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tv   News  RT  March 11, 2019 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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i know. you're right. further debates on the vision across europe over the fate of children. fighters. in the syrian refugee camp after the woman. citizen the baby who. because they didn't do anything to bring that child back to the u.k. . they did the wrong thing he put the safety of this country first and. also coming up on the program human rights watch accuses iraqi kurdish
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authorities of routinely torturing youngsters suspected of having links to islamic states. ahead of an infamous u.s. security company known. conflict in afghanistan. but only if washington. twenty four seven years our top story. parents of a young french girl who was killed after joining us in syria are appealing to president to allow her three children in two fronts they are currently living in a refugee camp in syria joins me live. with the details really is a debate this being played out more and more across the continent why. it's not
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about this particular case. but the case it involves a young woman. who's seventy five years ago promised for syria with her husband they say told in iraq and they supported islamic state until she and her husband were both recently killed in allied airstrikes not her three children are still in a refugee camp along the syria iraqi border called out now the situation in the camp is dire indeed some sixty five thousand people are currently hols their nutrition is right it is not enough food is not enough medicine and cheese mother who lives in the north of france has appealed to the french president a promise to allow her three grandchildren she joins her here in the. crew quarters of the shoestring in the camp on defiance the conditions are terrible there is no room been treated worse than animals these children didn't ask to be
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born or be taken there they're the victim of the choices made by their and. now they are currently some two and a hop thousand children who are being housed in syrian refugee camps and around one hundred of them are a french are region and french nationality this is an issue that is hugely divisive here in france around sixty seven percent of the population says that these children should not be given permission to people to this country but there are other cases that are also making headlines there is the recent case this time of the new slum mixtape bride of british nationality. was found at the beginning of last month when she was pregnant but hope we old son recently died in a syrian refugee camp and this came as we put his hopes to the state that he was revoking the british citizenship that announcement was both criticized and supported. the tragic death of baby is
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a stain on the conscience of this government it's against international law to make someone stateless and to leave out the whole noble young woman and insert child in a refugee camp where we know infant mortality to be high is morally reprehensible the home secretary failed to british child and he has a lot to answer for it's absolutely tragic that a baby has died and of course i understand this is a really terrible problem but on the other hand the job of the home secretaries to protect all the people in the united kingdom if you have had advice and what was right thing to do and i totally support his decision we failed as a country to safeguard the child this was an entirely avoidable death of a british citizen there was no attempt to help by the home office i think it's shocking how the home secretary has treated this situation now. is are back in the day she our region she left at the age of fifteen in two thousand and five from the
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u.k. to join islamic state in syria when she was found in everything she can do the last month she said that her wish was to come back to the u.k. and head coach tower there but at the same time she also said she did not feel great joining islamic state now all of this comes as fighting intensifies around the last stronghold for the jihad this week in the year as it's all province we are hearing from senior officials are the syrian defense forces that hundreds are islamic state fighters have surrendered but at the same time hundreds more obvious fusing to surrender and so the fighting continues to function as bringing us right up to date with all of its policy or in morris just as paula was seeing there as islamic state loses control of its last territories in syria not all eyes all wives are regretting the decision to join the group it seemed.
