tv Cross Talk RT March 11, 2019 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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conversation also wants to make the military industrial complex again. ross talking some real news i'm joined by my guest dmitri bobbitt he's a political analyst we spoke nick international and in athens we cross to alex krista for oh he is the director and writer for the duran dot com all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate let me go first to our athens alex. congresswoman omar her greatest sin was not saying anything remotely anti-semitic not even actually anti israel her sin was is to reveal the very cozy relationship congress has with apac and with israel and she got plummeted from for it on all cross the aisle both sides and the media continues to misrepresent what she actually said and then we point out here it's probably the only issue that i would agree with her on and i think
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that what's that's is what makes this national conversation very very important go ahead in athens. yeah i agree with you on that on reading her comments i don't think there was there was anything that controversial as to what she said she said it's something that many people in d.c. i'm sure are well aware of and everybody that's watching this show i'm sure is well aware of but the interesting part about this whole story peter is i think the semantic israel stuff is more of a side show the real story to all of this to me at least was watching the democrats having to deal with do we condemn black muslim immigrant woman or are do we condemn comments about israel anti semitism and this speaks to the intersectionality that is plaguing the democrats and the united states as a whole everything is being dissected and chopped up into little bits and now you have the ultimate conundrum you have omar speaking maybe you could sit or eight
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disparaging comments about israel or jews but maybe not but the point is is that you have the democrats now and pelosi trying to figure out what do we do here do we go after omar do we go after israel is it anti-semitic what it did to the day peter they ended up condemning everybody everybody. oh i'm doing is eating popcorn watching this entire thing happen particularly to the democratic party because. of pointed out here i mean you see a party that is more and more divided and it's because of identity politics ok and i think it's also very important here is that it is a fundamental orthodoxy it is a taboo subject to talk about the cozy relationship congress has with apac and and there's a lot of the members of congress it is alleged that have dual citizenship that does bring up interesting questions here particularly when you're looking at american foreign policy in the middle east here again change she's broken
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a lot of taboos but people all of washington d.c. knows these things but talking about it is not. it's not allowed it's a global keyboard because basically in france there was a big scandal just last week president decided to put the sign of equality between what he called zionism and anti-semitism and in fact by antis zionism if you look at his statements he meant any criticism or of their foreign ports just of the state of israel or any criticism or. support that the united states and the european union give to israel when israel has some kind of a call for it with its neighbors. in fact you know there was not a single syrian soldier who. territory there was not a single syrian fighter jet that will be born or sure that targets on the israeli terrorist offensive dollars us dollars and so of borgen rates by these radio during
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the last few years against whom against a country which is in rapturous of a civil war and not noticing it here it is just you know indecent to exactly go back to athens here alex also i think it's really it's interesting to me at least is that we have an immigrant a muslim woman from somalia. really demanding us to think about what the first amendment means as well because you know we have we had this spat during the one nine hundred eighty s. or i remember it very very well where criticism of israel is anti-semitism which is absolutely absurd on the face of it here and again i think this is what congress congresswoman omar is pointing out here is that words have meaning the way you want them to be applied not there is no universal censor in washington they can tell you what words mean go ahead alex yeah i mean i think it's good that you know she she
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said these things if we decide to approach them from the standpoint of talking about policy. and we can have this debate honestly as to what people think the u.s. is position should be because of the israel and the relationship between the two countries this is absolutely fine but i think you're exactly right peter in that what's going to happen after these comments have been for god it is that you going to see more censorship. you're going to see more political censorship going to see more tech censorship and that's going to be the result of these comments and the censorship is going to take place in the form of well this person got on facebook or on twitter and they said anti sabbatical remarks are going to be suspended your accounts could it be be deleted that's what that's what the end result is going to be you're going to see a more of a crackdown free speech not an opening up of free speech unfortunately the i'm well in fact i think we should differentiate between three different thinks there is an unholy union or so-called liberal interventionists and america no of course. whose
