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tv   News  RT  March 10, 2019 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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the united. plane with one hundred fifty seven people on board. and. with no survivors. coming off a protest. while the u.s. resorts to sanctions threat senate bid to president maduro we report on washington's approach to the law to the american country. and islamic fighters surrender to u.s. forces in the syrian village of the terrorists are routed from their last stronghold near the iraqi border.
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welcome to the weekly roundup of the big news stories of the past seven days up to the moment developments well my names you know neal are top story ethiopian airlines has now confirmed there are no survivors after a plane carrying one hundred forty nine passengers and eight crew from the kenyan capital crushed shortly after takeoff on sunday double quarter told me more. well the latest reports are saying that there were no survivors among the passengers of flight two three three zero two three zero two and among the passengers were actually citizens from thirty three different countries now this was one of the ethiopian airlines regularly scheduled flights in the ethiopian secretary of transportation already just now held a press conference sharing what the government already knows about the incident. to
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. eat eat eat when flights. from international. and six minutes later. you. touch the ground the airline reports that it was about fifty kilometers south of where it took off now the airline has also said that search and rescue operations are underway underway but five hours on the plane still has not been found now the office of the ethiopian prime minister has already responded to the incident on twitter he says that the office gives its condolences to the families of those who lost who lost their lives on the plane we only find out by this hours after it occurred because it was at what eight thirty eight am local time and then we didn't hear about it until eleven am or so roughly in terms of that that's a bit of a difference yeah absolutely and the plane itself crashed only six minutes after it took off from the airport right and this is the airlines that saying it's africa's
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largest carrier and has ambitions for becoming africa's the international gateway to africa i mean last year ethiopian airlines was expected to carry over ten million passengers internationally and compared to all the others this state owned airlines company is widely considered to be the best in africa in terms of safety and the capabilities of its fully just reading through the latest lines in this very chilling similarities with the indian easy inner. liner was in that same type of plane chilling the seems to be everybody on board dead as well what we kind of know about the similarities there right absolutely you're absolutely right actually both planes were boeing seven thirty seven max airplanes and there's a new type right right absolutely boeing seven thirty seven is an older model but boeing seven thirty seven max was a newer adaptation the crash was very similar actually it was another short
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distance flight that hit the ground only minutes after takeoff with over one hundred eighty passengers killed in indonesia now boeing airplanes responded to this on twitter they said they're closely following the incident. that occurred in ethiopia and that they're monitoring the situation they're aware of the accident. sanctions threats i can say sions on protests the political crisis in venice we're ninety minutes the capital caracas has been gripped by both pro and anti government demonstrations opposition leader and self-proclaimed interim president won by doe addressed his supporters calling on foreign powers to bring to the mature a government. today the solution is intervention. they tried to fabricate this whole show claiming the military would join them but
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there is only one answer yes to loyalty and no one to be tree. is a clone a puppet and a criminal after a very tense week opposition supporters are back on the streets to protest against the government of nicolas maduro they're called was made by one white go on monday after returning an international tour does heat up the already tense climate menace was up in two or three days in a row in a massive blackout the biggest ones of penicillin history at the moment the whole capital this powerless one of the better that i'm protesting because i want a different government there is no electricity no water no food the government should step down there were no i'm here to defend the democratic choice of all people when we voted for nicolas maduro as our president under the constitution he is the only president unlike one door you chose and proclaimed himself it is a coup and a violation of our democracy and freedom. and while calls for outside help
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washington is attempting to cripple caracas financially in a bid to iced nicolas maduro the u.s. state department even went so far as to break journalists who didn't agree with the american view on venezuela. we have noticed in news coverage that some outlets are incorrectly referring to one white go as the opposition leader or the self-proclaimed president. neither is corrects relying on venezuela's constitution one guy joe became interim president of venezuela on january twenty third millions of americans and more than fifty countries recognize as interim president of venezuela you get this for your complaining because. you don't think he made a complaint pointing out just trying to correct well that's all it's like a complete week he's the is the interim president well and we don't want to
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consider him to be the interim president though as you say fifty other countries. recognize him as the interim president but they're all more than a hundred members of the militia so they're fifty countries is not even close that it's the time to act in support of democracy and news coverage of all of them the legitimate leader the president is going to encourage more functions to work we don't want to feed into the rhetoric of the current dictator. or pressure has stepped up further on the venice willing government this week a number of elements let's go through them u.s. vice president mike pence announced that seventy seven officials linked to nicolas maduro would have their u.s. visas revoked then washington special envoy to venice when a new leader then the u.s. national security advisor john bolton said there would be new restrictions
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targeting an ally of caracas cuba adding the whole region should stand against venezuela. the united states is exceptional literally that eight groups you see they have the right to decide who rules where like in venezuela they decide who is a dictator and who isn't they decide which dictators rule and which don't now and state supports any number of dictators who violate human rights including the leaders of egypt saudi arabia the u.a.e. do you not see that the united states support for other brutal dictators around the world undermines the the credibility of the argument you're making no i don't think it does make it separate and i think look in this administration we're not afraid to use the phrase monroe doctrine. it's an odd chaotic nineteenth century policy that basically says no nation in the americas may be
