tv Watching the Hawks RT March 12, 2019 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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financial survival. when customers go by here it is to. help well reduce and lower. that's undercutting but what's good for markets is not good for the global economy. chose seemed wrong. just don't hold. any new goals to get to shape out this day comes to educate and in gains from it because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. this is a stick from the water bottle phone in the stomach of the fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're the bad ones they're the litter bugs are
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throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. capsules excuse. their plastic the only thing you can use at a special projects funded. on the. fun now the mountains of waste only grow higher. ratings salutation. the business of war rolls on watchers like the ticking of a clock in the rising and setting of a song the first installment is in my friends for the fifteen billion dollar bad
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missile defense deal between saudi arabia the united states of america and lockheed martin initially signed and sealed back in november of two thousand and eighteen and boy oh boy oh boy oh boy this first installment of boozy not only for its close to a billion dollars sticker price but for who actually is footing the bill. guess who's paying for the first installment the pentagon yes it's not the kingdom of saudi arabia it's not lockheed martin no it's the u.s. taxpayers will be paying the first bill for the kingdom's brand new missile defense system according to reuters the pentagon announced the payment as and. ties the contract action which translates for us non arms dealers as a partial payment that will go to lockheed martin and prevent major delays in production if the new missile defense system of the new missile defense system in saudi arabia. because nothing my friends nothing is higher on the wants and needs of u.s. taxpayers than time production of
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a saudi arabia missile system so why are u.s. citizens forking over nine hundred forty six million dollars to lockheed martin us . well according to whitney web overman press news that may have something to do with the competition in the marketplace web writes one likely explanation for the pentagon's willingness to pay such a significant amount to subsidize the saudi bad system is the fact that the saudi government had intended to purchase the cheaper and more effective russian made s. four hundred instead of the pad. welcome to the world of international arms deals where taxpayers subsidize not only the merchants of death but their warmongering clients as well now let's start watching the hawks. to. get the. real deal it's really. like you that i got. with that we. would.
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welcome them on the watching the hawks i am a robot and then. boy a boy a boy a boy. another massive amount of money but not even for our own defense weapons is subsidizing somebody else's weapons of mass destruction. while their defense missile silos are not actually you know they're supposed to shoot other missiles down so it's often said defense the defense of us. yeah you know it's a billion dollars of taxpayer money i thought we had a wall to pay for the. you know it's interesting because this fifteen billion defense system is it's part of an actual the bigger we talked about before as part of the bigger hundred ten billion dollar arms package the trump administration negotiated with the saudi arabian kingdom all the way back in
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two thousand and seventeen and then that came under fire as well during the jamal khashoggi killing in the war in yemen and then like all of this it's all kind of part about oddly nasty system of kickstarting for a long time even before trumka. and then what exactly are we are helping them by or lining their where we're subsidizing you know like there's any way to put it we're subsidizing it. so it's forty four terminal high altitude area defense or you said that launchers also part of the. work will be replacing or repairing their curtain obsolete saudi missile defense infrastructure so they'll have to sort of build new systems for this new infrastructure and then what it does is the contract allows lockheed to pay for materials tooling and stared that. we're subsidizing we're putting these deals together it's fairly uncertain to me and unclear it's immediately so as has been
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why we are why we are paying. for all of this from a country that has you know oil and lots of rich people apparently you know that is one of those silly women where the bread thing the money and they don't have women getting in the way so i'm not really sure what. you know that well that's the brilliant observation that you have to have because i mean it's true it's like one of the richest countries in the gulf there's no reason for them to do they want to be a luxury tourism spot but they can't figure out their own missile defense got to make us pay for their missile defenses i mean absolutely we don't cover everything in your home. gold and throw people off of buildings for being ok and that's and that's the thing that like really gets under my skin but guess what we're not the only ones who subsidize saudi arabia's military from time to time back in february the australian government faced heavy criticism from its citizens over revelations that electro optics systems export of five hundred remote weapons to saudi arabia
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could be used in their war in yemen electro optics systems would receive about thirty six million in government subsidies from the australian government is one of the only ones or our brothers in arms in australia are doing the same thing but all the money flows right to the lockheed martin's or the electro optics systems and then cuts down the bill but they would be charging you know saudi arabia in this case it's really it makes no logical sense when you come to think of it if you have a day no i mean it's a lot of money for a lot you know of course it's there they have to be worried about iran and. the great threat you know we're real we're building these very expensive and paying for these very big missile defense things in places like saudi arabia and israel why don't we have a missile defense i mean if you like you know if the russians and the north koreans and everyone are pointing missiles at us why will we have one here. maybe we should spend that money in protecting our own sky borders you know we spend the most on
