a member of the national assembly but i'm hard it's good to talk to you again thank you very much for the time. so good to be here now the tensions between india and pakistan obviously have a very long history and there were times not so long ago when the one that was much more likely to count on india exercising restraint and pakistan acting more belligerently now it seems the tables have turned what explains these dramatic reversal in posters and you know it's interesting that you point that out because we've been saying this for the last many years that pakistan has changed by this is changing for the better getting out of extremism which we unfortunately found ourselves and we lived in because of you know the historical baggage of the one war and becoming a more progressive society i think the democratic regimes the last two democratic
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regimes had much to do with it whereas at the same time we see india going deeper and deeper into this ultra nationalist extremist almost in the state non-secular and all times to mr moody who has not been the treated his vision into the fabric of indian society i think this crisis is unfortunate as it was exposed the changed pakistan worse is the change to india and if i were the world i would be very scared of what i see in india right now for both leaders it was definitely an opportunity to exercise leadership and they chose very different strategists one of them chose to flex muscles the other one i thought relies more on his wits do you thing.
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