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colonized by europeans out of bounds for europeans and everyone not from the americas a little later teddy roosevelt twisted this policy turned it inside out instead of protecting american nations the u.s. now toppled governments that didn't like there now they've twisted it again now they think they can do this everywhere all over the world and a zoo l.-a and a bill that legitimizes us meddling that terry quire threat assessment a strategy to counter russian influence in venezuela. in effect they're trying to justify meddling in venezuela pogany because it's too friendly with russia and say no not that that is who asked for it not even america's champ there but you don't see broad support for i believe that there is respectful participation of russia in
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regards to watching the fate of our country but the same goes for other countries that are paying attention here america knows better in syria half the world away it's the same story in syria the united states will use diplomacy and work with our partners to expel every last iranian brute and work through the un a process to bring peace and stability to the long suffering syrian people for the life of me i don't remember syrians are asking the united states to get rid of iranians but america knows better africa too many chinese there thinks washington up to no good and now is the time to boot them out china uses bribes opaque agreements and the strategic use of debt to hold states in africa captive to beijing's wishes and demands goes without
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saying it wasn't the africans who asked for this in fact according to the latest gallup poll most africans approve of chinese investment plans leadership in africa but the united states knows better you know why because it's special exceptional better than you or me officially our mission is to reassert our sovereignty reform the liberal international order this is a unique exceptional country. imagine mr monreal would turn in his grave if he could see what is but nine policy protecting the weak from european. colonizes what that has been turned into a license to kill to meddle to topple governments and politically but on the continent oh you've got to be special all right we have all sorts of recent cases libya syria iraq where u.s.
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intervention has essentially obliterated any possibility of democracy but this is true throughout the decades that the united states has meddled in the affairs of latin america overthrowing one democratically elected government after another whether in one thousand nine hundred eighty four with our burns or the interventions that it carried out in the one nine hundred eighty s. supporting brutal military regimes in countries like el salvador although venezuela is in the vise the moment cuba nicaragua are also mentioned by figures like bolton in the same breath this is clearly a concerted effort to bring latin american countries once again under the iron control. all right moving on now the yellow best the men took to the streets of paris again on saturday and it's continuing stand against the french government . i. was.
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i was coming. more than twenty thousand protesters rallied across the country the yellow vests protests will have been going on for quite some time now seventeen consecutive weekends with demonstrators. really primarily demanding changes to living standards no doubt is all despite president attempts to public anger by counseling proposed fuel tax hikes and so named national debates is also erupted in the french cities of leo. demonstrators gathered there are reports of
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a number of injuries as well protesters sustained standoffs with police. ok more of the week's coverage heading to assess bach for the racism in south africa soul in the with the returns in moments. because there's survival guide look stacey just to start. the show there you go to get it back. back to. repatriation when we get the rest to seventy years. of the century kaiser report.
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you know world big partisan movies. and conspiracies it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made the stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. sixty minutes into the program welcome back hundred state fighters have surrendered to us back forces in the syrian village of bank use the last i still held area near
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the iraqi border but as medina cost of explains there are fears that terrorists are just biding their time. the small syrian village of bug has been a focal point for the syrian democratic forces for several weeks now and it's been cold the last remaining enclave for feisal forces in syria and not without good reason the world has seen crown suffer scaping civilians and even jihadists who chose to sow random and addition to the terrorists there also their wives and children too. praising the islamic state with the different slogans they also showed the soles of their shoes as an insult even now they still believe this is not the end of the
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caliphate just a short while ago though donald trump announced that his army and allies crushed islamic state completely we just took over you know you kept hearing it was ninety percent ninety two percent the caliphate in syria now it's one hundred percent we just took over ever since then however there has been a wave of different opinions from those who are actually responsible for what's happening on the ground for instance they had of us central command well he is sure that islamic state hasn't surrendered and the threat is still real he says the terrorists after some tactical thinking have chosen to lay low and waits for the right time to come back reduction of the physical caliphate is a monumental military accomplishment but the fight against isis and violent extremism is far from over and at least for now president trump's announcement that u.s. soldiers for pulling out seems more and more in doubt but nothing seems to be certain
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in this ongoing conflict especially with the unpredictable situation and. you could in that vacuum see a resurgence of isis feeling. surgeons you know are we doing our work come back if we have to well as general votel testified in congress recently he said that. yes this is the end of the territorial state which is very important but it's not by any means the end devices there are a lot of fighters that have gone to ground and that have farms we believe that farms sleeper cells which are going to activate in the you know and some future date from the later clarify that this is the territorial state and that's why he's reversed his opinion on u.s. troops remaining in syria you know there's a there's a hundred ways to count troops and that may not include a lot of the regular soldiers perhaps national forces you see advisers