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arms next to everybody else we also export the more storms more than everybody else it's rather interesting that we don't do anything here at home like the great observation. under a seal which displays that the u.s. and mexican flags as a report that seems to ignore the freedom of the press the right to protest million other things there were court titled san diego sector foreign operations branch migrant caravan fiscal year twenty nineteen suspected organizers coordinators instigators and media it was uncovered by the san diego and b.c. affiliate n.b.c. seven investigates it consists of slides showing pictures of people who are too. of what they call extra scrutiny when crossing the u.s. mexican border of the fifty nine people photographed in the list forty of them are u.s. citizens and of the forty three people at alerts for the extra scrutiny twenty eight of them were americans and who were these scary people threatening the del it's secure delicate security of our great southern border immigration attorneys human
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rights activists journalists photojournalists and even social media influencers that were crossing the border some journalists told n.b.c. seven that they quote they felt they had become targets of intense inspections and scrutiny by border officials who were the real threats in the eyes of ice and homeland security because for now it seems that the truth is what they think is lurking around every corner about to get them. this is incredible here we go again home colin security rather than you know. keeping. so the threat is the very people that would be no i don't know fighting for for the rights of those crossing the border i mean lawyers are officers of the court and that's true on either side of the border they're an officer of the court they're right up there with they're doing a job that our entire government legal system is set up they as a as an officer of the court what that means is they represent law and order and
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all of the years things that we say we want and what they're doing of stopping these people because they're helping people get through the process which i thought is the point you know right why would you not want people there helping move the process along even if you don't want people shouldn't be there they're going to go back quicker but they're going to get through the process quicker that is either mazing for you and it is you know it's also interesting is in addition to the internal beatrice e-mail that you mentioned earlier the send you go for showed the san diego special in charge in charge david shaw instructing quote all agents to question source of information regarding the migrants the curve and its leaders of any criminal or cortot related actions concerning the migrants the migrants or the karen. so it's going to you're confidential informants going out to all these things and saying who's on the ground there has to be a mess who are the agitators i want happened was the dia just tried to kind of make this idea that they were just looking for any information on this new year's day and new year's eve situation that happened with
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a number of migrants throwing bottles the police or something and then at the end of the dam like you're still investigating the bottle being thrown maybe maybe prioritize maybe prioritize a little bit when you have people literally dying at the border. yes so some attorneys like you said people have literally gotten stuck there on one side of the border the other two members of the california nonprofit. which does work helping people in the not coming in on the other side that don't understand the mexican legal system their organization helps people do that what they it's a by may by national direct legal services organizations there in tijuana and two of their people one of their refugee director was listed nicole ramos was listed as having an alert placed on her meaning just to go there they also had a dossier on her that how to her mother's name her card of car she drove all this information because in general what they're doing is going through looking for any
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with it may be considered an agitator that may be considered outsiders in their point of view that they shouldn't be there either way there are people who spent thirteen hours on the ground just being stuck on one side of the border another to get processed or photo journalists who went and were told will you were there taking pictures the day this event happened and so and so you give us information that we think is useful you're not allowed in people are being sent back to the u.s. not allowed into mexico not allowed into the united states. so that goes directly against the ideals of our constitution and freedom of the pros. it goes a great you take your subject there you know boyer's some things are agents of the court not being allowed to treat our leaders of the care of you know leaders i think it might be. ok the refuge is maybe about the leader of the caravan but i don't think we're going to find those they wanted to be this conspiracy that it was all did just brew in america. i don't think that's the deal i don't think that's
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the issue and i think the issue is learn a little bit of humanity that america was based that is supposed to be at the heart of our values and i think we've lost that. agree. on is we're going to break lock watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics of government facebook and twitter and see our poll shows that are to dot com coming up are to mark the front of the altar brings us the latest on the ongoing controversy surrounding the regime change upwards but as we look and then we look at the courage of chelsea manning who was once again back our state to.
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someone. thought they know what. the. from up there and i don't think i want to. look up because a couple of you show. honey. locust it would be ok sunny. but well for you because i think you have. to go. there from your own thing nothing. like i can care for. this i don't want to fill it with the united.
