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tv   News  RT  March 8, 2019 8:00pm-8:30pm EST

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us army whistleblower chelsea manning is back in jail after refusing to testify to a grand jury in a case against wiki leaks. the u.s. threatens to impose sanctions on countries that refuse to recognize the venezuelan opposition leader as interim president. and the figures show young britons are turning their backs on america for their holidays we find out what would be putting them on. the i can understand why people think and then make sense. for me not to. go somewhere that. crucially appropriate. for broadcasting live direct from our studios most of this is international i'm
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sean thomas glad to have you with us. u.s. army was aboard chelsea manning has been taken into custody that is after she refused to testify in front of a grand jury in a case against the wiki leaks founder julian assange here's how her lawyer described situation. judge hilton did find her in contempt of court this is an appealable order blower chelsea manning is once again locked up we understand that chelsea manning was called to testify before the grand jury it was a closed proceeding it's been widely reported that it was related to wiki leaks however chelsea manning says she did not know what it was in regards to chelsea manning has refused to testify and has been sent to jail now manning's lawyers have actually requested that she be put on a home consignment essentially in house arrest rather than being taken to jail because of her medical needs now ever the judge apparently came forward and said that actually u.s. . marshals could indeed handle her medical needs and that she would be locked up so
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at this point we understand that chelsea manning has been taken into custody for refusing prior to today's events saying that she was willing to go to jail in order to not be forced to testify and she feels that the grand jury process actually favors the government have a history of having to deal with secrecy and a lot of these secret proceedings they tend to favor the government they tend to allow things they are nefarious goings on to happen so i am just i am in general opposition of that kind of of this kind of proceeding taking place i believe in the grand jury process i don't believe in the sick the secrecy of this i have no problem explaining what happened and i've done it before why we should go through this in a secret closed hearing with only the prosecutor no lawyer viewers will recall that back in two thousand and ten chelsea manning was convicted of handing over u.s. army material to wiki leaks she made public
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a number of us army classified after her sentence she spent seven years locked up before ultimately having her sentence commuted by barack obama in twenty seventeen now it's important to know what exactly chelsea manning is handed over to wiki leaks the material she handed over related to atrocities being committed by u.s. soldiers including laughing as they gunned down civilians from a helicopter as well as torture and other details we're going to quickly review some of what chelsea manning brought into the public light but i will warn viewers some of this material can be rather disturbing. to them. it's being reported at this point to chelsea manning could. remain in custody until
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the grand jury finishes its proceedings or until she willingly testifies now at this point we also understand that chelsea manning is facing a charge of contempt of court and that is a new criminal charge for which she could receive an additional sentence if convicted. human rights campaigner peter tatchell gave us his views on the story what does the u.s. government introduces system have to hide why can't they conduct these hearings and these charges in open court in this case it's all being done in secret which flies against the fundamental democratic traditional principle but just the should be open and transparent and i think chelsea manning is quite right to shine a spotlight on the secrecy of the grand jury system and the way in which is weighted towards the prosecution and against defendants during assigned himself has been subject to secret grand jury hearings since two thousand and ten he's never
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been allowed to know the charges against him or the evidence he's not being given any kind of information whatsoever and again this is completely contrary to the basic fundamental principle of justice that it should be open transparent and accountable. u.s. special envoy to venezuela has said that countries could be sanctioned for refusing to recognize the country's opposition leader won by doe as interim president. also threatened new measures against president nicolas maduro. we are using sanctions and diplomatic actions to pressure the madeira regime hopeful that other countries will use these and other tools at their disposal to secondary sanctions you know it's always it's out there it's always a possibility we have not done it yet. and i wouldn't want to speculate as to whether they're real or what would lead us to make that additional decision the
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battle over the venezuelan presidency which has dragged on since january appears stuck in a stalemate president nicolas maduro is still in power and it seems washington has no backup plan to force him out as r.t.c. got a ton of comments. the u.s. is back to square one on venezuela and an ambiguous confession by vice president pence how much language you have a timeline but there's no timeline now rewind just a little over a month ago and here's mike pence the same mike pence announcing venezuela was on washington's laundry list in spanish. i'm mike pence the vice president of the united states the united states supports the courageous decision by one god or the president of your national assembly to assert the body's constitutional powers declare madeira or your syrup or and call for the establishment of