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now there was little sympathy for those women from a number of guests that we spoke to on the issue. with go blank piece in white with pitiful sentences she would have walked away with a picture full sentence in comparison we also are absolutely no might be her word that she didn't do anything that would have been let's say the act of terrorism but also puts the risk of monta kweisi in this country if she can report on trial she should be put on trial but this is a woman who just weeks ago was just before the month. of the area on the ground a concert in which you know all those children died and she was just in four years . you know so you have to sing the. level of indoctrination if any
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child abuse a british citizen should be brought to this country and frankly i think they should be forcibly removed from the parents who put them in there supporting jeopardy which we would then being so you know you might if you break the child away from its mother so we couldn't it was i applaud them for his bravery if you look at the front if you look at belgium you look at germany and how many islamist terrorist attacks have actually been committed by people who have returned from syria then i wouldn't be glib about says feeding suicide i let said when not going to join them. we're going to maintain our values of humanity the rule of law and justice and we're going to we're going to allow a little put on trial and i'll be very happy to see a prison for a very long time for the crimes we've got to make sure that there's safety of course. action for those children would mean that they held to account and then
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there's going to be a global conversation maybe through the international criminal court to actually hold these fighters responsible for the crime according to the save the children char at sea there are no more than two and a half children in camps in northern syria from iran thirty countries their homelands are engaged in the whether or not they should accept them back a recent survey in france for instance suggests that sixty seven percent of respondents believe the state should not be children of militants we got the views of our guests on not to. let us not forget is the third child who was dying to this young woman but it's this young woman who has put her. tragically now dead children into this situation she took herself into the area and all fall all full of situation tragically it's an awful situation of their own making let's have some humanity this is
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a pretty citizen the baby who die and died because of a government didn't do anything to bring that child back to the u.k. of course children should not just suffer the consequences of their parents but if she made a conscious choice she may have been fifteen at the time she has been there now for five years she had no conscience of and had a hate discarded in dustbins she doesn't regret her choices aren't subject john we did the right thing he put the safety of this country first and foremost we live according to our obligations under international law and we cannot make some mistakes this is our will problem she was born in our country she was radicalized in our country and surely it's right and proper that she comes back to the u.k. she's held to account she's put on trial. human rights watch has released a dummy. the report exposing torture and abuse of youngsters suspected of having
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links to islamic state in iraq the group sees iraqi and kurdish authorities routinely for suspects some as young as fourteen to confess using harsh methods the report features a number of first hand accounts. to show. me a shot at me and they say you know quite low. on the three. hundred. seventy. nine or at the. age of. twelve already a little at the border. yeah don't miss the odd job that i did so i just had. enough that method that a lot of and not. much. of ours is africa. and there was stuff about it when the then it happened. and there was a battle over. the report describes the kind of torture to which the detainees are
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allegedly subjected among the methods said to be used by kurdistan regional authorities are beatings with plastic pipes on the electric cables as well as the use of electric shocks on stress positions but according to human rights watch at the end of last year iraqi and kurdish authorities were holding some fifteen hundred children over their alleged affiliation with isel at least one hundred eighty five foreign children have been convicted on terrorism charges and sentenced as well to prison terms we heard from one of the people behind the report. iraqi authorities or no vote or abuse from the. kurdish there have charged hundreds of minors acts of terrorism because of their alleged presumed belonging to a slimy extent these prosecutions very often rely on very you know dots for my
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positions because they are based on confessions that were tortured out of the kids. children are number one considered us combatants who are trying just as adults combatants and it is not fair that should be the international law is very clear and considers that children who are recruited by armed groups should be considered first and foremost as victims who need rehabilitation and reintegration into society rather than imprisonment and torture. and we recommended the government the iraqi government and courage authorities to immediately free all those guess who have not committed a crime as for those who are suspected of having committed crimes and other violent oppression well sure they should be tried but they should be tried accordingly to international rules and compelled to minors in all cases we recommend strongly that
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there is no practice of torture anymore and that investigations are open jewel hauled all the perpetrators accountable these are the recognition that we have addressed to the kurdish and the iraqi government and we are to expect to get answers. yet we are awaiting comments on the allegations from the iraqi government just to point out the country's counter-terrorism laws to provide for the attention on trial of anyone involved with ice all the applies even if they have not committed violent crimes and only paid support roles for example working as cooks or indeed in hospitals. the founder of infamous private security company blackwater no known as i come to me say that the war in afghanistan may not actually be lost for the united states after president trump expressed his willingness to a draw from the country after nearly eighteen years of war your senior correspondent murat's guest here. of ghana style the so-called graveyard
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of empires a politician's nightmare not least for trump spite the president's boasts about ending this war about leaving afghanistan no it isn't happening as we make progress in these negotiations we will be able to reduce troops presence the political conditions where we are in the reconciliation right now don't merit that almost two decades of war of death and there's no end in sight over the start the talking round after round of negotiations between the taliban the u.s. leading nowhere last year was the deadliest for civilians since the war began according to the u.n. but there is hope if you can call it that i do want to end the war by giving the
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african forces the means to survive and to be much more offense if you provide mentors and you provide air support and logistic support to those units they can actually get out and get after the enemy. erik prince the founder of the notorious private military for blackwater he's got a plan in which he's been pitching widely to replace fifty thousand nato troops with some of his guys and a few thousand special forces and make millions of bucks along the way no doubt but hey peace has a price one that afghans don't seem to want to pay so how do you justify that you'll get a contract and go into the war in afghanistan given that you're making money out of this business please do us a favor and have a bold line between that of mercenaries of the democracy out mercenaries of death or fall from wrong though these guys mercenary groups like blackwater never went
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away in fact they expanded turned into a company rebranded and now they want back into the big boys war. i never cared for. the. they were dead bodies everywhere and it's the arguments on a patio with two people inside among the dead bodies lying on the street that's which of course is the middle of seventy years old.