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policy is in the middle east where disastrous for everyone including israel was israel more secure. george bush they're doing invaded iraq it wasn't more secure there was more extremism in there in the area there were more terrorist groups operating so there is this what a union there is the israeli government which is very radical which won thanks to their own intimidation tactics and there is the israeli people and the jewish people are on the wall whose interests i think are not ready served by the neighborly interventionist and the neo cons well i don't think i don't think the is actually in the end good for israel either let me go back to athens here i mean it's if you go to the pages of. the new the american conservative you know they have a they're very realist in their foreign policy and you know an article comes to mind
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real quickly israel isn't. of the united states i don't see what the united states gets out of it actually i see only net negatives about its relationship though you wouldn't know that from the mainstream media which of course you're always i mean i've said often on this program in american mainstream media they say as little as possible about israel and don't say anything at all about saudi arabia alex i did i just don't see that it is. it's a mutually beneficial relationship even though i think its depth detrimental to israel itself go ahead alex yeah i think that's why they're going to try to shut down market because they don't want to have the discussion i gave is that it's that it's america's most trusted ally no one ever goes beyond that to question why it is or why it is it and i want to make a point that i was very very disappointed with how palosi positioned this whole thing because at the end the day her statement was well over mar she's she's you know emigrates she doesn't speak english very well she doesn't understand the
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language very well i found it instead of you know putting up the debate she completely shut it down and then threw it on the fact that omar is an immigrant and doesn't know what she's saying you know exactly the same point here i mean looking at how omar is being treated she's being treated as if she was ignorant and actually i think there's a wolf of racism right there she doesn't speak english very well she does understand the meaning of words that it's a totalitarian mindset when situation in the u.k. when mrs thatcher suddenly criticized the european union her press secretary emerged and you said madame is very sick and she won't be making a new more political comments so this is the same kind of attitude we heard from mrs pelosi like she's not qualified she doesn't speak english you know but coming back to this cycle in the american conservative by daniel erickson in fact what he says is interesting because he says that the united states gets nothing in return
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for the extensive diplomatic support that it provides well the united states doesn't get the vote that i do or would you or neocons get and because how do the now justify the destruction of iraq their destruction over the bed their destruction of syria they justified by the defense of israel. so how. does one become more secure how come we hear from mr netanyahu every day you know we have more a name is now iran is an enemy there was not a single case where there would be a proven link between terroristic d.v.d.'s against israel and the iranian government iran and so became a victim of sunni radical sunni terrorists many times in the last at least twenty years and we don't create it in the western media there was a terrible for example there was a terrible terrorist attempt against the israeli embassy in lebanon and that passed almost unnoticed in the united states if
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a united states embassy was attacked somewhere in the middle east and there would be an explosion and the world you can imagine they would remember it until now and they would eventually it until now we go back to our friends here. we saw the in the leading democratic contenders for the presidential sweepstakes they basically divided on this issue of omar does that give you the sense that this isn't going to go away because this is going to be use this omar story they will continue to go ahead forty seconds alex yeah yeah it'll be used as a way and i think the republican aides say the conservative mainstream media you know that they should use it as a way not not because it's the right thing to do but because the other side of the spectrum all you've been hearing for the past two years is russia russia russia racist racist racist and so you finally have now you know the democrats kind of the other shoe is on the other foot now and whether you believe should be an anti semitic remarks or not it is going to be used as
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a wedge issue and i think the conservative media fox news and the republicans are going to use it as that and they kind of you know have a right to do so considering what the democrats on the left well you know done to them for the past two years yeah because i think what's interesting is that no one's actually talking about what she actually said is what they think that's all the time we have here thank you alex in athens. we're going to go to a short break right now and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some new stay with. thanks. someone they thought they are quite.