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diplomats and an aid organization so there's likely to be a lot more americans there there's going to still be a lot of isis trouble and we're seeing bomb attacks being carried out in iraq on a weekly basis and there have been isis attacks in northern syria as well so i says is far from over and. whatever claims about this the president is making are misleading. however as islamic state continues to make its last defiant style and those fleeing face new threats hunger and illness. looks. like talk yeah i didn't mean to john i says i love seeking jihad for
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god because we are all muslims and we have verses about jihad in the context of a war about the killing slaughtering and torture and that some are abandoned and have left islamic state but at the. stirred of the regime it had the right approach . the conditions are definitely dire in the count the problem is nobody was expecting these kinds of numbers so it has been overwhelming and it hasn't stopped. so i thought for a kid's racism drive has hit a hurdle after incendiary remarks from an m.p. who said true freedom will only come when the white population is subservient to
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the block. i don't want blacks to work for whites i want you to work for yourselves and white people will work for you that will be true freedom you must teach them how to carry babies on their back they must feel what our parents have been feeling we're not calling for white people to be killed but for white people to be our domestic workers julius malema is the leader of the economic freedom fighters the far left party which is currently the third largest political force in south africa over the years malema stirred national debate with his views on race class he's twice been convicted of hate speech inciting violence against white people and he was expelled from the governing a.n.c. party in twenty twelve for sowing division within the organization. the apartheid policy in south africa ended more than two decades ago but the country is still struggling with the vision by people who make up nine percent or so of south
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africa's population but only within seventy percent of private farmland efforts to reclaim much of that land with compensation have already been launched by the. print but both the problem and efforts to solve it are causing animosity right across the board. the general ideology of julius malema in he he likes to try and create this sort of clash between races in south africa in order to gain political points he just want to replace white people in a position of oppression we don't one that want to obliterate you want to and completely this system which is constructed to do off white people on top and placing them exploiting black people the government gives them opportunities through the black economic empowerment it gives them opportunities it incentivizes businesses to hire them in higher positions it is easier for them to enter into
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higher education into universities the system in south africa is not a white supremacist system it is not a white dominated system so definitely so why do you mean a good country thirty five thousand white families only eighty percent of the land we don't own as i speak to you as a black person in south africa i owed nothing i am in fact i think that tenant white people always think everything the government is a black majority government. this is a simple fact you cannot deny that majority of parliament's members are black and this is the white. thinking it is true is black but we can't even make laws that says we must take the lead and even these politicians controlled by money who has money why it's when you ask the majority of white people they will agree that the old government and its systems were corrupt and unfair to everyone in south africa and they did benefit. people i'm fairly that is true why people are
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somehow denial of all the crimes of the old government is incorrect and a full debate can be following our you tube page an interesting few minutes that ok to all of the most troubled countries on the planet next for a warts and all exposé machete boys of congo is right ahead. with this manufacture to send to the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. from. the one percent. nor middle of the room six.
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there was not. or. there was an environmental standards in the original now after thirty five years ago. because relations were more purely economic but now the religion is very very close intertwined saw i think it's ok to have a new treaty a new negotiation. this is a stick from the water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're the bad ones they're the litter box they're throwing us away industries should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic.
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that's. their plastic. the new phones at a special projects funding me. on that is the end of a footy team but fun now the mountains of waste only grow higher. during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed working. there wasn't it was bed much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation of the things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo duo engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no on. one set of rules for the rich opposite.
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that's what happens when you put her into the hands of a narrow sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. much adi town in congo the zones a neighborhood is a slum. hundreds of teenage gangs
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operate here then cools the kowloon. the gangs are spreading out to the big cities like a virus is a social epidemic. clune is a mainly involved incentive to robbery. supposedly employment opportunities are increasing in the country but the reality is massive unemployment the resource extraction say to is currently booming but is controlled by government officials according to those who live in and they only give jobs to their own people and the rest have to survive however they can becoming a kalu nut is one of the popular. this is sheena the leader
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of the outlaws gang she is the short form of sheena. a character from a nigerian action movie. the. son. a young gang members eighteen and over they share a street in the end zones a neighborhood with a trick. together they form the devil group. and . control the public restroom. over the paris restaurant this is the devil's turf
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and the police station is on the same street it's just three hundred meters from the paris to the precinct. her. name is the chief of the police station and it's his job to deal with the devil group and other street gangs. so. he.


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