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just for a second the us hasn't had a stellar two. rock record in afghanistan on the ground remember the scandal about american troops posing with dead bodies literally firing the civilians and getting away with it. we get. off the scandal these military forces we're talking about strict regulated controlled now imagine replacing them with men who are happy to kill for money mercenaries what do you think is that going to make of governance a better place or help bring about an end to this endless war. great nation do not fight endless wars in.
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iraq go see if with the report terror expert on legal analysts jennifer breeze and believes academy is just one of many private contractors eager to interest on the stand after the u.s. withdrawal. blackwater has been stating that their presence there is going to maintain stability or stabilizing force just be a third party and the presence of two opposing afghan forces i think he's seen it this as a money making opportunity and money making and the moment that it was announced that the u.s. would be withdrawing from a skip afghanistan you're talking about every single major private security firm that wants to be in there wants to take over that gap wants to get whatever u.s. funding is going to be residual for private companies to come in and fill in that gap you know it's probably likely that the u.s. will say if you want this troops to happen if you want our military our defense department to leave we're going to have to leave a residual force in here whether that's a private contractors or somebody else and you'll have to be ok with that the taliban has not agreed to any u.s. presence any private contractors and private military force i'm sure something that
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would be seen as not good or not stabilizing was the most important issue is it's up to our government that's up to our leadership to ensure that any private contractors are here and a very strict u.s. protocol and they're. as a bad actor when there is a criminal act that comes out we make sure that that is publicizing that the perpetrators are penalized and are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the laws within international law and with the laws of the country in which they are it. critics are raising the pressure over remarks by democrats representative more about jewish influence on american politics which many have slammed as the summit she later apologized for the comments leading republican liz cheney warns a democrat a resolution condemning all bigotry in the wake of omar's comments it's not enough . congress had the opportunity to denounce anti-semitism a very specific very odious problem and democrats decided to dodge that opportunity unapologetically dressing up
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a resolution as anti hate and insulating the person that was meant to discourage the leadership is they are protecting her you know this isn't just being silent they are protecting her by failing to put a resolution on the floor that names her and that strips are for committee assignment instead they put a resolution on the floor which she then went out and said this is a tremendous victory for me is resolution condemned all forms of hate and intolerance including anti semitism and discrimination against muslims it was bought by a large majority including all democrats of course of our herself the move came after she questioned the power of the israeli lobby over us politicians. he says he wants an. allegiance to the point. i want. why is it ok. for me. to have this of the.
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fossil fuel industry to be harmed and not our full lobby. group that is doing. well and happy to see we can get some expert analysis on this now bring in our guest political commentator amir or an dyker project director at the jerusalem center for public affairs good to have you both on the program gentlemen i mean we start with you something that donald trump said recently essentially about the democrats and he wasn't holding back he said the democrats have become an up to use real and also jewish party are right is he. well he's not. only a few hours ago in fact he boasts the heavy iranian newsreel ninety eight percent of these rallies would have voted for him this is of course absolutely wrong many
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israelis perhaps not most but many israelis be test donald trump policies that may. dairies know all of that between being anti-semitic and israel and one can be. henri's really government this is certain policies without being anti-semitic in fact many jews both in israel and abroad are against the policies of the current israeli government even though they consider themselves proud jews they are proud of their jewish character ok and they resent any such comment well that's. what you just said to dun dun does more actually have a point when she said that on t. semitism i'm questioning israeli actions in the us they are different.