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a chore on their. home up there and i don't think i want to justify. something awful because a couple of the. singing you just got honey. locust ok ok sign you know what you know full well for you i think i think i'll. save us a shooting out tonight you want to go there for fun and you get on faith nothing nothing nothing i'm not god like in a way out of your fucking head so what if i don't want to kill a little uniting me so. i didn't think the numbers mean something they've matter the us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime families each day. eighty
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five percent of global wealth he longs to be old rich eight point six percent world market rose thirty percent some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and if we rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars ai industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember in one one business show you know bored to miss this one and only boom box. you know world of big partisan new things loftus and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper. to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the
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middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. welcome back to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter old beltre mind you we're discussing some real names. and now to london we're joined by marcus papadopoulos he's the editor of politics first magazine thank you for being with us marcus in the first part of the program we talked about the the the this scandal it's been brewing around congresswoman omar the issue of accusing people of anti-semitism it is a miss an only in the united states it's also in france and it's certainly a major story now based on what i'm missing by of anti-semitism in the labor
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government go ahead marcus. well anti semitism is a form of racism and it needs to be relentlessly as indeed all forms of racism need to be fulfilled relentlessly including i should say racism towards serps which in the ninety nine seas was here on precedents it's heights by british and american journalists and politicians but it's various quite a long history although weaponize and he sentences and exploiting the holocaust in both america and in britain so in one thousand seven hundred i mean america jimmy carter exploited the holocaust. in order to win the jewish vote now in britain there are allegations that jeremy corbyn is anti semitic let me say this hate or any on ists person in british politics will tell you this even if you don't
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like any of jeremy corbin's views and you're his policies the one thing you can never accuse him of is been racist white because there is not one racist bone in his body because he has dedicated his entire political career so fighting racism included and semitism so these charges against gary coleman a human being and as he said makes it a completely unsound it's what they are about is to try and overthrow him as a lady of the labor party because he is and see clients i say she needs war he's pro palestinian and by overflowing and the whole mood is that blairism will be resurrected ok martin marcus marcus to to what degree is it he said pro palestinian so facto that means he's not a strong supporter of israel and its policies in the region i presume i suppose
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that's the cudgel that the his opposition wants to use against him because that's the same kind of orthodoxy you have in washington d.c. . yes absolutely jeremy corbyn you know ever since he was elected as an m.p. in one thousand nine hundred eighty three has highlights the points of the palestinian people he has helped suit expose that terrible crimes committed by successive israeli governments against palestinian men women and children he is nots and see israel he's not concede israeli people he doesn't hate any people in this vote but he wants the palestinians to have an independent states and that reason is a major reason as to why the blairites in the party in the labor party conspiring with british mainstream nature so as a sort of as i said to resurrect new labor resurrects blairism and to try and get
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some of what chuck ramona is replacing as leader of the labor party. again that the similarities between washington and london are are quite remarkable but then it and then again it is all part and parcel of the entire atlantico world or washington consensus as it were actually this on a whole union already but all interventionists that we talked about in the first part of the program it doesn't like jewish people more than any other people walk i mean in ukraine. which is in power now traces its origins to step on bond there are and several are that ukrainian not this who one hundred percent destroyed hundreds of thousands of jewels and poles. and russians well you can you can get full information about it in yad vashem you know the museum of holocaust in israel the israeli government has has raised this problem
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with the ukrainian regime but the united states they still didn't like it do you think you said this is a problem see just think the way that they formulated you know it it's like a. irritant instead of demonstrating to western publics that this is a regime that supports the most heinous idea and i like the idea of marcos you know going back to the campaign against the serbs i remember how all of their western media called serbs in the one thousand ninety s. cancer in the middle of europe and let me let me remind our viewers the serbs software together with the jews all that there are two of the former yugoslavia when the germans had yugoslavia the two groups that suffered the most in terms of maybe mistaken but i think i think the serbs had the worst casualty rate of all percentage wise of the popular and i think it's i think it is very close to that parable of the ok everybody and they're going to go back tomorrow i would say by
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the way i mean i mean this is just huge book when they say that we defend duis people they give they ideological allies when you have jewels opposing their globalism opposing their outre neighbor and so suddenly these jewels become rank extremists you know populists whatever and only the jewels who support their the war against iraq who supported. that these are the radios and jeremy corbyn don't you just say that this is that message from the markets i want to shift gears here. trump's new budget is going to be coming out and one of the things that we hear is that he has an interesting formula he wants to charge five hundred six hundred percent on countries that are hosting american troops and and when i'm thinking right now of japan and germany the interesting thing is is that do these people that live in the first two countries do they like