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a transitional government that was the moment washington put itself into regime change gear since then the us heavily invested itself in the crisis so how did it come to this a thinly veiled admission of failure after all it looked so bright at the start in me a week's washington one why dole became the poster boy of the social upheaval has his presidential ambition was quickly backed by america's allies brazil has just issued a note recognizing one we're going to go as venezuela's president one way door when . one goes one way do so in europe you know. since then though america's plans started to go into a frantic nosedive my duro wasn't going anywhere hadn't still has the army on his side and his supporters showed the opposition didn't own the streets of caracas then a big ruckus with aid the us tried getting into venezuela and which material didn't
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allow concerned washington was using its old trick to smuggle guns to arm the mob which clearly showed just who's still boss in venezuela the scandal and the brawling on the board eventually did absolutely nothing to move. america's regime change train forwards everything the u.s. brings to the border piles up there why do is a post a president with no real power in the country he himself is shuttling to and from venezuela with little effect washington seems to have resisted the temptation to go for the favorite tactic of sending a few thousand soldiers to a school or to the undesirable leader out of office at least for now and when confronted with the what's next question resorts to the same boilerplate platitude over and over again. they all options are on the table all options are on the table
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all options are on the table which all things considered sounds more like no options are on the table and actually things didn't go much further than ola in the first place where there has been unable to deliver on his promise to allow humanitarian aid in the military has not left the side of president maduro they continue to support him and is looking like a shrinking power expanding one so this coup seems to fortune that means the united states will try other attempts are not going to give up as the u.s. talks about. terrorism colombia saying no brazil saying no european governments are saying no people do not want to see that kind of escalation its coalition is way those and so the united states is really in a small box that shrinking washington has said it will not use force to deliver humanitarian aid to to venezuela although another batch of u.s. aid has arrived at the colombian venezuelan border in defiance of an official band
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. leader one by dell has promised to get the supplies into the country but president maduro is refusing to allow u.s. aid calling it a trojan horse and a pretext for an intervention he is though accepting help from the red cross and. the u.n. while food supplies run low the country is also in the midst of a power blackout the opposition is blaming government corruption and mishandling but madrone says it's the u.s. who is behind the outage describing it as an electric war we asked walter cotton from the red cross about the agency's work in venezuela. situation it was realizing . that my. lord and you have. secured relation we are working on in the last more than two years together with any event and if he's gone please and we do the communities you're going to let you
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know what you have. been the road going to the mortgage on your mother i know of course the lack of resources that we. need to have more engine i'll be in the. bars are all and these last for draws we are there to serve the human beings regardless any. and yet. we are there you know where all of that is the site certainly to people that it's over in that we respond and increase our service by working with other actors that are. saving. lives and proving this it. is like states last a stronghold in syria appears on the verge of failing hundreds of its fighters in the village of near the iraqi border surrendered this week to us back to forces
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many women and children have also fled the do not believe it spells the death of the caliphate. by donald trump repeatedly declaring a final victory over isolate top u.s. general says the fight is still far from over marty's at least trying to comment. have a look at but who's right there near the border with iraq we didn't really hear about it in the course of syria's civil war misery now's the time it is really being called the last remaining eyelet of territory in syria about to be stormed by u.s. backed kurdish troops we expect a fierce battle later at the end of the civilian evacuation given the will remain in bank whose older ones brimming with jihadi ideology and the ones who is not an
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option indeed we've seen crowds of escaping civilians and even jihad as who did choose to surrender the current say they want to make sure all innocent people make it out of the goos before the guns go off but the main still be trapped in there either not able or not keen to escape just a short while ago though donald trump was bragging about his army and allies crushing islamic state completely we just took over you know you kept hearing it was ninety percent ninety two percent the caliphate in syria now it's one hundred percent we just took over ever since then however we've kept hearing absolutely different takes from those who are actually responsible for what's happening on the ground the head of u.s. central command is sure eisel hasn't surrendered he's confident it's not been defeated instead the terrorists after some tactical thinking have chosen to lay low