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let me make it very clear this is about the new freshman member of congress ilan omar who basically legitimized anti semitism by saying by saying that jews control america with money and the jews have dual loyalty in the united states the real issue is anti semitism isn't the answer is yes i think mr oren misrepresents the the debate here the debate is not about john will trump the debate is is one in which if you deny the jewish people the right to self-determination as not on sharansky sat in a in a soviet prison for nine years because he was a jew wanting to come to the jewish state you are an anti-semite that is what that is the issue and ilan omar has kemah flaw. lodged anti-semitism in the united states and has turned it in to a to a camouflaged issue of criticism of israel this is not about ok criticism of israel
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this is about the right of the jewish people to self-determination no more nor less and it's not about donald trump amir on the resolution. why do you think it went beyond semitism to all forms of bigotry does not not just watered down on effectively leave it as a nothing document. the power for israel's friends be the jews or of other denominations on capitol hill and in american politics is not only undeniable israel has in fact used the perception that it can move and shake on the hill to reach advantage and you can find citations by presidents going back to harry truman who was for israel but resent the jewish. influence going through l.b.j. nixon ford and everybody else basically you hear it
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from there are so serious you can review their documents and memoirs so when it fits. the purpose it indicates to people in washington on that it behooves them not to do israel's bidding and when he does not fit their it's purpose. to all of a sudden fears such perceptions but this is of course powerful because don you can respond to that i know you want to but i also want to put in another aspect. what she did was clumsy what she did she apologized for but is it not good that it's out there in the open that whatever money is affecting the government of that country should be spoken about should there not be a similar. debates on saudi influence over u.s. politics is it not all parody here as not on trotsky said when he was sitting in the soviet gulag for nine years as
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a jew wanting to go to the jewish state this is only about anti-semitism in the united states this is not about israel per se and i think that what has happened here there has been a conflation of the issue in which mrs omar who knows exactly what she's doing is water is basically purposely confounding the anti-semitic comments that she continues to make about american jews and turns it into this farce fake idea about legitimate criticism of israel when you call israel a racist bigoted or apartheid state as she has done as well as some of her as some of her colleagues in the in the democratic party you are you are making an anti-semitic statement if you want to make a legitimate critique criticism of israel then make it in context if you want to talk about occupation talk about the american occupation of post-war germany and japan in the same paragraph but that is not what is happening this is omar is
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trotting out israel as a as a scapegoat in order to in order to kemah flog anti semitic tropes that she knows are anti-semitic ok we have her on a minute left and if you'd like to sum up your argument a mere twenty seconds. you know israel used to enjoy bipartisan support on capitol hill and in washington in being the country in general but under benjamin netanyahu it has publicly supported the republicans over the democrats and by a contributor to the democrats now coming out in force against israel down. this is a very critical time for the democratic party mr oren is absolutely right that israel has always been a bipartisan. issue and it should continue to be a part partisan issue the challenge of the democratic party is will they stand up to mr omar and to mr from michigan and to ms cortez from new york who are working
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as a triangular power in order to to to create an unfair and biased and even at times anti semitic diatribe against israel and the jews in the united states will the democratic party stand up to them or will they collapse as they have in this resolution that essentially makes mr omar the victim as opposed to the perpetrator of the anti-semitic trope thank you both for a spirited debate i did over audience learned a lot political commentator amir oren and don dyker of the true islam center for public affairs it was a pleasure. ok some more great program starting in what was here are two international event to join me for all the latest news headlines this monday thirty six.
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film begins in hawaii in the middle of the pacific ocean in spite of the island and its remoteness cation it is also full to the epidemic of the twentieth century plastic. plastic pollution is littering beaches and endangering said species of animals no matter how remote or out of reach. in this neighborhood tree in the north of the occupied ago scientists study marine animals not plastic at least in theory. no idea what that. but it's certainly plastic.
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jessica perelman is a biologist accustomed to finding plastic in fish stomachs she has started a very unique connection. casually often plastic bags and this was all coiled up in the stomach when i found it had no idea what it wasn't all that it just. or did you react when in this installment i was shocked i started you know documenting it measuring it taking photos showing whoever else was around in the lab and we were kind of. we were just you know a shock to think that that these fish are are really ingesting this i mean. to her disbelief the scientist has found passed.


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