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hosting american troops and do they think they want to pay even more i mean it's quite remarkable here it sounds like a rocket to me it's more of a threat not a form of protection marcus' than london. well of course the ordinary german who like the ordinary japanese person actually does not want to see american bases on their respective territories however the german and the staff at the german and japanese establishment have a very different speeds elites the elites the elites i have two principal situations all transport coming budgets trust so much so for trump put in the american people trust because this budget which is going to drastically increase defense spending will be at the cost of postal spent in america so you want to marry american man and woman is going to suffer secondly it helps to expose
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as a complete sod america's claim that it intervenes in the affairs or internal in the internal affairs or independent countries in order to bring schiemann rights to the population and you know it's brink asperity so the population that because if the american government sincerely ted that shimon rights will cost parity then why doesn't it tackle the end no less social injustice in america forty million americans live in poverty fifteen million american children living policy twenty eight million americans do not have medical insurance markets markets all i can say is all i can say to that is that addressing those issues wouldn't make the military industrial complex great again here we're rapidly running out of time here demilitarize to turn quickly to a venezuela. power outages here and marco rubio is the mean quid seemingly quite happy about it that the lights went out and he sounded like he was
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bragging you know when i read the news in their american media of all this blackout even if it sounded like you know remember remember that polgar. even her long which was supposedly hacked by the terrible russian hackers basically a later they story was unmasked as a complete fraud you know even that fi show us authority if acknowledged that there was no russian taken or that all of the ball agreed in vermont but what happened in vegas well it sounded exactly like what a missile russian then other states would have liked to see had been in the united states to blame russia but now i think this is speech and is much much greater that this is the real blair called the poll agreed was a radio shack and i guess we know we country is interested in destabilizing well everywhere and i'm going to marcus in london i mean if you look at marco rubio the senator from florida when he was smirking about it i mean he's really happy that
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the the average person in venezuela is suffering for a regime change that was hatched in washington or with the lima group there are they can't canadians are in on the out here i mean the gleeful this of the elites is just appalling what they're enjoying punishing people go ahead in london yes i'm quite aware of some of the tweets from marco rubio and i have to say i find them stream really disconcerting and it's really distressing because they are taking the light at electricity cuts in venezuela which of course as we know could affect us that i'm also aware of marco rubio's tweets or in previous leads as a law it's and then dance finally kills now would says that's. about the mindset the mentality the men's who handles all politicians in america lock marco rubio i'm not a psychologist i'm not
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a psychologist i will leave it's across the experience to decide what i would say this i don't think you have to have a degree in psychology psychiatry starts to suspect that there is something. very very troubling. when they take the line. she well you know. i'm neither a psychologist either or a psychiatrist but i would say this is the mentality of empire game of finish it off for us well i guess i know the way for her to avoid you just mr trump has just voiced it in his new plan for. you know for their pain for me well for station u.s. troops abroad if you pay the full price and fifty percent premium for the privilege of hosting these troops you will be completely safe but if you don't if you don't then you'll have a problem so it sounds like very much to a great kid to me you know if you pay for our troops on your territory not only you
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won't be attacked by the main thing you won't be attacked by us because actually kill me vine example all the west country been at their balls in the last fifty years ok the west oh no hold on here we've run out of time gentlemen many thanks to my guests here in moscow and in london and thanks to our viewers for watching us here see you next time and remember. this is a sticker from the water bottle found in the stomach of a fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're the bad ones they're the litterbug third trimester way industry should be blamed for all this
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waste the company has promised to reuse the plastic. in main. that seems cool sets for something your class is classic sikorsky on land are you staying on your phones at special projects funding me tells it on some follow up on i knew best that is the end of a footy team but fun now the mountains of waste only grow while. the country has gone into a nihilistic fever i think and hit the road and get out the travelling across america in the find what makes america take the charlatans the genius this is the quintessential american hero this is it we found the point around which element is gone so we always are on the current system. called the culture thing.
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we're starting last with is going to headed east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the beast and i think i want to leave now doesn't get any more ground zero the less it may be completely different but in the. it was not that mode you can trade or labor there's an environment standouts in the original nafta through the five years ago those were kicked out because relations were more punitive konami but now the revision is very very close intertwined so i think it's ok to have a new treaty and you negotiation. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to sort of go from fields where everything is familiar on the other i want to the new challenge and the fresh
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the head of a well known u.s. security company once known as blackwater says the long lasting conflict in afghanistan could still be won but only if washington allows him to handle the conflict. human rights watch accuses iraqi and kurdish authorities of routinely torturing youngsters suspected of having links to islamic state. at the border and you know what i'm doing this to. have the. interest of everyone. after the may.
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