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and wait for the right time to make a comeback reduction of the physical caliphate is a monumental military accomplishment but the fight against isis and violent extremism is far from over we have won against isis now we've won and at least for now president trumps proud announcement that the american soldiers were pulling out makes less and less sense the pullout would have definitely scored mr trump some valuable political points but nothing seems to be certain here especially with this but google's thorn in the side. you could in that vacuum see a resurgence of ice and see a resurgence you know running out we'll come back if we have to anyway whatever happens next depends on what ignites and this small but vital strip of land known as booze. well middle east studies and professor joshua landis believes that further setbacks a lie ahead in the battle to defeat eisel. well as
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a general vote yes this is the end of the territorial state which is very important but it's not by any means the end devices there are a lot of fighters that have gone to ground and that have formed we believe a farm's sleeper cells which are going to activate tauriel state and that's why he's reversed his opinion on u.s. troops remaining in syria you know there's a there's one hundred ways to count troops and that may not include a lot of the regular soldiers perhaps national forces obviously advisers diplomats and an aid organization so there's likely to be a lot more americans there there's going to still be a lot of isis trouble and we're seeing bomb attacks being carried out in iraq on a weekly basis and there have been isis attacks in northern syria as well so i says is far from over and. whatever. a media commentator in the u.s.
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is claiming russia could try to kill paul metaphor more on that after a short break you are watching our international. it's a really interesting duel between two dystopian nightmares a brave new world in eighty four they say you know you're in heaven there and that's like the brave new world of the song is essentially you're clicking on discrediting yourself and then re crediting your soft through video games that would be more like i think brave new world the soma. digital. and then the us
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as more of a nightmare before they put you in an actual cell national google ad lib surrounded by t.v. couch. quarterback this is r t international now a media commentator in the u.s. has suggested that russia could be trying to assassinate paul not afford the jailed former campaign manager for donald trump imus n.b.c.'s malcolm nance made that claim and a tweet. monken him. that was after metaphor was sentenced to four years in prison for tax and the bank fraud he was originally indicted in the trump russian probe but during that thirty day sentencing the judge
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stressed the matter for it was not before the court for anything having to do with coding with of the russian government political analyst our sandra bruno believes the us media has a vested interest in keeping the russian collusion story going. the manifold scandals have nothing to do with russia so i really don't see why anyone in the russian government or secret service should be concerned with what he has to say and he's been convicted on tax evasion and he's been proved left right and center there and also it doesn't surprise me that it's m s n b c one of the most russian gate if not the most russia gate her own network of them all they've probably made millions in advertising because of russia gate and they're not going to let this go to c.n.n. as well in fact i think russia gate has been the gift that keeps on giving to us media so they're going to keep pushing this notion in every single source possible
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. young britons are visiting the u.s. in decreasing numbers but is it down to the strong dollar economic troubles at home or perhaps something else artie's go take a look. that transatlantic road trip be used to be most students dream holiday things like route sixty six or recreating the journeys of the beatniks from all the road or feminist fugitives like bella and louise but according to the u.k.'s biggest youth travel operator the kids of today no longer consider the us a cool destination backpacking trips and holidays over to america are down twenty three percent from the start of the year and the travel operators are blaming it on something called the trump slump they say that socially conscious millennial is an generation's ias shunning america because their perch off by none other than the
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president himself would you shun would you show on a trip to the u.s. because of trouble yeah i can understand why people boycott and think so would you very sarah curran holiday would it be kind of top of your list of where you want to go not the top of a line on him i don't know she's never really appealed to me and especially with all the poses going on and it's not like but i know you prefer to go some are a bit more. culturally appropriate. would you want to go to america or just donald trump but you will know all too personally so you're not bothered i'll go america which you. do you go to trip you have the opportunity to go to america you still go you know like i wouldn't care but don't try to i don't like what he does but like i like to go but it's probably not to my lists for me just so we moneywise maybe i'd like to have me and. i think i think that for a holiday those very different going over to live a life actually migration and everything and so i really kind of choose to live i