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from the burning of medical aid to the blame for electrical blackouts the official narrative surrounding pushing for regime change and venezuela as well on overdrive but sometimes the whole not official narrative are just too big to hide even for the new york times on sunday the new york times surprisingly reported that despite the us state department claims that venezuelan president nicolas. doro ordered the recent burning of a convoy of medicine and humanitarian aid following the recent live aid venezuela concert it now appears that after reviewing footage from the incident that quote the opposition itself not mr dorismond appears to have set the cargo alight accidentally not a molotov cocktail thrown by an anti-government protests or was the most likely
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trigger for the blitz the times even went on to question if there was any medicine in the aid trucks to begin with reporting that quote the united states agency for international development the principal supplier of the aid at the bridge did not list medicine among its donations yes the actual new york times who never met a you back to regime change they didn't like is reported is joining us now to update us on the latest taking place in venezuela's r.t. america sara month of thank you so much for joining you told me it is saturday there are lots of different stories i don't know left and right so so one of the main things to look at is the military. that remains there that didn't burn up were the actual aid that wasn't medical supplies or maybe maybe not that's not made it into venezuela so what is actually happened to that well it looks like it's just sitting out those borders or since february fourth so this is over a month ago already more than one hundred ninety five million dollars have been sent in government aid and this includes food medicine hygiene kits and other
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equipment now this has not made it like you said into it when asked whether now pompei i spoke at the state department just moments ago and let's take a listen to what he said. we always wish things could go faster but i'm very confident that the tide is moving in the direction of the venezuelan people and will continue to do so it doesn't take that it doesn't take much for you to see what's really going on there. so he went on and said that the humanitarian crisis is increasing by the hour they're headed in the right direction and they're going to keep rolling with what what they're doing and another or another think that first there were these issues the concert they the burden of the year and all of those but there was another issue there and that's the power outage as to what exactly is going on so on thursday there was a massive power outage now these power outages are pretty common in venice whether however there haven't been as many around the outages not been as massive as the one that just happened on thursday by saturday about seventy percent had been the
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power had been restored but on saturday there was another power outage which cut off again those same people from power my little blames the u.s. was responsible for this he claims the us was responsible for this and called them cyber attacks now he went on and called it a macabre strategy that's aiming to turn people against each other but he said it will fail let's listen to what he said. let them if they hear mark over the macabre strategy of this attack on the electric grid is to plunge our people into despair and to pit venezuelans against one another this will not happen we truly have a higher level of consciousness. awareness and solidarity among our citizens who have shown impressive feats of cooperation. now a self-proclaimed president and our president he says that he doesn't blame the u.s. he says that it's due to venezuela's power outages at their peril lines have not
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been maintained that the maintenance has not been clear and has not been done on a regular basis like it should be and he actually called for the national assembly to call for a to declare a national emergency and this is what he said today. indeed a big big dummy i understand perfectly the desperation all of us here are having today and that is why we are requesting the chamber the approval of this national state of emergency in venezuela to create one of emergency tragedy catastrophe that venezuela is living today. so when i was in darkness and in more ways than one million figure that. the u.s. is go also claiming that there's been growing support for the opposition for. our war countries acknowledging his kind of look our mouths i believe the president so for claims that is. are more countries jumping on the bandwagon not since last week they continue to say that it's been growing but there are over fifty countries who have a knowledge. for claimed interim president as the only legitimate president now china
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and russia continue to support mother would go on those are the two countries that the u.s. is trying to convince and saying that they want to deliver they want us what they want latin american allies of the u.s. to deliver a message to china and to beijing and tell them that they are now ruining their reputation in the western hemisphere now u.s. envoy to venezuela elliott abrams did say that he had spoken to russian representatives and that they're not happy with what mother was doing that they've tried giving him advice but that he's not taking it however they want to respect sovereignty they don't want any interference he says abrams said that he has not yet spoken to chinese officials but that's on the plan next. over venezuela. seems like a lot of people thousands of miles away from venezuela are the ones making the decisions about where they store and for that that makes me sad because i feel like everybody is talking about the people and i feel like they're not the ones being
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politicized well you know it was their lives and the people of venezuela she said have the right and have that power to do that for themselves as opposed to aggression. of their own. thank you so much and see what you're going to serve on just. whistleblower chelsea manning has been imprisoned by the united states government government once again the hawk watchers on friday are refusing to testify before a grand jury regarding her disclosures of u.s. war crimes in afghanistan and iraq manning was found in contempt of court arrested and jailed in a statement posted on twitter after the after the arrest manning said she is standing up against the secrecy of the u.s. grand jury system and refuses to comply with the subpoena for her testimony or to america's strategic chavez as the story. chelsea manning is being held at a virginia jail after refusing to testify in front of the grand jury was investigating wiki leaks founder julian assange but now her attorney saying they