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think with everything going on is quite intense and i think i want to but then again you know the whole thing is like parts and stuff so you know it's not a great a very that's a bastion of anything here to say. you know coming to the. because of political situations that really should have an impact on people choosing a whole day this nation so still still travel. america is great i don't know about in denver colorado or where we're from but i can tell you i don't like don't come very much if you aren't from the us would you go to the us on holiday probably not really why don't. i probably just want to stay here where where i know what's going on where there's no chaos whatsoever and it's still very very calm on advertising if you like. don't come to america. you palestinian teenager has been shot and killed by an israeli soldier during the latest clashes
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on the border dozens more protestors were injured including four medics this according to palestinian health ministry israeli military says soldiers opened fire in response to rioters hurling rocks and explosives crowds have been gathering up in the gaza israel border fence every friday for the past year for the so-called great march of return israel accuses the militant group hamas of using the rallies as a means of breaching the frontier. italian prime minister just said picante has confirmed rome's likely to sign the framework agreement with the chinese president xi jinping on the belt and road initiative calling it an opportunity for the country with all the necessary precautions it's an easy access into a new silk route represents an opportunity for a country the coming meeting with the chinese president will be an opportunity to sign the framework agreement it won't mean that the next days will be forced to do anything it will allow us to enter into this project and have dialogue well the
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road initiative has come in for criticism from the u.s. washington has been piling pressure on italy not to jump aboard the project. we view belts and road initiatives as a made by china for china and they should see if we're skeptical the italian government's indorsement will bring any sustained economic benefits to the italian people and it may end up harming italy's global reputation in the long run it's position taken by the u.s. side is lawful as a major country italy knows exactly what policies serve its own interests and it can make its decisions independently the belt and road initiative spans three continents stretching from china to europe and africa it is designed to connect to nearly two thirds of the world's population by linking key cities through roads railways and ports beijing has pledged one trillion dollars in infrastructure development over the course of the next decade however the u.s. has expressed security concerns and questions china's motives sociologist probably
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nardini believes that italy has much to gain from taking part. in the last numbers they are thinking about that of this allows us to act in this particular not as in the frankly little i mean not of what it would be. telling us what we have to do at all we are acting for the poor the benefit also for the benefit of the environment i'm an american i think would be a great advantage for. several points of view it would be really. there were. two parts the both of them in stand by we'll. see and they are always beneficial for you there will be a new. but it's a great continent open your way and i don't see any potential damage. on the sponsors and. turkish riot police have used to tear gas against
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thousands of people who joined on an international women's day march in central istanbul despite a police ban. officers also scuffled with the women driving them back from the street. for support all the. citing security concerns hundreds protested. of women and children. more than one hundred police officers have been injured in algeria and an ongoing wave of civil unrest is according to the national security service the protests erupted two weeks ago after the president decided to run for a fifth term government is also under pressure due to soaring inflation and unemployment since the movement started more than a million people have taken to the streets and at least two hundred have been arrested president. is. for two decades
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now he has rarely been seen in public since he suffered a stroke in two thousand and thirteen. back with more news of you are watching. the show. because. this is a point. oh . east it's a. completely different.
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drugs. america's public enemy number one in the united states is. the users in the prison population. we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like. numbers of people who are in prison for. for. an issue. and say. this is just it doesn't get easier.
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yes this is how the truth. later on.
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it's the end of the week and this is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance and the impact upon everyone of us i'm bart chilton in washington d.c. and we're so pleased that you're on board with us today coming up the february jobs numbers are out for the u.s. and man oh man was there a surprise with less workers than anybody all the experts said there were a lot more not so much steve malzberg rashard standing by to lend us a hand and work through the interesting numbers plus the permian basin in the in texas on the gulf coast there it's really the hub of american oil but what are the plans for the areas future and why is the largest sovereign wealth fund on the planet shedding major oil interests bill hederman of the climate center for energy policy university of pennsylvania help us drill into the latest moves and later is there a bubble forming in texas commodities trader mean.
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