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will file an appeal for her release judge hilton did find her in contempt in open court well who is certainly a typical outcome for this kind of proceeding as everybody knows chelsea has tremendous courage our primary concern at this point is her how well she is confined manning anti-secrecy activist and former us army intelligence whistleblower has said that she objects to the secrecy of the grand jury process and that she has already revealed everything she knows i have a history of having to deal with secrecy and a lot of these secret proceedings they tend to favor the government they tend to allow things they are notorious goings on to happen so i am in general opposition of that kind of of this kind of proceeding taking place i believe in a grand jury process i don't believe in the six the secrecy of this i have no problem explaining what happened and i've done it before why we should go through
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this in a secret closed hearing with only the prosecutor no lawyer manning was originally sentenced to thirty five years in prison for leaking a trove of military intelligence records to which. her sentence was commuted by president barack obama in two thousand and seventeen after she served seven years behind bars it has been my view that be given she. went to trial. that. due process was carried out. that she took responsibility for her crime now she's back in jail after a federal judge found her in contempt of court for refusing to answer questions before secret grand jury the troubled ministration wants to use chelsea manning to get julian a songe by forcing her to say that a songe participated or was part of the effort to steal these documents rather than just functioning as
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a publisher so that's why they're putting pressure on chelsea manning who has been with incredible courage refused to play this game and gone to jail no man is attorneys are asking that she be ordered to home confinement instead of jail because of recent health complications she faces but the judge said she will remain jailed until she either testifies or the grand jury concludes its investigation but until then u.s. marshals will handle her health reporting in new york turn of the charges are to. visit i am really tired of serving in most chair and saying i am really tired of serving and most chair and seeing her face behind me and having to report again that she is in jail or since going for another it bothers me on such a level that we'd rather put. telsey men in jail for not being part of a super secret and covered. you know. it's
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very unsettled it's very unsettling and it does and it's like she said actually and one of her quote the grand jury process mired in secrecy is troubling the proceedings take place behind closed doors without a judge or a defense attorney which makes them susceptible to be yours and quite frankly i don't understand why any of this needs to be happening behind closed doors if this is about what you know whether or not this whole wiki leaks thing this is not a national security issue we already know what happened chelsea she admitted what she did she did it for a good cause she uncovered a thing called grimes i know just silly. yeah is that me chelsea manning probably the bulls bravest person in the world and this is twice in a row that she's done this. you know that's when you have someone who actually has their moral center that has their ethics and morals and they actually do have their core values in the right place so that's when you know because it's someone who is if she was if she was just if it all just been this whole like oh yeah wiki leaks
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got me to do it i didn't believe it she went to god for all this should have rolled over on wiki leaks a long time ago. you know. there's been a lot of reactions to this obviously from a lot of different journalists but what is what is the good interesting is the lack of coverage that it's gotten from a lot of particular mainstream out would some mainstream journalists journalist michael tracey actually observed a tweet if a pundit complains that trumps something mean tweets about cable news anchors is an existential threat to press freedom but then says nothing about chelsea manning being reamed carson rated she's one of the most important journalistic sources in u.s. history you know they were frauds pretty harsh words on journalists who don't recognize her i mean it was the last of you saw a c.n.n. journalist or somebody really putting their comfort on the line comedians are being made to feel uncomfortable for what they say about the president or people in congress you know you've got people left and right i think those who really don't
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realize what delicate snowflakes they are and the very valid concerned about your shall see mannings of the world in that briefing i don't. i think there's probably a lot to be learned from those who don't go into the muck in the mire and those who are dragged into it. and everybody should definitely a page or a chelsea moment when you want to look up courage or someone is going back to jail . for the first time and while standing up for their beliefs i think it's pretty noble. travelling faster than the speed of sound is fascinating to think about but quite difficult to actually measure allies until now now says developing a somewhat silent supersonic aircraft in order to do that they needed to see how and when the aircraft broke the sound barrier that's where these images come in what you're seeing is two aircraft not only crossing the sound barrier but the cross to gauge others and why is the quiet jet that can go super fast important
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well because supersonic jets are not allowed in all air spaces because of the damage they can cause to wildlife and people so we want to have super fun house claims remember why sonic booms may have just met their match doesn't really really cool about it that's a picture of sound ladies and gentlemen there's a picture of a sonic boom that's really. all right everybody that is our show for you today remember when in this world we are not told the room open up so i tell you all i love you i am i robot on top of the world and keep on watching those hawks out there and have a great day and like everybody. the
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u.k. wants its sovereignty so when she comes or native chickens. you know. you're going to get the. time looms for the british prime minister is she secured some assurances from europe ahead of a crucial parliamentary vote. as national assembly grounds opposition leader. to declare a state of emergency as an extensive blackout in the country continues. as fatal stabbings reach record levels in parts of the u.k. a leading supermarket chain says it will stop the sale of single kitchen knives.
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